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We study Arrow–Debreu equilibria for a one‐period‐two‐date pure exchange economy with rank‐dependent utility agents having heterogeneous probability weighting and outcome utility functions. In particular, we allow the economy to have a mix of expected utility agents and rank‐dependent utility ones, with nonconvex probability weighting functions. The standard approach for convex economy equilibria fails due to the incompatibility with second‐order stochastic dominance. The representative agent approach devised in Xia and Zhou (2016) does not work either due to the heterogeneity of the weighting functions. We overcome these difficulties by considering the comonotone allocations, on which the rank‐dependent utilities become concave. Accordingly, we introduce the notion of comonotone Pareto optima, and derive their characterizing conditions. With the aid of the auxiliary problem of price equilibria with transfers, we provide a sufficient condition in terms of the model primitives under which an Arrow–Debreu equilibrium exists, along with the explicit expression of the state‐price density in equilibrium. This new, general sufficient condition distinguishes the paper from previous related studies with homogeneous and/or convex probability weightings.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal insurance design problem for an individual whose preferences are dictated by the rank‐dependent expected utility (RDEU) theory with a concave utility function and an inverse‐S shaped probability distortion function. This type of RDEU is known to describe human behavior better than the classical expected utility. By applying the technique of quantile formulation, we solve the problem explicitly. We show that the optimal contract not only insures large losses above a deductible but also insures small losses fully. This is consistent, for instance, with the demand for warranties. Finally, we compare our results, analytically and numerically, both to those in the expected utility framework and to cases in which the distortion function is convex or concave.  相似文献   

Bernard, He, Yan, and Zhou (Mathematical Finance, 25(1), 154–186) studied an optimal insurance design problem where an individual's preference is of the rank‐dependent utility (RDU) type, and show that in general an optimal contract covers both large and small losses. However, their results suffer from the unrealistic assumption that the random loss has no atom, as well as a problem of moral hazard that provides incentives for the insured to falsely report the actual loss. This paper addresses these setbacks by removing the nonatomic assumption, and by exogenously imposing the “incentive compatibility” constraint that both indemnity function and insured's retention function are increasing with respect to the loss. We characterize the optimal solutions via calculus of variations, and then apply the result to obtain explicitly expressed contracts for problems with Yaari's dual criterion and general RDU. Finally, we use numerical examples to compare the results between ours and Bernard et al.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the pricing and hedging of typical life insurance liabilities for an insurance portfolio with dependent mortality risk by means of the well‐known risk‐minimization approach. As the insurance portfolio consists of individuals of different age cohorts in order to capture the cross‐generational dependency structure of the portfolio, we introduce affine models for the mortality intensities based on Gaussian random fields that deliver analytically tractable results. We also provide specific examples consistent with historical mortality data and correlation structures. Main novelties of this work are the explicit computations of risk‐minimizing strategies for life insurance liabilities written on an insurance portfolio composed of primary financial assets (a risky asset and a money market account) and a family of longevity bonds, and the simultaneous consideration of different age cohorts.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the mean–variance portfolio optimization in continuous time. Since this problem is time inconsistent we attack it by placing the problem within a game theoretic framework and look for subgame perfect Nash equilibrium strategies. This particular problem has already been studied in Basak and Chabakauri where the authors assumed a constant risk aversion parameter. This assumption leads to an equilibrium control where the dollar amount invested in the risky asset is independent of current wealth, and we argue that this result is unrealistic from an economic point of view. In order to have a more realistic model we instead study the case when the risk aversion depends dynamically on current wealth. This is a substantially more complicated problem than the one with constant risk aversion but, using the general theory of time‐inconsistent control developed in Björk and Murgoci, we provide a fairly detailed analysis on the general case. In particular, when the risk aversion is inversely proportional to wealth, we provide an analytical solution where the equilibrium dollar amount invested in the risky asset is proportional to current wealth. The equilibrium for this model thus appears more reasonable than the one for the model with constant risk aversion.  相似文献   

