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正上海自在青西农业发展有限公司充分利用青西地区独特的自然资源和蛙稻米品牌优势,以资本为纽带,通过资金、资源,技术,管理、品牌的集聚,壮大企业实力,大力发展优质稻米生产。公司有机种植全程做到零化学农药使用,绿色种植达到A级标准,从根本上将传统农业生产模式转变为绿色生产模式,有效  相似文献   

“中国养蜂”是养蜂业的专门刊物。介绍养蜂基本知识和蜂群管理技术。交流各地国营农场、农业生产合作社的先进养蜂经验;并报导国内外养蜂科学的成就。“中国养蜂”每月13日在北京出版,由中国农业科学院养蜂编辑室编辑,每册一角。可以在全国各地邮局,代办所办理订阅。  相似文献   

江苏省东海县浦南镇潘圩村朱相山,1998年饲养父母代罗曼种鸡2500只,同时搞起炕孵,从2月份开始至6月初,共炕孵苗鸡15万只,全年养鸡和炕孵获利达10万元,成为远近闻名的养孵专业户。早在1989年,朱相山就开始养蛋鸡,当时由于缺乏技术,没有资金,因此规模较小,每年收入均在万元左右。从1994年开始,他外出取经学习炕孵技术,回来后办起炕房。饲养700只父母代罗曼种鸡,边产蛋,边炕孵,当年获利4万元。在养鸡过程中,掌握一定饲养技术,特别是育雏期间,根据雏鸡幼嫩,对环境适应能力差的特点,在育雏室安装火炉,保证雏鸡在“温室…  相似文献   

“中国农业科学”是中国农业学院编辑的农业科学理论性、学术性的刊物,它的基本任务是:及时介绍中国农业科学学术研究以及研究路线、研究方法和科学情况等方面的文章,作到理论联系实际,科学研究为生产服务,为促进我国  相似文献   

<正>中国水产学会中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心全国水产技术推广总站主办综合性全国水产杂志第三届国家期刊奖百种重点期刊邮局订阅(邮发代号28-154)可在当地邮局订阅,也可以通过扫描邮局官方微信号二维码(右图)微信订阅。杂志订阅联系人:余开18961716610(微信同号)电话:0510-85555133邮局汇款:地址:江苏无锡市山水东路9号邮编:214081收款人:科学养鱼杂志社请将详细地址、联系方式写在汇款单上。  相似文献   

高邮市龙虬镇罗氏沼虾产业园是“全国罗氏沼虾标准化养殖示范区”和“江苏省无公害罗氏沼虾生产基地”.也是海峡两岸农业合作试验区高邮水产水禽产业园重点产业园之一.园区面积达10270亩.其中核心方面积4000亩.2006年,产业园辐射带动全市养虾12万亩.产量3.5万吨。虾业产业链产值达15亿元,农民人均来自罗氏沼虾的年纯收入选500多元。  相似文献   

<正> 你听说过吗?在淡水塘里养海虾,惊讶的是产量成培增。创造这一奇迹的是浙江省鄞县瞻岐镇南一村养殖户——周召才。听说,从8月26日起以来,周召才已在13亩养殖塘里起捕到南美白对虾1800多公斤,近几天内还能捕获1000公斤左右。有人替他  相似文献   

<正> 江西省万年县齐埠乡跳上村青年农民吴水才,为脱贫致富奔小康,90年代初期就开始养黄鳝,由于缺乏养殖技术和管理经验,加上资金不足,致使经营亏损而停产。他只好卷起铺盖到浙江打工。虽然在外打工,但他那股执着的信心,并没有因此而消失。他在打工期间  相似文献   

我国鹅的年需求量在8亿~9亿只,而全国的饲养量约有6亿只左右。以鹅肉为例,南方就有近6亿人喜食鹅肉,有“无鹅不成席”的说法。  相似文献   

<正>泥鳅被誉为水中人参,其味道鲜美,肉质细嫩,营养丰富。泥鳅因其适应性强、疾病少、成活率高,且繁殖力强、运输方便、饵料易得,已成为重要的水产养殖品种。近年来,池塘精养泥鳅的技术已逐渐成熟,一般亩产成鳅可达450~500kg,亩效益1800~2000元。  相似文献   

A cost function is used to quantify potential sources of gains from deregulation of the Norwegian salmon farming industry, an industry that has been heavily regulated in order to achieve a regional dispersion of production and profits along the entire coastline. It now seems to be widely recognised that the regulations have led to cost inefficiencies. A region-augmented cost function with data from 282 fish farms for 1988 is used to estimate regional productivity differences, i.e. differences in the total cost of producing salmon in one region compared to another. It is found that the potential gains from deregulation may be substantial.  相似文献   

农作制与中国农作制区划   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在从理论上探讨农作制定义的基础上,讨论了研制中国农作制区划的必要性及其指导思想与原则,并简述其框架和分区。  相似文献   

The performance of wholly owned, wholly rented and mixed tenure farms in the Farm Management Survey sample for England and Wales is compared on a range of criteria, controlling farm size and type. Mixed tenure farms are found to perform noticeably better than ‘pure’ tenure types. Possible explanations for inter-tenure differences in performance are reviewed under the headings of capital provision, farmer motivation and resource mobility. Evidence from the FMS and from interviews with 48 farmers provide only weak support for hypotheses relating performance to capital endowments, the ‘spur’ of market rents or asset appreciation. Findings on changes in farm size and tenure, however, suggest that tenure could be determined by, rather than being a determinant of, farm performance.  相似文献   

This article reviews the circumstances under which contract farming, as one form of vertical integration, is necessary to secure rapid and efficient co-ordination and adaptability within systems of food production/marketing/distribution. A review of American experience and attitudes indicates that contracting in the U.S.A. has been successful in matching farm production to the needs of consumers more quickly and economically than otherwise would have been possible. Contract terms have generally been ‘fair’ to United States farmers, partly as a result of a strong co-operative system, including a large number of bargaining co-operatives, but also as a result of strong competition between American agri-businesses. American experience and conclusions can be transposed to British circumstances. However, there should be greater publicity and analysis of contract terms, as well as more complete information on the financial performance of the agri-business operations of conglomerates and other multi-product businesses.  相似文献   

A preliminary case is made for intensive and long-term socio-economic survey work in farming systems research (FSR), as opposed to a reliance on rapid appraisals. A sampling methodology is described, based on collection of a detailed sample frame, which allows the selection of samples which can be related directly to each other, through common respondents. Thus causal relationships can be determined in one sample and, by extrapolation, linked to attributes found in another. The sampling method also makes it easy to select farmers with specific attributes for on-farm trial sites, and allows a more informed interpretation of agronomic results in relation to farm management criteria.  相似文献   

The growth of contract production in certain types of farming is noted, and the main implications of this form of business organization for on-farm decision-making and capital acquisition are identified. The purposes of contracting, from both processor firm and farm viewpoints are discussed, and the broiler industry is used to illustrate the development of contracting.  相似文献   

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