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解读神经经济学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古典决策理论假设人是理性的决策实体,个体在决策时依据最大化期望值原则进行选择。然而,行为决策理论与行为经济学研究表明认知局限与心理、情绪等因素可能影响个体决策行为。神经经济学运用神经科学方法研究个体经济决策行为,寻求揭示经济决策行为背后的神经运行。本文首先介绍神经经济学中运用的神经科学方法与观点,然后概述关于战略选择、风险与模糊下选择及跨期选择的神经经济学研究,最后指出神经经济学的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

周宁 《当代经济》2021,(9):49-53
工业社会带来的生态与经济矛盾尖锐,自然资源破坏、环境污染等新经济现象严重阻碍了经济的持续发展,西方传统的新古典经济学理论已经不能对此做出合理解释,生态经济学逐渐成为一门世界性的科学.由此,本文对生态经济学和新古典经济学之间的关系进行了研究,认为生态经济学对新古典经济学理论的继承主要体现在其内在体系的一致性、稀缺资源优化配置、共同福祉实现等方面;在研究方法上生态经济学摒弃了"劳动价值论",并运用"熵的价值论"进行动态化的通量分析,研究以自然资源为中心的稀缺资源的有效配置.  相似文献   

认知科学中情绪研究的兴起和发展改变了人们对情绪介入经济决策的传统认识。文章在梳理认知科学关于情绪介入决策的基础上,从权变的视角分析了情绪介入决策的权变因素,并阐述了认知科学对情绪介入经济决策研究的渗透和影响。文章认为认知科学对经济学的影响表现为:在研究视角上,可以从认知科学的信息加工视角理解情绪介入经济决策的内在机制;在研究层次上,经济决策的研究从行为层进入到认知心理层和脑神经层;在研究方法上,认知科学的行为实验和脑功能成像技术等方法被运用到经济决策的研究中;在研究模型上,经济学家发展了一些基于具体情绪的决策模型。文章在认知科学的基础上构建了经济学情绪—理性互动决策的概念模型。  相似文献   

西方新制度经济学的流派渊源关系及其发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢现祥 《经济评论》2004,(5):50-53,62
在西方新制度经济学的形成和发展过程中 ,基本保留了新古典经济学的不变硬核 ,新制度经济学通过引入信息和交易成本以及产权的约束 ,修正了新古典经济学的保护带。它们抛弃了新古典经济学的一些硬核 ,如理性选择模型。同为制度经济学派 ,新制度经济学与近代制度经济学派没有任何理论渊源关系 ,但是他们都关注制度问题。马克思历史唯物主义框架对新制度经济学体系的形成产生了重要的影响。西方新制度经济学发展的趋势呈现出模型化、强调历史的作用、注重制度差异的研究及用制度方法解释发展差异等特点。  相似文献   

本文对新古典经济学在这场全球经济危机中所起的作用进行了一次系统的清算和理论与历史的反思,探讨了新古典经济学铸成如此大错的理论和历史渊源。文章认为,新古典经济学的完美理性和完善市场假定在经济理论和政策实践中的误导作用,对这场百年不遇的全球金融危机负有不可推卸的责任,并指出经济学走出困境的根本出路在于按现实世界的本来面目来理解、分析和描述世界。  相似文献   

个体行为动机与行为经济学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从古典到新古典经济学是对个体行为动机研究的抽象化突破,而从新古典到行为经济学是对个体行为动机研究的异质化突破.行为经济学通过在经济学中纳入对异质经济行为动机的研究,而使得以同质经济理性为基本假定的新古典经济学成为其特例情形,因此行为经济学不是区别于新古典经济学的边缘学派或颠覆性理论,而是以新古典理论为核心的西方主流经济学的最新前沿理论.  相似文献   

马克思主义经济学所采用的基本方法是制度分析方法,马克思主义经济理论本质上是制度经济学理论。新制度经济学在其价值观、分析框架和基本方法等"硬核"方面同以新古典经济学为代表的西方主流经济学基本上是一致的。但从研究对象和历史分析方法等具体分析方法方面看,新制度经济学受到了马克思主义经济学的影响,同马克思主义经济学有相通之处。这就要求我们在继承与坚持马克思主义经济学基本"硬核"的基础上,借鉴与吸收新制度经济学的某些分析方法与研究成果并进行科学综合,构建马克思主义制度经济学的科学范式。  相似文献   

20世纪60、70年代,新制度经济学开始在经济学领域的诸多方面实现了理论突破,许多经济学者大胆预言"新制度经济学革命"即将到来.不过随着研究的深入,人们发现新制度经济学并未真正突破新古典分析框架,只是在多个层面上对新古典经济学进行了继承和发展.文章在简要评价新古典经济学学说体系的基础上,归纳新制度经济学的三条主要革新路径,通过与主流经济学的综合比较,对新制度经济学各分支革新的路径与方向进行了评价.  相似文献   

生态经济学从诞生之日起对传统经济学提出了严峻挑战。认为生态经济学对传统经济学的理性经济人的假设、物的可替代性假设、价值观和财富观四个方面提出了挑战;在此基础上探讨传统经济学缺陷的根源,辩证分析生态经济学与传统经济学的关系,指出生态经济学与传统经济学的各自运用范围;最后对生态经济学定位和分类进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高蓉蓉 《经济论坛》2014,(11):81-84
近年来消费信贷在我国得到快速发展,促进了消费需求的增长,但是消费信贷风险也日益突出,引起了学者的关注。随着行为经济学的兴起,越来越多的学者开始将行为经济学理论运用到消费信贷研究中。本文对传统经济学和主流经济学进行对比分析,侧重分析消费信贷决策中的"有限理性"行为的内在影响机制以及可能产生的风险。  相似文献   

