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This paper draws on data from 73 UK Monopolies and Mergers Commission reports on monopoly between 1973 and 1995. It shows that there is a roughly two in three chance that the Commission will come to an adverse conclusion against the investigated firms in a given case. 75–80% of decisions can be explained purely in terms of the market share of the leading firm and knowledge of the broad nature of the alleged anti-competitive practice. An adverse finding is most likely in cases involving exclusive dealing, and least likely where other vertical restraints are involved.  相似文献   

At least 15 profit-structure studies using Federal Trade Commission Line-of-Business data have found either a significantly negative or no relationship between profits and market concentration when firm market share is included in the analysis. The findings reported here suggest that the FTC Line-of-Business data are for years in which cyclical factors seriously distorted the profit-concentration relationship. This hypothesis is supported by both annual cross-section regressions and pooled regressions for the period 1947–1990.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a positive concentration-profits relationship has been one of the most thoroughly tested in economics. Market share has been used in a number of these studies as a measure of horizontal dominance by a firm in an industry. Although these studies have shown empirically that a positive relationship exists between market share and rates of return, little theoretical evidence for this relationship exists. The price leadership model can be used to show that a continuous, direct relationship exists between market share and competitive injury. From a simulation exercise based upon the price leadership model, a positive association is demonstrated between increasing market share of the dominant firm (or collusive leading firms) and increasing competitive injury (as evidenced by a greater divergence between the competitive versus price leadership price-output decisions). This exercise establishes market share as a fundamental structrual variable in describing the short run competitiveness within the industry. The results of this model imply that intra-industry cross section studies, utilizing a carefully defined price leader(s) and price followers dictomy, should yield better statistical fits. At the present stage of empirical testing, however, only the roughest approximations using rather arbitrary definitions of the price leader-follower dichotomy have been made.  相似文献   

The historic precedents in telecommunications antitrust findings have tended towards finding harm to competition when network operators integrate downstream and bundle the provision of applications and services. The reason for this is that market power in network provision is thought to be extended into the applications market(s). More recently however, proposed mergers have been between telecommunications and media distribution firms, both of whom have some degree of market power, already sell their own services in bundles, and who may or may not have been offering combined bundles already via contractual agreements. Examples include Sky/Vodafone in New Zealand, and Time Warner/AT&T in the United States as well as Vodafone/Unitymedia in Germany and Media Capital/Altice in Portugal. These complex proposed arrangements pose challenges to competition authorities, whose legal and procedural rules and precedents, especially those defining the relevant markets affected by the merger or vertical integration activity, have been developed from the analysis of simpler cases. These precedents may not be sufficient to analyse current cases, characterized by multiple products catering to heterogeneous consumer preferences, and consumers are not constrained to buying only one variant of the products in each of the upstream and downstream markets.We illustrate the challenges by way of a case study of the proposed merger between Sky and Vodafone, declined by the New Zealand Commerce Commission in February 2017. Limitations in existing market definition processes and the evaluation of market power where bundling already occurs risk overlooking complex demand-side interactions that influence the profitability and efficiency of various structural and contractual strategic choices. We propose that classic merger and antitrust analysis based on econometric cost-benefit analysis can be augmented by using simulation and numerical analysis of a range of bundle offers expected to be relevant in decision-making. We develop a simple model and use it to illustrate how it may be used to inform broadband and content mergers, and other complex antitrust cases, such the assessment of the effects of two-sided markets and firm pricing decisions.  相似文献   

1999年开始的国有股减持市场化实践,实际上已涉及到非流通股流通问题,2002年1月27日在中国证监会网站公布的国有股减持方案阶段性成果,更是将国有股减持扩展到实现非流通股的流通这一关系股票市场全局的问题上。在开放与持续健康发展的要求下,上市公司分割缺陷是目前中国股票亟待解决的问题。本文在归纳已有的非流通股流通问题研究思路的基础上,着重分析了出售与缩股思路的出发点及存在的问题,提出了尊重历史,兼顾发起人对股份公司贡献的指导思想,引入发起人资本公积贡献杠杆作为调节系数,通过对非流通股的历史追溯调整来解决其流通问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents upper and lower bound estimates of leading firm market shares in U.S. manufacturing industries, and of the ratio of leading firm shares to the combined shares of the next three largest firms. These estimates suggest that extreme dominance is not a common feature of the U.S. industrial landscape, although unequal share distribution among leading firms is common. Dominance appears to be an important cause of differences among industries in four-firm concentration ratios. Finally, single firm dominance might account for as much as 16% of observed concentration levels.  相似文献   

