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This article addresses the auditing of the firm's current marketing position. The corporate image of a medium-sized industrial manufacturing company is analyzed to determine how the company is perceived in the market by its own management and by its existing and potential customers relative to competition.  相似文献   

Nations of the world are striking out, from various starting points, along a variety of new development paths, reflecting a widespread repudiation of the conventional economic model of development based on a common, predetermined roadway to progress. Marketers who are bound by tradition may perceive the alternative development approaches as threats to standardized marketing strategies. Innovative marketers will view them as important keys to expanded market opportunities throughout the world.  相似文献   

A general framework is suggested for use by the marketing manager in maximizing efforts to safeguard consumer rights by thoughtfully preparing for his part in the corporate social audit. He can adapt a suggested audit preparation sequence to the needs and resources of his individual company.  相似文献   

Humor is an oft used promotional tool in advertising, and the question naturally arises as to whether humor can also be designed to accomplish specific goals in the industrial selling process. In this article, principles of humor are applied to the buyer/seller process, with particular reference to the steps of the sale. The judicious use of humor by the industrial salesperson can enhance the sales presentation and favorably influence the overall buyer/seller relationship, provided the salesperson has adequate knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of humor.  相似文献   

Today more industrial companies are turning to the marketing of systems to satisfy the more extended and complex needs of their customers. Yet there is little knowledge available to guide them in evaluating the merits of adopting the systems marketing approach. This article presents a marketing analysis of the systems strategy and its implications for potential adopters.  相似文献   

Salespersons selling to organizations operate in a more complex environment than is typically portrayed in the literature. The scope of models developed in the sales process area has been limited to simple persuasion situations. This article goes beyond traditional sales models by taking into account interactions by various members of the organization involved or potentially involved in the industrial buying process. Implications for industrial sales training process are also discussed.  相似文献   

The use of marketing control systems is examined across a variety of industries. Survey results indicate that, for those companies that attempt to identify problem areas, few actually proceed to determine specific causes of the problem.  相似文献   

This study explores government and industry procurement official's perception of inhibiting factor importance to competition in Federal contracting. Within the government sector as well as the industrial sector there are no significant differences in perceived factor importance. However, between the industry and government sectors significant differences in perceived factor importance do exist. The study also reveals some commonality of factors identified by both sectors as important inhibitors to competition.  相似文献   

Much has been written on the subject of motivation but, until now, no one has conducted a survey of industrial salespeople to ask them what motivates them. This article reports the results of such a survey and offers recommendations.  相似文献   

The backorder holds considerable promise as a supplementary measure of distribution system performance. The backorder can be viewed as the “fine-tuning” mechanism, linking distribution costs and services.  相似文献   

With high inflation and interest rates the financial or credit terms of a sale are an increasingly important source of foods for buyers and an expensive cost for sellers. This article proposes some guidelines for setting terms of sale policies which may benefit both buyers and sellers. A method for determining the best terms alternative from the buyers perspective is also described.  相似文献   

Buyer-seller relationships are complex, especially in industrial marketing. A model for segmenting industrial markets is proposed and implications for organization buying behavior are summarized.  相似文献   

A study of industrial marketing practitioner perspectives on industrial marketing education was conducted. Attitudes toward the educational process, definition of skills, continuing education, practitioner assistance in education and topic importance were queried. In general it was found that practitioners are favorably disposed toward industrial marketing education, are willing to assist in the educational process and have distinct perceptions on the nature of the educational process and how it should be carried out.  相似文献   

Two clusters of factors —the “corporate strategic posture” and the New Venture Department (NVD) “political posture” — appear to determine the direction of an NVD's evolution. The “corporate strategic posture” refers to the cycles of diversification and consolidation that typically characterize corporate growth. A corporation's “strategic posture” at any given point in time can be positioned on a continuum, one end of which is a “diversifying” posture, while the other end is a “consolidating” posture.  相似文献   

Life-cycle stages require changes in both operations and management styles. Different personnel sales skills, qualities, and motivation are optimum for the various phases of industrial product life cycles. Early phases require creativity and informality. Growth phases require emphasis on operational planning, staging, training, optimism, problem solving, and stamina. Mature phases demand emphasis on efficiency, administration, judgement, and conservatism. Cutback phases place a premium on “hard-nosed” decisiveness, objectivity, judgement, and courage.  相似文献   

The marketing concept in technology based firms is often applied too late in the product development cycle to prevent costly marketplace failure. This article stresses the need for the involvement of marketing much earlier in the development cycle and a framework for accomplishing this purpose is presented.  相似文献   

Recruiting college students is a problem because of their negativism towards selling. To overcome student negativism towards selling as a career, recruiters—in their recruitment messages—could present selling in a favorable light by indicating to students that a sales job can satisfy their vocational needs. The article provides several suggestions for improving sales recruitment programs directed at male and female college students.  相似文献   

Organizational buying consists of several stages, each of which yields a decision. These decisions may be linked together in a sequence to form a simple yet powerful model that marketers can use to predict outcomes of proposed marketing programs and to diagnose problems in existing programs. The model may be used with qualitative or quantitative data. The model helps both practitioners and scholars to identify research needs and opportunities.  相似文献   

The incidence of women in industrial sales is rising, and females can now be found frequently in traditional all-male type industries such as steel, lumber, and heavy machinery. A strong consensus exists among sales managers that women are effective in industrial selling, and the representatives' records sustain this opinion. Women are proving themselves as worthy, capable, and competent, although they do face special problems in this type of work, some of which are role reversal, production pressures, sexual overtures, and loneliness during travel.  相似文献   

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