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This study explores the effects of stability and controllability, two dimensions of causal attribution, on airline travelers’ negative behavioral intentions, namely switching and negative word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions, through their negative emotions. Data were collected through a survey of airline travelers who experienced a service failure in the past year. Results indicate that both causal attribution dimensions affect negative behavioral intentions. The results also confirmed the moderating role of negative emotions in the stability/controllability and switching intention relationship as well as stability and negative WOM relationship. Managerial implications of these findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要探索旅行社服务公平感的结构维度,先后展开了两次调查,对数据进行了信度、效度分析和因子分析后,得到了包括"结果公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平"的4个维度的旅行社服务感量表,然后在此基础上探索了旅行社服务公平感4个维度对关系质量的影响.研究发现,旅行社服务公平感的各个维度对关系质量有显著影响.  相似文献   

The relationship between tipping and the service provided is not always linear. Factors such as demographic profile of the consumer, industry norms, and social norms affect the amount of tip. Results from the current study reveal that tipping varies when service failure occurs due to servers’ fault or organizational failure. Consumers with prior professional experience in the restaurant industry can distinguish between causes of failure, and tip accordingly. Consumers with prior professional restaurant experience were found to tip significantly more than those consumers that do not have prior hospitality experience. Tip rates for service failure due to organization failure tend to be higher compared with the service failure due to servers’ mistakes indicating that consumers do not penalize a server when the organization has caused the service failure.  相似文献   

当顾客遭遇由个别雇员引发的服务失败时,顾客会产生怎样的心理反应?文章基于服务失败情境探讨了顾客的自我建构倾向与服务质量预期对满意度与负面口碑传播的影响。研究运用实验法模拟(餐厅)服务情境,结果发现,当服务失败源于个别雇员的不当行为时,如果顾客对企业的服务持有相对负面的质量预期,那么自我建构类型为互依型的顾客(vs.独立型自我建构)更倾向于认为企业对雇员的服务质量具有可控性,会对企业更不满意;但在负面口碑传播上,独立型自我建构的顾客却反而更有可能通过口碑传播服务失败经历(vs.互依型自我建构)。文章在此基础上主要讨论了自我建构对服务失败研究以及企业实践的启示,并指出未来可进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between service recovery, stability and controllability attribution, recovery satisfaction, and customer loyalty. We collected data on service recovery, failure attribution, recovery satisfaction, and customer loyalty through a survey of airline passengers in Malaysia. The results indicate significant positive relationships between service recovery dimensions and recovery satisfaction, and between recovery satisfaction and customer loyalty. Both stability and controllability were negatively related to recovery satisfaction. The results provide support for the moderating effects of service failure attribution (stability and controllability) in the recovery process dimension. By recognizing the important role of stability and controllability attribution and its negative effects, service management should become highly involved in facilitating appropriate service recovery to satisfy customers after a failure. The results have important implications and suggest some interesting avenues for future research.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating role of severity of service failure between emotions and dissatisfaction, as well as between dissatisfaction and behavioral intention. Results showed that when customers’ regret and disappointment are low, service failure severity has an amplifying impact on their dissatisfaction. It also demonstrates that when customers’ dissatisfaction levels are low, service failure severity plays an important role in their negative word of mouth and switching intention. Therefore, if a restaurant can reduce its number and frequency of critical service failures, then restaurant operators can dramatically enhance customers’ word of mouth testimonials and customer retention.  相似文献   

谢礼珊  韩小芸  顾赟 《旅游学刊》2007,22(12):51-58
本文以博物馆游客为调研对象,探讨服务公平性、服务质量、顾客满意感、信任感与组织形象的关系,分析顾客感知的服务质量、顾客满意感、信任感、组织形象对博物馆游客行为意向的影响。结构方程模型分析结果表明:在博物馆服务环境中,(1)服务公平性包括交往公平性、程序公平性、结果公平性和信息公平性等4个组成部分;服务公平性4个组成成分对顾客感知的服务质量、满意感、信任感有直接或间接的影响,对组织形象有间接的影响;(2)顾客满意感和顾客感知的服务质量直接影响组织形象;(3)组织形象和顾客信任感对游客行为意向有直接的影响。论文的研究结论对指导博物馆的营销管理有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

