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Over the last decade, the increased adoption of the Internet in public life as well as in developing businesses has led to a phenomenal rise in academic research on online marketing. This article is set to extensively review scholarly articles appearing from 2000 to 2014 on the topic from 10 top-tier academic journals to understand the research trends in the domain. A literature review has reported eight major subjective categories with an analysis of online marketing effectiveness framework. This review found three most significant subject categories: (1) online marketing issues; (2) Internet usage, perception, and attitude; and (3) online shopping and e-commerce. Additionally, some new online marketing research topics such as word-of-mouth, user-generated content, and social network are also highlighted. Finally, a selection of research topics that got the maximum attention of researchers is presented along with discussion of the future research directions in the online marketing space.  相似文献   


Social marketing campaigns are usually aimed at problems that exact a large toll in the community. Any campaign must be properly researched during the development process and afterward, to assess its impact. The target market for social marketing campaigns often includes younger members of the community. The research methodology used when developing or assessing these campaigns must therefore be appropriate to adolescents.

This article discusses the application of Internet technology to research among adolescents using experience gained while testing potential anti-smoking messages among a sample of UK school students to illustrate the issues.

Internet-based research has the potential to generate data that is comparable to that generated by conventional research methods and with improved efficiency in terms of timescale, cost, quality, and quantity of responses.  相似文献   


Social Marketing is a rapidly growing marketing sub-discipline based on the premise that bringing successful commercial marketing technologies to bear on problems of individual and social welfare can generate positive outcomes. This paper gives an overview of recent developments in Social Marketing in a global context and discusses the relationship of these developments to those in commercial, not-for-profit or third sector and public sector marketing, and public relations. The paper then relates the global context back to developments in Australasian and Asian nations, with particular reference to social engineering during economic restructuring.  相似文献   

绿色营销、公益营销和社会营销的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色营销、公益营销和社会营销都是对传统营销观念的发展和修正,符合企业发展的基本规律。其中社会营销的内涵最为丰富,是和传统营销观念相对应的一种新的营销观念;绿色营销源于社会营销;公益营销是社会营销观念指导下的营销方式的创新;三种既有密切联系又各有侧重。不同的营销形式,在为企业营销行为提供新的选择的同时,也给企业提出了新的社会要求。一个理性的企业,在营销形式的选择上,应结合企业自身的具体情况,根据企业生产经营的发展阶段和企业所处的内外部特定环境,科学理性的选择有效的营销行为。  相似文献   

社会营销与关系营销的理论对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘伟 《中国市场》2008,(6):142-143
本文通过对社会营销观念和关系营销观念的理论对比,找出两种营销观念在理论和观点上的联系与区别,并对两种观念在具体实践中的应用进行了分析,对企业树立科学发展观,追求社会与企业的可持续发展具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Three problems beset the literature on organizational learning—confusion about who learns (individuals, groups, or organization), absence of a robust theory, and tools for measurement. Social network analysis, it is argued, can be used to capture organizational learning at multiple levels, to capture relational data (expressed as linkages between actors), and can yield actionable insights for changes within the organization. Two subprocesses of organizational learning, information acquisition and distribution, were measured using social network analysis in a decade‐old consultancy firm in India. Results reveal who shares information with whom, who goes to whom for information, who is bypassed, who hoards, how groups interact, and how much information is shared at the organizational level. The study provides a deeper understanding of how “people” relationships affect learning at various levels. The theoretical and managerial implications of the approach taken to measure organizational learning using social network analysis are discussed. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

While social marketers are rarely targeted in discussions of the ethics of advertising, we are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of ensuring that social marketing messages are developed and conveyed in an ethical fashion. The article reviews complaints made by members of the general public in Australia and New Zealand to the advertising regulatory bodies in those two countries for the five years 2000–2004; examining the number, type, and nature of these complaints – including the categories of advertising, and the types of appeals, which generate complaints from the general public in both countries. We find that, as for commercial advertising, there is a need for further research to explore “community standards” in relation to social marketing messages; and that there is a clear need for social marketers to consider consumer attitudes towards advertising when developing communication strategies and messages.  相似文献   


The North Carolina Division of Public Health has employed traditional marketing concepts to increase the capacity of its programs to use the social marketing process. A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Turning Point grant enabled this capacity building. During a three-year period there has been over a two-hundred-percent increase in programs attempting to use social marketing in the division. This article describes the division's application of social marketing concepts, reviews other theories useful to the incorporation of a social marketing approach in a social-change organization, makes suggestions for their application, and presents lessons learned.  相似文献   

Social media usage by health care organizations has increased dramatically. Findings from this research show that 95% of the top ranked hospitals use social media. The purpose of this study is to examine whether social media usage varies according to size of hospital and types of services provided. Since social media platforms appeal to different groups of people, this prompts the question of whether certain platforms are more appealing to people who partake in different health services. Findings reveal differences in social media usage depending on the services provided by a hospital.  相似文献   


