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金融自身的泡沫化问题作为引发金融危机的一个重要方面 ,正成为金融体系乃至整个经济体系健康发展的重大威胁。这篇论文以中国金融泡沫化问题为研究对象 ,在剖析金融泡沫化成因的基础上重点对我国金融体系的泡沫化水平进行了实证分析。在分析过程中 ,文章分别从我国银行体系、股票市场和外汇市场选取了 12项经济指标 ,通过采用编制泡沫化指数的方法对 1992~ 2 0 0 1年十年间我国金融泡沫化水平的相对变动进行了量化分析。最后 ,文章还根据实证分析的结果对如何有效的控制我国金融体系的泡沫化水平提出了政策建议  相似文献   

本文运用网络分析技术对宏观经济管理手段进行了分析。作者认为,经济手段、法律手段和行政手段均为独立的网络结构,宏观经济管理手段是由这三种管理手段构成的一个系统网络。为有效进行宏观经济管理,必须形成经济手段、法律手段和行政手段三位一体、协调运作的格局。  相似文献   

目前,我国已正式加入WTO。加入WTO必将给中国的宏观经济管理带来巨大的影响,因为世贸组织所确立的一系列规则和机制是用来规范和约束成员国的政府行为。本从宏观经济管理的能力,目标,主体,客体,手段等方面入手,分析了加入WTO对中国宏观经济管理的影响,在此基础上,提出了应对入世挑战的中国宏观经济管理的创新思路。  相似文献   

Jong-Eun Lee 《Applied economics》2013,45(33):4301-4311
This article is whether and how the world macroeconomic environments influence the world trade disputes. We use two-pronged approach. First, we try to answer the question whether and how global macroeconomic environments are attached to the count of the world trade disputes. Even if the traditional literature captures it at the national-level, global picture needs to be completed. The second question we address is that given the set of trade dispute initiating countries, whether and how differently high-, middle- and low-income countries respond to their macroeconomic environments in their decision-makings of trade disputes initiations. The universe in the second question is a selected set of the filing countries only, not all countries on this planet. One can capture the behaviours of the countries involved in the trade disputes under certain macroeconomic circumstances. The period is from 1995 to 2008, covering all records of trade disputes since the birth of the World Trade Organization (WTO).  相似文献   

国际金融危机使得全球贸易与金融旧秩序被重新审视,新的变革即将开始。面对国际局势,我国必须立足国情,认真分析与反思当前一揽子经济刺激计划,在政策方针和微观经济活动之间建立有效的宏观政策传导机制,以政府投资引导和激发民间投资,改革阻碍发展的体制机制约束,尽早考虑大规模计划的退出机制,为获得长期发展战略竞争优势未雨绸缪,在国际政策博弈中牢牢争取把握主动。  相似文献   

朱仁宏  袁伦渠 《技术经济》2006,25(10):68-70,92
在我国培训市场上,培训学校无论在其成立,还是随后的运作上,都应该符合国家政策法规的规定,应该站在长远的角度来审视自己,而不是短期的高收益。专业化教学才能造就培训市场竞争的优势。专业化的内涵是专业、精益、富有特色,外延是全面地、深入地、持续地体现品牌效应。我国应试培训产业在行业集中度相对较高的情况下,培训学校必须进一步扩大企业规模,形成经济规模壁垒,必要资本壁垒、资源占有壁垒或是产品差别壁垒,树立良好的企业形象,提高产业进入与退出成本,连锁经营的规模化道路是必然的选择。  相似文献   

Are poor macroeconomic outcomes primarily the result of economic policies, or of deeper underlying state fragility problems in sub‐Saharan Africa? We attempt to answer this question by using carefully specified dynamic panel regression techniques to show how state fragility conditions help to explain the differences in the macroeconomic performance of sub‐Saharan African economies, and to identify the most plausible mechanisms of transmission. We find that countries with greater fragility suffer higher macroeconomic volatility and crisis; they also experience weaker growth. When we disaggregate state fragility into its various components, we find that it is the security and social components that have the strongest causal impact on macroeconomic outcomes, while the political component is, at best, weak. Therefore, we conclude that it is state fragility conditions, and not necessarily macroeconomic policies, that are of first‐order importance in explaining the differences in macroeconomic performance for African countries. The knock‐on effects are mostly mediated through the fiscal channel, the aid channel, and the finance channel. Accordingly, we recommend that interventions in fragile states should best focus on exploiting the potential for using fiscal policy, aid, and finance as instruments to improve macroeconomic outcomes in sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Many empirical studies provide evidence that macroeconomic policies as well as capital flows exhibit procyclical characteristics in developing economies. In particular Kaminsky et al. [2004. When it rains, it pours: Procyclical capital flows and macroeconomic policies. NBER Macroeconomics Annual, MIT Press] demonstrate that a large group of middle-income countries run contractionary policies and experience capital flight during times of recession. This paper investigates the role of international financial markets in explaining these macroeconomic policy and capital flow characteristics. An optimal fiscal and monetary policy problem is formulated and solved for a small-open economy that faces a country-specific interest rate spread in international financial markets. It is found that, in the presence of the country spread, optimal fiscal and monetary policies as well as capital flows are procyclical under a reasonable parametrization. Optimal policies and capital flows turn countercyclical in the absence of the country spread. This pattern is robust to a range of alternative model specifications.  相似文献   

