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姚庆海 《中国金融》2000,(6):42-43,48
保险中介市场是保险市场必不可少的重要组成部分。充分利用保险中介市场开展保险业务有利于提高保险市场的运行效率,促进保险企业经营模式的转变,迅速扩大保险市场规模,提高保险业整体实力,从而全面发挥保险业在国民经济中重要的职能作用。一、中介市场发展滞后严重制约我国保险业的发展我国保险业20年来的快速发展,主要是依靠保险公司机构和人员的扩张,走的是保险人主导保险市场的路子,没有充分重视保险中介人在促进保险市场发展中的作用,保险中介市场主体不健全。目前,我国保险中介市场中只存在保险代理人,没有专业的保险经纪人和保险公估…  相似文献   

关于保险专业中介在我国保险市场的定位思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险专业中介市场的专业化、职业化、市场化定位是市场经济发展的客观要求。本文拟通过对保险专业中介市场的历史回顾和利弊分析,阐述专业保险中介在我国保险市场中的定位,进而提出发展保险专业中介的几点对策。  相似文献   

从我国保险市场发展现实来看,我国保险中介市场主体架构已初步形成,其中,保险代理人数量和代理业务规模在保险中介市场中居首.在从事保险代理服务的主体中,虽然专业保险代理人的发展相对规范,但是,从我国专业保险代理人的实际经营状况来看,绝大多数的专业保险代理公司业务规模弱小,社会认知度较低,在市场中的生存空间和发展前景都不乐观.究其原因,除了专业代理人自身发展中存在的客观和技术问题以外,主要的问题还是在于保险公司对专业保险代理服务的真实需求与我国专业保险代理服务主体的供给量不成正比.  相似文献   

杜佐岭  李加明 《时代金融》2013,(11):91-94,100
保险是市场经济条件下实现风险管理的基本手段,保险专业中介是保险市场的重要组成部分。本文以安徽省保险专业中介市场为研究主体,首先分别研究了保险代理市场、经纪市场及公估市场的市场集中度,运用财务指标进行盈利能力分析,并结合数据包络分析方法进行综合分析。然后结合Berger模型分别验证市场力量假说和有效结构假说在安徽省保险中介市场上是否成立。最后给予总结并从监管层面、公司层面及社会层面提出了具体的对策和建议。  相似文献   

吕宙 《中国金融》2006,(17):19-21
《国务院关于保险业改革发展的若干意见》提出,积极发展保险中介市场,“发挥保险中介机构在承保理赔、风险管理和产品开发方面的积极作用”。这为保险中介市场发展指明了方向,是我们做好保险中介工作的指针。保险中介发展一定要以科学发展观为指导,以服务经济社会和保险业发展大局为出发点,加强诚信建设,发挥专业优势,努力构建一个体系完善、经营规范、服务水平高、行业信誉好、核心竞争力强、具有可持续发展能力的保险中介市场。  相似文献   

保险中介市场是保险市场的重要组成部分,保险中介机构是保险人与被保险人之间信息来往、保险业务交易的桥梁和纽带。本文在分析福建省保险专业中介机构5年来发展历程的基础上,剖析了保险中介市场发展特点及存在问题,提出了树立正确监管理念、创造公平竞争环境、加强诚信建设和创新的政策建议。  相似文献   

保险中介是保险市场不可或缺的组成部分,有提高市场运营效益,促进就业、维护保险当事人合法权益之功效,利于完善社会保障体系,推动保险业健康发展。目前,我国保险中介市场存在以下问题:国家政策、法律法规不健全,中介市场有效需求不足,市场结构不合理,公司治理存在缺陷等,从而制约了我国保险业及中介业的快速发展。笔者认为,惟有创新和专业,才是我国保险中介科学发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

