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The optimized certainty equivalent (OCE) is a decision theoretic criterion based on a utility function, that was first introduced by the authors in 1986. This paper re-examines this fundamental concept, studies and extends its main properties, and puts it in perspective to recent concepts of risk measures. We show that the negative of the OCE naturally provides a wide family of risk measures that fits the axiomatic formalism of convex risk measures. Duality theory is used to reveal the link between the OCE and the φ-divergence functional (a generalization of relative entropy), and allows for deriving various variational formulas for risk measures. Within this interpretation of the OCE, we prove that several risk measures recently analyzed and proposed in the literature (e.g., conditional value of risk, bounded shortfall risk) can be derived as special cases of the OCE by using particular utility functions. We further study the relations between the OCE and other certainty equivalents, providing general conditions under which these can be viewed as coherent/convex risk measures. Throughout the paper several examples illustrate the flexibility and adequacy of the OCE for building risk measures. 相似文献
We improve results on law invariant coherent risk measures satisfying the Fatou property due to Kusuoka (2001; Adv. Math. Econ . 3, 83–95) by considering risk measures which are in addition second order stochastic dominance preserving. In particular, we derive a representation result for such risk measures. 相似文献
Nonparametric Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Expected Shortfall 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
O. Scaillet 《Mathematical Finance》2004,14(1):115-129
We consider a nonparametric method to estimate the expected shortfall—that is, the expected loss on a portfolio of financial assets knowing that the loss is larger than a given quantile. We derive the asymptotic properties of the kernel estimators of the expected shortfall and its first-order derivative with respect to portfolio allocation in the context of a stationary process satisfying strong mixing conditions. An empirical illustration is given for a portfolio of stocks. Another empirical illustration deals with data on fire insurance losses. 相似文献
Pengyu Wei 《Mathematical Finance》2018,28(4):1020-1060
This article studies the optimal portfolio selection of expected utility‐maximizing investors who must also manage their market‐risk exposures. The risk is measured by a so‐called weighted value‐at‐risk (WVaR) risk measure, which is a generalization of both value‐at‐risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES). The feasibility, well‐posedness, and existence of the optimal solution are examined. We obtain the optimal solution (when it exists) and show how risk measures change asset allocation patterns. In particular, we characterize three classes of risk measures: the first class will lead to models that do not admit an optimal solution, the second class can give rise to endogenous portfolio insurance, and the third class, which includes VaR and ES, two popular regulatory risk measures, will allow economic agents to engage in “regulatory capital arbitrage,” incurring larger losses when losses occur. 相似文献
We propose a multivariate extension of a well‐known characterization by S. Kusuoka of regular and coherent risk measures as maximal correlation functionals. This involves an extension of the notion of comonotonicity to random vectors through generalized quantile functions. Moreover, we propose to replace the current law invariance, subadditivity, and comonotonicity axioms by an equivalent property we call strong coherence and that we argue has more natural economic interpretation. Finally, we reformulate the computation of regular and coherent risk measures as an optimal transportation problem, for which we provide an algorithm and implementation. 相似文献
This paper provides a coherent method for scenario aggregation addressing model uncertainty. It is based on divergence minimization from a reference probability measure subject to scenario constraints. An example from regulatory practice motivates the definition of five fundamental criteria that serve as a basis for our method. Standard risk measures, such as value‐at‐risk and expected shortfall, are shown to be robust with respect to minimum divergence scenario aggregation. Various examples illustrate the tractability of our method. 相似文献
王秀明 《湖北商业高等专科学校学报》2014,(4):18-24
期望效用理论(EUT)出现后,成为主流经济学和管理学中研究不确定性环境下决策活动的理论基础。但近50年特别是最近20多年来,随着行为科学的发展以及实验经济学的崛起且逐步融入主流,与EUT相抵触的经验证据大量涌现,因此其作为不确定性决策活动的理论根基正在被广泛质疑,各学科寻找EUT替代者的努力催生了多种不同的非期望效用理论。本文在对经典期望效用理论批判的基础上,对国外正处于进展中的非期望效用理论文献进行全面回顾和简单评价,以期为国内从事这一领域理论和应用研究的学者提供一些线索和思路。 相似文献
