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The extant tourism literature contains virtually no studies examining the issue of destination culture in the context of hotel website evaluations. The research presented herein examined 168 Beijing hotel websites. Content analysis of these websites was carried out using 12 destination cultural factors identified by the researchers. The aim was to examine whether the performance of the hotel websites under investigation differed in terms of these factors by hotel category. The results indicate that the majority of Beijing hotels do not include destination cultural factors on their websites. Although the websites of privately owned, chain, and international hotels, as well as those with higher star ratings were found to feature more of these factors, the differences were not statistically significant. Among the 12 destination cultural factors identified, Forbidden City was the most commonly included on the hotel websites, and Temple Fair and Pet Birds were completely absent.  相似文献   

For a performance measure to be instructional in future operations, selecting the right strategic groups of firms from which appropriate benchmark targets are to determined is important in the development of business strategies. The immediate question is how to group firms and choose the best benchmark. In this study, a revised context-dependent data envelopment analysis model is applied to identify multilevel strategic groups. Empirical data are obtained for 56 international tourist hotels in Taiwan. Five strategic groups are identified in terms of efficiency frontiers, and the hotels within the groups are ranked by attractiveness scores that reveal their competitiveness. The hotels are also assessed by progress scores that reveal the effort needed for them to advance to a higher level. By integrating both these scores, a clear benchmarking path is designed for each hotel. This path can guide inefficient hotels to identify suitable role models for excellence.  相似文献   


International tourist hotels play a consequential role in the development of the tourism industry. The occupancy rate is usually considered a pertinent indicator in measuring the performance of the hotels. This study employs the ARIMA and ARIMA transfer function model incorporated with the Box-Cox transformation function for the forecasting of occupancy rate. The results of this research find two explanatory variables strongly affect the occupancy rate: one is the numbers of tourists and the other is the Taiwan/ Japan foreign exchange rate. The forecasting shows slow rising of the occupancy rate for the international hotels in Taiwan; it will reach 64.67% by the year 2000. The forecast of the occupancy rate provides important information tor both government agencies and hotel managers so that corresponding management strategies can be made.  相似文献   


This study measures the congestion efficiency of 69 international tourist hotels (ITHs) in Taiwan between 1998 and 2009. Out of 69 ITHs, 62 faced a congestion situation and the number of guest rooms and total floor spaces of the catering divisions are the main congesting factors. The distance to a mass rapid transit station, pick-up service, and established years have significantly negative effects on congestion efficiency of ITHs, while the distance to nearest airport has a significantly positive impact on efficiency. American and Japanese tourists, independent ownership, and rural location significantly help improve an ITH’s efficiency.  相似文献   

This study illustrates that determinants of customer satisfaction in hospitality venues can be identified through an analysis of online reviews. Using text mining and content analysis of 42,668 online traveler reviews covering 774 star-rated hotels, the study found that transportation convenience, food and beverage management, convenience to tourist destinations and value for money are identified as excellent factors that customers booking both luxury and budget hotels consider important and for which the performance is much satisfactory to them. Customers paid more attention to, but were less satisfied with, bed, reception services and room size and decoration. Most determinants of customer satisfaction also showed a consensus over luxury versus budget hotels, except for factors referring to lobby and sound insulation. As per its findings, the article concludes by presenting theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

This paper uses the data envelopment analysis approach to measure cost, allocative and overall technical efficiencies of international tourist hotels (ITHs) in Taiwan during 1997–2006. There are three outputs, three inputs, three input prices and four environmental variables in the empirical model. The cost inefficiency of these hotels is from overall technical inefficiency. International tourist hotels in Taiwan have an average efficiency of 57%. Chain systems, non-metropolitan areas and occupancy rate have significantly positive impacts on all efficiency scores of Taiwan's ITHs. The distance from the nearest international airport significantly worsens their efficiency scores.  相似文献   