齐婷 《云南金融》2012,(8X):132-132
保险专业中介作为保险产业链的重要主体,其生存发展对于保险业的发展至关重要,文章通过分析中国保险专业中介的发展现状,研究发展战略的选择以及探索集团化发展的创新途径等三方面,展望未来中国专业中介集团化的发展之路。  相似文献   

齐婷 《时代金融》2012,(24):132
保险专业中介作为保险产业链的重要主体,其生存发展对于保险业的发展至关重要,文章通过分析中国保险专业中介的发展现状,研究发展战略的选择以及探索集团化发展的创新途径等三方面,展望未来中国专业中介集团化的发展之路。  相似文献   

陈美桂 《上海保险》2018,(11):43-46
保险中介是保险产业链的重要组成部分,它在管理特殊风险、促进保险业发展、推动社会管理创新等方面发挥越来越重要的作用。为评估中国保险中介产业竞争力状况,制定适宜的产业发展政策,文章以钻石模型为理论框架,对影响其产业竞争力的六个要素进行了分析。研究表明,中国保险中介产业仍处于弱竞争优势状态,可以通过健全业务人员培训与引进机制、提高专业技术服务能力、技术推动、多渠道融资来提升中国保险中介产业的竞争力。  相似文献   

黄洪 《保险研究》2011,(11):54-60
“十一五”以来,广东省保险业改革发展取得了显著成绩,进一步呈现出与经济形势、产业政策、监管措施明显相关的内在运行规律。在保险业发展进入“十二五”转型时期,如何把握发展规律,加强宏观调控,探索逆周期管理,成为重要的研究课题。为加强保险市场监测,反映保险业运行内在规律、动力变化和存在的问题,引导行业科学发展,笔者在借鉴PM...  相似文献   

The directive on insurance mediation, proposed by the European Commission, is supposed to secure a minimum standard of professional competence for intermediaries to protect customers as well as to ascertain the intermediaries’ freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services in the internal market. Pursuant to the directive, only an intermediary who is registered in his / her home country’s intermediary register will be allowed to mediate insurances. The intermediary has to comply with professional requirements set by the directive in order to be registered. Yet, part-time intermediaries can be exempted from those requirements by the member states. Additionally, the intermediaries are burdened with certain information and documentation duties towards their customers, a breach of which will cause personal liability. Only these contractual duties are to be implemented in the WG (German Insurance Act), which is soon to be basically reformed.  相似文献   

Amid intense changing competitive environments in the insurance industry, insurance manufacturers and intermediaries are preparing themselves to be closer than ever to their customers. But are they collaborating to serve the customer or are they still playing ‘tug of war’ over who owns the customer, while their customers seek greener pastures with the competition? In this paper the authors discuss six realities of customers and the insurance industry today and finish with suggestions on how collaboration between manufacturer and intermediaries will help serve the common interest of building stronger customer relationships.  相似文献   

The compensation and regulation of independent intermediaries is an important issue in insurance markets. With this respect, the profitability and importance of fee-for-service and commission compensation of intermediaries is lively discussed in academia and in the insurance industry. This paper summarizes economic rationales why and in which lines of business insurance companies sell their products via independent intermediaries. With this respect, it is analyzed how different forms of compensation affect important market functions of independent intermediaries. Finally, the economic impact of certain regulatory interventions, like a mandatory disclosure or a general ban of any commissions and the German ban for intermediaries to share commission with policyholders, on market efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

保险中介市场风险状况及监管对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,随着保险中介市场的快速发展,市场风险状况不容乐观,一般性风险普遍存在,个别机构因严重违法造成的风险已相当严重,同时,因保险中介经营模式创新引发的风险也不容忽视。这些风险如不能采取有效的监管措施加以控制,势必对保险中介市场平稳健康发展带来严重冲击。为此,应加快完善监管法律法规和制度,严格市场准入并建立有效的市场退出制度,强化保险公司对代理机构和保险营销员的管理责任,改革现行个人保险营销体制,细化从业人员资格考试,实行从业人员分级管理,充分发挥行业协会的自律职能。  相似文献   

