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12月12日-13日,安徽省“东桑西移”项目验收组对霍山县万亩蚕桑基地建设项目及其配套的县蚕种场改造项目进行验收,并一致同意项目通过验收。验收组在对桑园建设小版图、项目实施农户花名册、主要物资采购证明及蚕种场设备清单等材料进行审核的基础上,通过随机抽查和全面核查相结合的方式对重点扶持的基地建设、简易大棚、小蚕共育室、方格蔟进行了实地检查。认为在霍山县委、县政府的高度重视和龙头企业的强势带动下“,东桑西移”项目在霍山得到顺利实施,经济效益、社会效益、生态效益等综合效益十分显著。验收组指出,霍山县是安徽省茧丝绸…  相似文献   

梁龙 《中国纺织》2013,(9):102-105
丝绸作为我国的传统特色文化,离不开企业的发展,更少不了政府的推动。  相似文献   

12月12日,商务部“东桑西移”蚕桑基地项目验收组在广西柳城县实地检查时,对该县圆满完成项目任务给予充分肯定,并一致同意该项目通过验收。自去年10月承办该项目以来,广西柳城县积极筹措资金用于项目基地建设,项目区累计投资778万元,其中农民自筹424万元,财政投入165万元,项目  相似文献   

核心提示:在目前的建筑市场上,一个工程项目从竣工交付使用起一年、二年甚至更长的时间未能结清工程款的情况比比皆是。建筑工程结算难的问题,已在一定程度上制约了施工企业的生存和发展。  相似文献   

李弟平 《中华商标》2008,(11):38-39
一、涉外商标案件取证难 在处理涉外商标案件实践中,工商执行人员经常陷入进退维谷的境地。特别是当主动查处一些涉外商标侵权案件时,由于商标权利人在国外,往往很难联系到该权利人进行调查取证;并且,在现行体制下,我们也很难有经费、时间和精力到国外去寻找权利人进行取证。即使涉外商标权利人同意提供商标注册证复印件给我们,也需要有关大使馆认证才具有法律效力,  相似文献   

叶宝平 《中国电业》2004,(10):56-57
农电体制改革以来,由于多方面原因,农村电力资产的管理和维护形成了“两不管”的地带,如不及时加以解决,势必影响农村安全可靠供电。  相似文献   

上海腾虹实业发展有限公司是经营羊绒、羊毛、化纤等纺织品的进出口公司,该公司在这行业已有20年的经验,在业内有着很高的知名度和信誉度。但是,随着规模的逐渐扩大,上海腾虹需要大量的资  相似文献   

“反腐”是今年“两会”的热点。如何将“反腐”进行得更彻底?人大代表、政协委员建言献策,一个共同的声音是:制定“公务员财产申报法”。  相似文献   

Many companies are prepared to make considerable investments in developing technologies to support sustainable competitive advantages. Yet translating technological capability into business opportunities remains a difficult problem. Frank Lynn and Susan Heintz report their experiences with a three-level technology screening process, starting with a needs screen, moving to an economics screen and ending with a time screen. The screening process is designed to emphasize the importance of identifying realistic market opportunities and it also helps to define a product rollout timetable.  相似文献   

北京时间1999年5月8日,将是中国人民刻骨铭心的日子。中华人民共和国的历史,将永久地记住这一天。就是在这天凌晨,以美国为首的北约,在对南斯拉夫这一主权国家连续进行了40多天的狂轰滥炸后,悍然使用导弹对我驻南斯拉夫使馆进行突然袭击,造成我驻外人员的伤...  相似文献   

Aley J 《Fortune》1995,132(6):53-4, 56

In 1982, 237 thrifts were GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principle) insolvent. By 1987, 92 of these were either merged or closed and 77 remained insolvent. The remaining 68 were GAAP solvent with an average GAAP-to-total-assets ratio of 5.6%. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that affected the probability of solvency for the 1982-insolvent thrifts over the period 1983–1987.
To identify these factors, the probability of insolvency is modeled in each year between 1983 and 1987 using logistic regression. Because a thrift can earn its way out of insolvency or raise outside capital, the probability of solvency is a function of the infusion of outside capital along with balance sheet and income statement ratios reflecting the thrifts earning ability. The only variable consistently significant in each year is the variable reflecting the raising of outside capital.  相似文献   

There are many published models for the process of design or open-ended problem solving. Some of these are represented in diagrammatic form while others are implicit within the text of the publication. Where do these models come from? Upon what evidence are they based and how accurately do they describe the pupil designer? The idea that we should teach pupils a procedure for completing design and make tasks or a strategy for solving problems is an attractive one but is there only one procedure and is this easily transferred to a wide variety of tasks? This article examines the similarities in a variety of published models for the design or problem-solving process including those implicitly described in the development of the National Curriculum for Design and Technology in England and Wales. It finds a surprising consensus of opinion among authors but suggests that there is little research evidence to support their claims.  相似文献   

Troubled in a tough time, anyone wondered the way to get out, so does Chinese textile industry as well as textile and apparel enterprises in China. Suffering the pressure of industrial development, various measures and suggestions have been carries out to realize an optimistic effect. The city of Zhengzhou, as a pioneer, gathered a group of professional experts and analyst to fi ne the way.  相似文献   

关心民工荒,固然需要重视。其实.管理、营销、技术.设计等高端人才也要重视.同等重要。当前,纺织企业面临良好的发展机遇和严峻挑战.加快产业升级提升企业科技创新水平成为企业最终赢取市场的关键发力点.但注脚则是人才。人才缺乏已是不争的事实.人才培养输送渠道,人才就业心态,企业自身的人才培养体系等众多问题需要企业清醒认识和认真对待.后配额时代.纺织企业何时不会再为人才而苦恼?  相似文献   

几十年来.我国2100万矿业职工(700多万煤炭工人),在国家工业化起步的时期承担了社会经济原始积累任务,付出了巨大代价。目前,矿业、矿山、矿工、矿城(俗称“四矿”)问题,已成为继“三农”之后,又一个迫切需要解决的社会问题。因此,立足实际,在世界经济一体化的大背景下,积极探索有效解决资源型企业可持续发展的途径迫在眉睫。下面,就煤炭企业为例,  相似文献   

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