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网络型寡占市场结构与中国产业的国际竞争力   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
产业竞争力归根结蒂是一个产业组织问题,形成有效竞争的产业组织和市场结构是培育和增强我国产业国际竞争力的根本途径和决定性条件。在经济全球化和网络经济条件下,为迅速提升产业的国际竞争力,我国必须形成一种网络型寡占市场结构。  相似文献   

市场结构与技术创新关系问题的研究应转变研究思路,创新研究范式,立足于动态的现实企业竞争过程.将企业组织和企业网络纳入市场结构的范畴中来。基于这种新的研究范式,网络型寡占市场结构应成为实现中国企业自主技术创新的最有效的市场结构形式。为形成这种市场结构,必须进一步发展有竞争力的大企业;调整和优化企业组织。再造企业流程;加强企业协作,发展企业网络和进行合作创新。  相似文献   

彩票市场的竞争性质与我国彩票监管体制的重构   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
世界各国的彩票产业都处于政府的监管之下,但监管模式主要是从“预防犯罪”等角度来设计的,没有考虑这一市场的产业组织特征。本文认为,间接竞争是彩票产业理想市场结构。基于彩票市场的产业组织特征及其与彩票监管体制的相互关系,本文在分析了英国、美国和法国彩票市场结构的特点与问题,以及我国彩票市场存在问题的基础上,提出了我国彩票市场结构重构的方向与彩票监管体制改革的目标模式。  相似文献   

系统市场中企业策略性排他行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将系统竞争和组件竞争结合起来,分析系统市场中的企业策略性行为及其对市场竞争和创新的影响。在系统市场上.开放的系统竞争结构是较优的,但是企业并不一定会选择与社会福利目标相一致的组织形式.而是更多地基于策略性需要来进行选择。在系统市场中.创新主导企业有激励通过策略性地选择许可比例来操纵市场竞争。在邻近市场结构中.在位创新垄断企业有激励通过排他性行为将关键技术市场的垄断势力延伸到邻近竞争市场.这些市场封锁行为通常会严重地伤害市场竞争,并阻碍技术创新。  相似文献   

本文试图说明,在现有的生产技术条件下,市场制度应体现什么样的价值取向,才能通过市场调整出合理的经济结构。文中通过模型对中国经济的产业结构、所有制结构以及产业结构和所有制结构之间的互动影响进行实证分析,发现从产业结构或所有制结构单方面地对经济结构进行调整,都无法使经济结构达到一种合理的状态。并且通过市场调整经济结构时,市场制度的价值取向将起到关键的作用。比较分析不同的市场制度价值取向下市场对经济结构的调整发现,只有当经济中形成一种国有经济不与民(资本和劳动)争利的制度环境,并且制度的价值取向侧重于保护资本利益,但同时兼顾劳动利益时,市场才能调整出合理的经济结构。  相似文献   

中国产业发展的市场结构选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
市场结构范式既是微观经济学的基础学术问题,也是产业经济学的一个实用经济问题。它不仅涉及市场经济条件下的企业制度设计。而且与工业社会的宏观经济政策紧密相关。由于具有一定的规模性和竞争性。寡头垄断被认定为市场结构的高效率范式和中国产业结构调整的终极目标。事实上,中国产业发展的市场结构模式只是市场结构范式的具体运用,它必须满足规模效益、竞争性、公司治理、社会有效购买力、在国际经济体系中的获利能力等多方面的要求。由于可以通过充分的信息披露措施、(对经营权的)充分竞争措施和配额投资措施把完全垄断的市场结构改造为完美无缺的市场结构范式。因此。完全垄断的市场结构毫无疑问应该是中国产业市场结构调整的理想归属和最后归属。  相似文献   

多种条件约束决定了真实经济世界的资源配置效率必然偏离古典微观经济学完全竞争均衡模型关于效率问题的推演逻辑。短期边际成本定价趋势与固定成本长期补偿之间的矛盾决定了完全竞争均衡结构内生着不稳定性。“产品竞争度周期假说”在一定程度上证伪了传统的市场结构进化理论。寡头结构有寡头垄断均衡和寡头竞争均衡之别,后者作为市场结构自然演化的结果,能够增进组织绩效和提高行业效率,并实现市场稳定。因此,市场行为基础上自然演进的行业集中度提高是有益的。市场从竞争到垄断都不惠顾社会公平问题。市场结构、组织效率与经济稳定之关系研究无论对产业组织理论创新还是对产业政策制定来讲都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着电力市场化改革的深化,我国基层供电公司营销业务一直沿用的直线职能式组织结构和业务流程越来越不适应“服务优质’’的需要。顺应电力市场化改革的要求进行组织流程再造,提升供电企业营销业务的管理水平,具有重要的现实意义。通过对供电企业营销业务现行组织结构和业务流程存在问题的分析,探讨提出供电公司营销业务以客户服务为中心的组织结构和为客户服务的工作流程。  相似文献   

The sale of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) equipment represents a large and growing market both in number of dollars and products. This article analyzes the purchaser's perceived role in the EDP acquisition process from both public and private sector perspectives. Major public and private sector purchasing differences are discussed in terms of their implications for improving EDP marketing success. Differences discussed include: purchaser influence in the EDP decision process, necessity of seller-buyer interface, method of purchase, and purchasing's organization structure for buying EDP equipment.  相似文献   

