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本文通过建立高新技术园区创业机制形成条件的理论模型,分析高新技术园区创业机制形成过程中高新技术创业者和政府的行为,提出创业企业数量和政府获得的创业收益必须达到一定水平等两个创业机制形成的必要条件,并分析了高新技术园区创业机制形成的社会文化条件,印市场经济基础、创新文化氛围以及文化开放性.  相似文献   

创业动力及其机制分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
创业是一个发现和捕捉机会并由此创造出新颖的产品或服务以及实现其潜在价值的过程。推动创业的因素包括创新活动的推动,创业利益的驱动,政府政策的鼓励和支持,改善自身环境的愿望,对个人抱负的追求,成功创业者的示范效应等,这些因素共同作用于创业过程,通过创业驱动机制、创业机会搜寻机制、风险投资机制以及创业利益的收获机制等保证创业活动的顺利开展。  相似文献   

制度创业对高新技术企业的影响是创新管理学界普遍关注的问题。借助制度创业理论,以策略实践驱动新兴场域生成为线索,以互利共生为策略演进机制,解析了高新技术企业制度创业策略演进的过程。作为可持续创生高新技术企业的保证,制度创业所创建的新兴场域不仅是创新资源要素的集合,更是一个系统化、多面向的制度体系;新兴场域的演进要求作为驱动力的制度创业策略具有组合动态性;策略的演进是"资源"、"能力"、"目的"和"成本"四个结构要素共同演进的结果;策略的结构演进使策略及策略组合在不同时段具有不同形态,高新技术企业要依据情境适时调整,以实现制度创业效用的最大化。  相似文献   

伴随着世界创建高新技术开发园区的浪潮 ,我国从 1988年开始相继创办了 5 3个国家高新技术开发区。在高新技术开发区的发展中比较重视技术创新、市场创新和制度创新 ,而文化的缺失同样也会影响高新技术开发区的健康发展。因此 ,创建具有我国高新技术开发区特色的创业文化是推动高新技术开发区健康发展的重要的文化选择。  相似文献   

<正>荆门高新技术产业开发区2000年11月正式成立,近年来,我们始终坚持实施创新驱动,集聚创业要素,吸引了福耀玻璃、格林美、亿纬锂能等13家上市公司在荆门高新区投资兴业,先后被评为国家城市矿山基地、国家循环经济教育示范基地、国家体育产业基地,获批国家科技服务业区域试点园区、省级知识产权示范园区。一、深化体制改革,激发创新创业  相似文献   

世界各地普遍通过促进高新技术产业园区产业集聚来实现高新技术成果转化、发展高新技术产业。但随着经济全球化的发展,全球高新技术产业竞争加剧。我国高新技术产业园区产业集群的发展日益凸显出园区内竞争力衰退、可持续发展能力不足等问题。基于此,高新技术产业园区产业集群的改革创新迫在眉睫,它面临着全新的机遇与挑战。本文首先分析目前高新技术产业园区产业集群发展中存在的问题、在此基础上进一步提出高新技术产业园区产业集群的创新机制。  相似文献   

中关村创新集群是以高新技术产业园区为载体而形成的,中关村科技园经过20多年的发展,集聚了高新技术企业、高校与科研院所的各种创新资源。本文从外部环境、网络节点、节点之间的联系、创新网络、风险预警、体制机制等层面剖析中关村创新集群存在的主要问题,并提出完善中关村创新集群网络的对策。  相似文献   

<正>广州高新技术产业开发区科学城园区双创示范基地位于广州开发区中南部,包括高新区核心区的广州科学城及广州国际生物岛,面积约为53平方公里。乘国家"大众创业、万众创新"东风,广州科学城园区示范基地创新资源加速集聚,累计建成40家、总面积超过300万平方米的科技企业孵化器,形成华南地区规模最大的孵化器集群;建成14个国家产业基地和4个省级产业基地,培育39家上市企业;引进包括1名诺贝尔奖获得者和33名两院院士在内的国家高端  相似文献   

科技人才是科学技术进步和经济社会发展最重要的资源,是实现科技创新成果产业化的关键源动力。通过对南京各区及园区科技人才创新创业情况的走访调研,我们发现我国科技人才在创新创业过程中存在着科技人才开发机制缺乏市场主导、创新创业保障机制缺乏系统规划、创新创业服务机制缺乏中介组织等瓶颈。想要突破这些困境,就需要坚持市场导向、强化宏观调控、促进创新孵化、转化科技成果、优化创业环境、解决后顾之忧,从而不断提高科技人才创新创业的积极性,提升科技人才创新创业成功率。  相似文献   

自党的十九大以来,全国各地认真落实党中央、国务院创新驱动发展战略和创新创业的决策部署,鼓励更多人投身于创新创业,其中大学生创新创业已经成为社会趋势。本文针对青海省高校创新创业教育现状,对青海省高校教育体系、教育课程等方面进行探讨,反思当前高校创新创业教育中出现的问题,并对青海省高校创新创业的改革提出建议,力求提升青海省创新创业教育质量。  相似文献   

硅谷生态系统不仅为企业的“灵活再循环”提供环境条件和机制保证,而且也为科技企业家群体的生成提供环境条件和机制保证。机制催生科技企业家。以硅谷生态系统为视角,对硅谷科技企业家的生成机制进行了比较深入的分析,并揭示了它对我国科技企业家生成的现实启示。  相似文献   

