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Optimal Consumption and Investment with Capital Gains Taxes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article characterizes optimal dynamic consumption and portfoliodecisions in the presence of capital gains taxes and short-salerestrictions. The optimal decisions are a function of the investor'sage, initial portfolio holdings, and tax basis. Our resultscapture the trade-off between the diversification benefits andtax costs of trading over an investor's lifetime. The incentiveto rediversify the portfolio is inversely related to the sizeof the embedded gain and investor's age. Contrary to standardfinancial advice, the optimal equity holding increases wellinto an investor's lifetime in our model due to the forgivenessof capital gains taxes at death.  相似文献   

Dynamic Asset Allocation under Inflation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We develop a simple framework for analyzing a finite-horizon investor's asset allocation problem under inflation when only nominal assets are available. The investor's optimal investment strategy and indirect utility are given in simple closed form. Hedge demands depend on the investor's horizon and risk aversion and on the maturities of the bonds included in the portfolio. When short positions are precluded, the optimal strategy consists of investments in cash, equity, and a single nominal bond with optimally chosen maturity. Both the optimal stock–bond mix and the optimal bond maturity depend on the investor's horizon and risk aversion.  相似文献   

We study the optimal bond portfolio for an investor with long time horizonusing Japanese interest rate data. A simple one-factor term structure modelis used for our numerical example. The optimal portfolio is computed using thetechnique of stochastic flows and Monte Carlo simulation. The hedgingportfolio is not negligible and the mean variance portfolio is very sensitiveto parameter values. The optimal portfolio is highly leveraged for a typicalparameter value. The investor holds a zero-coupon bond because of the lowerbound restriction on investor's wealth. The lower bound constraint may makethe optimal portfolio more realistic.  相似文献   

Portfolio selection with skewness: A multiple-objective approach   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the presence of skewness, the portfolio selection entails considering competing and conflicting objectives, such as maximizing both its expected returns and skewness, and minimizing its risk for decreasing absolute risk-aversion investors. Since it is unlikely that a portfolio can solve the multiple-objectives problem simultaneously, a portfolio selection must depend on the investor's preference among objectives. This article shows that investor preference can be incorporated into a polynomial goal programming problem from which a portfolio selection with skewness is determined. An inefficient mean-variance portfolio may be optimal in the mean-variance-skewness content. The features of applying polynomial goal programming in portfolio selection are 1) the existence of an optimal solution, 2) the flexibility of the incorporation of investor preference, and 3) the relative simplicity of computational requirements.  相似文献   

A typical problem arising in financial planning for private investors consists in the fact that the initial investor's portfolio, the one determined by the consulting process of the financial institution and the universe of instruments made available to the investor have to be matched/optimised when determining the relevant portfolio choice. We call this problem the three–portfolios matching problem. Clearly, the resulting portfolio selection should be as close as possible to the optimal asset allocation determined by the consulting process of the financial institution. However, the transition from the investor's initial portfolio to the final one is complicated by the presence of transaction costs and some further more specific constraints. Indeed, usually the portfolios under consideration are structured at different aggregation levels, making portfolios comparison and matching more difficult. Further, several investment restrictions have to be satisfied by the final portfolio choice. Finally, the arising portfolio selection process should be sufficiently transparent in order to incorporate the subjective investor's trade–off between the objectives 'optimal portfolio matching' and 'minimal portfolio transition costs'. In this paper, we solve the three–portfolios matching problem analytically for a simplified setting that illustrates the main features of the arising solutions and numerically for the more general situation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the international asset allocation effectsof time-variations in higher-order moments of stock returnssuch as skewness and kurtosis. In the context of a four-momentInternational Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM) specificationthat relates stock returns in five regions to returns on a globalmarket portfolio and allows for time-varying prices of covariance,co-skewness, and co-kurtosis risk, we find evidence of distinctbull and bear regimes. Ignoring such regimes, an unhedged USinvestor's optimal portfolio is strongly diversified internationally.The presence of regimes in the return distribution leads toa substantial increase in the investor's optimal holdings ofUS stocks, as does the introduction of skewness and kurtosispreferences.  相似文献   

