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The base of the pyramid (BoP) literature is grounded in the proposition of mutual value creation, an important but not yet well-tested relationship between business development and poverty alleviation. This paper begins to address this gap by assessing how business ventures serving BoP producers address local constraints and create mutual value. Using a case study methodology, sixty-four ventures are analyzed to identify the constraints faced by BoP producers. These are classified into productivity and transactional constraints. While the former set of constraints inhibits local value creation, the latter severely diminish the value capture potential of BoP producers. An in-depth analysis of eleven agricultural ventures provides insight into the strategies that ventures use to address constraints and enhance value creation and capture by BoP producers. The findings also indicate that alleviating constraints creates value not only for local producers, but also for the ventures themselves.  相似文献   

Social enterprises can profit by creating social value at the base of the pyramid (BOP), thereby simultaneously helping the poor and enhancing financial performance. We submit that social impact has a positive influence on financial performance and that this relationship is positively moderated by institutional quality. We make a distinction between local and international social enterprises and investigate if international social enterprises perform better than local social enterprises and how institutional quality moderates this relationship. We collected a unique dataset of social enterprises operating in BOP markets with a broad range of institutional qualities and find support for our hypotheses.  相似文献   

This study explores the motivations and consequences of purchasing second-hand (SH) products by the rural and sub-urban (RSU) base of the pyramid (BOP) consumers using a qualitative phenomenological approach. This study has also examined the preferred purchase points for buying SH products by the RSU BOP consumers. Findings revealed that the RSU BOP consumers preferred their personal sources over offline and online retails while buying a SH product. The economic motivations, need for fulfilling aspirations, apathy towards cheap brands, need for social recognition, and pester power of school/college going children were found as the motivations behind the purchase of SH products by the RSU BOP consumers. This study has also identified that increasing consumption of branded SH products results in compensatory consumption, increased consumerism, and overwhelming recurring cost at the RSU BOP. This study has put forth a conceptual model leading to a comprehensive understanding of the purchase points, motivations, and consequences of SH purchase by the RSU BOP consumers. It has advanced the social comparison theory and the theory of compensatory consumption in the context of SH buying by BOP consumers. This study would fill the gap in the literature on consumer behaviour and BOP by examining such a novel issue. The practical and social implications of the study have been discussed.  相似文献   

Marketing as exchange has been the sine qua non of the field for over thirty years. While buyer-seller dyads dominate traditional conversations, other forms of transactions are included as long as value transfer occurs. The most logical extension is Stakeholder Theory, an approach with the same basic structure for understanding, maintaining, and advancing important relationships among firms and their constituencies. Together, they posit that self-contained individuals or units have a marked impact on one another, which passes across defined boundaries at discrete periods of time. Yet the failure to capture organic and dynamic ways in which such entities interact necessities a new approach, such as the naturological perspective that recognizes porous boundaries and reverberating consequences of marketing exchanges, especially among consumers and other impacted parties who survive at or near the proverbial bottom of the economic pyramid.  相似文献   

Supply chain management (SCM) is essential for strengthening competitiveness, customer satisfaction, management performance, and achieving continued success. The development of effective measures of SCM performance is crucial to companies. Most corporations place considerable importance on SCM and the concept of balanced scorecard (BSC). Most studies, however, typically discuss SCM and BSC independently without examining their relationship. This study attempts to integrate SCM and BSC based on a thorough discussion of BSC measures in Kaplan and Norton. The main objectives of this study are to evaluate SCM performance using the BSC to thereby assess the business performance of many of Taiwan's industries that have implemented SCM. This study initially utilizes case studies; a research model and hypotheses are modified according to the case study findings. A questionnaire-based survey forms the second phase of data collection and data analysis. The research framework is analyzed and validated. Case study findings indicate that companies use varying degrees of SCM integration. Data analysis supports a positive correlation between SCM integration and BSC and a direct correlation between SCM integration and each BSC dimension.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships among market orientation, learning orientation, organizational innovation and organizational performance through a structural equation modeling approach. This study uses a sample of 143 companies in the Pearl River Delta region of China. Results show that (1) market orientation has no positive direct impact on organizational performance; (2) market orientation has a direct impact on learning orientation; (3) learning orientation has a direct impact on administrative and technical innovation; (4) market orientation has a direct impact on organizational innovation by learning orientation; (5) administrative innovation has a positive direct impact on organizational performance while technical innovation does not impact on organizational performance directly; (6) technical innovation has a positive impact on administrative innovation; (7) learning orientation has an indirect impact on organizational performance through influencing organizational innovation; (8) market orientation has impact on learning orientation, which has an impact on organizational innovation, which in turn has an impact on organizational performance. Managerial implications are discussed, along with suggestions for further research. Translated from Guanli Shijie 管理世界 (Management World), 2006, (2): 80–94, 143  相似文献   

