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A series of deregulatory reforms has promoted accelerated equity issuance at the expense of adequate time for underwriter and market scrutiny. Today the majority of publicly listed companies can raise equity on a moment's notice, but many eligible issuers choose to allow additional time for scrutiny. We hypothesise that issuers with less favourable inside information (i.e. lower quality issuers) prefer to avoid the pre‐issue scrutiny that could reveal their inside information and are therefore more likely to accelerate their offer. We find supportive evidence using measures of stock valuation and earnings quality as proxies for firm quality. The results suggest that investors are slow to capitalise the information embedded in the speed of issuance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we theorize that dedicated institutional investors are more likely than transient institutional investors to appoint female directors to investee firms with all-male boards, particularly those with high opacity. We conjecture that dedicated investors appoint female directors as a governance mechanism to improve the financial reporting quality of these investee firms. Specifically, we find that through the appointment of female directors, dedicated institutional investors trigger the release of stockpiled negative accounting information, thereby increasing the likelihood of a stock price crash risk. We also show that dedicated investors, through the appointment of female directors, improve investee firms' corporate disclosure environment by decreasing earnings management. Finally, we find that through continued service on investee firms' boards, female directors reduce the future likelihood of a stock price crash.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of annual report textual complexity on firms’ stock liquidity. Using techniques from computational linguistics, we predict and find that less readable filings are associated with lower stock liquidity. Our study provides evidence that difficult‐to‐read annual reports hinder investors’ ability to process and analyze information contained in corporate annual reports, reducing thereby their willingness to trade which decreases stock liquidity. Our findings are robust to a battery of sensitivity tests, including endogeneity, use of alternative estimation techniques, and use of alternative liquidity and readability proxies.  相似文献   

Trusting the Stock Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the effect that a general lack of trust can have on stock market participation. In deciding whether to buy stocks, investors factor in the risk of being cheated. The perception of this risk is a function of the objective characteristics of the stocks and the subjective characteristics of the investor. Less trusting individuals are less likely to buy stock and, conditional on buying stock, they will buy less. In Dutch and Italian micro data, as well as in cross‐country data, we find evidence consistent with lack of trust being an important factor in explaining the limited participation puzzle.  相似文献   

Using a 10-year panel of flow-based information on stock borrowings and constructing a flow-based measure for shorting demand, I examine the relation between shorting demand and subsequent stock price movements. I find that the least heavily shorted stocks tend to outperform the most heavily shorted stocks and that this outperformance persists up to three months. In addition, using proxies for information asymmetry derived from the market microstructure literature, I find that this outperformance is not confined to stocks with high information asymmetry. These empirical findings indicate that short sellers act not only as informed investors who gain negative news but also as skillful investors who detect stock price deviations from fundamental values.  相似文献   

Individuals who follow a reinforcement learning heuristic put too much weight on recent failures or successes in placing their next bets. Using a large sample of equity-linked notes (ELNs) investments in South Korea, we find evidence showing a negative effect of reinforcement learning on future investments that lasts longer than one investment period. After losses, investors are less likely to repurchase equity-linked notes and spend less on their repurchases. This behavior also results in reinforcement learners underperforming rational agents. The difference in returns received by reinforcement and non-reinforcement groups is economically large at approximately 10.7%. However, these negative effects of reinforcement learning are mitigated by investors’ higher risk attitudes. We find that more risk-seeking investors are less likely to shun ELNs after undesirable prior returns and that this effect persists for more than one period. The underperformance of reinforcement learners is also reduced with high risk-taking. Overall, our findings highlight how combining different psychological traits can diagnose and improve biases in investor decision-making.  相似文献   


This study examines whether socially responsible companies are likely to conduct a stock split. We argue that these companies, compared to their counterparts, could use their strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance to reduce information asymmetry with shareholders, and therefore, are less likely to rely on stock splits to signal their future growth potentials. We find empirical evidence to support our hypothesis and investigate the reasons for the lower frequency of stock splits among CSR oriented firms. We find that more socially responsible firms experience a smaller increase in trading volume and a greater increase in bid-ask spread following a stock split than less socially responsible firms. Furthermore, our study finds that, when more socially responsible firms decide to conduct a stock split, they attract a greater proportion of institutional investors with long-term investment horizons.


