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This study identifies variables affecting daily attendance at the 2012 Expo Yeosu, Korea, emphasizing the role the newspapers and promotions played during the Expo. A polynomial distributed lag model is estimated to determine the factors influencing daily attendance at the Expo. Results indicate that the variables of Saturday and first and second days of holidays, peak vacation season, media, and promotions have a significant positive effect on the number of visitors to the Expo. Discounted tickets increase the average daily attendance by approximately 27,000 visitors. Newspaper reports have a positive effect on attendance; more importantly, reports show carryover effects. The positive effect on attendance of a newspaper report increases up to the fourth day from the date of publication and then starts to decline. The effect of a newspaper report stops around the eighth day from the date of publication. The findings have practical implications for managing visitors to mega events.  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会旅游发展潜力的效应分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
郭英之 《旅游学刊》2003,18(5):52-56
本文从世博会的基本情况入手,首先对20lO年上海世博会的潜力效应、增量效应、洲际和洲内竞争效应进行了分析。并从管理体制、市场运作、会展立法、人力资源等说明了上海世博会的负面效应,针对此提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

从整体上看,目前在奥运会等重大事件的申办和组织过程中公民参与是非常有限的.与之相对应,现有相关研究对公众如何有效参与重大事件中的公共决策回答得还不够深入,特别是所提出的对策缺乏可操作性.本研究通过引入托马斯的公众参与有效决策模型,并结合专家访谈、问卷调查和统计分析的结果,构建了重大事件公众参与的有效管理模型,以期为重大事件的公众全过程参与提供一种理论范式.  相似文献   

Tourism represents a principal sector of the economy of Taiwan. Consequently, the government is currently focusing on developing the country as a major tourist destination in Asia. Thus, the primary aims of this research were to explore factors related to tourists’ motivations to visit Taiwan as well as the demographic segmentation of these foreign tourists. Using a convenience sample, 249 surveys were collected and analyzed. The results show that five push (enlightenment and reputation; unusual and affection; freedom; interpersonal communication and sharing; and family and friends relationship) and six pull factors (attitude and quality of service; cost, shopping, and tasting; diverse attraction; culture connections; sport facilities, wildlife and events; and accessibility) play important roles in the motivations of foreign tourists. Furthermore, foreign tourists can be clustered into five groups based on motivation (scenery/knowledge seekers, accessibility/expenditure seekers, relaxation/relation seekers, novelty/experience seekers, sport/service seekers) and five demographic groups (gender, age, marital status, nationality, and income). According to these results, suggestions are made as to how Taiwan could effectively develop tourism policies and marketing strategies to attract international tourists.  相似文献   

Within a wide body of literature it has been argued and demonstrated that community participation in tourism development is advantageous in terms of the sustainability and effectiveness of the development policies adopted. However, over time, doubts have been raised about whether community participation should take place in developing countries. There are major concerns regarding the immaturity and the incompliance of the political and social conditions of developing countries in relation to the requirements necessary for an effective participatory planning. In this paper, we argue that mega-events, due to their wide scope and the key role that large groups of stakeholders play in their success, may represent a driver for community participation in developing countries. In order to explore our idea, we will analyse tourism development and the planning of a mega-event within the Yangtze River Delta area, driven by the organisation and preparation of the Shanghai World Expo. According to our evidence, some initial elements of participative decision-making have indeed developed around the organisation of this mega-event, even though China has historically been considered refractory towards community participation. Finally, we discuss the findings in the light of existing knowledge to elicit significant questions about community participation in tourism development within developing countries and to address further research on this topic.  相似文献   

