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The financial services sector has internationalized over the last few decades. Important differences and similarities in financial behavior can be anticipated between both consumers within a particular country and those living in different countries. For companies in this market, the appropriate choice between strategic options and the resulting international performance may critically depend on the cross-national market structure of the various financial products. Insight into country segments and international consumer segments based on domain-specific behavioral variables will therefore be of key strategic importance. We present a multi-level latent class framework for obtaining simultaneously such country and consumer segments. In an empirical study, we apply this methodology and several alternative modeling approaches to data on ownership of eight financial products. Information is available for 15 European countries, with a sample size of about 1000 consumers per country. We find that both country segments and consumer segments are highly interpretable. Also, consumer segmentation is related to demographic variables such as age and income. Our conclusions feature implications, both academic and managerial, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Our paper provides a brief review and summary of issues and advances in the use of latent structure and other finite mixture models in the analysis of choice data. Focus is directed to three primary areas: (1) estimation and computational issues, (2) specification and interpretation issues, and (3) future research issues. We comment on what latent structure models have promised, what has been, to date, delivered, and what we should look forward to in the future.  相似文献   

The focus in this article is on uncovering segments that describe mobile phone users and on investigating the nature of these segments to get some relevant information. We use a phased approach to reach this objective. First, two segmentation bases have been compared in order to select the best variables for the identification of groups. This is done using a latent class modelling approach. Second, two different segmentation techniques are examined looking for the best model fit. Finally, the model that achieves the best results is applied to the most significant segmentation variables with the purpose of uncovering segments that describe mobile phone users.  相似文献   

Our objective is to develop a unifying framework for the incorporation of different types of survey data in individual choice models. We describe statistical methodologies that combine multiple sources of data in the estimation of individual choice models and summarize the current state of the art of data combination methods that have been used with market research data. The most successful applications so far have combined revealed and stated preference data. We discuss different types of market and survey data and provide examples of research contexts in which one might wish to combine them. Although these methods show a great deal of promise and have already been used successfully in a number of applications, several important research issues remain. A discussion of these issues and directions for further research conclude the paper.  相似文献   

Supermarket competition has increased tremendously during recent years and the need for a deeper understanding of the key criteria for consumers' store patronage has never been greater. Against this background, the present study tries to identify and analyse the basic determinants that drive supermarket choice. This paper, which is primarily methodological, applies a large-scale hybrid conjoint experiment to a UK setting with the purpose of examining the relative impact of various supermarket attributes on the actual choice. The hybrid conjoint model deals with the problem of designing and analysing studies involving large numbers of attributes and/or attribute levels, and makes it possible to estimate individually based part-worth values, determines the most important supermarket choice criteria and yields useful implications for strategic retail management.  相似文献   

We model the effects of variety-seeking and marketing-mix variables on consumers' purchases of coffee using a nested logit model. We premise that on any given purchase occasion, the utilities of brands other than the one purchased on the previous occasion may be correlated due to the consumer's tendency to seek variety or to avoid variety. This results in a two-level hierarchical model where choice on any purchase occasion is conditioned on the brand purchased on the immediately preceding occasion. Such a structure accounts for variety seeking and inertia tendencies of consumers and is consistent with a hierarchical decision process, where consumers first decide whether or not to make a repeat purchase and then decide which brand size to purchase. The assumed hierarchical structure is shown to be consistent with observed coffee purchase behavior, and the model is shown to outperform a nonhierarchical logit model in predicting consumers' brand choices.  相似文献   

Our study examined the effect of consumers' level of involvement on visual attention to product, information sign and price sign guided by the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). We also investigated the relationship between visual attention captured by eye fixation on information and price sign and product choice for garden plants. Using a Tobii X1 light eye tracking device, we obtained data from 101 respondents in Texas and Michigan. We found that participants who had high (vs. low) product involvement paid more attention to the product and its information as demonstrated through higher fixation count (FC), longer total fixation duration (TFD), and total visit duration (TVD). We also found highly involved participants processed price information as a central rather than a peripheral cue. In addition, total visit duration (TVD) on an information sign was found as the strongest predictor of product choice.  相似文献   

Appropriate modeling of web use patterns may yield very relevant marketing and retailing information. We propose using a model-based clustering approach for market segmentation based on website users’ search patterns. We not only provide a detailed discussion of technical issues such as the problem of the selection of the number of segments, but also a very interesting empirical illustration of the potentials of the proposed approach.  相似文献   


