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咸金坤  汪伟  兰袁 《南方经济》2022,41(5):43-62
经济学理论认为,人口老龄化会导致劳动力成本上升,从而改变企业的要素结构、通过资本替代劳动的方式应对,但不同类型的企业对老龄化做出的反应可能存在差异,需要进行深入分析。文章利用中国工业企业数据对上述问题进行了研究,实证结果显示:整体来看,人口老龄化显著提高了企业的资本劳动比,但资本劳动比的上升并不一定表现为资本对劳动的替代。在规模较大、融资约束较轻的企业,老龄化促使其用固定资产投资替代了劳动,但在规模较小和融资约束程度较为严重的企业,人口老龄化并没有显著提高其固定资产投资,只是缩小了其劳动力雇佣规模,说明企业规模和融资约束是影响企业要素结构升级的重要因素。此外,文章还发现人口老龄化主要促使企业利用资本替代低技能劳动力,而人口老龄化的资本替代劳动效应在资本密集型、生产率水平较高和非出口企业中更为显著。文章从微观企业投资视角拓展了人口老龄化的经济效应的研究范畴,并通过规模效应和融资约束角度分析了制约工业企业提高智能化生产程度的因素,从而对传统的见解提供了有益的补充。文章的研究结论能够为政府制定积极应对人口老龄化和助力企业要素结构升级的相关政策提供经验证据的支持。  相似文献   

This study uses plant level data from the census of manufacturing establishments to examine the production technology and labor productivity of foreign and domestic firms in Nepal. The results show that the capital intensity in foreign firms is higher than that in domestic firms. The statistical results also imply that foreign firms have higher labor productivity. A simultaneous equation model suggests that foreign firms are technically not more efficient than domestic firms. In fact, analysis indicates that foreign firms are technically less efficient. The foreign firms may have derived their competitiveness from capital intensive technology that is found to be one of the major factors to boost labor productivity.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of China's 2014 and 2015 accelerated depreciation policies on the relative demand of firms for skilled labor. We develop a simple model to explore how the policies affect the relative demand of firms for skilled labor and illustrate the roles of financing constraints and tax compliance in mediating the policy effects. We then employ a firm-level dataset from China's A-share listed companies and use a quasi-experimental design to examine the model predictions. We find that the policies significantly increase the relative demand of firms for skilled labor. The channels underlying the policy effects are that the policies generate additional cash flow for firms, stimulate investment and, thus, raise the demand of firms for skilled labor with the presence of capital–skill complementarity. We also find that the positive effects of the policies on the relative demand for skilled labor are primarily significant for firms with strong financing constraints and high tax compliance. Moreover, we document the positive effects of the policies on R&D investment, firm value added, productivity, workers' benefits, and corporate social responsibility performance, which further corroborate our main results.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the industrial location literature by examining why industry locates or refrains from locating in large, medium and small cities of India, China and Brazil using firm-level data from the World Bank. Results from ordered logistic regressions indicate that capital cities are not attractive for firms to locate, when they are large. In India and China, labor intensive firms do not locate in large cities. Proximity to inputs has a positive impact on firm location in China. While availability of inputs has a positive impact on firm location in India, the availability of raw materials has a negative impact on firm location in Brazil. Firms established in post-reform period in India tend to locate in large cities; in China, these firms avoid medium and large cities. The implications for urban governance in these countries are discussed.  相似文献   

The tax incentives designed to stimulate firm investment may have a large and unexpected impact on labor market outcomes. Using a comprehensive data set on Chinese manufacturing firms during the period 1998–2007 with a difference-in-differences approach, we examine the impact of the value-added tax reform in 2004 on the firm-level labor market outcomes. We find that firms in eligible industries and pilot regions (treated firms) enjoying lower costs of purchasing fixed assets under the reform tended to increase capital investment and reduce employment simultaneously relative to firms that did not have tax incentives (the control firms). Compared with the control firms, the treated firms became more capital intensive but had declines in labor share in value added and average wage. We also find that the employment adjustment is associated with increase in the share of skilled workers in terms of engineers and technicians, but not workers with a college degree or higher.  相似文献   