The proliferation of golf events has provided increased opportunities to watch professional golf tournaments. The purpose of this study is to examine a variety of leisure benefits sought by Korean golf event spectators and provide useful marketing strategies to fulfill their needs. Within the contexts of leisure benefits, different individuals tend to assign different meanings to the same leisure experience. In this sense, golf event spectators are likely to pursue heterogeneous leisure benefits from their engagement. This study identified four distinct spectator groups (i.e., escape seekers, exercise seekers, interest seekers, and excitement seekers) and uncovered significant differences among these segments. Results provided empirical support that event-based sport tourism marketers need to implement diverse strategies to increase and reinforce their customer base.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a measurement scale assessing motivations of tourists traveling to religious sites within the Chinese context. Deploying quantitative methods in relation to Putuo Buddhist Mountain – one of the most visited Buddhist destinations in China, this study depicts 20 motivation attributes. Accordingly, the scale dimensionality of tourist motivation in the context of religious tourism is first revealed by an exploratory factor analysis and further validated by a confirmatory factor analysis. Consequently, three resultant constructs entailing religious belief, cultural enjoyment, and mental relaxation exhibit acceptable levels of reliability. Construct validity, including discriminant and convergent validity, is satisfactorily established. Furthermore, this study examines how tourists’ past experience and degree of religious belief affect the derived constructs that define the motivations of religious tourist. The results suggest that past experience significantly affects tourists’ motivation to achieve religious beliefs, while degree of tourist religious belief has a great impact on both their motivation to achieve religious beliefs and mental relaxation. Finally, according to motivation theory, religious beliefs and mental relaxation can be classified as push factors, while cultural enjoyment and one item belonging to religious beliefs are pull factors.  相似文献   

胡平  杨杰 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):81-85
会展业作为前景广阔的朝阳产业,对相关产业有巨大的拉动作用.本文以上海新国际博览中心作为案例对会展业的经济效应做实证研究,从抽样调查和统计数据着手分析得出以下结论:上海展览业的拉动效应为1∶8.4,已接近国外发达国家水平;不同展览的经济带动作用各不相同,参观人数多的品牌国际展的经济拉动作用更大;展览会对展览搭建公司以及当地住宿餐饮影响巨大.  相似文献   

The present case study seeks to contribute to the culinary event management literature, investigating key motivators among participants to the Derbyshire Food and Drink Fair, United Kingdom. A questionnaire, which was partly based on predictors related to the theory of planned behavior was designed and distributed; 308 usable responses were collected. The validity and impact of attitude toward the behavior, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms on behavioral intention was confirmed. Additionally, several motivators, such as “commitment and perceived importance,” “consumption and entertainment,” “attendance and discovery,” and “joining others” were identified as key factors. Finally, statistically significant differences were noticed among various participating groups, namely, in terms of age, gender, or distance traveled to the event. The findings have important implications for event managers and organizers, in terms of promotion, and addressing the needs and wants of various segments of food festival attendees.  相似文献   

Knowledge on spatio-temporal changes of inbound tourism flow is important for destination economy, cultural communication and city image. This paper proposes a novel research framework for the spatio-temporal distribution and changes of inbound tourism flow by, first, using R-HDBSCAN clustering algorithm to extract tourism area of interest (AOI), second, by utilizing several key indicators adopted from the complex network theory literature to study the structure of inbound tourism flow with a case study example from Shanghai, China. The results show, first, that tourism in Shanghai is highly concentrated on the most popular AOI clustered in the city center relatively close to each other and, second, that, the inbound tourism flow network of Shanghai has small-world characteristics, while the distribution of its AOI (nodes) and tourist routes (edges) has general power law features, which has been influenced by the World Expo.  相似文献   

海峡两岸HTM专业大学生的专业选择动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海峡两岸旅游产业不断发展 ,海峡两岸HTM专业的大专院校数量与大学生数量也不断增加 ,HTM专业高等教育方面的研究也不断增多 ,但关于海峡两岸的大学生选择HTM专业的动机等方面的定性与定量研究却非常匮乏。本研究目的在于 :第一 ,分析海峡两岸大学生选择HTM专业的动机 ;第二 ,海峡两岸HTM专业大学生出国留学喜欢优先选择的国家和专业 ;第三 ,比较海峡两岸大学生选择HTM专业动机的相似性与差异性。此项研究希望通过大学生的实际抽样调查 ,了解海峡两岸HTM专业高等教育现状 ,用定量分析的方法揭示出海峡两岸大学生选择HTM专业的动机 ,以弥补国内外相关研究在定量分析方面的不足  相似文献   

This study proposes a conceptual model to investigate visitors' perceptions of an event's quality according to value and the destination image, and visitors' resulting behavioral intentions in the context of a mega-sports event. This study also examines whether or not perceived value and destination image determine visitors' future behavioral intentions. Using structural equation modeling analysis, this study determines that an event's quality and its perceived value have a significant effect on behavioral intentions. Moreover, perceived value exerted a direct influence on behavioral intentions, and destination image determined visitors' perceptions of value. However, the impact of destination image had an insignificant effect on behavioral intentions. The implications have merit for academic researchers and sports event organizers.  相似文献   