近年来,黑龙江省科技园区产业集群发展迅速,但与中外典型园区相比还存在着经济规模偏小、国际化水平较低、体制机制创新能力较差等问题。结合黑龙江省科技园产业集群发展目标,黑龙江省技园产业集群应推进多种模式合作发展,促进科技园产业集群化快速形成,使黑龙江省的科技园区企业的经济规模不断扩大,逐渐达到成熟发展水平;应高效利用优势资源,加快技术的国际化发展。同时,要加强园区法律制度建设,出台符合地方园区更好发展的地区性法律制度以及规范管理和体制机制创新的法律法规,为黑龙江省经济社会又好又快发展提供有力的法律保障。  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦是中国与"丝绸之路经济带"沿线国家产能合作的重点国家。中哈两国开展农业合作有利于"一带一路"倡议与"光明之路"计划的有效对接。农业合作园区作为新兴的农业产能合作模式开始崭露头角。中哈农业合作园区发展迅速,具备可观的发展潜力。但还存在一些问题,如数量规模相对较少,建设布局过于集中,发展水平参差不齐等。因此,应扩大农业产业园区的建设规模,优化农业产业园区的建设模式,提升农业产业园区的社会效益,深化农业产业园区的合作机制。  相似文献   

National culture as an informal institution influences the national absorptive capacity (NAC) measured in patents per capita in the upstream and entrepreneurial activity in the downstream. Does national culture moderate the link between NAC and high-technology exports? We explored this question in a comprehensive study design. Based on a panel of 101 countries over 21 years, first, we assessed the direct effect of NAC on high-technology exports in the baseline hypothesis. Then, we analysed the moderating role of national culture between the country’s NAC and high-technology exports. The results show several insights from the comparison between the literature and our evidence. (i) We proposed that power distance negatively moderates patent and high-tech exports; the results show a positive correlation of the interaction. (ii) We proposed that individualist culture positively moderates patent and high-technology exports; the results show a positive correlation of the interaction. (iii) We proposed that high masculinity has no moderating effects; the results show a positive interaction effect. (iv) We proposed that uncertainty avoidance negatively moderates the link between NAC and high-technology exports; the results show negative and significant moderation without the introduction of long-term orientation; however, it is non-significant after the introduction of long-term orientation. Last, (v) we proposed that long-term orientation positively moderates the link between NAC and high-technology exports; the results are positive and significant without uncertainty avoidance, and they are non-significant with uncertainty avoidance in the analysis. Uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation neutralise each other’s effects. Based on these insights, we contribute to the literature in three ways. First, we address the issue of high-technology exports in international business at the national level and link it to the vertical transformation of national science in patents per capita. Second, we contribute to the institutional theory encompassing informal norms (culture) and formal rules (policy) in the flow of NAC to commercial performance. Third, we make several policy-related suggestions.  相似文献   

Firms often respond to challenging environmental conditions, such as those in high-technology environments. Thus, in a hostile environment, the intensity of competition exerts more pressure on the firm and also a greater necessity for firm behavior. This study was conducted with empirical data collected in 1999 from 134 small firms on science parks in Sweden. The discussion in this paper is focused at the firm level. Analysis of firm behavior was conducted using a multivariate approach. The content of firm-level behavior is defined in terms of the firm's overall collection of business practices and competitive tactics. The investigation of customer preferences and competitors are the manifestations of the firm's more basic strategic direction and how the firm will reach the markets. Two different types of firms were analyzed: university spin-offs (USOs) and corporate spin-offs (CSOs). The importance of the science park was included in the study as a control variable. The variable showed whether the firms had received support from a science park. This study indicated that the relations between change of marketing activities and long-term forecasting are strongest for both USOs and CSOs. The long-term forecasting, technology–importance of science park, was another key factor. This is exemplified by the two samples used in this study.  相似文献   

Science parks were established to stimulate the formation and development of new technology-based firms (NTBFs). Despite the potential importance of these institutions as a mechanism for generating technological spillovers and employment growth, there has been little systematic analysis of their impact on NTBFs. In this paper, we review some recent evidence comparing the performance of firms located on and off U.K. science parks. This preliminary evidence suggests that the "returns" to being located on a science park are negligible. We conjecture that these results may be due to imprecise estimates of these returns and may also be masking important differences in the returns to different types of science parks. In addition, we outline an agenda for additional research on the effects of these institutions on NTBF performance.  相似文献   

The present study investigates how high-technology attributes influence consumer responses. Based on Mehrabian and Russell's Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework (1974), this study proposes that high-technology product attributes elicit consumers' cognitive (attitude) and affective states (pleasure and arousal), contributing to their approach-avoidance behavior. High-technology product users (N = 408) participated in surveys. The results provide support for the model. Among six factors of high-technology product attributes (usefulness, ease of use, innovativeness of technology, visual appeal, prototypicality, and self-expression), the latter four have major influences on approach behavior through attitude (cognitive state) and pleasure (affective state). Supplemental analysis shows that attitude and pleasure influence approach-avoidance behavior directly, but that arousal affects approach-avoidance behavior indirectly via pleasure.  相似文献   

综合利用主成分分析法和因子分析法两种评价方法,并运用SPSS软件,对我国31个省市的高新技术发展水平进行排序和分类,以期为各省市发展高新技术产业提供决策依据。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of product re-innovation has often characterized Taiwanese high-technology firms over the last decade. However, the literature reflects surprisingly little effort to understand their preconditions. Based on extant knowledge and 68 field interviews with managers in diverse departments and firms of high-technology industries in Taiwan in mid-2006, the authors provide a foundation for future research by developing research propositions that relate to preconditions for product re-innovation. Managerial and research implications are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

This study examines agency and market signals related to a sample of high-technology firms seeking an initial public offering (IPO). We test a model of the IPO offer process in high-technology firms. Results indicate that certain pre-market and primary market factors affect the offer price received by entrepreneurs and investors, while the secondary market factor did not. Our model may help entrepreneurs position their organization prior to and during the IPO process.  相似文献   

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