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旅游目的地映象研究述评   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
旅游目的地映象概念自亨特1971年提出后,引起了学术界的广泛关注,并成为国外旅游学研究的热点问题之一.本文通过对国外有关旅游目的地映象研究文献的分析,从旅游目的地映象的内涵、目的地映象的形成、目的地映象研究的意义、测量与评估等方面进行了综述与评述.最后指出,国内旅游目的地形象设计研究较多,但至今国内旅游目的地映象研究成果有限,有待学者们进一步的探索.  相似文献   

论农村旅游开发的资源凭借   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37  
本文通过对江西安义古村旅游开发和浙江奉化腾头村现代农村旅游开发的比较分析,认为农村旅游开发的资源凭借主要是农事活动、农村聚落、农民生活、农业生态、农业收获物等农村事务要素的综合构成。  相似文献   

杨云 《旅游学刊》2006,21(2):82-88
经过20世纪80年代以来20多年的学术研究和实践,国外接待业人力资源管理已成为一个较成熟的研究领域.本文分战略性人力资源、招聘和选拔、流动、培训和开发、薪酬管理、绩效评估、工作设计与参与和管理者开发等8个主要研究议题,对国外接待业人力资源研究进展进行了较系统的评述.目前综述国外接待业人力资源研究进展的文献尚不多见,国内接待业人力资源研究尚不全面和深入,本文综述将为国内相关研究提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

基于实验人文地理学的旅游目的地选择行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于实验经济学和计算机实验人文地理学的方法思想,以旅游目的地选择行为研究为案例。首先设定研究目标,进而提出了实验的前提假设。采用地理信息科学和网络服务技术,构建旅游目的地选择行为实验平台,展开实例研究,研究结果表明:(1)进行大尺度旅游目的地选择时,被试者表现出不断追求旅游效益最大化这一目标,且与旅游目的地的资源类型无关。(2)被试者经过一定实验学习后,总体上呈现出不断追求个人收益最大化的趋势。然而,有些情况下,也可能出现决策失误。案例研究的成功进一步表明,实验人文地理学思想方法和研究手段对于典型人文地理学问题进行研究是可行的。文章为正在发展的实验人文地理学发展提供了案例指导。  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to improve an already existing Tourism benchmarking tool designed and implemented by the Austrian Provincial Government of Tyrol in 1987 (Haemmerle and Lehar 1987, Berktold 1992). After a brief introduction which overviews latest benchmarking approaches within tourism (Morey and Dittman 1995, Kozak and Rimmington 1998, Siguaw and Enz 1999, Dubé et al. 1999, Ritchie and Crouch 2000) and emphasizing its strategic significance of continually monitoring and emulating standards of performance, the principal purpose of an already existing benchmarking tool, the Tyrolean Tourism Barometer, is described in form of a case study. Both, the data gathering process as well as the operational sequences leading to a variety of indicators are thoroughly discussed. The paper concludes by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of this secondary data based benchmarking tool. The final section of the paper critically assesses the neglect of relevant elements within the production process of tourism services. Here, the point will be made that it will not suffice to only describe structural shifts in tourism supply and demand in order to establish a reliable instrument for retrospectively evaluating tourism policy and strategically optimize future destination policies. Thus, the existing approach, initially based on price and capacity data only, is extended by linking it to both quality measures of customer satisfaction as well as resource allocation conditions (Weiermair and Fuchs 1999, Wöber 2000).  相似文献   

Tourism destination competitiveness (TDC) has been a prominent topic toward the tourism industry in global marketplaces. To give a more comprehensive and more objective evaluation of TDC, a multi-hierarchy evaluation model (MHEM) is established. The information entropy-based weighting method is employed for the determination of the weights of all the evaluation aspects. The self-organized mapping neural network is proposed to give a more comprehensive classification of tourism developments. To verify the efficiency of the proposed evaluation model, an empirical study on the 16 cities in the Yangtze River Delta of China is constructed. External and internal uneven development phenomenon of TDCs is observed and analyzed based on the evaluation results, and the core-layers spatial distribution characteristics of the cities in the delta are also well described.  相似文献   