Although many previous studies have investigated the information search behavior in some specific age groups of tourists, few of them comprehensively examined the relationships between cross-generational tourists and their preferences for various types of trip-planning resources. This study aimed to fill this research gap. The authors employed correspondence analysis to assess and visually display the correlations between four generational groups—the Silent Generation (aged over 65), the Baby Boomers (aged 50–64 years), Generation X (aged 30–49 years), and Y (aged 18–29 years)—and 10 primary travel information sources for the Shanghai international tourist market. The results indicated that tourists in the Baby Boomers and Silent Generation groups rely most on travel agencies and tour operators. The Generation X tourists are inclined to search websites for their travel information. Generation Y tourists are more likely to consult friends and/or relatives and travel guidebooks. The study has both theoretical and practical contributions. The core values of generations are used to explain their preference of information sources from a theoretical perspective. This study assists destination marketers to design effective promotional strategies suited for different generational segments.  相似文献   

传统旅游动机研究多着眼于群体的时间断面,对个体旅游动机动态变化的揭示及其背后的理论建构关注较少。留学生在华旅游的空间、时间和文化特征均介于入境旅游和国内旅游之间,具有一定的独特性和典型性。本研究以留学生身份的“我”为研究对象,从过程理论视角,通过自我民族志方法对留学生在华旅游动机变化过程进行分析。基于完整的自我叙事以及对旅游动机的过程反思,从文化接触期、初步适应期、深化适应期和生活倦怠期等几个阶段,分析在华留学生追求新奇、自我发展、建立声望、逃离惯常、健康放松和社会交往等旅游动机的变化过程,并建立留学生在华旅游动机变化模型。同时,也提出了留学生在华旅游所特有的距离错位动机和文化适应动机。本研究试图阐明留学生旅游动机在跨文化适应过程中的自我探寻与变化逻辑,结论对入境旅游、国内旅游的市场开发也有一定裨益。  相似文献   

This paper aims at testing the effectiveness of using an image-based approach to segment the cultural tourism market. Identifying 14 image attributes of cultural attractions, Taiwan's inbound tourists were then surveyed to rate the importance of these attributes. Applying a factor–cluster segmentation approach, four discrete image segments were identified, including arts and museum, heritage, living culture, and resulted in a sample of 954 respondents. The research findings reveal several theoretical and empirical implications, including the propositions of cultural distance, omnivorous/univorous, experiential and informational familiarity of destination and the two-dimensional model of cultural tourist typology.  相似文献   

The enduring legacy of a mega-event can be the unique opportunities it provides for visitors. Thus, focusing on the visitors’ experiences should be a priority for the tourism industry. Festivals and mega-events are typical experiential products that provide high-quality experiences in the field of tourism. This study examines Pine and Gilmore's concept of the experience economy in the context of a mega-event. Specifically, the relationships among Expo experience, quality, satisfaction, and the effect of the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea are examined. This study empirically tests whether the Expo experience and Expo quality influence visitor satisfaction. It also investigates whether visitor satisfaction influences the effect of the Expo. A self-administered survey was conducted for visitors (N?=?377) of the Expo. The results of testing Pine and Gilmore's concept of the experience economy reveal that among four dimensions, esthetic experience followed by entertainment experience were the most important experiences influencing visitor satisfaction. The results also show that the effect of the Yeosu Expo was determined by Expo satisfaction. However, the findings indicate that educational and escape experiences were not closely related to satisfaction for Expo visitors.  相似文献   

入境旅游是衡量一个国家知名度、影响力和旅游发展水平的主要因素,也是赚取外汇和旅游收入的重要路径。上海是外国游客入境重要的目的地,也是中国最大的入境游客中转站。文章分析了德国、法国、英国、美国、泰国五个上海主要入境旅游客源国2004年第一季度至2018年第三季度的数据,运用计量经济学方法建模,并实证分析了上海入境旅游需求的影响因素。研究表明,口碑效应、客源地的收入水平与上海入境旅游需求正相关;上海入境旅游具有较大的季节波动特点,冬夏两季入境游客数量减少;世博会对上海入境旅游拉动作用较大。同时,对德国、法国、泰国三大市场未来十年的旅游季度需求进行了预测,预测发现,德国、法国、泰国三大市场未来十年都有较大增长,特别是泰国市场的年均增长率达到4%。  相似文献   