This study investigates whether foreign institutional investors can enhance shareholder value in emerging markets. We pay special attention to two dimensions of investor heterogeneity: whether investors declare themselves to be activists, and whether activists come from countries with strong traditions of investor activism (identified by the incidence of hostile takeovers in their respective home countries). First, using an event study approach with regard to announcements of block purchases by foreign institutional investors in Korea, we find that stock prices increase only when foreign institutional investors declare themselves to be activists (increasing on average by 3% over a 20-day window). Second, we find that positive stock price reactions are more pronounced when the activist investors come from source countries with strong traditions of investor activism (increasing on average by 7% over a 20-day window). Third, we find that target firms are more likely to reduce cash holdings, raise leverage ratios, and peg dividend payouts, stock repurchases, and CEO turnover more closely to changes in earnings, but only if foreign activists come from countries with strong traditions of activism. We address possible selection bias by propensity score matching.  相似文献   

This paper employs a unique data set to analyze the trading behavior of 4.74 million individual and institutional investors across Mainland China. Results show that groups of individual investors with varying trade values (as proxies for wealth levels) engage in different trading strategies. Chinese institutions are momentum investors, while less wealthy Chinese individual investors at large are contrarian investors. The results also indicate that a small group of wealthiest Chinese individuals tend to behave like institutions when they buy stocks, and behave like less wealthy individuals when they sell. Furthermore, only the trading activities of institutions and of wealthiest individuals can affect future stock volatility, but those of Chinese individual investors at large have no predictive power for future stock returns.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between fundamental strength and stock price crash risk by analyzing a large sample of Chinese firms. We mainly find that firms with stronger (weaker) total fundamental strength, higher (lower) profitability and higher (lower) operating efficiency have lower (higher) stock price crash risk. Moreover, this negative relationship is more pronounced for firms with a great number of short-term institutional investors and opaque firms. Additional test illustrates that internal control could ameliorate this negative relationship. All these findings are robust to alternative measurements of crash risk and endogeneity correction.  相似文献   

We examine the association between changes in companies’ textual risk disclosures in 10-K filings and changes in stock market and analyst activity around the filings. We find that annual increases in risk disclosures are associated with increased stock return volatility and trading volume around and after the filings. Increases in risk disclosures are also associated with more dispersed forecast revisions around the filings. In contrast to prior literature documenting resolved uncertainties in response to various types of company disclosures, our findings suggest that textual risk disclosures increase investors’ risk perceptions. However, the results are less pronounced for firm-level disclosures that deviate from those of other companies in the same industry and year. These results lend support for critics’ arguments that firm-level risk disclosures are more likely to be boilerplate.  相似文献   

In Search of Attention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a new and direct measure of investor attention using search frequency in Google (Search Volume Index (SVI)). In a sample of Russell 3000 stocks from 2004 to 2008, we find that SVI (1) is correlated with but different from existing proxies of investor attention; (2) captures investor attention in a more timely fashion and (3) likely measures the attention of retail investors. An increase in SVI predicts higher stock prices in the next 2 weeks and an eventual price reversal within the year. It also contributes to the large first‐day return and long‐run underperformance of IPO stocks.  相似文献   

We analyze asset-backed commercial paper conduits, which experienced a shadow-banking run and played a central role in the early phase of the financial crisis of 2007–2009. We document that commercial banks set up conduits to securitize assets worth $1.3 trillion while insuring the newly securitized assets using explicit guarantees. We show that regulatory arbitrage was an important motive behind setting up conduits. In particular, the guarantees were structured so as to reduce regulatory capital requirements, more so by banks with less capital, and while still providing recourse to bank balance sheets for outside investors. Consistent with such recourse, we find that conduits provided little risk transfer during the run, as losses from conduits remained with banks instead of outside investors and banks with more exposure to conduits had lower stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines limit order revisions and cancellations which contribute to a significant portion of the order activity in many order-driven markets. We document that limit orders are more likely to be revised or cancelled if they are large and near the bid-ask quote. We show that order revisions generate net economic benefits to traders. Our evidence shows strong links between these activities and limit order submission risk using bid-ask spread, volatility and post-event return as proxies. We also find that these activities are less intense when the opportunity cost to monitor a stock is high, such as during lunch hours or when stock volume relative to the entire market is low.  相似文献   

