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Cultural tourism constitutes an alternative strategy of sustainable urban development for improving quality of life. The main objective of this type of tourism is to transform regions characterized by cultural resources into ideal places for vacation, residence or business. In this study residents' perceptions of cultural tourism were examined in a case study of Gwangju, Korea. It was found that the majority of the respondents were aware of the importance of cultural tourism and that they argued that it could contribute to urban development. The findings also suggest that there is a strong relationship between the respondents' characteristics and their perceptions of the impact of cultural tourism on urban development.  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was to provide a better understanding of local residents' perceived impacts of gaming tourism based on social representations theory. An empirical investigation was conducted in Macau, where gaming tourism is under explosive development. Through a survey of 396 local residents, two social representation groups were identified: “Ambivalents” and “Rationalists”. The two social representation groups presented significantly different perceptions and attitudes toward the impacts of gaming tourism in Macau. The three most significant factors that influenced residents' representations were personal income, perceptions of gaming tourism being able to increase personal/family income, and satisfaction with government performance in managing gaming tourism development. The research provides theoretical implications for future gaming impact studies and also practical ones for local governments and stakeholders in the tourism industry in Macau and other gaming destinations.  相似文献   

根据微观经济学的需求理论,结合相关研究进展,文章构建了包括基本经济因素(收入和相对价格)、对外开放度、旅游业发展水平、人口统计特征、突发事件等变量在内的出境旅游需求模型,以74个国家/地区1995—2013年的数据为样本,分析了发达经济体和发展中经济体出境旅游需求影响因素的总体特征与异同。结果表明,收入和价格是影响出境旅游需求的决定性因素,对外开放度、旅游业发展水平、人口统计特征及突发事件等其他因素对出境旅游需求同样具有一定的影响。其中,收入、价格以及产业发展水平对发展中经济体出境旅游需求的影响作用相对更大,而对外开放度和人口统计特征(就业水平、年龄结构和受教育水平)对发达经济体出境旅游需求的影响更加显著。  相似文献   

乡村旅游经营实体创业影响因素研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
李星群 《旅游学刊》2008,23(1):19-25
在乡村旅游开发中,开办小型经营实体是社区参与的最主要形式,其健康发展直接影响到乡村旅游开发目标的实现.通过在广西乡村旅游地区对乡村旅游经营者创业影响因素的实地调查,经T检验和因子分析,得出乡村旅游经营实体创业受增加经济收入、自我实现、家庭生活需要、兴趣爱好、外部支持和投资风险的综合影响,并且随创业者个体差异、实体差异在多方面表现出显著不同.  相似文献   

皖南古村落可持续旅游发展限制性因素探析   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
刘昌雪  汪德根 《旅游学刊》2003,18(6):100-105
皖南古村落通过发展旅游业带动社会和经济发展,是增强自身能力的现实选择,而只有遵循可持续发展原则,才能真正实现旅游发展与古村落发展的“双赢”。目前,皖南古村落旅游发展中存在一些不利因素,如旅游开发、经营和管理粗放;资源保护、利用与旅游发展关系不协调;旅游发展与社区发展的联系不紧密等,势必限制自身可持续旅游发展的进程。本文尝试在可持续旅游发展原则的指导下,对皖南古村落旅游发展中的一些限制性因素进行分析和总结。  相似文献   

In light of increasing global competition amongst international cruise destinations; growing demand for cruise tourism; and the lack of empirical studies on the “real” destination experience, satisfaction, and intentions to return and recommend (i.e., cruise destination loyalty), the current study investigates cruise visitor satisfaction, cruise destination experience, and the resulting behavioral intention as it relates to the cruise destination of Aruba, Dutch Caribbean. Because of increased reliance of small island economies on cruise tourism receipts and visitor expenditures, cruise ports throughout the Caribbean are seeking ways to improve the quality of destination services and experiences. Results indicate that cruise visitors are satisfied with their visit to Aruba and that overall destination experience in addition to satisfaction, were found to be significant predictors of cruise visitor loyalty.  相似文献   

浅析民族地区旅游可持续发展的某些限制性因素   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:38  
吴晓萍 《旅游学刊》2000,15(5):42-46
近20年来,民族旅游业极大地推动了民族地区社会和经济的发展。然而,在民族旅游业迅速发展的过程中,一些民族地区的自然和人文资源也受到了威胁和破坏。可持续发展是我国旅游业发展的基本战略。无论何种性质的旅游业,只有把可持续发展作为其发展的基本模式,才可能有效地利用和保护旅游资源。本文在实地考察的基础上,并借鉴一些他人的调查资料,对限制民族旅游业的可持续发展中的一些因素进行了初步的分析,指出目前我国的一些相关的理论和政策都存在一些误区。要使我国民族旅游业持续发展下去,理论上对旅游业的性质需要进一步明确,政策上田要进一步朝着有利于当地人的利益方面进行调整。  相似文献   