This article examines the role of cultural values in segmentation in social marketing, with a special focus on minority and immigrant groups. It offers a framework for values driven segmentation in social marketing. Since social marketing seeks to create behavior change, it needs to refocus on modalities that can bring about the desired behavioral change. Cultural values that distinguish and define cultural groups are perhaps the most critical, especially in multicultural environments. The values of various subcultures, their ethnic identities and cultural heritage have become important driving forces for social marketers in their quest to bring about behavioral change. Though the article focuses on social marketing to minority and immigrant subcultures, the values driven segmentation model can be validly applied to other cultural groups as well.  相似文献   

社交网络可视化分析能够高效地对海量数据进行简化处理,从而成为帮助电商企业推进网络口碑营销的重要工具。本文以电商企业为研究对象,通过实证调查的方法来探究企业内部社交网络可视化分析对电商企业网络口碑营销的影响。调查发现社交网络可视化分析在电商企业的市场定位、营销定向、营销成本、工作效率以及经济效益等方面都有积极的作用。本文研究以期为电商企业进行优质的网络口碑营销提供理论支持。  相似文献   

佟大新 《中国市场》2008,(6):110-111
计算机网络日益普及丰富了家具企业市场营销的内涵,为家具企业网络营销带来了良好的机遇。在网络环境下,客户处于倾向建立一种学习型关系的强势地位。因此,树立客户资产观、重组业务流程、导入并实施客户关系管理、营造"客户至上"的家具企业网络文化、有效锁定客户及增强网络形象和信誉是家具企业营销获取竞争优势的关键所在,同时也为家具企业市场营销策略的选择和营销手段的科学化提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

解析网络营销八大模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周曙东  叶辉 《商业研究》2003,(22):177-180
21世纪人类进入了电子商务时代,在新的商务时代,企业纷纷触网,开展基于网络的营销活动。首先要了解阐述网络营销的概念,然后根据企业的性质和营销目标,总结出国内外企业开展网络营销的模式,分析了这些模式的内容特点和具体流程,才能掌握各种模式分别适合哪些企业应用。  相似文献   


Over recent years, whilst there has been increasing acceptance of the existence and role of marketing in the political arena, there has also been much discussion as to the applicability of its concepts and models. This paper focuses upon issues surrounding definition of the ‘product’ and the ‘marketing mix.’ It examines the varying definitions of the political ‘product’ and, from the perspective of elector as ‘consumer,’ offers its own. In addition it suggests that political marketers should follow the lead of their counterparts in the fields of service and social marketing and modify the marketing mix to suit the political environment in which they function. Finally, based upon existing definitions of the political ‘product’ and the criticisms of the current marketing mix frameworks, initial suggestions are made for the provision of a new political marketing mix.  相似文献   

网络社区的蓬勃发展推动了网络社区营销的深入开展。网络社区营销活动具有精准性、互动性、成长性、软性营销的特点。企业可以借助网络社区开展市场调查,传播促销信息,实施活动营销,塑造品牌形象。网络社区营销还可以帮助企业强化危机管控,管理公共关系。  相似文献   

互联网技术在企业经营中的应用 ,创造了网络营销这一营销新方式 ,以及网络公关这一交往新形式。网络营销应当贯彻“以消费者为中心”的营销价值观 ,应该且能够充分利用网络公关实现企业与消费者之间的双向沟通 ,应当且能够有效利用网络技术为顾客提供高效、便利、优惠、超值的服务支持。  相似文献   

网络社区环境下企业营销存在的问题是暴力营销帖、营销信息遭质疑、即时沟通有待提高。为有效解决这些问题,企业应实施话题营销策略,提高企业的社区关注度,增加用户对企业的认知度;通过意见领袖评价企业产品的质量特性以及不同产品间的优缺点,对用户消费行为发挥导向作用;配备专门的社区营销人员,及时对社区舆论进行引导,传播产品信息,引导用户的消费观;企业应借助或建立恰当的广告平台,在不同的社区内投放不同的广告,创建新型的广告模式,从而有效提升企业营销效果。  相似文献   

营销哲学的演变 缺陷与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚作为 《商业研究》2003,(14):123-127
自营销哲学出现以来 ,营销哲学经历了六个发展阶段的演变。通过对营销哲学演变过程的详细分析 ,指出现今营销哲学存在的缺陷 ,然后根据系统理论与权变理论的原理 ,综合现有营销哲学的精华 ,对现有营销哲学进行修正 ,并探讨未来的营销哲学应具有的特征和分析模式。  相似文献   


In this era, social media platform is integrated into the marketing strategy. This new technology sets out new mechanisms and communication tools that companies can rely on to interact and engage with actual and potential customers. This study aimed at exploring the impact of social media marketing activities (SMM) on brand loyalty via brand trust and brand equity. Based on an online survey of 287 users who follow telecommunications companies on social media located in Egypt, data was collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed that SMM activities comprise only three dimensions; trendiness, customization and word-of-mouth. These attributes of social media marketing directly influence brand loyalty and indirectly influence brand equity mediated by brand trust. The study emphasis the role of trust and provide guidance toward measuring the effectiveness of social media marketing.  相似文献   

This paper examines pricing policy, quality levels, consumer surplus and social welfare for the monopoly and non‐monopoly case. It is shown that given certain realistic assumptions, the network industry under unregulated monopoly would yield more social welfare than in the case of several producers in the industry, and would therefore be socially preferred.  相似文献   

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