国际酒店管理集团在我国发展策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王捷二 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):70-76
本文以相关数据为基础,探讨国际酒店管理集团在中国的发展策略与其管理酒店所在地区的区域经济、区域属性和环境资源等因素的关联关系,分析他们区域布局的规律和未来的发展趋势,以期对国内酒店集团的发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   


Research on the non-equity entry mode choices of service firms is relatively limited. We use transaction cost economics and organizational capability perspectives to examine the determinants of choosing between franchising and management contracts in the hotel industry. In our analysis of four international hotel organizations operating in New Zealand, we found that both asset specificity and imperfect imitability helped in explaining the choice between franchising and management contracts. Behavioral uncertainty and host country management capabilities explained the entry mode choice of some hotel organizations but were not applicable for others that entered New Zealand via international strategic alliances or used strata titles. Finally, environmental uncertainty and the development of New Zealand’s business environment had a limited effect on choosing between franchising and management contracts.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the feasibility of applying SERVQUAL to measure the quality ofservice provided by the establishments of a tourism subsector (hotels) of a tourist destination (Cantabria, an autonomous region in northern Spain), in order to obtain relevant information for decision-making by those in charge of the tourist administration and industry associations of the region. In the specific case of the subsector we have chosen, the most significant variables for a strategic diagnosis, and which have therefore been incorporated into the analysis, are the legal category of the establishment and the geographical zone where it is located. The results of the study have allowed us to identify the categories of establishments, and the zones which require special attention, as well as the sort of interventions needed.  相似文献   


Increasingly technology based solutions are being used to deliver customer service within the international hotel sector. Frequently, these are being driven by cost and operational efficiency concerns, rather than customer service concerns. The argument is presented in this paper that the undifferentiated use of these solutions across international hotel chains without consideration of the diversity of national cultures that may utilize these services may impact negatively on customer service and organizational performance. A number of propositions are suggested both for further academic research and as factors for consideration by hotel managers in this sector.  相似文献   

我国国有旅游饭店资本存量结构调整初探   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
蒋晓波 《旅游学刊》2000,15(2):38-41
本文在对我国国有旅游饭店资本存量绩效、缺陷以及成因分析的基础上,结合当前国有旅游饭店改制的外部条件,寻求较为现实的对策思路,以探讨国有旅游饭店资本存量结构调整的途径。  相似文献   


This paper is to investigate economies of scale and economies of scope for the international tourist hotel industry in Taiwan. The research sample contains 50 international tourist hotels in Taiwan. Research data is from financial statements in the official annual report published by the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communication, R.O.C., and the sample period is from 1993 to 1997. The empirical model contains the Translog cost function, which includes three output variables and four input factors, the cost‐share equations, and the constraints on the parameters in the simultaneous cost system. The seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) is used to estimate the parameters of the simultaneous cost system. The results show that, based on the 1997 data, international tourist hotels in Taiwan are in general not operating efficiently, in terms of cost efficiency. There are some cost incentives or benefits from expansion both in scale and scope of business.  相似文献   

Analysis is performed by green hotel features: energy conservation, water conservation, waste management, green purchasing, and corporate social responsibility. Questionnaires were distributed to managers of hotels and travel agencies via snowball-sampling. Findings show that hoteliers have higher green hotel attitudes than travel agency managers. By gender, female managers have higher green hotel attitudes. Managers with less work experience have higher green hotel attitudes. Managers who work for upscale hotels have higher green hotel attitudes than managers of typical hotels and travel agencies. Managers working in south or east Taiwan have higher green hotel attitudes than those in north or central Taiwan.  相似文献   


Recently, higher education in Taiwan for the hospitality industry has grown dramatically. However, hospitality education is still considered a relative newborn in comparison with other programs. To develop effective programs, it would be appropriate to investigate competencies that influence career success in the hotel industry and the courses that nurture those important competencies.

