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闫志勇  高宏飞 《活力》2010,(14):154-154
电视是一门综合性的艺术,它兼容画面,解说词,同期声,音乐,特技等等各方面综合的因素。只有这些要素相互配合,相得益彰才有可能创作出优秀的电视节目。在众多因素当中,解说词如何与雷面有机结合,克服画面和解说词自身的缺点,达到一加一大于二的效果,是很多电视人长期探究的问题之一,本文通过对解说词和阐释了如何有机结合这两个要素,达到画面与解说词的完美统一。  相似文献   

任宏 《活力》2011,(7):162-162
解说词。顾名思义即口头说明解说的词。也可以说,解说词是“口头文学”。它依靠文字对事物、事件或人物描述、叙说,词语的渲染来感染受众,使人们在对其所表述的内容有所认识和了解的同时。起到更进一步加深认知和感受的作用。就电视专题片的解说词而言.它是对电视画面内容的文字解释和说明。  相似文献   

电视区别于报纸与广播的最大特点是视听结合,声情并茂.在电视新闻中,画面、解说词、同期声是重要的组成部分.尤其是同期声,它在烘托节目主题、渲染现场气氛、展示人物个性等方面发挥着画面无法替代的作用,给人以强烈的现场参与感、感染力和说服力.广义上说,电视新闻同期声是记者在现场录制画面时同时录下的各种声音.  相似文献   

苑洪春 《活力》2011,(5):202-202
电视区别于报纸与广播的最大特点是视听结合,声情并茂。在电视新闻中,画面、解说词、同期声是重要的组成部分。尤其是同期声,它在烘托节目主题、渲染现场气氛、展示人物个性等方面发挥着画面无法替代的作用,给人以强烈的现场参与感、感染力和说服力。广义上说,电视新闻同期声是记者在现场录制画面时同时录下的各种声音。包括记者出镜解说、新闻人物语言、环境背景声、现场声响效果等。本文主要探讨新闻人物同期声的运用问题。  相似文献   

郭亮  陈萍 《管理观察》2011,(33):105-106
以福建工程学院文化传播系新闻专业《电视解说词的写作》课程实训环节的设置为例,对高校教学改革进行实践研究,认为《电视解说词的写作》这门课程在实训环节的前期还应加上撰写拍摄大纲这一专项训练.笔者在教学实践中发现,专项拍摄大纲的写作训练能够加速学生对视听语言的掌握,提高学生电视制作中前期准备和后期编辑的配合能力.  相似文献   

麻雪莲  栗辉 《活力》2005,(5):230-230
电视新闻的“广播化”,应该是一种“返祖”现象。我们都知道,画面是电视节目最重要的构成要素,电视新闻更不例外。在电视新闻中,文稿通常被称为“解说词”,是用来对电视画面进行解说的。必须依附于画面存在,一旦失去画面,再精彩的语言也显得苍白无力。近年来,细心的观众也许会发现,现在的电视新闻节目中,口播新闻数量明显增多。播报的范围也明显扩大了。在2004年中央电视台2月23日的《现在播报》节目中一连气口播了五条新华社的电讯稿,这在过去是难以想像的。这一现象的出现,其原因主要有以下三点:  相似文献   

赵岩 《民营科技》2014,(8):270-270
电视画面构图中要求画面构图一次完成;从画面效果来看,电视与摄影、绘画一样也是一种视觉艺术,具有造型艺术的基本特点。电视画面的构图要有固定的横幅格式;画面的视点可变;电视的画面形式是运动的;电视画面中还要参入有时间因素的构图;前后镜头的内容和拍摄技法要和谐统一。与此同时,电视摄像构图还应具有自己独有的特点。介绍了电视摄像画面构图的特点和基本形式,对电视摄像画面构图艺术进行了研究。  相似文献   

朱冶 《活力》2013,(4):124-124
纪录片是声画结合的艺术,它不仅仅为我们的视觉提供了直观形象,而且也为听觉提供了借助于想象、联想、情感等手段而形成的内心视像。尽管现代科学已经证明了人类从外部世界所获得的信息大部分是通过视觉得来的,但是通过听觉从外部世界所获得的信息从来都是不可缺少的。而解说词就是属于诉诸听觉的一种信息传递手段.它以电视画面为基础,在与画面的相互配合、相互依存、相互加强的关系中,形成了自身的特点,发挥着叙事、抒情表意、结构、补充强化、提炼升华等诸多独特的功能。  相似文献   

徐晓红 《活力》2012,(15):54-54
本文主要阐述了电视声画元素的特点,声画—体化,电视语言声的二元结构决定了解说词非完整倾向,用理性创造感性的电视新闻写作等电视新闻写作的思维。  相似文献   

