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网络游戏商的经营策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>网络游戏的出现、成长到繁荣推动了网络经济的快速发展。网络游戏商们也从中获得了巨大的财富,他们的经营模式也许人们并不陌生,但细细分析起来,不能发现,这其中体现了一种新的营销理念——在设计产品的过程中提高消费者的参与程度,从消费者需求的角度出发,这就是网络游戏商的生财之道,这种观念在网络市场得到了充分的实现。  相似文献   

俞越 《浙商》2011,(24):59-59
商业地产的无数次被想起,都发牛在住宅市场出现波动的时刻。 当前,定位高端商务商业地产的迪凯股份董督长谢卿宝,让处在水深火热中从事住宅地产开发的同行们艳羡不已.  相似文献   

黄少华 《现代商业》2011,(13):51-53
一座城市的气质,一座城市的修养,与这个城市居民长时间的生活积淀相关。这种积淀包括住宅格局的形成,也包括"树木走势"的滋养。  相似文献   

张子宇 《大经贸》2011,(4):20-22
"金融危机爆发的时候,我也非常地吃惊,我并没有料到看起来繁荣的金融和房地产市场会出现这种灾难."在和记者聊到金融危机的话题时,克里斯托弗·皮萨里德斯(Christophe Pissarides)显得异常的朴实,没有任何类似事后诸葛亮式的语言. 2010年,皮萨里德斯以其针对劳动力市场和宏观经济间交互作用的搜寻和匹配理...  相似文献   

对于大中型建筑企业来说,进行住宅开发,一定是大规模的建筑,因此在建筑过程中出现现浇钢筋砼楼板裂缝也一定是范围的,所以,作为建筑企业来说一定要高度重视成片住宅建筑中现浇钢筋砼楼板裂缝的防治.本文从各类型的住宅建筑现浇钢筋砼楼板的施工经验出发,对住宅现浇钢筋砼楼板裂缝出现的房屋类型、结构类型和特征进行简述,分析了导致现浇钢筋砼楼板裂缝的原因,提出了成片住宅建筑工现浇钢筋砼楼板裂缝的综合防治措施.  相似文献   

风险投资家们就是这样一群纵火者,他们不断求新,挑战商业传统,他们缔造了硅谷的繁荣,催生了像互联网这样的社会杰作,而现在他们通过塑造一个庞大而积极的企业家阶层,更为广泛深入地改变着世界  相似文献   

这两天刚好看了曾仕强先生的<人性管理>一书,感触颇深.对于外贸新人,要允许他们犯错误,但是不能放过他们所犯的错误.这两年来,我也带过一些的新人,引领他们进入外贸之门.带新人,快乐并痛苦着.新人可以带给你很多成就的感觉,也会无端地为你平添几分烦恼和恼怒的理由.然而,细想之下,谁不是由新人经历过来的呢?为此,理将新人们所出现过的错误加以整理,以望外贸新人做业务时尽量少出现类似情况.  相似文献   

近年来,随着生活水平的提高,人们对住宅平面与空间的设计要求也越来越高,小高层住宅不断涌现。为了使结构设计人员能更好地把握小高层剪力墙结构住宅的设计方法,针对在设计过程中出现的诸多因素予以讨论具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化的发展,城市人口越来越多,为了适应这种状况,城市住宅的数量也迅速增加,那么对住宅的设计就十分重要,其中对住宅的电气设计就十分重要,这关系到住宅的质量,所以,我们就对这个问题进行详细的分析.一起来探讨在电气设计中存在的一系列问题,并对这些问题进行深入的研究.  相似文献   

石广生(外经贸部部长):"入世"后,中国将出现八个"更加" 加入世贸组织,是中国对外开放和现代化建设中具有历史意义的重要大事,它充分反映了中国政府进一步深化改革、扩大开放的坚定决心,也充分体现了中国主动参与经济全球化、融入世界经济主流的积极姿态.中国加入世贸组织,必将给中国乃至世界经济的繁荣和发展带来深刻影响和变化.  相似文献   

The year of 2007 marks the 50 anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka,which started in 1947.Trade and economic ties between the two sides have become increasingly closer especially in these years.As one of the largest airlines in Asia and a previous winner of the Best South Asian Airline Award for 2005,Srilankan Airline has been an important contributor to this good bilateral relationship. This year,Srilankan Airline has also won a series of awards such as the PATA Gold Awards for the Best Marketing Campaign for an Airline,KLIA Awards,and so on.Recent- ly,China's Foreign Trade exclusively interviewed Mr.Chanaka Olagama,Chief Representa- tive Country Manager-China of Srilankan Airlines.He shared with us the development of and achievements made by Srilankan Airlines over these years.  相似文献   