We study the determinants of common European merger policy over its first 25 years, from 1990 to 2014. Using a novel dataset at the level of the relevant antitrust markets and containing all relevant merger cases notified to the European Commission, we evaluate how consistently arguments related to structural market parameters – dominance, rising concentration, barriers to entry, and foreclosure – were applied over time and across different geographic market definitions. On average, linear probability models overestimate the effects of structural indicators. Using non-parametric machine learning techniques, we find that dominance is positively correlated with competitive concerns, especially in markets with a substantial increase in post-merger concentration and in complex mergers. Yet, its importance decreased following the 2004 merger policy reform. Competitive concerns are also correlated with rising concentration, especially if entry barriers and foreclosure are of concern. The impact of these structural indicators in explaining competitive concerns is independent of the geographic market definition and does not change over time.  相似文献   

2007年60强的分布特征呈一条指数函数。运用ABC法分析,2007年60强可划分为A类(重点)企业22家、B类(重要)企业24家、C类(一般)企业14家;它们的平均在承包营业额之比为10.07:1.76:1.00。按总承包营业额市场占有率分组发现,市场占有率小于平均占有率1.67%的企业有50家,小于1.00%的企业有40家。运用多比较法综合评价2007年60强,能够更科学、合理、精确地反映企业市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

Due to the high costs associated with the deployment of the passive infrastructure of FTTH networks, a few alternative operators have pondered the possibility of making co-investments based on a network sharing model. The purpose of this article is to explore economic aspects of a co-investment scheme for present and future FTTH/PON architectures. The article describes the cost reductions that can be achieved when a co-investment scheme is used, as well as the relationship between market shares and the cost per home connected. A cost model was employed to calculate the investment per home passed and the investment per home connected. The investment per home passed for an alternative operator indicates significant cost reductions when a co-investment scheme is used. On the other hand, the results show that when the incumbent's market share is equal or higher than the total market share of all the alternative operators that share the network infrastructure, the investment per home connected for an alternative operator is higher than that for the incumbent operator. Moreover, to be cost competitive with the incumbent operator, the necessary market share that each alternative operator should achieve is much lower than that of the incumbent operator.  相似文献   

An econometric analysis of the European Commission's merger decisions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a sample of 96 mergers notified to the European Commission and logit regression techniques, we analyse the Commission's decision process. We find that the probability of a phase-2 investigation and of a prohibition of the merger increases with the parties' market shares. The probabilities increase also when the Commission finds high entry barriers or that the post-merger market structure is conducive to collusion. We do not find significant effects of “political” variables, such as the nationality of the merging firms.  相似文献   

由于我国股票市场是一个典型的订单驱动型市场,存在报价深度不充分的问题,传统的买卖价差不能真正反映流动性风险,针对这一情形,文章以个股日最高价与最低价之间的价差为度量指标,结合经流动性调整的风险价值模型(BDSS),考察了沪市25个行业的25只样本股票面临的流动性风险值。实证表明,我国股市存在较大的流动性风险,个股之间的流动性层次区分度不高,呈现出较大的趋同性,流通股本数与流动性风险值呈显著的负相关,而流通市值与流动性风险值呈显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

A structural model is proposed which integrates and extends previous findings on the interrelations between risk—return outcomes, market share, firm conduct attributes, and inter-firm rivalry. It is argued that the relative impact of market share and firm conduct attributes on risk—return outcomes depends on the intensity of rivalry. The empirical setting is commerical banking in Indiana (1975–79). Latent variable path analysis (partial least-squares) is used to estimate the model. The effect of market share is found to be quite important, even when possible ‘spurious’ effects due to differences in individual firm attributes are controlled for. Given consistent indications of oligopolistic coordination found in various parts of the model, it is inferred that the measured effect of market share reflects the exercise of market power.  相似文献   

Specific internationalization steps of single mobile network operators (MNO) such as the hostile takeover of the German Mannesmann corporation by the British Vodafone group have received substantial public attention. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of scholarly research using quantitative indicators to capture facets of the degree of business internationalization and associations between this internationalization extent and financial performance measures in a sample of major MNO originating from Europe. Therefore, this study gathered internationalization data from 14 European MNO for the 7-year period from 1997 to 2003. The firms had an overall proportionate mobile subscriber market share of 80.2% across 27 European countries at year-end 2003. Their average foreign revenue (subscriber) share rose from 11.4% (15.6%) in 1997 to 46.2% (52.2%) in 2003. The dispersion of degrees of internationalization in the sample was high and has remained fairly similar since 1999. No evidence of significantly positive associations between foreign revenues and subscriber shares on the one hand and three accounting-based criteria of MNO group financial performance on the other hand was found. This result is taken to imply that: (1) executives of MNO with high degrees of internationalization had not yet been successful in transforming potential into actual internationalization advantages; (2) more detailed studies on foreign market selection, entry modes, and management procedures balancing integration and autonomy requirements in running foreign MNO affiliates may uncover circumstances under which internationalization degree-performance associations for MNO are significant; and (3) national regulators should not feel obliged to implement special remedies to enhance the survival probabilities of less internationalized MNO.  相似文献   