This article applies set of 24 baseline and auxiliary indicators included into the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure framework on the conditions of 17 CEE countries to assess their predictive power given the policy pre-determined and optimal thresholds for the period 1991–2014. Our results suggest that the optimal official thresholds might either be excessively too accommodative (public and private, total or external debt levels), overly conservative (current account balance, export market share and nominal unit labour costs), or with less informative value (labour market characteristics) for set of transition economies. Indicators with higher predictive power belong predominantly to the group of external imbalances indicators.  相似文献   

By introducing money and foreign exchange in the Zou (1997) model of mercantilism, the paper shows the effects of macroeconomic policies in mercantilist economies. It is shown that in the long run, consumption and foreign asset accumulation increases as a result of stronger mercantilist sentiments, permanent increases in the consumption tax, increases in the monetary growth rate and purchases of foreign bonds. In the short run, however, macroeconomic disturbances including the mercantilist sentiments, the monetary growth rate, and the consumption tax have negative effects on current consumption and positive effects on current foreign asset accumulation, while purchasing foreign bonds has positive effects on both current consumption and current foreign asset accumulation. The theoretical explorations may provide a theoretical structure for hoarding international reserves and export-led growth strategy utilized by emerging market economies.  相似文献   

以我国汽车产业为研究对象,采用时间序列回归、结构向量自回归模型及脉冲响应函数方法,研究我国汽车产业资本结构对宏观经济因素的响应情况。实证研究结果表明:我国汽车产业资本结构对货币政策工具中的贷款利率及财政政策的财政支出反应比较显著,而与通货膨胀率、资本市场融资规模及税率关系不显著;通过自回归模型及脉冲响应函数模型,可以看出宏观因素对企业资产负债率的影响具有不同程度的时滞,地方财政支出对企业资本结构形成显著冲击,持续时间较长,资产负债率受到的影响具有正负交替性。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the relationship between macroeconomic volatility and the current account. Using quarterly data for a panel of OECD economies, time-varying relative volatility measures are constructed for GDP, net output, and government consumption. The empirical evidence suggests that current account balances are positively affected by all three volatility measures. Moreover, the current account balance is found to be related positively to output growth and negatively to the growth of government consumption. Evidence from saving and investment rates also suggests that the precautionary saving motive is part of (though perhaps not the entire) mechanism that relates output volatility and the current account. Broadly consistent with the predictions of the standard theoretical model, these estimates are sizable, statistically significant, and robust.  相似文献   


Although the fundamental trilemma of open-economy macroeconomics has been a popular framework for analyzing the effects of various policy combinations, it ignores how policy regimes change. Drawing from Post-Keynesian Institutionalist theory, this article considers this process in democracies as a type of technological change in which progress may be limited by insufficient knowledge and actions by vested interests. A case study of interwar France shows that these barriers often delay or weaken stabilization programs, which increase both political and economic uncertainty that further lowers aggregate demand and inhibits the attainment of macroeconomic equilibria. Although we should not generalize these observations, they suggest that understanding and addressing cultural and institutional factors may be necessary for successful countercyclical policymaking.  相似文献   

北美自由贸易区经济周期协动性的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
自《北关自由贸易协议》签订并实施以来,美国、加拿大、墨西哥三国间的经贸联系日益密切。三国间经贸投资联系的加强必然会作用于三国宏观经济波动的传导,并改变北美自由贸易区内美、加、墨三国经济周期协同的特点。本文首先探讨了《北美自由贸易协议》对美国、加拿大、墨西哥三国间贸易与投资的积极效应,然后对三国在北美自由贸易区成立前后的经济周期协动性变化的特征事实进行了分析,最后考察并检验了《北美自由贸易协议》对三国间经济周期协动性的影响。  相似文献   