Policy advice based on a rationalist perspective to foster sustainable behaviour has approached its limits; and gaps in the established models are becoming more and more obvious. To better understand how unsustainable choices are made, and to foster sustainable decision-making, alternatives to the rationalist models of human decision-making need to be investigated. Such alternative models have already demonstrated their usefulness in other fields than ecological economics. The paper begins with a presentation of conventional models of human behaviour, as well as their advances and limitations in ecological and behavioural economics. In most of these models, the dominance of analytical thinking still prevails. I identify this as problematic given the evidence for the influence of emotion and intuition in decision-making. To offer a perspective on human behaviour that acknowledges this influence, dual-process models are presented. Established applications of these models are then used to propose four basic types of explanations for unsustainable behaviour. Based on these explanations preliminary ideas to promote sustainable decision-making are developed. These ideas are considerably different from policy implications of the established economic model.  相似文献   

Based on recent findings from economics and the neurosciences, we present a conceptual decision-making model that provides insight into human decision-making and illustrates how behavioral outcomes are transformed into phenomena. The model may be viewed as a bridge between the seemingly disparate disciplines of neuroscience and economics that may facilitate more integrative research efforts and provide a framework for developing research agendas for scientists interested in human behavior and economic phenomena.  相似文献   

传统经济学在研究消费决策时通常假设人是理性的,总是在约束条件下寻求利益的最大化。而大量的现实经济活动表明,人在作出决策时往往不是出于理性的判断。对于那些传统经济学模型无法解释的行为,通过借助现代神经医学设备,研究人员能够在神经层面触及决策潜意识,重建经济学对经济行为的解释框架。  相似文献   

The somatic marker hypothesis: A neural theory of economic decision   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Modern economic theory ignores the influence of emotions on decision-making. Emerging neuroscience evidence suggests that sound and rational decision making, in fact, depends on prior accurate emotional processing. The somatic marker hypothesis provides a systems-level neuroanatomical and cognitive framework for decision-making and its influence by emotion. The key idea of this hypothesis is that decision-making is a process that is influenced by marker signals that arise in bioregulatory processes, including those that express themselves in emotions and feelings. This influence can occur at multiple levels of operation, some of which occur consciously, and some of which occur non-consciously. Here we review studies that confirm various predictions from the hypothesis, and propose a neural model for economic decision, in which emotions are a major factor in the interaction between environmental conditions and human decision processes, with these emotional systems providing valuable implicit or explicit knowledge for making fast and advantageous decisions.  相似文献   

In this paper, I sustain that the discourse of economics has become one of the most substantial contributors to the erosion of the democratic ideal. The first argument used in this case against economics concerns its attempt to be considered a neo-naturalistic science; the second, the fact that economics considers democracy contradictory to the expression of its scientific rationality and; the third, the fact that economics crowds out people from decision-making processes by pushing them into the hands of experts. Because partisan political programmes have essentially become economic programmes, economics should contribute to substantive democracy. In order to do so, an alternative discourse to mainstream economics must be proposed. An economics favourable to substantive democracy should, thereby, be political rather than naturalistic, pluralist rather than monist and, instead of crowding out people from decisions processes, should aim at the co-production of economic knowledge with those concerned by the outcome of economic decisions.  相似文献   

Orthodox neoclassical economics portrays reason as far more important than emotion, autonomy as more characteristic of economic life than social connection, and, more generally, things culturally and cognitively associated with masculinity as more central than things associated with femininity. Research from contemporary neuroscience suggests that such biases are related to certain automatic processes in the brain, and feminist scholarship suggests ways of getting beyond them. The “happiness” and “interpersonal relations” economics research programs have made substantial progress in overcoming a number of these biases, bringing into consideration by economists a wide range of phenomena which were previously neglected. Analysis from a feminist economics perspective suggests several fronts on which research could most profitably continue.  相似文献   

经济官员拥有着特权。这种特权在市场经济条件下,可能形成"政治市场",成为特殊商品,进而进行权钱交易。本文对经济腐败的成本收益进行了详细分析,并对经济腐败的风险成本与反经济腐败的对策进行了博弈分析。在对经济腐败决策模型和影响其风险决策的主要因素分析的基础上,提出经济腐败行为总是遵循"以最小腐败成本获取最大腐败收益"的经济学原则。因而,加大腐败者的经济腐败成本,可以减少经济腐败,从而降低经济腐败风险,并提出了加强经济腐败风险管理的对策。  相似文献   

新经济地理学与复杂科学的区位选择模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢燮  杨开忠  刘安国 《经济地理》2005,25(4):442-444,448
1990年代初,新经济地理学和复杂科学都对经济主体区位选择以全新的诠释。基本的不同点在于,新经济地理学模型的基本假设是经济主体行为的完全理性,而复杂科学假设经济主体的行为为有限理性。新经济地理学仍沿用主流经济学一般均衡的框架,而复杂科学的模型是动态和演化的过程。它们的相似之处在于都具有报酬递增、路径依赖和事后决策和调整的特征。根据分析和比较,得出经济地理学未来的学科交叉融合趋势。  相似文献   

In some of their papers published in the 1950s, Herbert Simonand Sidney Siegel responded to the so-called mixed strategyanomaly in ways which deserve more attention. They producednot only (i) immediate defences of the economic theory of theirown time, but also (ii) ideas and solutions that have laterturned out to be significant contributions to the developmentof the economic theory of choice and decision-making and theseparation of experimental economics from experimental psychology.These observations suggest that economics can be more responsiveto empirical anomalies than has been assumed. Furthermore, knowledgeof the desirable responsiveness to anomalies can provide meansof avoiding the non-desirable immunity to anomalies.  相似文献   

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