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物流业是国民经济发展的基础产业和动脉。安徽物流企业总体上处于加速发展时期。本文选取安徽省五个通过A级评估的物流企业作为研究对象,通过调查分析和深入研究,试图掌握安徽省物流企业的发展状况,发现安徽省物流企业在经营战略、人力资源、资金、信息化和企业文化等方面参差不齐,进而提出加强战略管理、实施人才战略、开展增值服务、加速信息化进程、提升企业软实力等对策。  相似文献   

6月18日,中国品牌建设促进会成立暨会员代表大会在北京召开,中国品牌建设促进会正式成立了。这是广大品牌工作者、各领域企业和各级政府的共同愿望,也是我国品牌建设史上的一件大事。  相似文献   

创立名牌,特别是创出一批具有国际竞争力的名牌,制定和实施正确的名牌战略,是我国一大批企业面临的一个重大决策课题。“名牌战略”是一个定性的概念,比较抽象。企业应明确回答创立什么名牌?实施什么“名牌战略”?[第一段]  相似文献   

品牌是一个企业对外的形象,直接关系到企业的生存和发展。在当下市场激烈竞争的环境下,品牌建设对于企业的持续发展具有至关重要的作用。本文分析了我国企业品牌营销中存在的问题,并就如何提升企业品牌的营销效果提出了一些措施。  相似文献   

王金河 《品牌》2013,(6):75-76
互联网的双向互动式沟通、多媒体性、跨时空性以及个性化等特性,决定了品牌的网络营销与传统营销有着根本的差别。在建立了网络营销的品牌推广模型和分析了存在问题的基础上,提出了要改变品牌建设的传统观念,重视企业的网站设计,明确品牌定位及制定推广策略,培养网络营销的复合型人才等对策建议。  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的市场经济中,品牌无疑成为了一个企业立足于市场的重要保障,品牌作为企业的“名片”,不但凝聚着企业文化,同时渗透着企业的扩散力,企业品牌形象建设直接影响到企业自身的市场影响力和竞争力,是企业利润最大化和国家竞争力的载体.本文对企业品牌的建设提出了一些自己的建议与看法.  相似文献   

李祝义 《中国品牌》2013,(10):51-51
为进一步促进中国品牌的建设与发展,推动中国企业的品牌化、国际化进程,提高中国品牌建设的理论化、科学化水平,加强品牌企业间的交流与合作,营造并优化中国品牌发展环境,积极评价并传播中国品牌价值成果,中国品牌建设促进会目前正式确认《中国品牌》杂志成为该会唯一指定信息发布平面媒体。  相似文献   

当前,我国许多企业面临着外资并购的机遇与挑战。据国际调查机构Dealogic的数据显示,2006年前11个月,外资并购中国企业共735起,交易金额达到302亿美元。在此背景下,企业应高度重视企业品牌的法律保护。  相似文献   

陈一枬 《广告大观》2004,(2):139-140
中国市场已经进入品牌繁荣期,在产品质量越趋同质化的同时,国际化品牌与国内品牌的竞争越来越白热化,品牌价值的差距也变得模糊了。  相似文献   

当今时代,企业之间的竞争是品牌之间的竞争.本文在对品牌的相关定义和内涵进行介绍的基础上,分析了品牌建设与企业发展之间的关系.最后我们提出:应该从建立严格管控体系、进行品牌恰当定位等方面提升品牌的核心竞争力,从而促进企业的健康持久发展.  相似文献   

Store brand and national brand promotion attitudes antecedents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retailers compete against national manufacturers by launching store brands. National manufactures regularly use brand promotions to fight store brands back. The purpose of this article is to find out whether attitudes toward national brand promotions and store brands have similar or different conceptual antecedents. The study presents and tests a model of the effects of shoppers´ characteristics (price and non-price-related) on attitudes toward store brand and national brand promotions. The results support that constructs relating to price impact both store brand attitude and national brand promotion attitude, but the strength of some of these relationships differ. Other shopper characteristics like brand loyalty and store loyalty, have similar negative and positive effects, respectively. These slight differences suggest that promotions of national brands might be a good tool for fighting back store brands, but manufacturers need to design and target these promotions carefully in order to avoid head-to-head competition.  相似文献   

