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随着经济全球化、信息化进程的加快,国内企业为树立良好的国际形象,拓展海外业务而纷纷建立自己的英文网站。然而,多数网站在公司概况的英译上都存在无视文化差异等不足。革除这一弊端的关键在于本地化翻译策略,即译者需综合考虑目的语所包含的意识形态、文化传统与受众心理等要素,积极发挥译者主体性,从而顺应目的语的生态环境。  相似文献   

拉菲是世界顶级酒庄拉菲古堡的简称,是最早一批建立中文版官网的企业,将其视为向中国传播品牌的必然途径。官网翻译本土化能够使网站在文化上更加接近目标受众,从而增加网站的点击量,吸引更多的消费群体。但是翻译的网站势必会与访问者产生一定的文化距离,这会影响他们对网页内容的判断。因此将对拉菲的中英文官网作对比分析,指出译者在英文官网汉译的过程中,应从语言层面和非语言层面出发,对目的语和目的语读者进行顺应。  相似文献   

商贸翻译是一项跨语言文化的交际活动,必然会涉及源语与目的语之间的文化差异。为了实现商贸信息的跨文化传递和贸易往来的顺利进行,在商贸汉译英过程中应以功能目的论为指导,以翻译所要达到的目的为导向,即目的决定手段。译者必须根据汉英文化差异的不同类型,采取直译、直译加注、意译、音译、音译加注、代换法等不同翻译方法,把文化差异导致的信息流失降到最低,尽可能地保留源语文化的内涵信息并准确无误地传递给目的语读者。  相似文献   

吉迪恩·图里,是特拉维夫学派的创始人。他提出了翻译规范理论,认为译者在整个翻译过程中主要受到源语文化规范和目的语文化规范这两种规范的制约,这两种规则就像两个端点,译者则应该在这两端间动态地选取自己应该采取的规则。本文是在翻译规范理论的基础上探讨实际翻译中译者的地位以及其现实意义。  相似文献   

旅游文本属信息类加宣传鼓动类语篇,语篇功能是传达信息和旅游营销,其翻译目的在于激发外国游客参观景点的兴趣或选择入住某酒店宾馆。在旅游文本英译过程中,译者应从汉英旅游文体风格差异、文化差异和语用差异出发,灵活运用改写、增删、语用调整等各种翻译手段,从而达到旅游文本英译的营销目的。  相似文献   

陆恩 《江苏商论》2013,(3):25-27
企业网站英文版是中国企业对世界开放的窗口,英文的翻译质量对吸引其潜在客户和合作伙伴至关重要。在企业网站英文版翻译中,译者要考虑网站整个翻译生态环境,从语言维、文化维、交际维等方面综合权衡,努力创造出受众群体喜欢的英文版。  相似文献   

外宣译者应发挥译者主体性,适应由外宣翻译目的、源语文本功能、源语与译语的语言结构与表达方式等众多元素构成的生态环境,灵活应用变译策略,实现在语言维、文化维和交际维的适应性选择转换,选择"三维"适应度高的译文。以南通市对外宣传资料为例,探讨了外宣翻译中"三维"适应与选择转换的具体策略与方法。  相似文献   

广交会官方网站推出葡萄牙语简版网站为了方便更多的海外客商用母语了解广交会的重要信息,广交会官方网站在原有11个语种基础上,于日前推出葡萄牙语简版网站。葡萄牙语网站承袭广交会网站主风格,开设了解广交会、采购商赴会、进  相似文献   

旅游文本属信息类加宣传鼓动类语篇,语篇功能是传达信息和旅游营销,其翻译目的在于激发外国游客参观景点的兴趣或选择入住某酒店宾馆。在旅游文本英译过程中,译者应从汉英旅游文体风格差异、文化差异和语用差异出发,灵活运用改写、增删、语用调整等各种翻译手段,从而达到旅游文本英译的营销目的。  相似文献   

解释学认为,林纾误译是由译者理解的历史性引起的.林纾的理解和他前理解构成了解释循环,林纾的创造是受到目的语文化视域和源语文本视域等前理解影响,使得林纾的翻译会有意无意地误译原作。理解的有限性同时也让林纾视域与目的语视域和源语文本视域等产生距离,因此林纾的误译是不可避免的。  相似文献   