Identifying, building, and maintaining partnerships with non-business actors are crucial challenges for multinational companies (MNCs) when implementing Base of the Pyramid (BoP) projects. Using a multiple-case study we analyze such partnerships through the lens of the relational view, focusing on resources generating inter-organizational value and on mechanisms for governing the partnerships. The cross-case analysis suggests that proficiency in identifying appropriate partners featuring non-tangible synergy-sensitive resources is vital for BoP ventures. MNCs compensate for their lack of local knowledge, contacts, and legitimacy by recruiting non-business actors for this consultancy and brokering function. Once a suitable network of partners has been identified, these resources need to be explored and exploited by developing personal relationships, communication routines, common goals, and partner-specific capacity building. Synergy-sensitive resources facilitate performance and long-term maintenance of BoP partnerships by establishing well-adapted and well-informed management practice and by creating a lock-in that works as an informal self-enforcing governance mechanism.  相似文献   

This study examines the social media strategy and performance of fashion brands. Drawing upon the resource-based view, the study explores the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, innovation orientation, and market orientation on social media strategy and performance. Analysis was conducted using data on 207 Taiwanese fashion brands. These data were collected from a mail survey. Structural equation modeling and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis were used to test the empirical relationships proposed in the research hypotheses. The results indicate that social media strategy affects performance; entrepreneurial orientation and innovation orientation affect social media strategy; entrepreneurial orientation positively affects performance; and innovation orientation and market orientation positively affect performance.  相似文献   

付爱玉 《商》2014,(14):165-165,157
唐山市长期以来一直以钢铁煤炭等重工业为主的经济结构已经严重阻碍了经济增长的速度和质量。本文利用向量自回归模型对唐山市产业结构升级与经济增长之间的动态互动关系进行实证分析,在此基础上,提出唐山市产业结构升级的相关对策。  相似文献   


Financial services, and credit in particular, are consumed like any other product or service: they carry cultural meaning and are used symbolically to transfer meaning to the life of the consumer. This study aimed to investigate the symbolic meanings attached to financial services and credit by poor consumers and how these meanings are translated into their social lives. The research adopted an interpretive approach, based on in-depth interviews of poor consumers. The results showed that financial services are part of a complex web of meanings in which issues such as status, hierarchy, distinction, cooperation, and reciprocity play a part.

RESUMEN. Los servicios financieros y especialmente el crédito se consumen como cualquier otro producto o servicio: todos ellos contienen un significado cultural y se usan simbólicamente para transferir significado a la vida del consumidor. El propósito de este estudio es investigar el significado simbólico que los consumidores pobres dan a los servicios financieros y líneas crediticias, y la forma en que los mismos se traducen a sus vidas sociales. La investigación adoptó un enfoque interpretativo, basado en amplias entrevistas con consumidores pobres. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que los servicios financieros son parte integrante de una compleja red de significados donde temas tales como el estado, la jerarquía, la distinción, cooperación y reciprocidad tienen un papel a jugar.