We examine herding behavior of domestic and foreign investors in the Indonesian stock market. We document that both domestic and foreign investors from a particular brokerage firm tend to herd. The foreign investors exhibit a greater propensity to herd than domestic investors. However, when examining investor trading across brokerage firms, we find only weak evidence of herding by domestic investors and no herding by foreign investors. Our overall findings suggest a strong brokerage firm effect on herding but a weak marketwide effect. Moreover, we find evidence that the strong brokerage effect on herding is likely driven by acting on common information.  相似文献   

Using detailed bidding information in Chinese IPO book-building process, we find that institutional investors who have a close relationship with the underwriter are more likely to participate in bidding and their bidding prices are higher, compared to other institutional investors. We also find that related institutional investors bid higher when the underwriter is more likely to need or receive their support. Further analysis suggests that related institutional investors gain some benefits for their support to the underwriter, including receiving more shares in profitable IPOs, better timing their exit from the IPO in the open market, and receiving more optimistic earnings forecasts or stock recommendations from analysts of the underwriter. Regarding the economic consequence, we show that the underwriter is more likely to revise the offer price upward if related institutions bid higher. The evidence overall indicates the existence of relationship-driven bidding in the Chinese book-building process.  相似文献   

We study mergers and acquisition during the period from 1988 to 2005 and examine the impact of merger market intensity, i.e., merger waves, on the means of payment and the returns to target and acquirer shareholders. We use two proxies to measure the intensity of the merger market—the number of mergers in the trailing 12-month period prior to a merger and the total dollar volume of mergers in the trailing 12-month period prior to a merger—and use these measures to define hot and cold merger markets. We find that stock financing is more common after a stock price run-up for the acquiring firm and in hot merger markets. We also find that the acquisition premium is larger in hot merger markets. Returns to acquiring company shareholders are lower for stock financed mergers and are lower when merger markets are intense. Our results are consistent with the predictions of the behavioral theory for merger waves.  相似文献   

We find that co-opted boards facilitate more erratic and arbitrary decision-making, contributing towards default risk. A one standard deviation increase in co-option increases default risk by 11% relative to normal levels. Supporting the notion that co-option makes decision-making more erratic, we find that stock return volatility and fundamental volatility are higher among co-opted boards and that strategic conformity among such firms is lower. We find no evidence that our results may be driven by firm risk-taking, however, we do find evidence suggesting that co-opted boards are less engaged and involved in strategic decision-making. We also find that external oversight mechanisms, in the form of institutional investors, financial analysts, media coverage, and takeover susceptibility, mitigate the documented effect. Overall, our study documents new evidence on the adverse effect of co-opted boards on firm default probability.  相似文献   

Using an experiment to rule out reverse causality, we examine whether a small investment in a company's stock leads investors to purchase more of the company's products and adopt other views and preferences that benefit the company. We preregister our research methods, hypotheses, and supplemental analyses via the Journal of Accounting Research’s registration‐based editorial process. We find little evidence consistent with these hypotheses for the average investor in our sample using our planned univariate hypothesis tests, and planned Bayesian parameter estimation shows substantial downward belief revision for more optimistic ex ante expectations of the treatment effects. In planned supplemental analyses, however, we do find that the effects of ownership on product purchase behavior and on regulatory preferences are intuitively stronger for certain subgroups of investors—namely, for investors who are most likely to purchase the types of products offered by the company and for investors who are most likely to vote on political matters. The results contribute to our understanding of the benefits of direct stock ownership and are informative to public company managers and directors.  相似文献   

China's stock markets have grown rapidly since their inception and have become an increasingly important emerging market for international investors. However, there are few systematic studies on how asset prices are formed in Chinese domestic equity markets; popular financial media even depict the market as irrational. In this paper, we study the asset pricing mechanism in the nascent Chinese stock markets, with the objective of identifying variables that capture the cross-sectional variation in average stock returns. We focus on the effects of various market imperfections in China. We find that while the market risk (beta) is not priced, there is a significantly negative relationship between firm-specific risk and expected returns. Chinese investors are willing to pay a significant premium for more liquid stocks or for dividend-paying stocks. Furthermore, investors value local A-shares more if there are offshore counterparts (e.g., B- and H-shares) for foreigners, implying that a Chinese firm with a foreign shareholder base has a lower cost of capital, ceteris paribus. Lastly, as with U.S. and other mature markets, firm size and the book-to-market ratio are systematically related to stock returns. Given market imperfections, stocks are priced rather rationally in China, despite the widespread perception to the contrary.  相似文献   

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