This paper develops a nonparametric approach to examine how portfolio and consumption choice depends on variables that forecast time-varying investment opportunities. I estimate single-period and multiperiod portfolio and consumption rules of an investor with constant relative risk aversion and a one-month to 20-year horizon. The investor allocates wealth to the NYSE index and a 30-day Treasury bill. I find that the portfolio choice varies significantly with the dividend yield, default premium, term premium, and lagged excess return. Furthermore, the optimal decisions depend on the investor's horizon and rebalancing frequency.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Boudry and Gray (2003) have documented that the optimal buy‐and‐hold demand for Australian stocks is not necessarily increasing in the investment horizon when returns are predictable. Such finding is in contrast with Barberis (2000) who shows that positive monotonic horizon effects predominate for US stocks. Using a closed‐form approximation to the asset allocation problem, this paper relates the return dynamics to the investor's portfolio choice for different investment horizons. In the special case of a single risky asset, it is shown that return predictability under stationarity may induce both positive and negative horizon effects in the optimal allocation to the risky asset. The paper extends previous empirical results by solving for the optimal portfolio when two risky assets with predictable returns are available for investment.  相似文献   

重塑注会形象 重建会计信用--从银广夏事件谈起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
银广夏事件的影响是深远的。它降低了注册会计师的执业威信 ,动摇了证券市场的根基 ,严重挫伤了投资者的积极性 ,增加了社会的不稳定因素。本文揭示了事件发生的深层根源在于制度缺陷与利益驱动 ,并基于此提出了可操作的相关措施  相似文献   

This article analyzes the investor's optimum portfolio problem when security returns follow a linear return-generating process with factors that are not normally distributed and that are not replicable with traded assets. It provides a set of decision rules that allows the construction of the investor's optimum portfolio. The article then derives the equilibrium model with heterogeneous expectations that results from all investors acting in the manner described in the first section.  相似文献   

Jumps and Dynamic Asset Allocation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper analyzes the optimal dynamic asset allocation problem in economies with infrequent events and where the investment opportunities are stochastic and predictable. Analytical approximations are obtained, with which a thorough comparative study is performed on the impacts of jumps upon the dynamic decision. The model is then calibrated to the U.S. equity market. The comparative analysis and the calibration exercise both show that jump risk not only makes the investor's allocation more conservative overall but also makes her dynamic portfolio rebalancing less dramatic over time.  相似文献   

The predictability of stock returns is often assessed using classical statistical significance from predictive regressions. Statistical inference, however, can belie the economic importance with which investors regard various predictors. This paper examines the influence that predictors have on an investor's optimal portfolio allocations. The results show that return predictability is sufficient to induce horizon effects in optimal allocations. After incorporating estimation risk, however, little evidence of predictability remains. We also assess the relative importance of three predictor variables. While dividend yield is the most important predictor, optimal allocations are also sensitive to the term spread and the relative bill rate.  相似文献   