The ministry of Finance and State Tax Bureau declared it will adjust the export rebate rate of some goods recently. Some textiles and garments' export rebale rate has risen from 11% to 13%. The rebate rate of some bamboo products has risen to 11%. This is great news/br the textile industry which needs to become more competitive.  相似文献   

Home in Balance     

OBJECTIVE For market control to be successful, two conditions have to be fulfilled. The first is that the authorities succeed in collecting sufficient data on the products and their safety hazards. The second condition is that, after finding a hazardous product on the market, the authorities have sufficient means and methods available to make the manufacturer or importer repair the product or withdraw it from the market. In Finland, the product safety authorities have organized market control in practice through local control authorities, aiming to reach a common goal by means of cooperation. The aim is to clear up and further develop the control of the products placed on the market. The ‘field control’ and testing of the products should form a well-functioning whole. Market control activities must be escalated. There is a need for a common control practice.

METHODS The guidance and training of local authorities is the key element. In order for market control to function efficiently, the local control bodies should be given detailed guidance on all aspects of the products to be controlled, the methods of control and the reporting, feed-back and exchange of information. The motivation of the control bodies is also important. The method used in Finland is to choose a few product groups at a time, each of them being subjected to a short-term control according to the instructions of the leading control authority.

RESULTS In 1992 five product groups were inspected. These were chocolate eggs containing a surprise toy, the fire safety of upholstered sitting furniture, markings on toys, the amount of formaldehyde in textiles and markings on heat candles and lanterns. The number of inspected market places totalled 1268 and that of inspected samples 1919. The control measures used were oral remarks, written demands for changes, product specific instructions and others, which amounted to 1093. In the spring of 1993 four product groups were inspected, namely the markings on jacks, chocolate eggs containing a suprise toy, the markings on cosmetic products (shampoo, hair care, and shower gel) and the markings on toys. In total, 2370 market places

CONCLUSIONS Market control has had a favorable reception at the local level, perhaps because the need for this kind of guidance and training has been so evident. This has helped the authorities to chart the various problems of market control, which is assumed to increase the efficiency of the control. In addition, the local authorities have gained much valuable experience, which will be of great assistance when developing market control into a uniform and commensurable system. The leading control authority must know the results of the control in order to be able to set priorities for its activities and to have a truthful picture of the market situation. What is the best way of organizing continuous collection of control data at the local level is a question that must also be solved.  相似文献   

Home health care     
Rosenberg RE 《Medical marketing & media》1979,14(3):44, 46, 48-44, 46, 49

自“新冠肺炎”疫情爆发以来,疫情对我国会议行业的生产、经营活动带来了严重的考验。这其中,会议酒店获客受阻、会奖旅游遭遇寒冬、赛事活动普遍取消、会议论坛延期举办,会议产业的生存与发展遭受到前所未有的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

As technological change in retailing continues to develop, it becomes important for retailers to examine the reaction of older shoppers to such changes so that innovations can be marketed to meet the needs of this large and growing market segment. Using a national sample of elderly consumers, this study found that 30 percent of households headed by someone 65 or older were willing to use personalized interactive home video ordering (HVO) systems for buying groceries. The study also investigated potential users' perceptions of this innovation's attributes that influence the rate of adoption such as compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. A profile of potential users' shopping orientation is provided along with managerial implications.  相似文献   

My Spiritual Home is a best-seller book title of a Chinese famous writer in late last century, Wang Xiaobo, firstly published in 1997. Few years later, a group of people who insisted on realizing this dream gathered in Guangzhou, and built up a wonderland in their minds there. Through 9 years of efforts, they cheerfully launched their uneasy fruits into the market: “Spiritual Home to Chinese Entrepreneurs” as they claimed to be, in the form of real estate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates significant gaps in the information available to prospective home buyers as perceived by recent purchasers. The gaps in available information perceived by recent purchasers included the fair value of the house, its structural condition, and the ambience of the neighborhood. It was found that independent or personal sources were used for subjective information while objective data tended to be obtained from marketer-dominated sources.  相似文献   

At the end of 2009, Central Economic Conference was held in Beijing to set the tone of next year's economic work while reviewing last year's economic situation.The 4-trillion-yu, an stimulus package,a massive injection of credit, and multiple export-tax refunds all lead to China s economic rebound.These timely and decisive measures have helped China become the world's fastest growing economy.  相似文献   

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