European Economic and Monetary Union has fostered an unstable complementarity in European financial markets between the growth models favoured by European savers (in the northern ‘core’ of Germany and other exporting states) and its borrowers (in the debt-fuelled and demand-driven eurozone periphery, including countries like Greece and Ireland). In the 2000s, the result of this development was a sharp decrease in real interest rates across the eurozone periphery, leading to rapid but inflationary growth. This eroded the competitiveness of exporters in the European periphery, making them more reliant on capital inflows to pay for growing current account deficits. Those deficits became problematic after the disruption of eurozone financial markets beginning in 2008. The policy response to the crises has focused on reducing the competitiveness gap between the core and periphery – while overlooking the financial forces that contributed to those competitiveness differentials in the first place. Indeed, it is the fragile and perverse complementarity in eurozone financial markets – more than any external shock or competitiveness differences – that lies at the root of Europe’s ongoing crisis.  相似文献   

股权分置改革后股票市场与宏观经济关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用邹氏参数稳定性检验,发现股权分置改革前后股票市场指数与宏观经济变量发生了明显的结构性的变化。参数是非稳定的。要实现股票市场发展与经济基本面、股市波动与宏观经济运行状况相关联,真正实现股票市场“晴雨表”的功能,积极引导资源的优化配置,须进一步完善股票市场的运行机制。  相似文献   

90年代以来,中国经济开始了新一轮周期的启动。这一时期的经济运行总体态势良好但坎坷颇多,我国的宏观经济政策也有许多经验和教训值得回味.肖效需求不足是近一段时间我国宏观调控面临的主要难题。对需求的均衡分析表明,扩张性宏观经济政策仍应作为主导政策。  相似文献   

随着金融危机向实体经济转移和扩散,我国经济增长出现下滑,已远低于潜在增长率;而由宽松货币政策所导致的广义货币供应量在不断增加,通货膨胀压力正逐步显现。在外需短期无法恢复、内需相对不足的情况下,滞胀的风险在逐步加大。VEC模型结果表明:货币流通速度、广义货币供应量增长速度共同决定我国通货膨胀率。当经济景气程度上升、货币流通速度加快时,货币供应量增长过快会引发通货膨胀。因此,现阶段应在有效监控经济景气程度和货币流通速度的基础上,对宏观经济政策进行微调,以便提高政策搭配效果,有效化解风险。  相似文献   

The objective of Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) investigation of macroeconomic mechanisms on ASEAN-5 stock earnings equation can contribute to analyzing and demonstrating macroeconomic forces acting a statistically and economically significant effect on rate of return of securities for a given time through the application of the ARDL approach to cointegration when the variables are mixed degrees of integration in cointegrated time series, i.e. I(0) and I(1). This results in a long-run or a short-run relationship between macroeconomic force acting for a given time affecting 24 quarterly rates of return for listed companies in Information and Communication Technologies OCT) sector of Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLSE) index (Malaysia), Financial Times Share Index (FTSI), Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), and Jakarta Composite Index (JKSE) (Indonesia). The impulses of three ASEAN macroeconomic forces---GDPt, EXt, and INTt acting for a given time influence the earnings of selected 23 1CT returns for listed companies on both domestic investments and outsider investments in the same period. This paper has investigated how other-concerning macroeconomic force acting might interrelate with rate of return of securities in the ICT sector, debt and financial innovations, in line with some significant formalized facts. The funding of capital inflow in part of ICT securities was statistically globally significant to recognize significant achievement in ICT specific pathways to distinction as the science of accomplishment. The public sector performing as a key purchaser of ICT security solutions related to integrate the ASEAN exchange members into modern capitalization can lead to adverse effects, such as risky investment-hub interventions due to the mixing financial systems in three ASEAN regional integrations through investments.  相似文献   

利率管制下中国宏观经济稳定与利率政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在IS—LM—AS模型的框架下 ,分析了利率管制条件下中国宏观经济均衡状态的特点、动态调整方式。研究结论表明 :在利率管制条件下 ,由于市场自身缺乏稳定机制 ,经济只存在惟一的均衡路径 ;任何冲击都会破坏经济的稳定 ,而经济体系自身不会向稳定方向调整 ,其结果是经济波动呈发散趋势。通过进一步对中国改革开放以来利率政策的操作方式及绩效的考察发现 :利率政策调整滞后、调整不充分、政策操作并不成功  相似文献   

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