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论中国金融市场风险防范   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

1.拓宽房地产融资渠道。由于我国房地产企业的资金来源仍以银行贷款为主,所以我国有必要尽快建立多元化房地产融资机制,具体可以考虑以下几个手段:首先是培育和发展住房抵押二级市场,试行住房抵押贷款证券化。实施住房贷款证券化,不但可以扩大商业银行的融资规模,还会使整个资本市场与房地产金融市场有机互动,提高银行资产的流动性,有效降低银行开展住房贷款业务成本。  相似文献   

房地产抵押贷款证券化不仅有效地缓解了商业银行的流动性风险,而且极大地促进了证券市场的发展。房地产抵押贷款证券化本身的理论设计是非常理想的,就是要把可以预期产生房地产抵押贷款的现金流证券化,而由投资者投资,达到多方收益的目的。但事实上,美国2007年所爆发的次贷危机用事实向人们说明一个道理:金融创新必然伴随着金融风险,只有加强对金融创新的法律监管,才能保证金融创新的顺利开展,从而实现对金融风险的防范。  相似文献   

金融全球化是经济全球化的必然结果。中国金融业开放必须坚持积极稳妥、循序渐进、对我有利的原则,抓住机遇迎接挑战。  相似文献   

论金融风险的会计防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴艳  蔡飞 《经济师》2003,(12):216-217
金融市场是社会主义市场经济体系的重要组成部分 ,金融市场的发展对整个市场体系的发展起着举足轻重的制约作用。文章通过侧重论述金融会计风险的表现和产生原因 ,提出了一些防范金融风险的会计防范措施。  相似文献   

中国大陆金融风险法律防范问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国金融体制的改革,强化了政策性银行即人民银行的监控作用和能力、不按行政区域而是按大区设立人民银行等。这样做虽然在行政和监控上摆脱了国家政策性银行地方化并强化了监控能力,也带来了一定的效果,但对国有商业银行来讲实质性的东西没有改变,商业银行并没有真正建立起现代企业运行机制。在加入世贸组织过程中,我们必然会面临着来自国内外的各种挑战与风险,对向世界洞开的中国大陆的金融市场,其潜在风险也在不断加大。风险一旦由潜在变为现实,就意味着将要发生金融危机。面临开放的中国大陆的金融市场和世界金融对中国大陆金融市场的冲击,分析中国大陆金融业风险的法律防范尤为重要。  相似文献   

李佳 《经济论坛》2010,(12):67-69
增大流动性是资产证券化的基本功能,资产证券化这项金融创新从其诞生之初就是为了增大金融市场的流动性,但从本次次贷危机可以看出,资产证券化在有些时候还可以导致金融市场的流动性紧缩。本论文就是依照资产证券化对金融市场流动性的正面和负面影响两条主线,来梳理国内外学者有关资产证券化对金融市场流动性影响的研究文献,并对这些文献进行简短的评述。  相似文献   

李璐  王永建 《经济师》1999,(9):88-88
一、金融工作者必须树立较强的风险意识在国际大环境的影响下,我国金融业违规交易已初现端倪,金融经济案件屡见不鲜,风险也随之加大,国内信贷资产质量令人忧心。金融工作者必须树立较强的风险意识。二、提高银行信贷资产质量是防范金融风险的有效途径1、依据人总行制定的《商业银行资产负债比例管理暂行监控指标》来建立预警监管指标体系,重点建立预测和预警银行资产流动性与安全性风险的指标体系。为突出信贷资产质量预警监管,资产流动性的预警监管指标应侧重于贷款与存款的比率,中长期贷款比例,把中长期贷款比例指标作为核心指标…  相似文献   

银行不良债权的形成,既有政策、体制和企业方面的原因,也有银行内部的原因。第一,政策变化和政府干预。旧体制下,按照国家政策,企业的资金大多数由银行提供,地方政府从局部利益出发,未经深入调查、严格论证就向商业银行施加压力,指令贷款,再加上宏观调控能力差,...  相似文献   

Using different indicators of financial development, recent empirical studies have discovered various patterns of nonlinearity in the relationship between financial development and economic growth. By adding consumption loans, which are nonproductive, into a standard model of asymmetric information, this paper generates a model that is able to replicate all possible nonlinear finance–growth relationships found in recent empirical studies.   相似文献   

This paper provides an asymmetric information framework for understanding the nature of financial crises. It provides the following precise definition of a financial crisis: A financial crisis is a disruption to financial markets in which adverse selection and moral hazard problems become much worse, so that financial markets are unable to efficiently channel funds to those who have the most productive investment opportunities. As a result, a financial crisis can drive the economy away from an equilibrium with high output in which financial markets perform well to one in which output declines sharply. The asymmetric information framework explains the patterns in the data and many features of these crises which are otherwise hard to explain. It indicates that financial crises have effects over and above those resulting from bank panics and therefore provides a rationale for an expanded lender-of-last-resort role for the central bank in which the central bank uses the discount window to provide liquidity to sectors outside of the banking system.  相似文献   

史福厚 《时代经贸》2006,4(9):66-67,69
现代金融发展理论是通过专门研究金融与经济发展之间的关系而展开的,进入九十年代,通过对金融自由化改革的反思,有对金融深化理论或补充和完善的,也有经济学家用与传统方法不同的思路进行研究的,较有影响的有金融约束论、金融效率论等。  相似文献   