旅游地顾客满意度测评指标体系的研究及应用   总被引:73,自引:8,他引:73  
连漪  汪侠 《旅游学刊》2004,19(5):9-13
市场的竞争力来自顾客的满意度。本文根据旅游业的“食、住、行、游、娱、购”6要素特点。运用美国密歇根大学质量研究中心费耐尔(Fomell)教授的顾客满意度指数理论,构建旅游地顾客满意度指数测评的因果模型(Tourism Destination Customer Satisfaction Index,简称TDCSI)和旅游地顾客满意度测评指标体系,并对其进行了实证检验,证明该模型和指标体系较为科学、合理和可行。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the differences between visitor motivations and satisfaction between first-time visitors and return visitors to a recreation wellness tourist attraction site in South Korea. Data were collected using a questionnaire at a national arboretum and 573 samples were used for analysis. The study discovered that first-time visitor motivations were composed of four factors: “relaxation and rest”, “novelty”, “self-exploration”, and “accessibility”. The return visitor motivations were “sightseeing and experience”, “convenience for touring”, “self-exploration”, and “accessibility”. The desired outcomes motivating the visitation and level of satisfaction were different between first-time and return visitors. The results contribute practical information to managers and marketers not only of the arboretum, but also of wellness tourist attractions to improve strategic visitor management in Korea and beyond. The study strategically applies the arboretum as a competitive resource in a wellness tourism industry with strategic segmentation of visitors.  相似文献   

旅游节庆是一种新型的、特殊的旅游产品,对举办地的旅游和经济的发展具有多种功能。本研究针对大多数旅游节庆举办一两届后,就出现难以为继的尴尬局面,提出提高旅游节庆的大众参与度是成功举办旅游节庆的关键。根据前人的研究成果、专家的意见以及因子分析的结果,本文得到旅游节庆主题因素、旅游节庆文化因素、游客的现场感知因素、举办者的因素和外围环境因素五方面共19项影响大众参与度的因素。层次分析法给出了此19项因素的影响力排序,各个影响因素按照影响力的大小可为分三个等级。最后,用模糊评判法对中国湖州国际湖笔文化节的大众参与度进行了综合评价,分值为60.6778。  相似文献   

旅游人类学家谈中国旅游的可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
2005年6月下旬至7月下旬,美国加州大学柏克莱分校的纳尔逊·格拉本(Nelson H.Graburn)教授和厦门大学彭兆荣教授在北京出席学者俱乐部性质的"国际旅游研究院双年会"(2005 Biennial Conference of International Academy for the Study of Tourism)后,赴四川、贵州和广西进行了为期20天的调研.借此机会,彭兆荣对格拉本教授进行了专访,内容涉及到中国旅游发展的可持续性,少数民族地区的旅游发展特点及潜在的危机,农业旅游与生态旅游的发展空间,旅游人类学研究中的"真实性",传统民族志在旅游研究中的范式问题等.  相似文献   

在Web 2.0时代,社交媒体平台旅游者生成内容日益成为公众关注的重点,其对旅游者行程规划及企业的发展意义重大。但是,旅游者生成内容在现实发展过程中出现了优质旅游者生成内容不足及旅游者生成内容质量急速下降等问题。文章采用扎根理论质性研究方法,以热爱社交媒体的青年群体为研究对象,探索社交媒体平台旅游者生成内容的影响因素及作用路径。在此基础上,构建“环境”“平台”“个体动机”的理论模型,并从这三方面提出激发旅游者生成内容动机及行为的建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines trampling impacts on vegetation and soil as well as visitors' perception of these impacts in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China. Results indicate that visitor usage is proportionate to trampling impacts, with the two most used trails–Yellowstone Village Trail and Gold Whip Stream Trail–having the highest values in Soil Impact Index (SII) and highest rate of scarred trees. Vegetation and soil near 'Treasure Box for Celestial Books' are the most impacted with the Impact Vegetational Index (IVI) being 87.50% and SII being 2.27, respectively. This spot has the highest level of unacceptability. However, visitors' perceptions of the impacts on their hiking satisfaction are not always consistent with the actual physical deterioration. The unacceptability level for 'Gold Whip Crag' was much higher than 'The General Rock' despite the latter having higher IVI values than the former. It is argued that visitors' perceptions of recreation impacts could be influenced by the interaction of IVI, SII, and the size of the area impacted. Other factors such as visual sensitivity and social elements could also have an effect on visitors' judgements. Finally, this paper proposes management strategies for improving the park's visitor and environmental management.  相似文献   

This study, for the first time, attempts to explore the factors affecting tourist satisfaction with a theatrical performance, The Romance of the Song Dynasty in Hangzhou, China. Four factors are identified to have affected tourist satisfaction: “Performance,” “Venue Environment,” “Service,” and “Stage Facilities.” These theatrical performance factors are examined to assess the relative influence on tourist overall satisfaction. Tourists have the highest satisfaction with “Stage Facilities” among all factors; however, “Service” is the most influential predictor of tourist overall satisfaction. Tourist demographic and travel characteristics toward these four theatrical performance factors reveal several significant differences. Discussions and implications are provided to theater operators to improve tourist satisfaction with theatrical performance not only in Hangzhou, but also in the whole of China.  相似文献   