知识经济时代己经到来,企业之间的激烈竞争,产品的竞争,从某种意义上说是品牌的竞争,品牌是企业可持续发展的最重要的资源之一,企业的品牌对于企业的发展至关重要,对企业的兴衰起到决定性的作用,本文将运用品牌经营的有关理论,对企业品牌经营策略进行探讨.  相似文献   

知识经济时代已经到来,企业之间的激烈竞争,产品的竞争,从某种意义上说是品牌的竞争.品牌是企业可持续发展的最重要的资源之一,企业的品牌对于企业的发展至关重要,对企业的兴衰起到决定性的作用.本文将运用品牌经营的有关理论,对企业品牌经营策略进行探讨.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,品牌战略已经成为企业走向国际市场的重要战略.本文在分析我国民族企业品牌建设现状的基础上,阐述了我国民族企业打造国际品牌的必要性,并为民族企业在国际市场打造品牌提出相应的战略措施.  相似文献   

We examine how prior purchases influence consumer response to promotional activity in brand choice decisions. To improve understanding of the nature of this influence, we separate previous purchases into those on promotion and those not on promotion, and consider their differential impact on subsequent brand choices. Impact may be observed at the brand level, category level, or both and we suggest circumstances in which each might occur. Across four product categories, consumer sensitivity to price, price promotions, and feature advertisements increases for all brands in the product category following a promotional purchase but also decreases for the most recently purchased brand. The magnitudes of the results indicate that prior promotional purchases influence choice more than prior brand usage does. We offer managerial recommendations regarding promotional activities, for both retailers and manufacturers.  相似文献   

传统的经典品牌往往历史悠久,信誉卓越,是传统企业的宝贵财富;但如果一味的倚老卖老,固步自封,却反而会落后于时代和市场的变化,陷入产品品种单调、营销模式僵化、品牌宣传停滞的困境.洋河蓝色经典在传承既有工艺和信誉的基础上,从品牌定位、品牌形象、品牌推广和品牌营销四个层面率先进行创新,在白酒市场掀起了一场声势浩大的蓝色风暴.  相似文献   

传统的经典品牌往往历史悠久.信誉卓越,是传统企业的宝贵财富;但如果一味的倚老卖老,固步自封,却反而会落后于时代和市场的变化,陷入产品品种单调、营销模式僵化、品牌宣传停滞的困境.洋河蓝色经典在传承既有工艺和信誉的基础上,从品牌定位、品牌形象、品牌推广和品牌营销四个层面率先进行创新,在白酒市场掀起了一场声势浩大的蓝色风暴.  相似文献   

While retailers are committed to promoting product brands to increase sales quantity and brand visibility, retailers are exposed to supply uncertainty. Therefore, we explore the brand promotion strategies of retailers in a competitive model. We then investigate the decision model under three different brand strategies and explore the equilibrium outcomes of stakeholders under supply uncertainty. In addition, we analyze and discuss social welfare under different scenarios. The results show that when the promotion cost is high (i.e., the cost effect dominates the market expansion effect), neither retailer promotes the product brand. When the promotion cost is low (i.e., the market expansion effect dominates the cost effect), both retailers tend to promote the product brands. When the promotion cost and market expansion match each other, only one retailer promotes the product brand becomes the equilibrium strategy. It is worth noting that when both retailers promote the product brand, the retailer falls into a prisoner's dilemma. In addition, we find that the supply uncertainty level diminishes the cost affordability and the motivation of retailers to promote the product brands. Interestingly, the supply uncertainty level reduces the possibility of retailers being in a prisoner's dilemma. Besides, market expansion (supply uncertainty) contributes to improving (diminishing) social welfare.  相似文献   

在当前国际竞争日趋激烈的形势下,企业都在努力采取措施促进出口,而名牌战略则是我国企业参与国际市场竞争的商战利器,发展对外贸易的关键.笔者结合实际分析企业出口名牌发展对外贸易和经济管理存在的问题,提出了企业在外贸易中实施名牌战略应采取的措施  相似文献   

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