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An important characteristic of any buyer-supplier relationship is the amount and type of information that is exchanged between the contracting parties. Buyer-supplier networks are characterized by greater information exchange than arm's-length transactions. This enhanced information exchange allows for greater production efficiency but increases the potential for information misappropriation. In this paper we characterize the set of innovations for which each of these forms of exchange relationships is efficient. We then explore the effect of an initial information linkage between the buyer and supplier. Such linkages increase the set of innovations for which networks are efficient. However, such linkages have a negative effect on the buyer's incentive to innovate and an ambiguous effect on the supplier's incentive to invest in flexible production techniques. Finally, we identify settings in which the buyer-supplier surplus is greater with such linkages.  相似文献   

审计最初被赋予查错纠弊的监督职能,审计署成立初期国家审计主要扮演着国有资产保值增值的守护者角色。随着社会经济环境的变化和人们对审计本质认识的深化,国家审计许多潜在的功能逐渐被人们在实践中所发掘和发现。刘家义审计长提出审计是保障国家经济社会健康运行的免疫系统,突出了审计的建设性作用。本文首先回顾社会变革环境下中国国家审计功能及其演进,然后以组织学习理论和契约经济学理论作为审计建设性作用的理论依据,最后在理论分析的基础上提出基于组织学习的审计建设性功能制度创新。  相似文献   

本文通过对内部审计在中央银行的外部治理和内部治理中的作用分析,认为内部审计在中央银行治理的各个方面都能发挥作用。其中,内部审计在中央银行内部治理的内部控制、风险管理、财务管理、决策机制、分支机构建设等若干方面,能够发挥重要的积极作用,在中央银行增强透明度、完善问责制、提高独立性等方面也起到一定作用。  相似文献   

Corporate governance is of growing importance in Australia, New Zealand and all over the world. Corporate governance interacts with auditing and it is useful to understand how corporate governance and auditing affect companies. A related issue is whether better governance is a substitute for auditing or a complement. Previous studies of that issue have had mixed results. This review article provides a synthesis of Australian and New Zealand research about corporate governance and auditing that assesses what has been found and examines issues that can be explored using multiple studies. We conclude that despite extensive research, there is still considerable uncertainty about how corporate governance mechanisms are related to auditing and how auditing is associated with corporate governance. We conclude that recommendations for better governance (beyond a minimum level) are not yet supported by evidence. The results are intended to be helpful in providing advice about policy in Australia and New Zealand, and in determining directions for new research.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of auditing firms on the implementation of the new Chinese Accounting Standards for Enterprises 22 (new CAS 22), which converges with IFRS 9. We find that the Big4 firms focus on fair value measurement and application of the expected credit loss (ECL) impairment model, whereas the LocalTop6 firms primarily focus on the classification of financial assets. The results indicate that effective implementation of the new standards mainly depends on standardized procedures and professional techniques of auditing firms, as the Big4 firms exhibit better implementation of the new standards in terms of items that generate greater risk and uncertainty than do local large auditing firms in China. In addition, we further test how cross-listing affects the role of auditing firms in implementing the new standards and find that the Big4 firms play a more significant role for A-share only companies than A + H companies. The findings reveal the challenges associated with implementation of IFRS 9-based new CAS 22 in China.  相似文献   

内部审计在人民银行内控制度建设中的作用论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以阐述内部审计与内部控制制度建设的联系为逻辑起点,并结合实际,逐步分析了内部审计在人民银行内部控制制度建设中的作用,最后探讨了内部审计在人民银行内部控制制度建设中的履职方向。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the literature exploring the contextual conditions that lead international standards to produce a differential impact with regard to inducing convergence in local practice. The article documents three types of responses by local audit firms to the implementation of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) in Russia, namely: (1) those that claim to follow the national auditing standards modelled on ISAs and mandated by audit law; (2) those that voluntarily provide ISA audits in accordance with original ISAs; and (3) those that provide pseudo audits (‘black audits’) and ignore auditing standards. The study investigates a link between these different responses and the degree of the indigenous firms' social embeddedness in relation to the international audit firms that first introduced ISAs to Russia. The article argues that the higher the embeddedness levels the more likely the audit firms will genuinely commit to following the standards. It also shows that social embeddedness is influenced by a number of conditions, including geographical proximity between the indigenous and international audit firms, as well as commonalities in their professional characteristics, such as aspiration to intraprofessional status and target clientele. The study's findings demonstrate that the local impact of international standards is dependent not just on the characteristics of the local institutional environments in which the adopters operate but also on the social structures and relationships within which they are embedded.  相似文献   