社会保险一方面增加了企业经营成本,另一方面可以提高员工的劳动生产率。本文采用企业层面数据,检验了缴费率水平对于企业参保行为的影响。利用上海社会保险存在城保和镇保两种不同水平的制度,得到外生的缴费率差异,发现降低缴费率可以增加企业的参保程度。而且,缴费率的效应和企业的人力资本水平相关,在平均人力资本水平较低的企业,降低缴费率对提高参保程度的影响更大。在人力资本较高的企业,低缴费率的政策对提高参保程度影响并不显著。本文的政策含义在于,建立低水平的基本社会保险制度有助于社保覆盖面的扩大,同时通过自愿性补充保险制度满足更高的需求。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a theory to explain the relative wage-rate increase for skilled labor that results from trade liberalization that relies on within-sector reallocations of production resources (skilled and unskilled labor) across firms. Motivated by some stylized facts, in a model with firm heterogeneity, including firms that differ in their skill intensity even within a narrowly defined industry, firms with relatively high skill intensity that are more likely to be exporters, and a positive association between a firm’s skill intensity and its product quality, I develop a general equilibrium model where firms with a higher skill intensity endogenously choose a higher-quality product, and tend to be more profitable. In this framework, a reduction in trade costs allows members of the workforce to reallocate to more efficient firms that produce higher-quality products, using their skilled labor more intensively, resulting in a rising skill premium. The main sources of the increasing wage inequality that followed trade openness are a positive link between a firm’s skill intensity, its product quality, and quality competition.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a dynamic equilibrium growth model, in which some firms act as monopsonies on the labor market. The framework is an overlapping generations growth model with altruistic agents. Two types of firms exist, competitive and non‐competitive, the latter being endowed with a more productive technology. They behave strategically on the labor market, in taking into account the impact of their demand for labor on the equilibrium wage and on their profit. In this framework, the impact of technical progress on capital accumulation can be positive or negative, depending on its effect on monopsony power.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of an accelerated depreciation tax policy (ADP) on employment. As a tax incentive policy, we expect an ADP to impact firm behavior significantly, but its effect on employment remains uninvestigated. Leveraging the two-stage implementation of an ADP in selected industries in China in 2014 and 2015 and using a difference-in-differences research design, we find that: 1) the ADP significantly increases employment, which is consistent with the output effect hypothesis; and 2) the ADP increases firms’ labor demand, mainly by stimulating investment in fixed assets and easing their financial constraints. Additional analysis suggests that the impact of ADP on employment is more salient for small firms, non-state-owned firms, and high growth firms, and skilled labor employment, indicating that the ADP is more effective for firms with high financial constraints and hiring skilled labor to accompany the increase in capital investment.  相似文献   

In making use of the panel data in 27 manufacturing industries, this paper examines the recent increase in skill premium in China's manufacturing. The paper argues that the recent increase in skill premium in Chinese manufacturing can be partly attributed to the decline in intra-industry trade. A reasonable explanation on this is that the decline in intra-industry trade occurred in the period studied is associated with a decrease in output. This led to a reduction in relative demand of low-skilled workers, which supports the hypothesis of the output-skill substitutability, and finally an increase in skill premium. Further, this paper finds that the negative effect of intra-industry trade on skill premium is larger for high-skilled manufacturing than low-skilled manufacturing. One more result in this paper is that the increase in capital input reduced the skill premium in Chinese manufacturing. The empirical evidence is consistent with a modified model of intra-industry trade with differentiated products and three factor inputs: high-skilled labor, low-skilled labor and capital.  相似文献   