It is well known that competition can destroy incentives to invest in firm‐specific relationships. This paper examines how the tension between relationships and competition is resolved in the investment banking market, which for decades has been characterized by both relationships and competition. The model studies the impact on relationships of four different dimensions of competition: non‐exclusive relationships, competition from arm's‐length intermediaries, non‐price competition, and endogenous entry. The analysis shows how market equilibrium adjusts so that relationships are sustained in the face of such competition. Banks are shown to establish relationships without either local or aggregate monopoly power. The model rationalizes two distinct empirical regularities of market structure: the invariance of market concentration to market size; and a pyramidal market structure with an oligopoly comprising similar‐sized players at the top and a large number of small banks at the bottom. The analysis may also shed light on the industrial organization of other professional service industries.  相似文献   

Market size and vertical integration: Stigler's hypothesis reconsidered   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
According to Stigler [1951], vertical disintegration should be the typical development in growing industries, vertical integration in declining industries. The basic argument is that firms will spin off production stages subject to increasing returns to scale in response to market growth. This paper re-examines Stigler's hypothesis within an equilibrium model of industrial structure in which the organization of firms is endogenous. Stigler's hypothesis is confirmed when entry into markets is free and firms compete. However, when entry into the intermediate good market is restricted, or intermediate good producers collude, vertical integration increases with market size.  相似文献   

产业融合中的市场结构及其行为方式分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
在产业融合中 ,随着融合产品的替代性和互补性大大增强 ,市场边界发生重大游移。这不仅给市场界定带来了新的问题 ,并使以其为基础的产业集中度的衡量变得更为复杂 ,而且也在很大程度上改变了传统市场结构的形态 ,增强了竞争效应 ,并促使企业的市场行为有较大的改变。这对传统产业组织理论提出了新的挑战 ,需要我们加以认真的研究 ,提出新的解释和说明  相似文献   

价值链形态演变与模块化组织协调   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
国内外许多学者持模块化生产方式导致模块化组织的观点,但这只是表面认识。本文认为。价值链形态演变以及价值链边界的放松是模块化组织形成的原因之一。而模块化技术的应用则是价值链不断发生变化的根本原因。随着模块化技术的应用和不断发展。一方面。协调生产方式的市场和组织在不断模块化:另一方面,垂直一体化企业的组织结构也在不断松散.并且以知识和交易等意识能力要素所决定的价值生产方式越来越成为经济发展的主导。  相似文献   

信息经济时代产业组织模块化与垄断结构   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
信息经济时代产业组织的主导形态是呈横向一体化形态,具有合作竞争性质的模块化垄断结构。模块化垄断结构有其独特的表现形态和具有效率的制度安排.为保护这种高效的可竞争性模块化垄断结构,我们要重视其市场制度与规制制度安排。  相似文献   

逐步剥离:我国铁路重组合理组织边界的初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
引入竞争、提高效率是我国铁路重组改革的重要目标指向,因此组织边界的确定以及与之相配套的竞争激励措施已成为重组模式选择的关键议题。本文以自然垄断和交易成本理论为指导,以竞争激励促进企业运行效率为依据,通过对世界各国多种重组模式的垄断与竞争格局进行比较分析,提出了用逐步剥离的方式逼近我国铁路重组合理组织边界的改革思路。  相似文献   

当社会经济环境发生变化,现存制度安排下存在无法获得的潜在利润,传统的市场形式不适应组织发展的目标要求,产生了农产品连锁超市经营替代传统城市农贸市场交易的制度创新过程。并且这一过程伴随着市场交易组织的生成和演进,市场组织化的努力和新的制度规则的确立都是通过交易组织的组织规则的确定和组织的绩效的改进实现的。因此,“农改超”的过程表现为制度创新和组织创新,是制度创新与市场组织化彼此耦合的发展过程,  相似文献   

Information technology lowers the cost of distributing information to dispersed consumers. Because national firms reap larger benefits from new media than firms serving only local consumers, media innovations may reduce the market for local products. This paper considers the effect of television on the market for local beer. Using market‐level data on television penetration, local breweries and brewery production from 1945–1960, results show that increases in television penetration are associated with fewer local breweries and less local beer production. The results indicate that the industrial organization of media markets can affect the structure of markets for local products.  相似文献   

In explaining financial performance variance, strategic management researchers and industrial organization economists have emphasized industry factors, market share, generic strategy, and strategic group membership, whereas organizational contingency theorists have emphasized alignments involving environment and internal structure. This study integrates these perspectives, testing the financial performance consequences of organizational alignments, in context with the effects of industry, market share, and strategy. In an empirical study in two manufacturing industries, it is shown that some organizational alignments do produce supernormal profits, independent of the profits produced by traditional industry and strategy variables. The results are consistent with the resource view of the firm: to the extent that alignments result from skill rather than luck, it is reasonable to regard alignment skill as a strategic resource capable of generating economic rents. The article suggests that, by focusing on industry and competitive strategy variables, contemporary industrial organization and strategy research has understated the role of organizational factors in producing sustainable competitive advantage.  相似文献   

I examine two dominant processes of organizational interdependence—imitation and resource competition—and develop a theory that integrates predictions about firms' propensity to change market locations based on both. The cornerstone of the model is the argument that both processes operate concurrently and are driven by the departure of peer firms from a shared resource space. I also argue that the imitation effect, which reflects shared perceptions and interpretations among ecologically proximate peers, hinges on the competitive intensity faced by each individual organization in its market location. Analyses of U.S. automobile manufacturers' moves between the industry's three main market segments confirm the predictions of the theory and point to the merits of using an ecological approach to the evolution of market segmentation and the formation of industry structure. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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