审计职业界正在针对我们的各类审计业务开发出越来越多的操作手册,目的是让不同审计组织的审计人员在从事同类审计业务时能够遵循统一的执业手册.  相似文献   

We rely on a unique data set to estimate the impact of disclosure standards and auditor‐related characteristics on ownership concentration in 190 privatized firms from 31 countries. Accounting transparency can help alleviate the agency conflict between minority investors and controlling shareholders, which is evident in the extent of ownership concentration, since the expropriation of corporate resources hinges on these private benefits remaining hidden. After controlling for other country‐level and firm‐level determinants, we find weak (no) evidence that extensive disclosure standards (auditor choice) reduce ownership concentration. In contrast, we report strong, robust evidence that ownership concentration is lower in countries with securities laws that specify a lower burden of proof in civil and criminal litigation against auditors, consistent with Ball's [2001] predictions. Collectively, our research implies that minority investors worldwide value legal institutions that discipline auditors in the event of financial reporting failure over both the presence of a Big 5 auditor and better disclosure standards. Re‐estimating our regressions on a broad sample of western European public firms provides similar evidence on all of our predictions.  相似文献   

在有限的审计时间内,审计人员针对被审计单位繁多的财务信息资料,必须确定其审计重点。在确定审计重点时,应遵循重要性原则,以提高审计的质量和效率。  相似文献   

注册会计师的风险分析从执业过程来看,注册会计师的风险是指注册会计师执行的审计程序能否发现被审计单位会计报表存在重大遗漏、错误和舞弊或者审计程序发现的结果与被审计单位实际情况是否相符的不确定性。从执业的结果来看,这种风险又是指注册会计师在被审计单位会计报表存在重大遗漏、错误和舞弊的情况下仍出具无保留意见报告或被审计单位会计报表公允、合法并且会计政策一贯,但注册会计师却出具了非无保留意见审计报告的可能性。在注册会计师严格执行审计准则的前提下,结果的不确定性是由过程的不确定性决定的。在出具报告之后,注册会…  相似文献   

Government auditors play an important role in overseeing public agencies, yet there is little understanding of the types of knowledge that specialist industry auditors require in this environment and how this knowledge is acquired. This study develops a portfolio of knowledge items that various sources have suggested are important for industry-specialist auditors. It was found that the items perceived to be of greatest importance to government auditors were contained under the broad knowledge categories of "accounting", "auditing", and "entity-specific factors". Most of the specialised knowledge is acquired on the job, although some of this knowledge may be better acquired through formal training.  相似文献   

成本--效益分析是经济分析的根本方法,也是效益审计的一个十分有用的工具.本文通过对效益审计的实质分析,将成本--效益分析方法应用于效益审计,为效益审计提供了一个相对规范的、可行的评估框架.该框架包含了各种货币性与非货币性的评估方法,因而具有广泛的兼容性;与通行的"目标--手段"框架相比,它更为简易可行.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of the introduction of the legally enforceable Australian Auditing Standards (ASAs) on the auditing profession after the first year of implementation. The study compliments and extends the Australian Government's April 2006 pre-implementation Regulation Impact Statement, which identified potential costs, benefits and other impacts of the new regulatory regime. Relevant data were collected through interviews with the key stakeholders. Overall, the results suggest that the additional burden of compliance with the legally enforceable ASAs has not increased perceived audit quality or public confidence, which were the main aims of the government's regulatory intervention.  相似文献   

The developments in the public sector auditing can be seen against a backcloth of adverse publicity for private sector audits. This focus on the private sector has meant public sector developments have gone largely unnoticed. The advocacy of Best Value is a logical and useful development in addressing the needs of the citizen with an active interest in the public sector.  相似文献   

Israel's attempt at strengthening public sector internal audit is found to have limited success, conforming with experiences of other countries. The adopted internal audit policy had little more than symbolic value, being devoid of stipulations to affect significant change. This is confirmed by implementation data that reveal low scores for most organizations across dimensions of structure, process and outcome. Politics of accountability and policy change models help to explain the causes of ineffectual internal audit legislation and of weak implementation. Findings suggest that top–down approaches to strengthening public sector internal audit are misplaced.  相似文献   

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