Tourist motivations are important factors in understanding tourist behaviour in relation to destination choice; and motivation relates to the needs, goals and preference of the tourists. Extensive research work on tourist motivation factors has been documented in the tourism literature. However, there seems to be a lack of empirical study on the accommodation sector, in particular ecolodge accommodation. Attention to tourists' motivational factors in the ecolodge accommodation is essential for determining the tourists' choices or needs and tourist behaviour in terms of choosing ecolodge accommodation. Previous studies determine that tourist motivations are influenced by both push and pull forces; and these forces describe how an individual is pushed by motivating variables into making travel decisions and how they are pulled or attracted by destination attributes. This paper reports an exploratory qualitative study on ecotourists' motivation factors in the ecolodge accommodation by adopting pull and push motivation theory. In-depth interviews were conducted with 29 ecotourists who stayed in the two ecolodges in Sukau. The findings reveal that ecotourists are primarily attracted by the destination attributes (natural attractions, wildlife, local lifestyle and eco-activities) where ecolodges are located, which we term pull factors. At the same time, they are also pushed by their social–psychological desire to escape from their routine of normal life (push factors) by visiting ecolodges. This suggests that there are two different motivational forces among the ecotourists; and that ecotourists' motivational factors can be explained by employing “seeking” and “escaping” as motivational dimensions of leisure behaviour (Ross & Iso-Ahola, 1991 Ross, E. L. D. and Iso-Ahola, S. E. 1991. Sightseeing tourists' motivation and satisfaction. Annals of Tourism Research, 18(2): 226237. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], Annals of Tourism Research, 18(2) 226–237). The findings seem to inform that ecotourists' choices to stay in the ecolodges in Sukau are strongly influenced by the destination attributes or attractions around the ecolodges and not ecolodge accommodation attributes. The identification of motivational factors in this study provides a clearer account of what actually attracts the ecotourists to stay at ecolodges. It suggests that the marketing strategies for ecolodges should focus more on the destination attractions around the ecolodge accommodation. The ecolodge operators should position their ecolodges based on the unique destination attributes – wildlife and pristine environment – rather than the ecolodge attributes. Similarly, it is important for the ecolodge operators to conserve and protect their surrounding natural resources since these are the main motivational factors for tourists to patronize their ecolodges.  相似文献   

旅游业通常被认为对地方经济有促进作用,然而对这种作用很少从旅游者旅行模式的角度进行分析,旅游线路模式导致的旅游经济影响的空间差异要远大于游客活动分布的空间差异.文章以651条国内长途团队世博旅游线路详细报价单为基础数据,结合长三角城市地理空间背景条件,比较分析了旅游线路模式中基于线路节点特性的旅行模式、角色、功能、停留时间与旅游花费,对世博线路中的旅游目的地合作圈层进行了划分,深入探究基于旅游线路模式的长三角城市目的地旅游经济收益的空间差异.研究发现:(1)充分了解并建立与其他目的地的合作关系将从中受益.(2)目的地节点在各客源地旅游线路模式中的角色和功能不同,旅游收益存在显著差异,因此,应有针对性地在不同客源地进行差别化的旅游宣传和营销.(3)整个旅行时间长度是影响游客在目的地区域扩散模式的主要因素,也影响地区间经济利益的分配.目的地日花费与旅行天数呈U形曲线拟合,基于线路中目的地停留时间和花费的估算,长三角地区的旅游经济收益存在着显著的空间差异.该研究的实践意义在于为各目的地进行客源市场定位、宣传与营销提供参考.  相似文献   

China's phenomenal economic ascent has fueled domestic and outbound tourism demand and thus created unprecedented opportunities for hotel development and management. This single case study explores the relations between corporate culture and organizational performance for Home Inns, the largest lodging firm in China. The findings reveal that human relations and social nexus in a harmonious organizational context, as manifested in the core values of happiness and caring, are the major cultural traits “gluing” management and employees together in efforts aimed at accomplishing strategic goals. The study has major implications for organizations, both indigenous and international, operating hotels in China.  相似文献   

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