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Zoos suggest that they can play a role in fostering conservation behaviour, but there is only limited research support for such claims. This article examines why there might be a difference between the stated potential for zoos to influence visitor behaviour and existing research findings. The present study utilises a research design, methods and instruments that provide more sensitive measures of conservation behaviour outcomes. In particular, a distinction is made between behaviours that were already known to visitors and new/unknown behaviours. Two behaviours communicated during a bird presentation at an Australian zoo (recycling and removing road kill from the road) were chosen to test. Results include that, 81% of the respondents recalled hearing the conservation actions during the presentation and 54% stated an intention to increase their commitment or start an action. In 38 follow-up telephone interviews six months after their visit, 26 stated that they had started or increased their commitment to an action. However, only three had started a new action and these were actions previously known to them. The results frame a discussion on actions that zoos may wish to target if they wish to communicate more successfully.  相似文献   

旅游接待地社会文化保护问题新论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对旅游接待地的社会文化保护一直是中外旅游发展中备受关注但始终未能妥善解决的问题。本文针对这一问题分析了旅游接待地所扮演的文化角色,分析了旅游业的过度发展对旅游接待地社会文化造成的6个方面的冲击,在此基础上提出对旅游接待地实施社会文化保护和文化提升的战略思考。笔者认为,我们对保护一词首先应有正确的理解,应采用旅游学术研究最新成果,制定文化保护和文化提升战略,制定和颁布相关法律和政策,建立相关的执行和协调机构,应充分发挥社区居民在旅游接待地社会文化保护和文化提升方面的作用,应重视在旅游接待地社会文化保护和提升方面的国际合作。  相似文献   

Studies of competitiveness have been most often conducted at the destination rather than the attraction level. However, a destination is an aggregation of tourist attractions plus supporting infrastructure and services, and many attractions are small-scale destinations in themselves, providing visitors with multiple opportunities. This paper, by examining the environmental strategies adopted in the development process of Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone, the most visited attraction in Hainan, China, shows that the image, and hence the competitiveness of tourist attractions can be enhanced through sound environmental management practices.  相似文献   

陈晔  李天元  赵帆 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):31-41
旅游目的地推广营销所使用的官方网站、微博、电子商务平台等网络渠道构成了旅游者接触目的地的网络界面。旅游目的地网络界面特征主要包含信息价值、友好性和交互性3个要素。为探索旅游目的地网络界面对旅游者体验及品牌形象的影响,构建了旅游目的地网络界面特征、旅游者体验与目的地品牌形象的结构方程模型。研究发现,旅游目的地网络界面特征的3个要素通过功能体验和情感体验两个中介因素影响游客对目的地品牌形象的感知,但信息价值对情感体验的影响不显著。基于以上结论,对旅游目的地优化网络界面提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

马彦琳 《旅游学刊》2005,20(1):63-67
本文紧紧围绕乡村旅游发展的方向——环境旅游与文化旅游紧密结合这个主题,从乡村旅游的基本概念和本质特征入手,就乡村旅游的市场特点和发展趋势进行了分析.并对如何开发贵州省乡村旅游产品进行了分类讨论,指出环境旅游和文化旅游紧密结合是贵州乡村旅游可持续发展的基本要求.贵州省乡村旅游只有沿着环境旅游和文化旅游紧密结合的方向前进,才有希望把贵州省建设顾国内、乃至国际著名的乡村旅游胜地。  相似文献   

试论资源配置对上海都市旅游发展的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
楼嘉军 《旅游学刊》2001,16(4):56-59
资源配置是推进上海都市旅游发展的核心内容 ,也是强化旅游市场竞争力的必要手段。旅游资源在时空上的优化组合 ,有助于形成上海都市旅游的特色 ,也是上海都市旅游获得跳跃式发展的关键。  相似文献   