陈晔  李天元  赵帆 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):31-41
旅游目的地推广营销所使用的官方网站、微博、电子商务平台等网络渠道构成了旅游者接触目的地的网络界面。旅游目的地网络界面特征主要包含信息价值、友好性和交互性3个要素。为探索旅游目的地网络界面对旅游者体验及品牌形象的影响,构建了旅游目的地网络界面特征、旅游者体验与目的地品牌形象的结构方程模型。研究发现,旅游目的地网络界面特征的3个要素通过功能体验和情感体验两个中介因素影响游客对目的地品牌形象的感知,但信息价值对情感体验的影响不显著。基于以上结论,对旅游目的地优化网络界面提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

This study examines airline travelers' causal attribution (stability and controllability) and its impact on trust and loyalty formation and investigates the moderating role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in this process. Based on a literature review, theoretical relationships between stability, controllability, CSR, trust, and loyalty were derived, and the moderating effects of CSR on relationships between stability/controllability and trust/loyalty were examined. To empirically test these theoretical relationships, quantitative data were collected from 271 airline passengers who experienced a service failure in the past year. The results provide support for effects of stability and controllability on trust as well as the effect of stability on loyalty. In addition, the perception of CSR had positive effects on trust and loyalty. Finally, a favorable CSR perception weakened the negative effects of a service failure on trust and loyalty, particularly when the failure was attributed to a stable cause. The results highlight the important role of CSR in service failure situations and have important implications for airline managers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of customer service failure attributions on customer commitment and the influence of service failure severity on recovery satisfaction. Data were collected through structured questionnaires and the hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study revealed that service failure severity and attribution dimensions of stability and controllability influence recovery satisfaction. No relationship was established between locus of causality and recovery satisfaction. It was revealed that recovery satisfaction influences customer commitment and knowledge of alternatives moderates the relationship between the two. Service providers are recommedend to avoid preventable service failures.  相似文献   

林美珍 《旅游学刊》2011,26(1):63-73
文章基于对我国52个旅游企业进行的实证研究,同时检验企业层次变量(企业的支持型领导氛围、授权氛围、员工服务行为评估氛围)和部门层次变量(部门的支持型领导氛围、心理受权氛围)对员工服务质量的影响。多层次线性模型分析结果表明,企业和部门的支持型领导氛围、部门的心理受权氛围和员工的心理受权对员工的服务质量都有显著的正向影响。此外,企业的支持型领导氛围会调节部门的支持型领导氛围、心理受权氛围和员工的工作满意感对员工服务质量的影响,部门的支持型领导氛围会调节员工的角色模糊、心理受权和工作满意感对服务质量的影响,部门的心理受权氛围会调节员工的角色负担过重对服务质量的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study is to assess the influence of employees’ perceived service climate on customers’ perceived service value and behavioral intention. Furthermore, the paper investigates the extent to which service quality mediates the relationship among employees’ perceived service climate, customers’ perceived service value, and behavioral intention. Data were collected from convenience samples of 400 customers and 375 hotel employees. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that: (1) employees’ perceived service climate has a positive and significant influence on service quality, customers’ perceived service value, and behavioral intention and (2) service quality has a positive and significant influence on customers’ perceived service value and behavioral intention. Additionally, this study revealed that the indirect effect of employees’ perceived service climate on customers’ perceived service value and behavioral intention through service quality is more than the direct effect of employees’ perceived service climate, customers’ perceived service value, and behavioral intention.  相似文献   

Relationship quality is crucial to enhancing a tourist’s loyalty. Little empirical research has been conducted to link service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality to customer loyalty in the travel agency sector. This study attempts to investigate the role of service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality on customer loyalty among tourists. Relationship quality consists of three components: customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer commitment. Structural equation modeling is used to test the linkages between the six variables that have been identified. Findings reveal that service quality and perceived value of a travel package are antecedent factors to the relationship quality with a travel agency; three components of relationship quality significantly influence a customer’s loyalty to a travel agency.  相似文献   

This article examines the applicability of Fournier's (1998) Brand Relationship Quality (BRQ) framework in the hotel industry, and also investigates the effects of BRQ on hotel consumers’ behavioral intentions, after service failures in high-class hotels. The empirical results show that BRQ is applicable to the hotel industry and has a moderating effect on consumers’ post-failure emotions, particularly in terms of influencing future behavioral intentions. However, this finding is not applicable when the service failures are severe.  相似文献   