Put Option Premiums and Coherent Risk Measures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Robert Jarrow 《Mathematical Finance》2002,12(2):135-142
This note defines the premium of a put option on the firm as a measure of insolvency risk. The put premium is not a coherent risk measure as defined by Artzner et al. (1999). It satisfies all the axioms for a coherent risk measure except one, the translation invariance axiom. However, it satisfies a weakened version of the translation invariance axiom that we label translation monotonicity. The put premium risk measure generates an acceptance set that satisfies the regularity Axioms 2.1–2.4 of Artzner et al. (1999). In fact, this is a general result for any risk measure satisfying the same risk measure axioms as the put premium. Finally, the coherent risk measure generated by the put premium's acceptance set is the minimal capital required to protect the firm against insolvency uniformly across all states of nature. 相似文献
Capital allocation techniques are of central importance in portfolio management and risk-based performance measurement. In this paper we propose an axiom system for capital allocation and analyze its satisfiability and completeness: it is shown that for a given risk measure ρ there exists a capital allocation Λρ that satisfies the main axioms if and only if ρ is subadditive and positively homogeneous. Furthermore, it is proved that the axiom system uniquely specifies Λρ . We apply the axiomatization to the most popular risk measures in the finance industry in order to derive explicit capital allocation formulae for these measures. 相似文献
We propose a generalization of the classical notion of the V@Rλ that takes into account not only the probability of the losses, but the balance between such probability and the amount of the loss. This is obtained by defining a new class of law invariant risk measures based on an appropriate family of acceptance sets. The V@Rλ and other known law invariant risk measures turn out to be special cases of our proposal. We further prove the dual representation of Risk Measures on . 相似文献
In various fields of applications such as capital allocation, sensitivity analysis, and systemic risk evaluation, one often needs to compute or estimate the expectation of a random variable, given that another random variable is equal to its quantile at some prespecified probability level. A primary example of such an application is the Euler capital allocation formula for the quantile (often called the value‐at‐risk), which is of crucial importance in financial risk management. It is well known that classic nonparametric estimation for the above quantile allocation problem has a slower rate of convergence than the standard rate. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to the quantile allocation problem via adjusting the probability level in connection with an expected shortfall. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed nonparametric estimator of the new capital allocation is derived for dependent data under the setup of a mixing sequence. In order to assess the performance of the proposed nonparametric estimator, AR‐GARCH models are proposed to fit each risk variable, and further, a bootstrap method based on residuals is employed to quantify the estimation uncertainty. A simulation study is conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed inference. Finally, the proposed methodology of quantile capital allocation is illustrated for a financial data set. 相似文献
Motivated by numerical representations of robust utility functionals, due to Maccheroni et al., we study the problem of partially hedging a European option H when a hedging strategy is selected through a robust convex loss functional L(·) involving a penalization term γ(·) and a class of absolutely continuous probability measures . We present three results. An optimization problem is defined in a space of stochastic integrals with value function EH(·) . Extending the method of Föllmer and Leukerte, it is shown how to construct an optimal strategy. The optimization problem EH(·) as criterion to select a hedge, is of a “minimax” type. In the second, and main result of this paper, a dual‐representation formula for this value is presented, which is of a “maxmax” type. This leads us to a dual optimization problem. In the third result of this paper, we apply some key arguments in the robust convex‐duality theory developed by Schied to construct optimal solutions to the dual problem, if the loss functional L(·) has an associated convex risk measure ρL(·) which is continuous from below, and if the European option H is essentially bounded. 相似文献
