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Purchasers have used a variety of tools to help improve the performance of their suppliers’ processes and products. Results of two large-scale surveys that compare buyer and supplier perceptions of a common customer firm's supplier development and its supply base's adoption of total quality management are reported here. One customer, known for its cooperative (partnership-like) approach to supplier relations, is contrasted with another firm that uses supplier switching to meet its procurement needs. Analysis of the survey data indicates that buyers and suppliers have a better “shared understanding” (smaller satisfaction gap) within the “competitive” relationship than within the “cooperative” relationship.  相似文献   

CES是强者的盛会,她风姿正劲,进入第5个十年。在这新的十年中,中国企业谁会在消费电子的融合中脱颖而出?谁又将第一个成为世界级的品牌?在比尔·盖茨后,会不会是中国企业首先登上展前主题演讲的讲坛?创新产品奖会不会不断光顾中国企业?CES展值得期待  相似文献   

新年第一展,主题为:定义明日科技(Defining Tomogow’s Technology) 的美国消费类电子展(CES)1月5日在内华达州拉斯维加斯隆重开幕。和每年一样,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)第一个在展会上发表演讲,也为展会做了开幕词。 CES是世界上最大的消费类电子展, 由美国消费电子产品协会(CEA)主办,每年一届,今年是第39届。2500家参展企业将成千上万新产品和新技术在展会上展出,占据了15万平方米的净展览面积,来自110个国家,15万参观者参观展会,再次打破了展会记录。  相似文献   

2014年1月7日至10日,2014年国际消费电子产品展(Intemational Consumer Electronics Show,简称CES)如约举行,  相似文献   

2012年国际消费电子展(CES)落下帷幕.不过新的行业热情已被点燃。2012年.全球最时髦的消费电子产品将是什么?看看CES吹来的风吧。  相似文献   

Store Brands (SBs) have experienced a strong increase in both value and unit sales internationally during the last decades; thus their market share has been constantly growing. Starting from these considerations, the present work aims at deepening the topic of inter-brand competition within the FMCG market and, in particular, the market share trade-off between Leading National Brands (LNBs) and Store Brands. Our empirical analysis is based on panel data about 322 product categories sold within the Modern Grocery Distribution stores in the 2010–2013 period. Results obtained show: (i) the existence of a relationship between the increase in the LNB-SB price gap and the switching of market share from the former towards the latter; (ii) the consolidation of a change in consumers' purchasing preference in favor of SBs; (iii) the existence of an inverse relationship between the inter-brand competition intensity and the retail branding life cycle evolutionary stage, which is different for each product category.  相似文献   

We analyze a sequential game between two symmetric countries when firms can invest in a multinational structure that confers tax savings. Governments are able to commit to long-run tax discrimination policies before firms' decisions are made and before statutory capital tax rates are chosen non-cooperatively. Whether a coordinated reduction in the tax preferences granted to mobile firms is beneficial or harmful for the competing countries depends critically on the elasticity with which the firms' organizational structure responds to tax discrimination incentives. A model extension with countries of different size shows that small countries are likely to grant more tax preferences than larger ones, along with having lower effective tax rates.  相似文献   


Selling is a primary function of channels of distribution with sales managers and salespeople markedly influencing channel success. Recently, salesperson work–family conflict has become a major concern, owing to its potential for adversely affecting sales force performance and thus impairing associated channel success. It has been extensively investigated in industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology, but sales scholars’ interest in it remains in the incipient stage. Whether findings from non-sales contexts are portable to a selling milieu remains an empirical question. This article presents an array of organizational- and managerial-related, individual job-related, individual person-related, technology-related, and contemporary selling environment-related factors that have been found to be or are logically associated with salesperson work–family conflict. The article thus seeks to facilitate sales researchers’ and practitioners’ efforts in undertaking empirical work and assisting salespeople to manage such conflict. To date, no previously published work has engaged in this charge.  相似文献   

今年初,笔者观摩了第53届(2020)国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES),并参加了开幕主旨演讲和美国总统顾问伊万卡的专场对话会,与主办方相关负责人座谈交流,感触颇多。CES是全球规模最大的消费科技产品交易会之一,也是当今全球运营最为成功的产业会展项目。据主办方介绍,该展创办于1967年,主办方是美国消费电子领域的行业组织——美国消费电子协会。本届CES有来自160个国家的4500家参展企业,展览面积达54万平方米,净展示面积达27万平方米。  相似文献   

2015年美国CES国际消费电子展(以下简称CES2015)在拉斯维加斯成功闭幕。作为全球消费电子产行业的风向标,已有48年历史的CES在2015年迎来了一股"中国风"。过去,很多来自亚洲的中小企业都会集中在一个叫做"国际市场"的展厅。CES2015首次打破了这一惯例,所有参展企业都是按照产品类型进行区域分配,这给了众多中国企业更多展示自己的  相似文献   

佚名 《中国品牌》2015,(3):68-70
作为每年全球最大的消费电子展之一,CES汇聚了全球尖端科技,并为未来一年科技行业的发展定下基调。值得注意的是,中国厂商正逐渐成为这一全球消费电子盛会的主角2015年第48届国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)在1月10日落下帷幕。作为每年全球最大的消费电子展之一,CES汇聚了全球尖端科技,并为未来一年科技行业的发展定下基调。值得注意的是,中国厂商正逐渐成为这一全球消费电子盛会的主角。本届参展商中四分之一来自中国企业,华为、联想、中兴等国内企  相似文献   

2012年1月10~13日,美国国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)在拉斯维加斯展览中心圆满举办。CES由美国消费电子协会(CEA)创办于1967年,每年都云集了当时优秀的传统消费类电子厂商和IT核心厂商,吸  相似文献   

Kalra  Ashish  Dugan  Riley  Agnihotri  Raj 《Marketing Letters》2022,33(3):399-413
Marketing Letters - Despite receiving significant attention in the popular press, the topic of creative selling remains underexamined in the sales literature. The current research helps to correct...  相似文献   

On 28 June 2001, CES held 2001 Shareholder Meeting ceremoniously at Qing Song Cheng Hotel.After hearing Board Secretary Luo Zhuping's accounts on attendance number and shareholding issues, Ye Yigan, President of Eastern Air Group  相似文献   

每年一度的美国消费类电子展(CES)将于2006年1月5~8日在拉斯维加斯如期举办,新年伊始的美国消费类电子展代表了全行业的潮流,反映了新观念、新技术的发展趋势,对于中国电子产品出口企业来说,更是一次向世界展示自己,使产品"走出去"的良好契机。本刊记者向您详实介绍该展会的情况,届时也将奔赴展场,与您一起去见证年度内第一次的行业盛会。  相似文献   

邱源斌 《进出口经理人》2007,(2):I0010-I0011
新年第一大展,美国消费类电子展(CES)1月8~11日在赌城拉斯维加斯隆重开幕。和每年一样,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)第一个在展会上发表演讲,也为展会做了开幕词。  相似文献   

Using a large panel of Italian firms, spanning the years from 1995 to 2003, this study investigates the relationship between bank debt and non-financial SMEs’ performance, evaluating whether and to what extent this link is affected by the degree of competition characterising the local credit market where firms operate. Controlling for inertia, unobserved heterogeneity and the endogeneity of some performance determinants, we find that the (negative) impact of bank debt on firms’ performance is weaker for firms running in more competitive banking markets. We interpret this result as evidence that a more intense banking competition may lead to better credit conditions for small and medium-sized firms.  相似文献   

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