Equilibrium asset prices and no-arbitrage with portfolio constraints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examine intertemporal asset pricing when short sales areconstrained in proportion to the value of an investor's portfolio.All assets' prices exceed every investor's marginal utilityof consumption-based valuation of the associated dividends ifevery investor finds himself constrained in some asset in somestate; we exhibit such an equilibrium. An asset's price decomposesinto three (investor-specific) components: the consumption valueof its dividends, a speculative value premium, and a collateralvalue premium. The validity of the no-arbitrage pricing approachis shown to depend critically on the difference between realsecurities and their synthetic counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that the extent to which mutual fund managers’ beliefs deviate from the ex ante unobservable representative beliefs of their peers contains information about their skill. A new measure based on portfolio allocations, peer deviation, is used to capture a fund manager’s divergence from the contemporaneously unobservable beliefs of her peers. The portfolio based on representative beliefs of a group of managers investing in similar assets outperforms passive benchmarks, indicating that they reflect informed beliefs. Fund managers who simultaneously arrive at portfolio selections which, in hindsight, are close to those implied by representative beliefs possess ex ante more skill and exhibit future outperformance. Copycat strategies replicating lagged portfolio holdings implied by representative beliefs outperform the actual portfolio holdings of funds that deviate most, but the outperformance dissipates after two quarters.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes international portfolio selection with exchange rate risk based on behavioural portfolio theory (BPT). We characterize the conditions under which the BPT problem with a single foreign market has an optimal solution, and show that the optimal portfolio contains the traditional mean–variance efficient portfolio without consideration of exchange rate risk, and an uncorrelated component constructed to hedge against exchange rate risk. We illustrate that the optimal portfolio must be mean–variance efficient with exchange rate risk, while the same is not true from the perspective of local investors unless certain conditions are satisfied. We further establish that international portfolio selection in the BPT with multiple foreign markets consists of two sequential decisions. Investors first select the optimal BPT portfolio in each market, overlooking covariances among markets, and then allocate funds across markets according to a specific rule to achieve mean–variance efficiency or to minimize the loss in efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper employs a conditional asset-pricing model based on the optimal orthogonal portfolio approach to construct a factor portfolio that embodies all the latent factors important for pricing a given set of test assets. The advantage of this portfolio to the anomaly related mimicking portfolios is its ability to separate out the components of average return that are not related to the return covariation. The performance of this portfolio is evaluated against several conventional factors, using both cross-sectional and time-series regression approaches, as well as the Hansen and Jagannathan (1997) distance measure. Its strong out-of-sample results indicate that our suggested methodology may have important applications in risk management, portfolio selection and performance evaluation.  相似文献   

Portfolio Selection and Asset Pricing Models   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Finance theory can be used to form informative prior beliefs in financial decision making. This paper approaches portfolio selection in a Bayesian framework that incorporates a prior degree of belief in an asset pricing model. Sample evidence on home bias and value and size effects is evaluated from an asset-allocation perspective. U.S. investors' belief in the domestic CAPM must be very strong to justify the home bias observed in their equity holdings. The same strong prior belief results in large and stable optimal positions in the Fama–French book-to-market portfolio in combination with the market since the 1940s.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to a bond portfolio problem in a multi-period setting. In particular, we apply a factor allocation approach to constructing the optimal bond portfolio in a class of multi-factor Gaussian yield curve models. In other words, we consider a bond portfolio problem in terms of a factors’ allocation problem. Thus, we can obtain clear interpretation about the relation between the change in the shape of a yield curve and dynamic optimal strategy, which is usually hard to be obtained due to high correlations among individual bonds. We first present a closed form solution of the optimal bond portfolio in a class of the multi-factor Gaussian term structure model. Then, we investigate the effects of various changes in the term structure on the optimal portfolio strategy through series of comparative statics.  相似文献   

Sample evidence about the predictability of monthly stock returns is considered from the perspective of a risk-averse Bayesian investor who must allocate funds between stocks and cash. The investor uses the sample evidence to update prior beliefs about the parameters in a regression of stock returns on a set of predictive variables. The regression relation can seem weak when described by usual statistical measures, but the current values of the predictive variables can exert a substantial influence on the investor's portfolio decision, even when the investor's prior beliefs are weighted against predictability.  相似文献   

We derive a closed‐form optimal dynamic portfolio policy when trading is costly and security returns are predictable by signals with different mean‐reversion speeds. The optimal strategy is characterized by two principles: (1) aim in front of the target, and (2) trade partially toward the current aim. Specifically, the optimal updated portfolio is a linear combination of the existing portfolio and an “aim portfolio,” which is a weighted average of the current Markowitz portfolio (the moving target) and the expected Markowitz portfolios on all future dates (where the target is moving). Intuitively, predictors with slower mean‐reversion (alpha decay) get more weight in the aim portfolio. We implement the optimal strategy for commodity futures and find superior net returns relative to more naive benchmarks.  相似文献   

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