新三板原是作为非上市股份有限公司进入三板市场进行股份转让试点而设立的,然而后来却逐渐成为我国场外市场的一个重要组成部分。回顾新三板的发展历程,了解其功能及发展趋势,不仅有助于解决高科技中小企业融资难题,推动全国高科技产业更快发展,对于建设多层次资本市场也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper studies the introduction of real-time electricity pricing in the New Zealand residential retail market to understand why its market share remained below 1.25%. We use rich panel data of all retail switches between 2014 and 2018 and an unexpected wholesale price spike to study adoption and attrition. Exploiting the staggered roll-out of real-time pricing in different locations we find that attrition decreases with experience. We also find that prospective adopters are present biased. The combination of these findings explains why adoption stalled and shows that wholesale price spikes pose a serious threat to widespread adoption of real-time pricing.  相似文献   

The Independent Commission for World-Wide Telecommunications Development (Maitland Commission) reported that telecommunication networks, including public telephone systems, are an infrastructure which aids economic development throughout the world. The Commissions objective is to bring the majority of the world's population within easy access of a telephone and, in time, other communications services. Development in the Pacific Islands region is slowed by a lack of efficient communications. The islands are spread over 29 million square kilometers of ocean and extremely vulnerable to natural disasters. Pacific Island Nations (PINs) have problems of foreign exchange, skill shortages, and poor credit terms. Telecommunications infrastructure audits showed the overall regional teledensity of 3 telephones per 100 population. The individual countries vary form 8.3 in Fiji to 1.5 in Papua New Guinea and 25.2 in New Zealand. The population of the developing island countries is in mostly rural areas where there is a chronic shortage of telephones. The constraints on radio systems can be overcome with satellite technology. The new technologies are coming on the market faster than these countries can afford to handle them. By using satellite technology and sharing facilities PINs can greatly reduce the cost of telecommunications systems. Fiber optic cables will be used to carry large volumes of traffic over major routes while satellites can be used for a array of services for the smallest PIN nation to the largest route rim country. Work is being done to standardize the equipment specifications and to develop policies for the coordination of regional telecommunications training. To further facilitate communications development in this area, changes need to be made in international funding priorities for development, and recommendations by the Maitland Commission must be taken seriously.  相似文献   

A firm that had enjoyed considerable success in the marketplace during the early stages of the product life cycle found itself losing market share. The firm and its competitors had not changed their marketing strategies since the introduction of the product. This article describes the results of research examining possible causes for the market reversal. It Was discovered that the nature of the organizational buyer and his buyer behavior changed in a predictable manner since product introduction progressed. These changes made the competitors' marketing strategy more effective and probably caused the market reversal. The implications for this firm and for firms marketing innovative products in general are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate two empirical models using a pooled, cross-section sample of international pharmaceutical firms for the period 1987 to 1989. The first model tests the relationship between R&D productivity and a vector of firm-specific characteristics. The second model tests the determinants of global market share. The empirical analysis reveals three findings. First, we find evidence that there are diminishing returns in the pharmaceutical R&D process. Second, we find that firm size has a positive effect on average R&D productivity and a positive impact on the marginal R&D productivity for plausible R&D staff sizes. And third, we find evidence that R&D productivity and the number of sales employees have a positive effect on the firm's global market share.The views presented in this paper reflect those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission or any of its individual commissioners. We thank William Comanor, Daniel Gropper, Daniel Hamermesh, Susan Pozo, Paul Thistle, and Mark Wheeler for their comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper. We assume all responsibility for any errors contained herein.  相似文献   

Earlier, in a time-series study of the profit rates of Japanese manufacturing firms, Odagiri and Yamawaki concluded that profits persist. With the addition of 15 more years of data up to 1997, this conclusion is shown to stand the test of time. In particular, those firms estimated to earn higher-than-average long-run profit rates in the early study were again estimated to earn higher-than-average long-run profit rates. The force of convergence was also found to be at work; for instance, the firms most profitable in Period 1 (1964–82) were most likely to face a decline in estimated long-run profit rates from Period 1 to Period 2 (1983–97). With the use of two sets of data, the firm’s profit performance was found to be positively related to measures of market share. First, among a smaller sample of firms for which reliable market share data could be matched, market share was estimated to have a significant positive effect on long-run profit rate in either period. Secondly, among the entire sample of 357 firms, the long-run profit rate in either period was estimated to be positively associated with firm sales relative to industry sales, which presumably is a crude measure of market share.  相似文献   

Several factors are investigated as possible contributors to market share for capital equipment business: product quality, service quality, a business's image for quality, and marketing communications. Cross-lagged correlations with PIMS data imply that product quality and image for quality influence market share, marketing communication influences image, and service quality results from all of these sources of influence.  相似文献   

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