Fusai, Abrahams, and Sgarra (2006) employed the Wiener–Hopf technique to obtain an exact analytic expression for discretely monitored barrier option prices as the solution to the Black–Scholes partial differential equation. The present work reformulates this in the language of random walks and extends it to price a variety of other discretely monitored path‐dependent options. Analytic arguments familiar in the applied mathematics literature are used to obtain fluctuation identities. This includes casting the famous identities of Baxter and Spitzer in a form convenient to price barrier, first‐touch, and hindsight options. Analyzing random walks killed by two absorbing barriers with a modified Wiener–Hopf technique yields a novel formula for double‐barrier option prices. Continuum limits and continuity correction approximations are considered. Numerically, efficient results are obtained by implementing Padé approximation. A Gaussian Black–Scholes framework is used as a simple model to exemplify the techniques, but the analysis applies to Lévy processes generally.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a utility indifference pricing model for investors trading in a discrete time financial market under nondominated model uncertainty. Investor preferences are described by possibly random utility functions defined on the positive axis. We prove that when the investors's absolute risk aversion tends to infinity, the multiple‐priors utility indifference prices of a contingent claim converge to its multiple‐priors superreplication price. We also revisit the notion of certainty equivalent for multiple‐priors and establish its relation with risk aversion.  相似文献   

We analyze the convergence of the Longstaff–Schwartz algorithm relying on only a single set of independent Monte Carlo sample paths that is repeatedly reused for all exercise time‐steps. We prove new estimates on the stochastic component of the error of this algorithm whenever the approximation architecture is any uniformly bounded set of L2 functions of finite Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension (VC‐dimension), but in particular need not necessarily be either convex or closed. We also establish new overall error estimates, incorporating bounds on the approximation error as well, for certain nonlinear, nonconvex sets of neural networks.  相似文献   

We consider two risk‐averse financial agents who negotiate the price of an illiquid indivisible contingent claim in an incomplete semimartingale market environment. Under the assumption that the agents are exponential utility maximizers with nontraded random endowments, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for negotiation to be successful, i.e., for the trade to occur. We also study the asymptotic case where the size of the claim is small compared to the random endowments and we give a full characterization in this case. Finally, we study a partial‐equilibrium problem for a bundle of divisible claims and establish existence and uniqueness. A number of technical results on conditional indifference prices is provided.  相似文献   

We consider a class of production–investment models in discrete time with proportional transaction costs. For linear production functions, we study a natural extension of the no‐arbitrage of the second kind condition introduced by Rásonyi. We show that this condition implies the closedness of the set of attainable claims and is equivalent to the existence of a strictly consistent price system under which the evaluation of future production profits is strictly negative. This allows us to discuss the closedness of the set of terminal wealth in models with nonlinear production, functions which may admit arbitrages of the second kind for low production regimes but not marginally for high production regimes.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel class of hybrid credit‐equity models with state‐dependent jumps, local‐stochastic volatility, and default intensity based on time changes of Markov processes with killing. We model the defaultable stock price process as a time‐changed Markov diffusion process with state‐dependent local volatility and killing rate (default intensity). When the time change is a Lévy subordinator, the stock price process exhibits jumps with state‐dependent Lévy measure. When the time change is a time integral of an activity rate process, the stock price process has local‐stochastic volatility and default intensity. When the time change process is a Lévy subordinator in turn time changed with a time integral of an activity rate process, the stock price process has state‐dependent jumps, local‐stochastic volatility, and default intensity. We develop two analytical approaches to the pricing of credit and equity derivatives in this class of models. The two approaches are based on the Laplace transform inversion and the spectral expansion approach, respectively. If the resolvent (the Laplace transform of the transition semigroup) of the Markov process and the Laplace transform of the time change are both available in closed form, the expectation operator of the time‐changed process is expressed in closed form as a single integral in the complex plane. If the payoff is square integrable, the complex integral is further reduced to a spectral expansion. To illustrate our general framework, we time change the jump‐to‐default extended constant elasticity of variance model of Carr and Linetsky (2006) and obtain a rich class of analytically tractable models with jumps, local‐stochastic volatility, and default intensity. These models can be used to jointly price equity and credit derivatives.  相似文献   

We introduce a new class of numerical schemes for discretizing processes driven by Brownian motions. These allow the rapid computation of sensitivities of discontinuous integrals using pathwise methods even when the underlying densities postdiscretization are singular. The two new methods presented in this paper allow Greeks for financial products with trigger features to be computed in the LIBOR market model with similar speed to that obtained by using the adjoint method for continuous pay‐offs. The methods are generic with the main constraint being that the discontinuities at each step must be determined by a one‐dimensional function: the proxy constraint. They are also generic with the sole interaction between the integrand and the scheme being the specification of this constraint.  相似文献   

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