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Interview God     
"Come in," God said to me, "so, you would like to interview Me? "  相似文献   

真快,明儿又是年三十儿。真想,爹在时的那些个夜晚。  相似文献   

王连洲 《银行家》2003,(8):116-117
最近,瑞银集团下单宝钢等4只股票,开创了境外机构投资者投资中国A股市场的先河,并激发了中国股市的一波行情.不仅所投标的股票随之应声上扬,而且其它股票也搭便车一时漂红.不过,接下来市场还是按惯例接着进行调整,并没有出现预料之外的"疯狂".这说明投资者对QFII进入中国资本市场所可能产生的影响和作用的预期并不十分明朗,思想认识上还持有几份慎重和冷静.中国的投资者在市场的反复磨练和教训中成熟了许多.  相似文献   

周正兵 《银行家》2005,(6):114-117
“信用担保,又一个来不及繁荣就陷入危机的行业”,这是学术界在给我国担保业多方会诊之后所下的诊断书,其言之凿凿,似乎没有什么值得商榷的地方。作为在高校多年从事理论工作的笔者,由于缺乏实践经验的有力支撑,自然提不出什么反对意见,也就顺理成章地将此作为对我国信用担保业的“先见”。然而,当我带着这种“先见”面见采访对象——大连联合信用担保有限公司总经理张振新先生时,却遭遇了意想不到的尴尬。在大连希尔顿酒店一楼咖啡厅,我听到张总对担保行业截然不同的声音。从行业的现状格局到未来发展趋势,从行业内部的监管自律到业务领域的拓展创新,张总娓娓道来。我听到的非单不是对我国信用担保行业的抱怨和沮丧,反倒是美好的憧憬与展望。在近两个小时的采访中,我感受着中国新一代担保人所作的探索与奉献,以及对中国信用担保行业的执着与激情。作为对于学术界的回应,我们将采访的题目命为“担保业:挑战与机遇”,以彰显中国新一代担保人的独立思考。  相似文献   

资产评估访谈是资产评估现场工作中重要的评估程序,但往往容易被忽视。从近两年检查评估底稿反映的情况来看,评估访谈已经逐渐被评估人员所重视,评估工作底稿中评估访谈的工作底稿正在逐步完善。但目前,评估访谈还是存在形式化的迹象,访谈所要解决的问题和访谈提纲勾稽关系不清晰。逻辑关系不严谨、问题针对性差是评估访谈记录普遍存在的不足之处。笔者想在此阐述个人观点供大家一起探讨。  相似文献   

郭江山 《银行家》2013,(1):125-127
2010年5月,陈志强同志就任人民银行唐山中心支行党委书记、行长以来,团结带领全行干部职工,紧紧围绕履职提效这一工作中心,因地制宜、敢为人先,奏响"货币政策、金融稳定、金融服务"三部曲,开创性地履行了基层央行职责。近三年来,先后获得全国文明单位、全国总工会"模范职工小家"、中国人民银行文明单位等集体先进荣誉称号74项,在天津分行业绩考核中连续七年获得A级第一名。  相似文献   

周枞 《银行家》2005,(7):36-39
随着我国金融业开放步伐的不断加快,个人银行业务正成为中外资银行竞争中的“制高点”。在这场“白热化”的竞争当中,中国建设银行的个人业务在经过三次质的飞跃之后,“以理财为主线,以客户为中心,坚持精品战略,加强创新,联动营销,锻造素质,全面深化服务,提升经营能力,建设个人精品银行,稳步提高个人银行业务对全行的利润贡献”的发展思路渐渐清晰起来。目前,建设银行个人银行业务已经拥有庞大稳定的客户群体,构筑了全行负债业务的半壁江山,对全行的利润贡献度也在稳步上升。而随着2006年人民币业务全面向外资银行开放的临近,竞争的“白热化”程度将越演越烈,作为中国建设银行个人金融部的总经理,许会斌伴随着建行的个人业务一路走来,自然感触颇深,如今面临着新的挑战,他又该如何应对呢?  相似文献   

去年11月以来,在国际金融危机持续蔓延的大背景下,为防止中国经济加速下滑,国务院陆续出台了钢铁、汽车、船舶、石化、纺织、轻工、有色金属、装备制造、电子信息、物流十大产业调整振兴规划。十大产业是我国经济中的重点产业,出台这些产业规划对拉动内需、保增长有非常重要的意义,也为相关产业和金融业的发展提供了难得的历史机遇。  相似文献   

井华  周程 《国际融资》2003,(7):12-15
当股市低迷时,他以“暴雨过后是晴天”激励股民;当牛市冲天时,他以谨慎的乐观提醒投资者。我们经常听到他对股市的精辟分析,我们至今都仍然记得他在2000年时对股市的准确预测。在中国,几乎每一个股民都熟悉他的名字——萧灼基,大家都尊称他为萧股市。他是中国最早一批从理论经济学转向研究资本市场的专家。他虽贴近市场,以研究资本市场的实际问题见长,但从不评论个股。他虽从事教学数十年,但不认为自己是纯理论家。从资本市场高层管理者到普通股民,都对他的评述十分关注,津津乐道。年近七旬的萧教授,思维敏捷,神采依旧。今天我们就中国资本市场发展及企业海外上市等问题,与他谈股论金  相似文献   