旅游对传统村落的影响研究——以安徽齐云山为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李萍  王倩  Chris Ryan 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):57-63
旅游影响一直是国内外旅游研究的重要课题,旅游地居民对旅游发展的感知是研究旅游影响的重要途径。此次调查以安徽省黄山市休宁县齐云山为例,采用问卷调查和现场访谈相结合的方式,运用SPSS、CATPACTM等软件对调查结果进行数理统计,从居民与游客角度分析了旅游开发给齐云山居民带来的经济、社会文化、环境的若干影响,以及居民对旅游业所持的态度。文章着重于探讨居民对于因旅游开发所带来的村落影响的感知,以及他们对于当前旅游影响的评测和对未来旅游发展的期待。  相似文献   

To date, few empirical studies have focused on the constituents of creative tourists’ experience and its consequences. This study aims to bridge this research gap by examining the effect of creative tourists’ experience on their memories, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. Data were collected from 296 creative tourists, selected through purposive sampling, at selected resort hotels in the Malaysian states of Terengganu and Kedah. The results show that creative-tourist experience is a second-order factor with five dimensions, namely escape and recognition, peace of mind, unique involvement, interactivity, and learning. The results of structural equation modeling show that creative tourists’ experience is a good predictor of their memories, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. The proposed model and findings can greatly help researchers and practitioners understand the concept of creative-tourist experience and its complex relationships with their memories, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

Tourism in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) is a relatively new phenomenon that commenced in earnest in the late 1990s. A decade later, the country's tourism portfolio is dominated by regional visitors originating from neighbouring China, Thailand and Vietnam who generally tend to come in large numbers, are relatively low spenders and register short average length of stays. In order to reap the fiscal benefits of tourism and sustain the nation's fragile cultural and ecological makeup, the Government of Laos is being challenged to establish ways to shift the balance of its tourism demand to more profitable and lower impact market segments. A human resource development strategy published by the Lao National Tourism Administration in collaboration with Luxembourg Development Cooperation suggests that a sustained investment in people will improve tourism sector service quality, which in turn will result in increased industry profitability. This paper explores the existing human resource environment in Laos' tourism sector and outlines the required actions by various stakeholders to achieve improved sector performance and stewardship of the country's fragile culture and environment.  相似文献   

随着我国乡村旅游进入新的发展阶段,乡村旅游开发的组织机制问题越发引人关注,女性参与乡村旅游开发已经成为不争的事实,女性村官对乡村旅游开发的决策作用日渐显著。因此,乡村旅游开发中女性村官参与行为影响机理研究对于深入研究乡村旅游开发组织机制问题,促进我国乡村旅游可持续发展意义重大。文章在改进计划行为理论(TPB)模型基础上构建乡村旅游开发女性村官参与行为意向影响框架,以282位湖南女性村官的调查问卷为数据来源,应用结构方程模型(SEM)对女性村官参与乡村旅游开发行为意向的影响机理进行研究。研究发现:(1)女性村官对于借助旅游开发带动农村经济发展的参与行为意向较高;(2)主观规范、行为控制认知以及参政特征3个变量对乡村旅游开发中女性村官参与行为具有显著的影响,影响系数分别为0.406、0.258和0.250,其中,主观规范影响最大;(3)女性村官参与旅游开发的行为态度对行为意向没有直接影响,而是通过参政特征变量间接影响行为意向;行为态度的中介作用变得更为复杂,这与已有计划行为研究不同。  相似文献   

旅游开发对语言文化景观的影响效应研究--以西安为例   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
潘秋玲 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):19-25
语言变化是衡量社会文化变迁与旅游开发之间关系的一个重要指标。本文在国内外相关研究进展综述的基础上,以西安为例,从文化地理学的角度,就旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响效应进行了综合分析,并探讨了产生这些效应的原因和空间特征。研究发现。旅游开发导致了目的地当地方言的淡化,外来方言的渗入以及外语产生的影响,具体表现在:①土语景观萎缩,普通话景观扩张,形成新语言占据土语空间和两者并存的现象;②目的地语言景观曼趋多元化,空间上形成了以旅游区为主体的粤方言渗透区;③外语作为一种异质文化,与方言相互交融。形成中外语言景观并存,交互并用的格局。文章最后指出,经济上的巨大落差。构成了文化能量的累积差异。从而产生西方文化、粤文化等经济发达地区文化向旅游目的地的传播和影响。同时,旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响表现出其独特的影响方向和空间特征。  相似文献   

Tea tourism as a new niche market has become more and more popular. Through a case study in Xinyang, China, this research explores tourists' attitudes and perceptions toward tea and tea tourism, identifies who the potential tea tourists are, and compares their attitudes with others. One hundred seventy-nine questionnaires were administered; one-way ANOVA and chi-square test were used based on their willingness of tea tourism. The results suggest that tea tourists and non-tea tourists have significant differences in terms of their attitudes toward tea drinking and their willingness of buying tea as souvenir. Tea tourists are mainly tea lovers driven by their high interest in tea and tea culture; they tend to be both males and females (yet females show a significant higher percentage than males), between ages 31–40, who have a positive attitude toward tea drinking, and who often drink tea. This research also provides some marketing suggestions for this niche market.  相似文献   

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