We study the determinants of capital structure for 650 Chinese publicly listed companies over the period from 1999 to 2004. We posit that a firm's decision on capital structure is inherently dynamic, and estimate the resulting dynamic capital structure model. The main findings of the paper are as follows: (i) Chinese firms adjust toward an equilibrium level of debt ratio in a given year at a very slow rate; (ii) firm size, tangibility and state shareholdings are positively associated with firm's leverage ratio, while profitability, non-debt tax shields, growth and volatility are negatively related to firm's leverage ratio; (iii) lagged profitability has a negligibly small and positive impact on firm's leverage ratio; (iv) for a firm experiencing a large reduction in its leverage ratio only about 11% of the discrepancy between its desired and actual leverage level is eliminated within a year (compared to more than 18% for full firm sample); (v) extending the basic model to allow for both the target level and the speed of adjustment to be endogenously determined, we find that Chinese firms tend to adjust faster if they are farther away from the equilibrium leverage level; and lastly (vi) extending the sample period to cover the earlier periods starting from 1993, when the Chinese stock markets were first developed, results in a slower speed of adjustment for firms in the below target sample.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a translog cost function for 29 Chinese provinces between 1979 and 2018. The results imply that investment in public infrastructure reduces costs in all provinces. Comparing the estimated rate of return to infrastructure with the rate of return to private capital, our results indicate underinvestment for the initial period after the economic reforms; however, after 2010 our results show overinvestment in infrastructure. Infrastructure capital is a substitute input to labor, private capital and intermediate inputs. Finally, public infrastructure growth contributes positively to labor and total factor productivity growth, but the effect is small. The growth of private capital and intermediate inputs are the most important factors that boost the growth of labor productivity.  相似文献   

A current concern for China's long‐term growth prospect is whether China can become an innovative economy and achieve industrial upgrading to compensate for the gradually declining competitiveness resulting from low‐cost labor. The present study examines this issue by exploring how trade participation impacts on the R&D investment of manufacturing firms through various channels. Merging China's Annual Manufacturing Survey Dataset and the Chinese Customs Dataset allows us to study such a relationship at the individual firm level. The empirical results suggest that channels such as geographical diversification of export markets, share of imports from high‐income countries, average unit value of imports, number of intermediate goods and capital goods imports, and the trade regime are significant factors that influence firm‐level R&D investment. The study discusses the policy implications of the empirical findings in relation to industrial and trade policies that may be potentially beneficial for China's transition towards an innovative economy.  相似文献   

医疗支出作为影响健康人力资本形成的基础因素,在后疫情时代,对企业构筑出口竞争优势和提高出口发展规模有着重要的作用,尤其对中小微企业出口发展影响深远。在此背景下,文章以中国私营企业调查数据库为基础,对医疗支出与企业出口之间的因果关系展开系统检验。理论上,健康人力资本是组成企业人力资本的重要模块,医疗支出的增加能够影响企业健康人力资本的形成,进而对企业出口产生积极作用。实证研究发现,医疗支出发展能够产生显著的出口促进效应,提高企业的出口规模,但这一作用就不同样本分类存在着异质性。机制检验表明,文章从人口死亡率、营养健康程度等多个维度对健康人力资本进行衡量后,医疗支出水平的提高能够改善企业健康人力资本的积累,增强企业出口的竞争优势,进而促进企业的出口发展。此外,文章在考虑计量模型设定、行业样本选取、宏观环境冲击、医疗支出构成等多方面的稳健性检验,并通过PSM分析、安慰剂检验、控制函数法来解决潜在的内生性问题后,医疗支出对企业出口的积极作用依然成立。文章研究是卫生经济学和国际贸易领域的一次有益融合,相关结论为支持我国卫生医疗和对外贸易发展政策的有效性,提供了来自现实的有力证据。  相似文献   

Summary The medium term relationship between wages and employment very much concerned Jan Tinbergen in the 30's and is concerning us again today. Precisely analyzing the demands for labor and capital is a prerequisite for understanding this relationship. With this purpose two propositions are here scrutinized: the productive capacity that a firm chooses mainly depends on its expectations about future demand and on the profitability of production; the desired capital intensity mainly depends on the relative cost of capital with respect to labor. In the model uncertainty of future prospects and irreversibility of investment play the major roles.Second Tinbergen Lecture, delivered on October 8, 1988, in The Hague for the Royal Netherlands Economic Association.  相似文献   