周永博  沈敏  魏向东  梁峰 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):102-109
旅游地意象既包括旅游者经实地体验形成的复合意象,也包括那些远离旅游地的潜在旅游者借助各类媒介信息所形成的引致意象.在新媒体时代,传媒在旅游地意象传播中所扮演的角色越来越重要,分析和研究旅游地意象媒介传播机制现已成为该领域前沿课题.为探索遗产旅游地意象媒介传播模式,文章结合苏州园林和江南古镇案例,采用焦点组访谈、内容分析、问卷调查等方法获取9365例样本的旅游目的地意象媒介传播数据,在质性分析基础上,通过在遗产旅游地意象属性因素与传播媒介因素之间建立结构方程模型,并根据系列研究假设验证结果,揭示出传统媒体与新媒体在遗产旅游地意象形成中的实际作用机制.结论认为,传统媒体与新媒体在文化遗产旅游地意象传播中存在功能互补,前者的优势在于遗产形态与形象推广,而后者的优势则在于遗产文化与意义诠释;借助传统媒体扣新媒体传播不同类型的遗产旅游地意象信息,能够在激发遗产旅游需求的同时,帮助公众更完整地理解遗产文化价值和精神内涵,从而在潜在旅游者中塑造更优良的遗产旅游地意象.在文化遗产旅游地意象传播中,传统媒体与新媒体的整合使用,代表着文化遗产旅游地意象传播的必然.  相似文献   


Cooperative educational partnerships in Australia are innovative education partnerships where universities join with a business or industry association in a working relationship. The partners share resources to develop and provide undergraduate award-bearing professional development education courses for employees and association members. The aim of this research is to investigate the nature of outcomes that encourages tourism and hospitality organisations to encourage professional development education for their employees and members.

This research used a qualitative approach to understand and analyse five cooperative education partnerships operating in the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia. The outcomes emerging for tourism and hospitality organisations include encouraging confidence and loyalty in employees and a strengthening industry commitment to further education. The university saw professional development education provided through cooperative education partnerships as becoming part of their core education activity. Communication difficulties between different organisation cultures appear to be a barrier to overcome.  相似文献   

在旅游地意象研究中,学者们一直很重视地域文化差异对旅游地意象感知的影响。文章基于旅游地意象构成模型,采用主成分分析、方差分析等定量方法,以内蒙古草原旅游地为例,对比分析了内蒙古自治区区内和区外两个地域文化组旅游者的草原旅游地意象的认知、情感以及整体意象感知的变化和差异。研究得出以下结论:(1)两个地域文化组旅游者的草原旅游地意象感知都是积极正面的,草原旅游地意象在市场中发挥着积极的作用。(2)区内文化组旅游者的整体意象感知高于区外,但区外文化组却拥有比区内文化组更高的情感意象。在7个认知意象维度中,多数认知意象维度的感知都是区内文化组高于区外文化组。(3)地域文化差异对旅游者的草原旅游地意象感知没有显著影响。本文的研究对于同一文化体系内部的文化差异对旅游地意象的影响研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This qualitative research examines cruise ship tourism through a case study of Key West, Florida, exploring its perceived benefits and drawbacks. It outlines the growth of the industry, the issues raised by that growth, and uses the land-use tourism model developed by Vera Rebollo and Ivars Baidal (2003) Vera Rebollo, J. F. and Ivars Baidal, J. A. 2003. Measuring sustainability in a mass tourist destination: Pressures, perceptions and policy responses in Torrevieja, Spain. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11: 181203. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] to probe those issues. The results illustrate how mature cruise tourism destinations such as Key West fear continued growth and loss of sustainability, but have mixed emotions about future quantitative and qualitative growth.  相似文献   

识别旅游地的属性对于旅游地形象、满意度以及旅游者的重游意愿和推荐意愿的效用是非常重要的.本文以九寨沟风景区为案例,采用因子分析和回归分析等方法,研究发现:①九寨沟风景区地方属性可以分为资源价值和人文环境氛围、接待服务、自然旅游资源和环境3个维度.②不是九寨沟所有的地方属性都对其形象的形成、满意度、重游意愿和推荐意愿有显著作用,在18个属性中只有11个属性与旅游者的感知态度和购后行为有关.可以构建旅游地属性与旅游者的感知和态度关系的结构模型.③九寨沟风景区地方属性的效用和感知质量的高低是不完全耦合关系.研究可以为旅游地的旅游开发与管理提供建议,有助于旅游地采取针对性的改善措施与市场营销策略.  相似文献   

城墙是城市的重要标志和象征,是一种极具历史文化艺术价值的重要旅游资源。然而古城墙的旅游开发目前还普遍停留在门票经济阶段。如何充分认识古城墙的价值,并根据当前旅游市场的需求特征进行深度开发、科学开发和有文化内涵的开发,本文以临海古城墙为例对上述问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对北京郊区乡村旅游发展现状的调查研究   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
王兵  罗振鹏  郝四平 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):63-69
近20年来,我国乡村旅游的迅猛发展以及在改变乡村贫困落后面貌中的巨大作用引起国家领导的高度重视.在国家"十一五"规划中将发展乡村旅游确定为解决三农问题的重要手段,因此乡村旅游的可持续发展至关重要.本文通过对北京郊区乡村旅游经营状况以及服务质量满意度的调查研究,指出制约乡村旅游深入发展的问题,并针对这些问题提出对乡村旅游深入研究的议题.  相似文献   