This paper draws on exchange and utility theories to propose and test a model of sponsorship decision making using discrete choice analysis. Grounded in prior sponsorship research and current management practice, the model describes sponsorship selection as a sequence of choices about sponsorship packages of differing value. The core thesis is that managers attempt to maximise their utility when selecting sponsorships by evaluating the various pay-offs from the alternatives available. This research applies a simulated choice-based experiment with 196 sponsorship managers to assess their preferences for a set of criteria likely to shape their future decisions about sponsorship selection. While perceptions of brand-image congruence and relationship quality significantly affect sponsor preferences, contrary to some evidence, short-term business arrangements appear more desirable than longer-term sponsorships.  相似文献   

This article explores how social class is linguistically negotiated and contested in parental narratives of school choice in the British education marketplace. Our study reveals prevalent yet obscured vestiges of ‘class talk’, and in doing so, unmasks ‘micro-political’ acts of status claiming. Using interactional narrative interviewing with 30 parents, we explore how inter- and intra-class differences are emotionally expressed, thus exposing the embodied dispositions of parents’ habitus and its’ subtle influence on school choice. The parental narratives also unveil a moral and political tension between the neoliberal ideal of entrepreneurial self-advancement and an egalitarian sentiment for social equality. Our study therefore challenges the neoliberal educational policy of market choice in closing the attainment gap.  相似文献   

PurposeEnvironmental changes, specifically the economic crisis and the growing penetration of digital technologies, have produced significant changes in shopping habits designed to create new paradigms for impulse buying behaviour. A new scenario seems to be opening up where customers enter the store much more prepared than in the past searching for products they had planned to buy. The purpose of this paper is to explore the determinants of impulse buying in a context of more planning and preparation for shopping.Design /methodology/approachThe data were obtained using a structured questionnaire from 316 respondents interviewed instore thanks to the cooperation of a leading Italian retail chain. We conducted a two-stage approach mall-intercept survey method to collect data. Firstly, we interviewed customers before entering the store, enquiring them about the pre-shopping preparation and shopping enjoyment tendency. Secondly, we interviewed the same customers at the end of their shopping trips, asking them to indicate which purchases were unplanned. Then, shoppers answered to questions regarding their general tendency to engage in impulse buying, the urges experienced to make impulse purchases, the level of positive and negative affect experienced during the shopping trip.FindingsIn the structural model tested with LISREL 8, we found that pre-shopping tendency influences directly impulse buying: confirming our hypotheses, a higher pre-shopping preparation lead to lower levels of impulse buying. Results also showed that the personality variables (shopping enjoyment tendency and impulse buying tendency) influenced impulse buying through positive affect and urge to purchase. Our research did not find support for the relationship between negative affect and urge. Finally, higher levels of urge to buy impulsively lead to higher levels of impulse buyingOriginality/valueFrom the review of past and recent literature, we have not found a model that considers the influence of pre-shopping tendency on impulse buying behaviour. This paper addresses this major gap in extant literature by including pre-shopping tendency among the individual characteristics (impulse buying tendency and shopping enjoyment tendency) taken into consideration by past contributions.  相似文献   

This paper examines individuals' choice of in-store and online grocery shopping channels using stated preference (SP) choice experiments. The study uses 1,391 records from a stated preference choice experiment in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada. It applies a Semi-Compensatory Independent Availability Logit (SCIAL) Model with latent variables. The methodology accounts for semi-compensatory choice behaviour through probabilistic choice set formation considering effects from socioeconomic and psychological variables. This study demonstrates the advantage of considering probabilistic choice set formation and semi-compensatory behaviour in modelling the adoption of innovative products. Empirical results reveal that shoppers demonstrated similar myopic behaviours once they firmly considered in-store grocery and subscribed free delivery services in their choice sets. They are equally likely to choose both channels without careful comparison to alternative channels once they firmly consider both channels in the choice set. However, considering the latter in choice sets is much costlier than in-store shopping. Therefore, in-store grocery shopping will still dominate the grocery shopping channel unless all home delivery services become free. Moreover, grocery shoppers value same-day delivery service. For typical delivery services charged between $4 and $20 in the GTA, Canada, grocery shoppers are willing to pay between $3.91 and $8.44 for same-day delivery. The latent variable describing shoppers’ perceived pandemic fear significantly contributes to the choice set inclusion probability of in-store grocery pick-up services, but the effect is not significant for other home delivery channels. This highlights heterogeneity in grocery shoppers' choice behaviour within the online channel.  相似文献   