A researcher-developed survey instrument was used to collect data from 200 industry professionals. Instrument reliability and validity were reported. The results revealed the competencies relating to communication and adaptability most influenced career success. Moreover, Finance/Marketing/Personnel Management, Foreign Languages, and Communications & Quality Management curriculum dimensions were significantly related to competencies of “communication skills & adaptation to environmental changes.”  相似文献   


Internships have been widely used as an educational component for hotel management students. Despite the importance of internships, there has been limited empirical research in the academic literature on the quality of internships for hotel management students. The three stakeholders, academic institutions (educators), students, and organizations (employers) are important elements in the success of internships. From the viewpoint of students, this study examined the ranking of the level of expectation before placement and satisfaction after placement of selected internship issues, the differences between satisfaction and expectations, and the relation between these differences and demographic characteristics. Upon completion of the internships, it was found that the ranking of student issues was relatively higher than of academic institutions or organization issues. In addition, it was found that the differences on all issues before and after placement were significant. Finally, there were also differences concerning a few issues among the demographic groups. This study concludes that programs need to be improved to make internships successful. Although the study is based on research in Korea, it is argued that suggestions and discussions of the selected internship issues may be potentially applicable to hotel management internships in other countries.  相似文献   


This study investigated specific cross-cultural issues affecting expatriate hotel employees in Taiwan's lodging industry to determine if Cross-Cultural Training (CCT) might help expatriate hotel employees adjust to a new culture and a new business environment. The most formidable task in the human resource area facing many global firms is the development of a cadre of employees and executives who have a deep understanding of the global market environment and the capability to transfer this knowledge into determined action (Pucik, Tichy, & Barnet, 1992). Employees who are expatriates in the hospitality industry are now more important than ever, as more hotel chains are seeking expansion opportunities into overseas markets. However, individuals who are sent overseas without adequate training often fail, and there are significant costs associated with this failure (Li, 1995).

The purpose of CCT is to increase the probability of an individual's adjustment into another culture (Cushner & Brislin, 1995). However, CCT could still be a valuable tool to help expatriates cope with culture shock even though the importance of expatriates being involved in CCT might not be as important as generally thought. Considering the cost, there may be other alternatives to facilitate expatriate adjustment. There does exist an inevitable trend of globalization. Developing coordination, training, and acculturation takes time, effort, and money. Clearly more research is warranted relative to expatriation in the hospitality industry.  相似文献   

基于细节服务的酒店形象影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑胜华  何一 《旅游学刊》2008,23(2):29-35
细节服务作为酒店管理多元化发展的一个分支,对挖掘、整合和利用酒店资源,发现、赢得和稳定客户,识别、利用和树立良好的酒店形象有着不可忽视的作用.本文首先从细节服务的视角出发,剖析了细节服务的关键因子及其对酒店形象的影响.在此基础上构建了基于细节服务的酒店形象影响因素模型,并提出了相应假设;然后运用统计方法对其进行了验证,实证结果基本符合本文的研究构思和假设;最后,本文就如何依托细节服务提升酒店形象提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

中国大陆外方管理饭店人力资源管理现状及对策研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
谷慧敏 《旅游学刊》2000,15(5):68-73
本文通过抽样调查方式对中国大陆外方管理饭店(简称外管饭店)的人力资源管理现状、问题进行了分析。研究结果表明外管饭店与其它性质的饭店相比具有更大的自主权、裙带关系较少、重视员工培训和发展、更有效的激励系统以及良好的劳资关系等特征。国际饭店集团正在采取人才本土化战略,以获得更大竞争优势。外管饭店也面临着员工素质不高、人才流失、员工表现不理想、职业道德总体较低和中外员工文化差异等问题。作者认为人力资源管理的重点应该放在培训及激励员工两方面。  相似文献   

我国旅游饭店业向成熟转化时期的竞争特征和战略对策   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
饶勇 《旅游学刊》2002,17(4):30-34
我国旅游饭店业正逐步向产业成熟阶段转化,基本竞争环境发生了根本性的变化。本文运用SCP分析框架,对我国旅游饭店业产业转化时期的市场结构、企业行为和经济绩效进行了全面分析,对发展趋势进行了预测,并就产业转化时期的企业战略调整提出了政策及措施建议。  相似文献   

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