世界遗产地旅游企业的环境行为直接影响到区域环境质量.文章利用6大类33个环境行为指标,对世界自然遗产武陵源所在地张家界市的饭店企业环境行为进行测度;同时,构建饭店企业环境行为影响因素量表,运用多元线性回归分析方法,探析饭店企业环境行为的驱动机制.研究表明:张家界饭店企业环境行为总体均值得分较低(1.72);6个环境行为指标组的均值分别为1.82、1.70、1.63、2.02、1.59和1.43,其中,环保知识掌握、环境管理沟通和节水管理等3个方面的环境行为表现较为欠缺;在大多数环境行为指标的得分上,高星级饭店并未与低星级饭店、社会旅馆拉开明显差距;利润动机、政府环境规制压力和其他利益相关者压力是饭店企业环境行为的主要驱动因素;管理层环境意识和事业动机对饭店企业环境行为绩效没有显著影响.  相似文献   

在相关研究的基础上,本文运用结构方程建模方法建立了感知购物环境对旅游者购物行为的全影响和间接影响模型,通过对两个模型的对比分析,发现了感知购物环境影响旅游者购物行为的路径机制,即感知购物环境对旅游者购物行为的影响是通过改变旅游者的购物情绪而实现的,旅游者购物情绪在环境→情绪→行为这一路径中起到非常重要的媒介作用。最后,本文提出了管理建议。  相似文献   

China is experiencing an increasingly high level of recreation and tourism use of its environments but only limited studies of the environmental impacts of tourism have been published. This paper is based upon a collection of research papers on the environmental impacts of tourism in English and Chinese, especially research on carrying capacity and the physical impacts of tourism. The paper compares the characteristics of research in English and Chinese literatures. It shows that China lags behind the western world in this research field. Chinese researchers need to: (1) be more critical of the feasibility of carrying capacity applications; (2) introduce new technologies in their research on vegetation and soil; (3) know more about the buffering effects of different kinds of tourist trails such as boardwalks, concrete trails, cross-tie trails, cobble trails and so on; (4) try to shed light on possible positive impacts of tourism; and (5) pay more attention to the protection of environmentally sensitive areas. The paper also discusses the dilemmas of research on carrying capacity and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

旅行社对旅游者行为影响的初步研究   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
旅行社是联结旅游者与旅游目的地的纽带,旅行社对团队旅游者的旅游行为有着多方面的影响。本文分别就旅行社对旅游者的决策行为、时间-空间行为、消费行为、心理行为的影响进行了初步的分析,并在此基础上探讨了旅行社对旅游者行为影响研究的实践意义。  相似文献   

旅游业的产业关联和产业波及分析——以广东为例   总被引:64,自引:3,他引:64  
本文运用投入产出理论,以广东省投入产出表为依据,对旅游业的产业关联和产业波及效应作了全面的定量分析,揭示了旅游业的投入结构、销路结构、中间需求率、中间投入率、旅游业的波及线路、影响力及影响力系数、感应度与感应度系数、综合就业系数、综合资本系数、价格波及效果等重要指标。  相似文献   

生态旅游社区居民是否具有环保意识,是当地生态旅游能否可持续发展的关键因素。因此,如何培养社区居民的环保意识是当前面临的重要挑战。有研究表明,经济收益能够作为激励因素增进居民的环保意识,然而这种激励方式的有效性却受到了另外一些学者的质疑。基于文献研究,文章提出社会资本在生态旅游收益和居民环保意识之间具有调节作用的假设。实证检验结果表明,社会资本是一个调节变量,正向调节生态旅游收益与居民环保意识之间的关系。该研究结论对于生态旅游实践具有重要的管理启示。  相似文献   

通过对2005年9月西安旅华背包客旅游决策行为调查的第一手资料,从行为分割空间角度初步研究了环境感知因素对旅华背包客决策行为的影响,研究揭示:现阶段,旅华背包客决策行为主要受个人相关因素影响,旅游目的地环境感知因素传递受旅游客源国环境感知因素影响,当旅游者确定国际旅游后,旅游目的地感知因素对旅游者决策行为影响高于客源国环境感知因素.  相似文献   