To develop and manage a tourism destination sustainably, it is important for all stakeholders to understand the interrelated tourism dimensions and activities within a destination. One way of determining the conditions of a destination's “health” is to establish a process by which existing data on various aspects of a destination can be assessed. For this purpose, this paper presents the development processes of the Hawaii Tourism Dashboard (HTD), an online information clearinghouse for multiple stakeholders and a diagnostic tool to monitor the conditions of Hawaii's tourism. As a joint effort between the industry and academia, it is hoped that the HTD can play an important role in increasing public awareness about tourism's multifaceted characteristics and in assisting decision-making and policy development by the government and the industry.  相似文献   

This study explores the determinants of perceived value derived from interorganizational collaborations in a tourism destination. The authors propose a theoretical model of perceived value drawing upon the rich stream of literature related to strategic collaborations and interorganizational networks. The model was tested using a cross section of tourism organizations operating within Elkhart County, Indiana. The results indicate that a significant positive value of collaboration is achieved from dyadic relationships. Importantly, the results suggest that the positive effect achieved from one-to-one partnerships decreases once an organization collaborates with several other organizations. The article discusses various implications for managing strategic tourism partnerships.  相似文献   

旅游业区域溢出的可计算模型及案例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一个开放的经济系统中,旅游业区域溢出广泛存在,而溢出大小除了与两个旅游区之间的规模等级差异和空间距离呈负相关外,还与它们之间的类型差异和接受溢出方的学习能力呈正相关。本文即是对上述溢出影响因子进行综合,借鉴经典知识溢出公式而构建了一个测度旅游业区域溢出的机理模型S(ji)=δje-1δ(jl)Gi(jl)2+δ(jk)G(ijk)-βrij,并在进一步的变量定义和参数估计后,实现了模型的可计算化。此外,本文还利用该模型对长江三角洲"15+n"旅游城市之间的溢出情况进行计算,在验证模型可信度的同时也分析了区域旅游合作及相应旅游圈组织的有效性问题,取得了一些有益的认识。  相似文献   

基于人才资源需求的旅游教育分层培养模式研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文在社会调查和实证数据比较的基础上,剖析了近年来旅游业人才资源现状和旅游院校人才培养现状,指出了总量平衡———宏观协调和单体失衡———微观失调的人才资源矛盾,提出应重新调整人才培养结构,根据产业发展对人才资源的需要,分层次进行个性化的培养模式设计,提高人才培养效益。  相似文献   

基于Web的省域旅游地品牌符号表征比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在网络时代,网络宣传对于旅游地品牌的构建发挥了不可忽视的作用。文章在旅游地品牌符号“三位一体”系统构建基础上,基于政府旅游网站对中国各省域旅游地品牌符号表征进行比较研究。网站上研究的符号主要包括当地的旅游宣传口号、视频影像、图片及网站的语言设计等。首先,根据荣格原型理论把各研究样本旅游地的旅游宣传口号分成4大类;其次,随机抽样进一步探讨各旅游地所有品牌符号的匹配性;最后,通过政府官方网站和商业网站旅游地口号的对比研究,分析旅游地宣传口号的流行趋势。结果显示,部分旅游地网站旅游地宣传口号缺失,同时网站上各符号表征内容存在不和谐之处。目前,中国省域旅游地口号反映了3种不同知觉原型,并且官方网站旅游符号的打造反映了权力的操作,意识形态发挥主导作用。通过官方网站与商业网站的对比发现,整体上旅游地品牌口号愈来愈趋向于抽象“生活方式”的诉求,在商业旅游网站中意识形态的竞争日渐让位于意象形态的主导。  相似文献   

旅游体验研究:进展与思考   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
厉新建 《旅游学刊》2008,23(6):90-95
本文从旅游体验和体验经济两个方面的理论综述和进展追踪出发,提出了基于该两方面理论具体到体验塑造实践的应用.文章总结了旅游体验的分类、概念化发展、真实性、体验质量、体验管理等问题.基于对体验分类的理论分析,提出了通过主体体验化和支撑主题化的旅游体验塑造途径;基于考察体验的影响逻辑,提出了改善体验质量的方法.  相似文献   

To cope with several common problems in nature-based tourism destinations, including resource inefficiency, environmental pollutions and poor service quality, the paper proposes a new structure of service system for tourism destination in which some of the back-stage functions can be decoupled from the service system of individual tourism organizations and integrated into shared service centers and thus the overall scale of the back-stage functions of the destination can be reduced and equivalence of the front–back structure of the destination can be achieved to facilitate the above problems solving. Based on this understanding, a comprehensive costs analysis is conducted to explain the advantages of the new structure over the traditional one by considering three important factors involved in the above problems: the environment, service quality and operation costs. Finally, a case study on rural tourism in China is undertaken to justify this analysis.  相似文献   

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