Consumers often make purchase decisions while under time pressure. This research examines the effect of time constraints on the choice of brands that differ in perceived quality, price, and product features. Specifically, when making choices under time pressure, consumers were found to be more likely to choose higher-quality brands over lower-quality brands and top-of-the-line models with enhanced product features over basic models with fewer features. Alternative explanations for these effects are explored, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Firms’ foreign market entry mode choice attracts considerable research attention. However, the performance implications of this choice remain inconclusive, particularly in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The present paper draws on the resource-based view (RBV) and develops a theoretical model specifically tailored to the context of SMEs in order to study the relationship between entry mode choice and foreign venture performance. Testing hypotheses on 133 German SMEs, we show that international experience as a resource and product adaptation as a capability improve the performance of non-equity entry modes by mitigating liabilities of smallness inherent to SMEs. We furthermore find empirical support for the joint moderating effect of international experience and product adaptation on the focal relation. Our findings contribute to the SME foreign market entry mode literature and have implications for practitioners and future research.  相似文献   

Food choice plays a vital role in people’s lives and well‐being, and this topic has received more research attention in recent years. The aims of the present research were to identify subgroups of participants who shared similar profiles of multiple motives for food choices, and examine differences across motive types on the well‐being of young and middle‐aged Chinese adults. Participants were 627 Chinese adults aged 18–58 years who completed questionnaire measures. The results of Latent Profile Analysis showed that based on the configurations among different motives for food choice, there were five profiles of food choice motives, corresponding to five types of Chinese adult consumers: unconcerned, mood oriented, weight control oriented, food enthusiast and health oriented. The food enthusiast consumers were more likely to include young adults with high‐income level and educational level, while the unconcerned consumers had a larger share of middle‐aged adults with low income. Results of ANOVA suggested that the types of food choice motives significantly predicted individuals’ well‐being. Specifically, the food enthusiast group had the highest level of well‐being, while the unconcerned group had the lowest level of well‐being. The other three groups had moderate levels of well‐being. The current study is the first to explore the potential influence of food choice motives on well‐being using a person‐centred approach, and the results have practical implications for public health authorities in developing effective interventions, for food companies in tailoring marketing campaigns and for individuals in optimizing food choices.  相似文献   

环氧树脂灌封胶在电子电器工业领域应用广泛.单组分环氧树脂灌封胶在使用工艺和性能方面都优于双组分灌封胶,其关键技术是开发潜伏性的固化剂.用苯胺衍生物对双氰胺进行改性,制得了一种新型潜伏性固化剂.该固化剂与环氧树脂最佳配比为25/100,在110℃可快速固化,室温下贮存期在100 d以上.  相似文献   

As mobile devices become more sophisticated and ubiquitous, airports have greater access to information on the activities of passengers and their reasons for engaging in such activities. This study proposes a novel trajectory-based dynamic choice model that can capture the effects of time stress, store visibility, and trajectory histories on activity choices in airport terminals. To evaluate the proposed model, two surveys on passenger trajectories and activities at Songshan Airport in Taipei, Taiwan, were conducted. The results reveal that although passengers under less time stress are more likely to perform discretionary activities, the dynamics of store-visiting choices suggest that airport shoppers can be distinguished into two types: shoppers whose store-visiting probability is negatively associated with time stress, and shoppers whose store-visiting probability has a concave relationship with time stress. The effect of visual attractiveness is especially strong for process activities (e.g., passing through security screening and passport control), and the variance in the visual-attractiveness effect for discretionary activities (e.g., shopping) is strongly influenced by the airport environment. The results also indicate novelty-seeking behavior: passengers are less likely to do something that they have already done. Our findings suggest that passengers behave heterogeneously in response to various levels of time stress but homogeneously in response to visual cues. Despite the variation in passenger characteristics, this study demonstrates that trajectory data alone are sufficient for the construction of passenger behavior models with satisfactory temporal transferability.  相似文献   

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