韦努蒂的“异化”和“归化”理论是处理文化信息的主要翻译策略。“异化”有益于彰显源语言文化特色,但容易引起文化冲突。商标蕴含着丰富的文化,不同情况下,应针对性地运用归化和异化策略.采用不同的翻译方法,避免造成文化冲突.同时兼顾到商标所蕴含的源文化特色和目标消费者的兴趣,从而达到推广产品的目的。  相似文献   

Although some articles have tried to address the standardization/adaptation strategies of companies on the internet, there is still a lack of guidance on the issue, especially for companies outside of the United States. To help alleviate this shortage of guidance and provide Mexican web designers, web marketers, and IT managers with some insights into web cultural adaptation, this article conducted a comparative analysis of Mexican based companies’ domestic websites and their U.S. international websites, replicating a cultural adaptation framework from prior literature. Thirteen Mexican based Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (2005) companies were evaluated to test for the cultural adaptation of their Mexican and international websites. A content analysis of 26 Mexican domestic and U.S. international websites reveals non-significant cultural adaptation on the web; however, the results of the web content analysis are similar to those of previous research, which consider Mexican culture to score high in power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, and high-context cultural dimensions. However, for the collectivistic dimension, the results were opposite to those of previous research, which may suggest a need to develop and test other cultural adaptation frameworks for future research.  相似文献   

目前许多国内企业的英文简介晦涩难懂、不能达意。在功能目的论的指导下,本文在分析、对比中英文企业简介的文本功能和特点的基础上,对一些中国知名家电企业网站的英译简介的语言性、文体性及文化性翻译问题进行分类分析,然后提出一些翻译策略,以期帮助译者提高企业简介的翻译质量。  相似文献   

Reports of ethical lapses in the business world have been numerous and widespread. Ethical awareness in business education has received a great deal of attention because of the number and severity of business scandals. Given Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and recent Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International’s (AACSBI) recommendations, this study examined respective websites of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulated public companies and AACSBI-accredited business schools for ethical policy statement content. The analysis was accomplished by classifying ethical expressions into a framework consisting of the attributes of thematic content and focus/themes partially based on the 2004 research of Gaumnitz and Lere. Findings indicate that public companies have been diligent in presenting website ethical content that closely follows authoritative recommendations. Business schools appear not to have prioritized such disclosure to the extent done so by public companies. Although there was improvement between two samples taken in 2005 and 2007, this study provides evidence that many accredited business schools have little or no disclosed ethical expectations in their mission, vision, goals, or other similar types of statements on their websites. Additional findings provide several opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

应收账款是商贸公司常用的商业信用形式之一。应收账款居高不下势必危及商贸企业的生存。之所以会产生这一现象,主要源于市场竞争激烈化、企业清理欠款工作力度不佳以及依法解决债务纠纷的意识薄弱。为销除应收账款的过度积欠,商贸企业有必要建立客户资信台账,评定客户资信等级,合理调整其积欠额度。与此同时,应建立应收账款内部控制制度,明确权限责任,力保资金的安全回收。  相似文献   

A key research issue to this study is to explore how marketers who have already presented on the web perceive the world wide web as a marketing communications tool. The research focus is on examining what organisational benefits are recognised and how such benefits are associated with organisational features, attitudes towards the web presence and overall satisfaction with the web presence.

The data for this study were collected from a national survey of a stratified random sample of 164 South Korean companies who were running websites at the time. The results obtained in this study suggest that companies, overall, hold favourable attitudes towards their web presence, yet the overall level of satisfaction with running websites was moderate. Four benefit dimensions emerged from the factor analysis. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

保险电子商务是今后保险业发展的趋势之一.我国各家保险公司及保险网站对保险电子商务虽有涉足,但未能在社会公众里引起较大的影响,除了技术原因之外,对保险电子商务的立法规范以及监管缺位是阻碍其发展的重要原因。首先提出电子合同的认可度及电子签名的法律效力两个问题.然后就保险电子商务监管提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

后危机时代,我国经济快速发展,品牌竞争加剧,更多企业借助重大事件开展公益营销,进行公益宣传,增加品牌资产。在营销传播视角多元化和企业社会责任兴起的背景下,研究企业的公益营销具有现实意义。以“欧莱雅世博礼仪讲堂”为例,这一活动有力地把握了市场环境,找到了利益相关者的共同点,使公益活动与品牌主体得到了完美融合,并对公益营销策略做出了有益的启示:注重传播的互动性、适配性和完整性。  相似文献   

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