Previous research on the role of public capital (infrastructure) in private production has emphasized potential complementarities between public and private capital at an aggregate level. Presumably such effects, if they exist, arise from benefits enjoyed by individual units of production. Because of the potential for them to be location-specific or capital constrained, it is conceivable that small businesses may benefit disproportionately from public capital. Tests using financial data for 871 small firms from 1992–96 indicate a positive and statistically significant elasticity between private labor productivity and the level of public capital in the area where the firms are located. Such a positive elasticity provides further evidence that public and private capital are complementary inputs into production and has important policy implications.This research has been supported through a grant from the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, the support for which the authors gratefully acknowledge.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2007,18(1):66-86
China joined the WTO in 2001 and has to fully open up its insurance market to foreign competitors by 2006. However, the domestic insurance market is overwhelmingly dominated by a few large state-owned or state-controlled firms. As the market is still underdeveloped and the demand for insurance is rising exponentially, there exists huge potential, opportunities as well as challenges for non-state, foreign and joint-venture insurance companies. Efficiency is a key concern of policy makers to encourage further development of the insurance industry. This paper focuses on this important issue. It uses a panel data set of 22 firms over the period 1999–2004 to evaluate their efficiency scores by applying a DEA approach and decompose the productivity growth into technical efficiency improvement and technological progress by constructing a Malmquist Index. It then employs an econometric model to identify the key determinants of efficiency. The empirical results suggest the direction of how to improve firm efficiency. It is found that firm size, ownership structure, mode of business and human capital are important factors affecting firm performance. The results shed important light on policy design and implementations on future development of the insurance industry with WTO obligations.  相似文献   

Conclusions We have reconciled and generalized earlier comparisons of input demand elasticities under different objective functions of the firm. In general little can be said of the relative magnitudes of the elasticities under different objectives, since different goals usually imply different levels of production and input demand. With some simplifying assumptions about the technology we can conclude that a profit-constrained, utility-maximizing firm tends to have higher input demand elasticities than a profit-maximizing firm facing the same cost and demand functions. This tendency is reinforced by a high profit requirement, decreasing returns to scale and slowly falling demand elasticity for the output. The results may help to explain differences in the stability of employment between industries,. Scherer [1980, pp. 365–67] reports that some studies have found an inverse relation between market concentration and stability of employment, which is contrary to the expected result. One may argue that in concentrated industries the firms are likely to have organizational slack or to face an inelastic product demand curve. Hence demand for factors of production should be less elastic than in more competitive industries. We have shown, however, that deviations from profit maximization may lead to higher input demand elasticities. Since non-profit-maximizing goals are likely to be more common in concentrated industries, the observed instability of employment may be partly due to the high elasticity of derived demand. Although the type of alternative goals studied in this paper may not be realistic in practice, the analysis shows nevertheless that goals of the firm may be one factor in explaining differences in the stability of employment.  相似文献   

The rebalancing of the Chinese economy is analyzed through a heterogeneous taxation of various types of firms. Based on a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model, the paper applies tax reforms to raise consumption, reduce some firms' overinvestment (overcapacities) and maintain a high level of welfare.To rebalance consumption and investment, taxation may allow reallocating a part of the labor force to firms that are not overinvesting (via business taxes and social security contributions). Moreover, the correction of distortions in production factor costs (capital and labor) is necessary during certain reforms applied in the model; that is, on the one hand, higher credit costs for firms that face soft budget constraints (via financial transactions taxes) and, on the other hand, a catch-up of foreign firms' wages by domestic firms (via social security contributions).These tax reforms bring welfare benefits to households and stabilize the welfare reaction to productivity shocks. Another interesting result is that in this framework, the rebalancing of the domestic demand in China does not require the readjustment of the external financial position. Indeed, the aggregate savings rate remains high and the supply of domestic assets is reduced.Finally, another model proposes a heterogeneous taxation of consumption across home and foreign goods to enhance consumption.  相似文献   

Applying a frontier analysis to 2004 firm‐level data, the present paper investigates firm efficiency and its determinants for Cambodia's garment industry. The study finds that firm experience and remuneration are crucial for improving scale efficiency and overall technical efficiency, while effective use of capital and adequate labor‐skill development are important for enhancing a firm's technical capabilities. Foreign‐owned enterprises with a relatively larger share of foreign labor outperform local firms. However, the present study does not reveal evidence of any advantages of a cluster‐type concentration in Phnom Penh and export markets, nor of any positive impacts of product specialization. The findings imply a need to support skill development for workers and local managers at the middle management level, and to streamline foreign direct investment measures to attract greater numbers of efficient foreign enterprises, so as to promote the development of the garment industry as a whole.  相似文献   

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