近年来,我国保险业始终保持了又好又快发展的良好势头,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。随着保险业的不断发展,一批具有较强实力的保险集团开始出现,当竞争进入到一定阶段之际,各保险集团间的发展战略开始有一定程度的趋同倾向。占据市场主导地位的保险集团在战略上趋同,将使得集团间的竞争更加复杂和激烈,也将对保险业的未来发展产生深远影响。本文旨在探讨这种现象的成因、影响,以及保险集团对此应采取的一些对策。  相似文献   

目前已有研究认为金融中介机构竞争会带来市场效率的提高,本文利用2012-2017年债券市场的微观数据研究“发行人付费”模式评级机构之间的竞争对评级结果的影响。研究发现,评级机构竞争会导致评级结果膨胀与评级质量下降。进一步研究发现,当评级竞争加剧时,“发行人付费”模式的评级机构会对有较多业务联系的企业放松评级标准,给予更高信用评级。我们的研究也发现评级机构的外资背景、承销商的良好声誉和媒体关注均有助于减小“发行人付费”模式下评级机构竞争的负面影响。同时,债券市场评级竞争还存在对股票市场的溢出效应,评级竞争导致的评级质量下降也降低了股票市场的信息效率。这说明,“发行人付费”模式下的评级机构竞争会降低资本市场的信息效率,“投资者付费”模式的推广和评级行业的对外开放有助于改善国内评级行业的评级质量。本文的研究也为国内债券市场进一步发挥双评级、多评级以及不同模式评级的交叉验证作用提供了一定证据支持。  相似文献   

我国人身保险市场结构变化与预测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然保险业经受了本次金融危机的考验,但是保险业可能成为系统性风险传导链条上的一环,因此,保险监管机构需要转变审慎监管方式,建立适合保险业的宏观审慎监管框架。在这个背景下,对中国人身保险市场结构现状有一个较为清晰和准确的认识就显得十分必要。研究发现:从全国范围来说,我国寿险市场主体数量较少,人身险市场集中度过高,市场结构为寡头垄断,但各地区的人身险市场结构又各有特点,经济发达地区人身险保险市场结构已经过渡到垄断竞争阶段。根据成分数据预测结果分析,在"十二五"期间,我国人身险的市场集中度继续呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

This article addresses the role of independent insurance intermediaries in markets where matching is important. We compare fee‐based and commission‐based compensation systems and show that they are payoff equivalent if the intermediary is completely honest. Allowing for strategic behavior, we discuss the impact of remuneration on the quality of advice. The possibility of mismatching gives the intermediary substantial market power, which will not translate into mismatching if consumers are rational. Furthermore, we offer a rationale for the use of contingent commissions and address whether or not the ban of any commission payments is an appropriate market intervention.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of cross-sectional data for 1998 of companies operating in the general insurance industry we attempt to shed some light on the issue of competition in this industry. Companies offering products and services in the general insurance market are believed to trade under very competitive conditions. In order to test this widely-held claim we investigate whether firms’ pricing policies reflect competitive or monopolistic market features. Under competitive conditions companies are forced to pass on any increase in costs in prices and thus their revenues will rise pari passu should wages, underwriting costs or other expenses are increasing. By contrast, a firm operating under monopolistic competition responds to an increase in marginal and average costs by increasing price and reducing output, resulting in a less then complete pass-through in revenue; profit falls. Our study is the first, to our knowledge, to apply this research methodology to the general (casuality/liability) insurance industry. Firms in this industry generate revenue through underwriting of insurance risks and from investing their assets. As underwriting and capital markets are in general segmented (catastrophe bonds apart), our empirical approach is based on the insurance and portfolio behaviour of firms and not on an integrated view of both. Previous investigations of this kind have focussed on the banking industry. Contrary to widely held views we find that competition is less than perfect.  相似文献   

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