Coherent, convex, and monetary risk measures were introduced in a setup where uncertain outcomes are modeled by bounded random variables. In this paper, we study such risk measures on Orlicz hearts. This includes coherent, convex, and monetary risk measures on Lp -spaces for 1 ≤ p < ∞ and covers a wide range of interesting examples. Moreover, it allows for an elegant duality theory. We prove that every coherent or convex monetary risk measure on an Orlicz heart which is real-valued on a set with non-empty algebraic interior is real-valued on the whole space and admits a robust representation as maximal penalized expectation with respect to different probability measures. We also show that penalty functions of such risk measures have to satisfy a certain growth condition and that our risk measures are Luxemburg-norm Lipschitz-continuous in the coherent case and locally Luxemburg-norm Lipschitz-continuous in the convex monetary case. In the second part of the paper we investigate cash-additive hulls of transformed Luxemburg-norms and expected transformed losses. They provide two general classes of coherent and convex monetary risk measures that include many of the currently known examples as special cases. Explicit formulas for their robust representations and the maximizing probability measures are given. 相似文献
We show that, if prices in a market are Choquet expectations, the existence of one frictionless asset may force the whole market to be frictionless. Any risky asset will cause this collapse if prices depend only on the distribution with respect to a given nonatomic probability measure; the frictionless asset has to be fully revealing if such dependence is not assumed. Similar considerations apply to law-invariant coherent risk measures. 相似文献
In the first part of the paper, we characterize distribution-invariant risk measures with convex acceptance and rejection sets on the level of distributions. It is shown that these risk measures are closely related to utility-based shortfall risk.
In the second part of the paper, we provide an axiomatic characterization for distribution-invariant dynamic risk measures of terminal payments. We prove a representation theorem and investigate the relation to static risk measures. A key insight of the paper is that dynamic consistency and the notion of "measure convex sets of probability measures" are intimately related. This result implies that under weak conditions dynamically consistent dynamic risk measures can be represented by static utility-based shortfall risk. 相似文献
In the second part of the paper, we provide an axiomatic characterization for distribution-invariant dynamic risk measures of terminal payments. We prove a representation theorem and investigate the relation to static risk measures. A key insight of the paper is that dynamic consistency and the notion of "measure convex sets of probability measures" are intimately related. This result implies that under weak conditions dynamically consistent dynamic risk measures can be represented by static utility-based shortfall risk. 相似文献
The framework of coherent risk measures has been introduced by Artzner et al. (1999; Math. Finance 9, 203–228) in a single-period setting. Here, we investigate a similar framework in a multiperiod context. We add an axiom of dynamic consistency to the standard coherence axioms, and obtain a representation theorem in terms of collections of multiperiod probability measures that satisfy a certain product property. This theorem is similar to results obtained by Epstein and Schneider (2003; J. Econ. Theor. 113, 1–31) and Wang (2003; J. Econ. Theor. 108, 286–321) in a different axiomatic framework. We then apply our representation result to the pricing of derivatives in incomplete markets, extending results by Carr, Geman, and Madan (2001; J. Financial Econ. 32, 131–167) to the multiperiod case. We present recursive formulas for the computation of price bounds and corresponding optimal hedges. When no shortselling constraints are present, we obtain a recursive formula for price bounds in terms of martingale measures. 相似文献
Simone Cerreia‐Vioglio Fabio Maccheroni Massimo Marinacci Luigi Montrucchio 《Mathematical Finance》2011,21(4):743-774
When there is uncertainty about interest rates (typically due to either illiquidity or defaultability of zero coupon bonds) the cash‐additivity assumption on risk measures becomes problematic. When this assumption is weakened, to cash‐subadditivity for example, the equivalence between convexity and the diversification principle no longer holds. In fact, this principle only implies (and it is implied by) quasiconvexity. For this reason, in this paper quasiconvex risk measures are studied. We provide a dual characterization of quasiconvex cash‐subadditive risk measures and we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for their law invariance. As a byproduct, we obtain an alternative characterization of the actuarial mean value premium principle. 相似文献
近年来,基于行为金融学理论和方法对行为人行为引起商业银行操作风险的研究开始出现。运用行为金融学的前景分析模型对操作风险形成原因进行行为人面对收益时和面对损失时的选择方式的分析,认为行为人的主观意愿和行为决策对操作风险产生有重要影响。 相似文献