In the business world, "creativity" has become the latest buzzword. How to attract, nurture, and direct the extraordinarily talented people who will come up with the next Lipitor, SonyWalkman, or iPod is an enduring topic among business-people. As the director of the MacArthur Fellows Program, Daniel J. Socolow has considerable experience with the process of rooting out creativity. In this conversation with HBR senior editor Diane Coutu, he describes how recipients of the "genius grant"--half a million dollars with no strings attached--are chosen. As significant as the money is, the recognition that comes with a fellowship may be more so. MacArthur grants provide powerful validation of the fellows' work, Socolow says, and that validation opens doors for people, whatever the field. Although the program keeps a lookout for entrepreneurs who are on the brink of major new advances, he believes that the market does a good job of rewarding the best ideas in business. Replicating the MacArthur model in a company would entail giving some employees unlimited time and lots of money to follow their own inclinations--not very feasible in most contexts. Nevertheless, the program has learned a lesson that may be valuable for business: The kind of creativity that leads to important breakthroughs is extremely hard to find. And, says Socolow, exceptionally creative people aren't always the obvious suspects, who may simply be good at promoting themselves: "Listen to others and look in the least likely places ... Extend your networks and try to get information from as many people as possible, just as we do".  相似文献   

Executive consultant Marshall Goldsmith tells his CEO clients that he's not the real coach; the people around them are. To change your behavior, he says, quit whining about the past and start asking your colleagues how you can do better. You're not done until they think you are.  相似文献   

Stride Rite is a good company by any definition: Keds, Sperry Top-Siders, and Stride Rite children's shoes are consumer favorites for their fit, quality, and comfort. Wall Street analysts praise the company's outstanding financial performance. Innovative programs such as the first corporate child-care center and public service scholarships support Stride Rite's reputation as one of the most responsible employers and corporate citizens in the United States. Behind Stride Rite's good performance are the building blocks of corporate character: a legacy of quality and service and a leader committed to keeping that legacy lively. When Stride Rite shipped its first children's shoes in 1919, they came with the company's commitment "to produce an honest quality product in an honest way and deliver it as promised." For Arnold Hiatt, that commitment has been the driving force behind the company's evolution from manufacturing into marketing and product development as well as the guiding principle in its relations with consumers, dealers, suppliers, and employees. But Stride Rite's corporate character is also a reflection of Hiatt himself. In his early 20s, Hiatt fled a management training program "designed to make carnivores" out of its new employees and bought Blue Star Shoes, a small manufacturing company that had gone into Chapter 11. Through experience and "stumbling around," he built Blue Star's sales to $5 million-and got a practical education in management, markets, and human nature that has proved equally useful in running Stride Rite.  相似文献   

董小娟 《中国外资》2013,(2):283-284
本文主要论述了中美两国文化中不同教育阶段的各个方面的不同,从小学,初中,高中一直到大学整个教育体系中,两国文化的不同。如班级的人数,学生或者老师对学习的态度。目的让大家对中美两国的教育体制有个大概的认识。  相似文献   

我们一定要拘泥于历史吗?印度和中国都在崛起。两国都有非常美好的未来。这需要用乐观和积极的态度来看待两国关系。  相似文献   

Three years ago, consultants Laurence Prusak and Thomas H. Davenport asked prominent management thinkers to name their gurus and reported the results in HBR. James G. March appeared on more lists than any other person except Peter Drucker. A professor emeritus in management, sociology, political science, and education at Stanford University, March has taught courses in subjects as diverse as organizational psychology, behavioral economics, leadership, rules for killing people, friendship, computer simulation, and statistics. He is perhaps best known for his pioneering contributions to organization and management theory. March's accomplishments in that field, and in many others, have conferred on him an almost unprecedented reputation as a rigorous scholar and a deep source of wisdom. As University of Chicago professor John Padgett wrote in the journal Contemporary Sociology, "March's influence, unlike that of any of his peers, is not limited to any possible subset of the social science disciplines; it is pervasive." March approaches thought aesthetically; he cares that ideas have "some form of elegance or grace or surprise." His poetic sensibility can be felt in the metaphors he has created over the years--the "garbage can theory" of organizational choice, for instance, and the "hot-stove effect" in learning. In this edited interview with HBR senior editor Diane Coutu, March shares his thinking on aesthetics, leadership, the role of folly, and the irrelevance of relevance when it comes to the pursuit of ideas. He also comments on the fundamental differences between academic and experiential knowledge, underscoring the need for both.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,信息记载和传播不再仅局限于传统的纸张,电子化生产、流通、存储信息将成为现代图书发展不可阻挡的趋势,电子图书的出现给图书馆馆藏资源带来了革命性的变化,图书馆馆藏资源体系由单一的以纸质文献为主向纸质和电子共存转变。由于电子图书具有便捷化、多元化、个性化等优势备受现代人们的青睐,这有力地促进了图书作品的传播速度和知识共享,但电子图书采访和验收也给图书馆带来了巨大挑战。本文以优阅外文原版电子图书为例,阐述了电子图书采访和验收现状、存在问题以及针对存在问题结合自己实际工作提出了几点对策。  相似文献   

广凡 《银行家》2008,(1):56-59
满洲里--这样一个处处充满异国情调的东北边陲小城,淀放出异彩的金融机构恰恰是源自一幢普通得不能再普通的小楼--农行满洲里分行.在金融总量100亿出头的盘子里,满洲里农行竟占有近半壁江山.带着好奇、疑问、探究、学习等诸种心态,记者近日采访了这个行的领路人--尹光磊行长.这也是记者最容易的一次采访,简单的几个问题竞勾出了这个行近年来所践行的几乎所有取胜之经,发展之道.  相似文献   

齐稚平 《银行家》2021,(3):34-36
作为一家年轻的城商行,湖北银行的发展成就十分耀眼:2020年末,全行资产总额3047亿元,存款总额2151亿元,贷款总额1480亿元,分别是成立时的7.7倍、6.5倍和7.4倍;网点总数从成立之初的93家增长到222家,在湖北省17个市州中实现全覆盖,全行员工近5000人;资本实力显著增强,资本净额从10年前的20亿元...  相似文献   

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