利率、汇率波动的加剧,使金融衍生市场的风险成为影响金融体系稳定运行的最重要因素之一。在金融风险定价理论和资产组合技术的支持下,金融衍生工具已成为防范基础性金融风险的有效工具。但金融衍生工具在用于金融风险管理中也存在市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险等基本金融风险。不仅存在着市场风险与信用风险的替代性,还存在着加大金融风险总量的可能。金融风险管理的实质是寻求风险损失与风险收益的平衡。  相似文献   

Summary. This paper shows that information effects per se are not responsible for the Giffen goods anomaly affecting traders demands in multi asset noisy, rational expectations equilibrium markets. The role that information plays in traders strategies also matters. In a market with risk averse, uninformed traders, informed agents have a dual trading motive: speculation and market making. The former entails using prices to assess the effect of error terms; the latter requires employing them to disentangle noise traders demands within aggregate orders. In a correlated environment this complicates the signal extraction problem and may generate upward sloping demand curves. Assuming (i) that competitive, risk neutral market makers price the assets or that (ii) uninformed traders risk tolerance coefficient grows unboundedly, removes the market making component from informed traders demands rendering them well behaved in prices.Received: 30 April 2002, Revised: 3 December 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: G100, G120, G140.Support from the Barcelona Economics Program of CREA and the Ente per gli Studi Monetari e Finanziari Luigi Einaudi, are gratefully acknowledged. I thank Anat Admati, Jordi Caballé, Giacinta Cestone, and Xavier Vives for useful suggestions. The comments provided by the Associate Editor and an anonymous referee greatly improved the papers exposition.  相似文献   

As downside risk has been identified as a separate risk exposure to investors, we investigate whether downside beta and co-skewness exposure impact on the return to investors in Australian equities. Although considered as a developed market, the Australian Securities Exchange merits separate investigation, as it is small and concentrated on some sectors, when compared with the major developed markets. As realized returns are a proxy for expected returns, we separately examine conditional returns in upturn and downturn periods. We find that both downside risks are separately priced by investors, and that our results are unaffected by the inclusion of a range of company characteristics. We subsequently confirm that returns to each downside risk are not related. In robustness tests, we conclude that the return to downside risk cannot be explained by a size, a value, or a momentum premium. Although it also has explanatory power, the inclusion of a leverage factor also does not reduce the explanatory power of downside risk.  相似文献   

Policies such as the SEC’s Fair Disclosure Rule, and technologies such as SEC EDGAR, aim to disseminate corporate disclosures to a wider audience of investors in risky assets. In this study, we adopt an experimental approach to measure whether this wider disclosure is beneficial to these investors. Price-clearing equilibrium models based on utility maximization and non-revealing and fully-revealing prices predict that in a pure exchange economy, an arbitrary trader would prefer that no investors are informed rather than all are informed; non-revealing theory further predicts that an arbitrary trader would prefer a situation in which all traders are informed rather than half the traders are informed. These predictions can be summarized as “None > All > Half”. A laboratory study was conducted to test these predictions. Where previous studies have largely focused on information dissemination and its effects on equilibrium price and insider profits, we focus instead on traders’ expected utility, as measured by their preferences for markets in which none, half, or all traders are informed. Our experimental result contradicts the prediction and indicates “Half > None > All”, i.e. subjects favor a situation where a random half is informed. The implication is that in addition to testing predictions of price equilibrium, experiments should also be used to verify analytical welfare predictions of expected utility under different policy choices. JEL Classification D82, D53, G14, L86 This work was largely completed while this author was at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

Theories of financial frictions in international capital markets suggest that financial intermediaries' balance sheet constraints amplify fundamental shocks. We present empirical evidence for such theories by decomposing the U.S. dollar risk premium into components associated with macroeconomic fundamentals, and a component associated with financial intermediary balance sheets. Relative to the benchmark model with only macroeconomic state variables, balance sheets amplify the U.S. dollar risk premium. We discuss applications to financial stability monitoring.  相似文献   

In a standard General Equilibrium framework, we consider an agent strategically using her large volume of trade to influence asset prices to increase her consumption. We show that, as in Sandroni (Econometrica 68:1303–1341, 2000) for the competitive case, if markets are dynamically complete and some general conditions on market preferences are met then this agent’ long-run consumption will vanish if she makes less accurate predictions than the market, and will maintain her market power otherwise. We thus argue that the Market Selection Hypothesis extends to this situation of market power, in contrast to Alchian (J Pol Econ 58:211–221, 1950) and Friedman (Essays in Positive Economics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1953) who claimed that this selection was solely driven by the competitiveness of markets. I would like to thank T. Hens, A. Kirman and A. Sandroni for many stimulating conversations and encouragements. Two anonymous referees also provided very valuable comments.  相似文献   

This article studies the correlation of agricultural prices with stock market dynamics. We discuss the possible role of financial and macroeconomic factors in driving this time-varying relation, with the aim of understanding what caused positive correlation between agricultural commodities and stocks in recent years. While previous works on commodity-equity correlation have focused on broad commodity indices, we study 16 agricultural prices, in order to assess patterns that are specific to agricultural commodities but also differences across markets. We show that an explanation based on a combination of financialization and financial crisis is consistent with the empirical evidence in most markets, while global demand factors don’t appear to play a significant role. The correlation between agricultural prices and stock market returns tends to increase during periods of financial turmoil. The impact of financial turmoil on the correlation gets stronger as the share of financial investors in agricultural derivatives markets rises. Our findings suggest that the influence of financial shocks on agricultural prices should decrease as global financial tensions settle down but also that, as long as agricultural markets are ‘financialized’, it might rise again when it is less needed, i.e. in the presence of new financial turmoil.  相似文献   

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