韩冬  闫志勇 《活力》2011,(22):119-119
作为电视呈现的一种。纪录片的基础仍然是画面,因为镜头是一种电视语言,具有直观性和形象感。而解说一般来说对画面是有依附感的.但是并不是对画面的简单重复.它对画面有高度的补充、丰富、点题、渲染等作用。画面与解说它们表面独立,却又相互依附。下面就对解说在电视纪录片中的作用简单分析。  相似文献   

米超 《价值工程》2014,(34):238-239
Autodesk Sketch Book Pro是一款小巧的电脑手绘软件,使用该软件绘制简单CG图片,感受使用它的手绘体验,并简单叙述该软件的菜单界面、工具面板和笔刷效果,并辅以大量截图直观形象可以得到好的图像效果。  相似文献   

This commentary complements the articles in the Special Topic Forum by discussing first the changes in the institutional logics that have underpinned higher education for business and management in the USA. It then examines the diffusion of US-based models to other parts of the world with reference to the center–periphery continuum that has emerged in management education in the latter part of the 20th century. The commentary concludes by highlighting the main arguments of the articles and the research directions that they suggest.  相似文献   

This critical commentary on Ohlson's paper (in this issue) problematises the concept of ‘successful’ accounting research; highlighting its ex-post, variable nature as a socially manufactured object. Contrasting Ohlson's notion of a singular body of shared ‘common knowledge’ in accounting with the plurality of knowledges valued by different research communities, the commentary advocates a deliberate courting of heterogeneous research paradigms so as to stimulate insightful scholarship. The commentary also reflects on systemic trends underlying the growth of research measurement programmes, and points out that the quest for ‘successful’ research could perversely undermine the generation of memorable and innovative research. Finally, individual researchers are encouraged at each career stage to determine for themselves the intended results to which they aspire, conscious that there are multiple notions of ‘successful’ research and therefore multiple routes to success.  相似文献   


This paper provides a commentary on Mark Christensen's (2005) analysis of the role of private sector management consultants in the pursuit of accruals-based accounting reforms in the state of New South Wales. The commentary gives particular consideration to the role and responsibilities of public sector officials in choosing to pursue accruals-based accounting reforms. It questions the claimed knowledge basis underpinning such an initiative and reviews the more general pertinence of accruals accounting to practical public sector financial management issues. In seeking to reinforce a number of the messages emanating from Christensen's work, the commentary makes a number of suggestions for developing accounting research in this area. In particular, it emphasises the need to enhance understanding of the operation of accrual accounting systems in practice, the epistemic ‘communities’ serving to promote them and the importance of challenging the privileged status so often attached to such reforms/technologies.  相似文献   

In the paper “Networks and geography in the economics of knowledge flows” Maggioni and Uberti provide a rich and detailed overview of the current state-of-art and future challenges of the analysis of knowledge flows in economics. Maggioni and Uberti illustrate how geographical factors and network factors can explain spatial patterns of knowledge flows. This commentary portrays where the type of studies discussed by the authors fit in the wider literature on geography, networks and knowledge flows. Second, the commentary discusses the suggestions of future research the authors describe and proposes some further avenues for future research that are in line with those suggested by the authors. In particular, it zooms in onto the role of comparative statics in studies of network dynamics, stochastic estimation models of network evolution and content-based network analysis in pushing the frontier of research on networks, geography and knowledge flows.  相似文献   

This commentary examines the main objectives of the European Commission Fourth Medium-Term Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women (1996–2000). An assessment is made of the objectives, and the methods proposed to achieve them.  相似文献   

This commentary summarizes stakeholder views voiced during roundtables on the 2021 International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board's (IAASB) Exposure Draft: Proposed International Standard on Auditing of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities (ED LCE). For EDs, IAASB's due process includes seeking stakeholder views in a formal consultation format on a specified number of issues deemed relevant to further improve the proposed standard. Following its mission, the International Association for Accounting Education and Research—together with the IAASB—facilitated roundtables linking audit practitioners, academics, and financial statements users. The three roundtables followed a structured agenda including the same (but not all) topics on which the IAASB seeks views. In this commentary, we summarize views heard during the first roundtable breakout session focused on authority and groups and provide recommendations to the IAASB regarding the way forward.  相似文献   

In this commentary, we summarize stakeholder views articulated during roundtables addressing the 2021 International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board's (IAASB) Exposure Draft: Proposed International Standard on Auditing of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities (ED LCE). In support of its mission, the International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER)—together with the IAASB—organized by-invitation roundtables bringing together audit practitioners, academics, and financial statements users. A structured agenda was followed and addressed some of the topics on which the IAASB sought views. This commentary provides a summary of views heard during the second roundtable breakout session focused on Design, Structure, and Content and provides recommendations to the IAASB regarding the way forward. A paper addressing the first breakout session on Authority and Group is available in a previous issue of the Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting.  相似文献   

The provisions of the 1982 Act were described in the last IRJ law commentary. In this part, the policies behind the Act are analysed.  相似文献   

This commentary discusses three criteria that should be satisfied in order to justify the choice of a complex forecasting method over a simple one.  相似文献   

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