员工心理受权与酒店服务质量关系的实证研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
授权管理措施是服务性企业提高服务质量的有效方法,而授权管理措施在企业内部的成功实施最终还要取决于服务人员的受权心态,即员工心理受权。作者在广州市两家四星级酒店进行了一次实证研究,探讨员工心理受权与服务质量关系以及培训、奖励等人力资源管理措施对员工心理受权的影响。数据分析的结果表明:员工心理受权包括工作意义、工作能力和个人影响力3个组成成分;员工心理受权的3个组成成分之间存在相互影响的关系;员工感知的个人影响力和工作能力分别对服务质量产生不同的影响;培训和奖励措施不仅影响员工心理受权,还对服务质量产生积极的影响。本项研究结果对酒店管理人员建立完善的培训和奖励体系,增强员工的心理受权感,进而提高服务质量有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

顾客抱怨研究由来已久,但以往研究更多停留在个体层面,缺乏群体层面的关注。文章基于中国人际“关系”视角,将群体服务失误下顾客间互动分为工具性关系互动和情绪性关系互动,通过设计旅游团遭遇群体服务失误的情景模拟实验,探讨群体服务失误下顾客间“关系”互动对抱怨的影响机制。研究结果表明,群体服务失误下,工具性关系互动通过影响群体极化和去个体化进而影响顾客直接抱怨,且群体极化的中介作用更明显;顾客间情绪性关系互动越强,去个体化和群体极化程度越大,进而诱发更强的直接抱怨倾向,且去个体化在其影响过程中作用更强。研究有助于丰富顾客间互动对抱怨影响的研究视角,完善顾客群体性抱怨理论框架,也对顾客群体抱怨处理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

This study examines how different service experiences lead to different motives and intention to spread eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth), focusing on the antecedent roles of restaurant service experience valence and purchase involvement. The findings reveal that consumers are motivated to spread eWOM for self-, other-, and company-focused reasons, and that experience valence and purchase involvement significantly impact such motives. Our findings suggest that highly involved customers have more intentions to provide eWOM following negative experiences and that customers receiving negative experience hope to influence companies through eWOM. This article adds to the body of scholarly research related to eWOM by identifying purchase involvement and service experience as significant antecedents of motivation to provide online reviews.  相似文献   

This article develops and tests a model of emotional labor in the hotel industry using affective event theory. A multiple-wave longitudinal analysis using data from 424 hotel service employees and their immediate supervisors reveals how work contexts (supervisory support) affect work events (interactional justice), and thereby influence the affective (negative emotions), attitudinal (job satisfaction), and behavioral (emotional labor, service quality, and voluntary turnover) reactions of hotel service employees. The results show that (1) supervisory support relates positively to supervisory interactional justice; (2) supervisory interactional justice is negatively associated with negative emotions; (3) negative emotions relate positively to surface acting and negatively to deep acting; (4) surface acting leads to lower job satisfaction, whereas deep acting leads to higher job satisfaction; and (5) job satisfaction leads to higher service quality and lower turnover. The implications suggest important recommendations for hotel managers.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to understand the influence of hotel service quality and corporate image on tourism customer loyalty. Data were collected from tourists at several sight-seeing locations in Mauritius. The study sample comprised guests of various hotels in Mauritius who were randomly approached and invited to participate in a survey on the hotel's services. The study findings suggest that it is the quality of service and the corporate image of the hotel that jointly influence tourism customers' loyalty. Although the study findings do not indicate a direct relationship between service quality and loyalty, it is the consistent quality of service that creates and sustains the image of the hotel which, ultimately, results in tourism customer loyalty. This would therefore suggest that tourism customer loyalty is dependent on a hotel's ability to consistently deliver service quality.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the various services provided by a convention center and its service quality affects attendees’ experiential values, and in turn, leads to the attendees’ overall satisfaction and loyalty. The sample consisted of 217 convention attendees in Phoenix, AZ, representing a response rate of 54%. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used for analyses. Results indicate that basic and excitement service factors have a positive influence on individual experiential values. Also, the study shows that enhanced individual experiential values have an impact on raising overall satisfaction with the convention center.  相似文献   

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