魏卫  张海  王淑佳 《旅游学刊》2014,(6):117-126
文章以国际学术界具有较高权威性和较大影响力的旅游、管理学研究期刊中检索到的1995~2012年间的48篇酒店环境行为学术文献为研究文本,运用文献计量学方法,对文献的数量变化、期刊、研究地域范围以及研究主题、研究方法及研究风格等信息进行统计、分析和比较,提炼和分析了境外学者在酒店环境行为研究中的成果和观点,为酒店企业环境行为的研究和发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

一次对旅游前沿课题的审题研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在中国旅游业的发展中,在中国学者对旅游科学的研究中,有哪些课题是人们公认的前沿课 。一个业界,学界和管理层官员都一致关注的重心。本文根据北京旅游学院旅游科学研究所和《旅游学刊》编辑部最近联合撰写的这一研究的研究报告,将日前在北京召开的这次别出心裁的研讨会的成果及一些学者的有关反映作一扼要的概述。  相似文献   

Cross-cultural understanding in tourism is a well-researched area, but in spite of great amount of time and money spent on cross-cultural training programs, this study suggests miscommunication continues to exist, caused by differences between expected and actual host or guest behavior. A gap, therefore, appears to exist between theory and practice. This article argues that much of this gap can be attributed to international tourists behaving in a manner that diverges from their expected cultural norms when they travel. They join a temporary “tourist culture” that sanctions, and indeed, encourages alternate behavior. Tourist behavior, therefore, represents a combination of national and “tourist” cultures. This proposition is tested by comparing the expected and actual behavior of Korean tourists visiting Australia. The study found that both tourists and frontline hotel staff noted that tourists behaved in a less restrained manner than expected. These findings have significant implications for cross-cultural training.  相似文献   

Diversifying on-farm enterprise portfolios, especially through agritourism, is claimed to increase farm revenues and help alleviate the economic problems of family farms. Thus, the adoption of agritourism in the US has steadily increased during recent years. Agritourism is also suggested to produce environmental and sociocultural benefits. To quantify these benefits, this study assessed the sustainability of agritourism farms, compared with other farm entrepreneurial ventures, using the “sustainable development” and “farm enterprise diversification” frameworks. Data from 873 US farms with a diversified entrepreneurial portfolio revealed that agritourism farms approach sustainability to a greater extent than their counterparts, producing multiple environmental, sociocultural and economic benefits for their farms, households and even society. Results suggest that agritourism, compared with other farm entrepreneurial ventures, is more successful in increasing farm profits, creating jobs and conserving the natural and cultural heritage. For example, 52.4% of agritourism farms have been within the same family for at least two generations and 73.3% are willing to pass the farm on to their children, proportions that are significantly higher than other entrepreneurial farms. Study results also show, however, that while many agritourism farms practice integrated pest management, they need to be more engaged in other environmentally friendly and conservation practices.  相似文献   

Rural retailers in tourism communities face unique problems. This paper focuses of those problems and some potential solutions. It is based on data collected in three states, all with a strong tourism economic base: Michigan, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Within those states communities which derived their major economic support from tourism were selected. Data were collected through focus group interviews. The issued of consumer satisfaction with the community as a whole and the retail market in particular was central to the discussions.  相似文献   

This study examines the relevance of environmental management as a source of competitive advantage for hotels. The relationship between the environmental proactivity of hotels located in the province of Alicante (Spain) and their economic performance levels was studied, and three strategic groups, based on environmental proactivity, were identified: Proactive, Intermediate and Reactive. The findings show that the degree of proactivity achieved by these hotels does not strongly impact on their organisational performance. Nevertheless, performance levels increase as environmental proactivity grows.  相似文献   

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