RESUMO. Os serviços financeiros, e o crédito, em particular, são consumidos como qualquer outro produto ou serviço: eles carregam um significado cultural, sendo usados, simbolicamente, para proporcionar um sentido à vida do consumidor. O propósito deste estudo é investigar os significados simbólicos atrelados aos serviços financeiros e ao crédito pelos consumidores de baixa renda e como tais significados refletem-se na sua vida social. A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem interpretativa, baseada em entrevistas abrangentes com consumidores pobres. Os resultados mostraram que os serviços financeiros fazem parte de uma complexa trama de significados, onde temas como status, hierarquia, excelência, cooperação e reciprocidade exercem um papel específico.  相似文献   

Service quality and service marketing have both been studied extensively in relation to service organizations. In this paper we examine these areas simultaneously in terms of their impact on financial performance in the hospital industry. Drawing from the literature in the quality and service marketing areas, the area of service quality is represented in terms of the constructs of quality context and quality outcomes. Quality context (QC) describes the environment related to quality practices within a hospital which generally encourages and enhances service quality while quality outcomes (QO) comprises of specific clinical and patient satisfaction outcomes of the hospital. The area of marketing is represented in terms of the constructs of marketing orientation and market/product development outcomes. Market orientation (MO) is a well accepted, albeit complex, construct within the marketing literature. Generally, market orientation can be thought of as the process of effectively collecting, disseminating, and responding to information in order to enhance the marketing function within the hospital. Such information generally relates to market trends, customers, and competitors. Market/product development outcomes (MPD) refer to specific outcomes in relation to product innovation and market segmentation that are general indicators of the marketing effectiveness of the hospital. Although the evidence in the literature suggests that both service quality and marketing are independently related to organizational performance, the precise nature of the relationships among the variables described above is not clearly understood.Based on theoretical considerations, we propose a framework linking the above-mentioned constructs to the financial performance (FP) of an organization. Since QC and MO are theorized to be multidimensional constructs we use the technique of structural equations modeling (SEM) to test the model. Data were collected for the study from hospitals in a five-state region in the US. The results show that the constructs related to both service quality and marketing impact on financial performance. However, the results do not support the proposed framework of relationships. Instead, the results support a sequential chain of relationships among the constructs where MO mediates the effect of QC on QO, and MPD mediates the effect of QO on FP. Implications of these results for the hospital industry as well as for future research in the area are offered.  相似文献   

This study’s purpose was to assess the impact of temporal, seasonal and calendar effects, on guests’ comments in hospitality. The current study analyzed the differences in food and service quality using guests’ comments collected by a national restaurant firm over a period of one year. Comments were analyzed for season of the year, weekend versus weekday, busy versus slow days, and day of the week. Findings included statistically significant differences of (positive and negative) comments between day of week and busy/slow periods. Most notably, positive food quality comments were submitted more often during busy periods, indicating a possible need for training of employees who work during slow periods.  相似文献   

Natural disasters cause serious damage to businesses in the stricken areas and greatly affect survivors’ psychology and behaviors. Based on data from 206 survival employees in 33 affected firms in Wenchuan Earthquake, this study analyzes the impact of natural disaster on absenteeism, job satisfaction, and job performance of survival employees. Results indicate that after the earthquake, survival employees’ absenteeism and job satisfaction (including intrinsic, extrinsic, and general job satisfaction) decrease significantly, but their task performance, contextual performance, and overall job performance improve significantly. Employees’ learning and innovative performance have no significant change in comparison with that before the earthquake. The authors thus suggest that the affected businesses need to communicate with the survival employees actively, focus more on job security, compensation and working conditions, in order to maintain these employees’ job satisfaction. In addition, enterprises outside the affected areas should give priority to the recruitment of the survival employees given the same conditions, because it is beneficial to both the employing enterprises and the reconstruction of affected areas.  相似文献   

For decades, managers have analysed, planned and implemented long-term brand strategies based on customer mindset metrics (MSMs). Typically, such MSMs are customer satisfaction, liking, brand preference and Net Promoter Score (NPS). One of the core pillars, in brand management literature, is the assumed link between certain customer-based brand assets, often operationalized as MSMs, and future long-term market performance. However, few studies have systematically and broadly evaluated how the most common MSMs relate to actual performance data. This study investigates the link between the customer MSMs, most commonly used by practitioners, and their relationships with actual market performance. The paper explores 10 MSMs and 14 market performance metrics, in 10 categories, in the Swedish fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market. The study is based on survey data from 2007 that is compared to purchase panel household data from 2007 and 2010. Although MSMs are highly correlated to each other, their relations to brands' long-term market performance differ. A more nuanced approach to the MSM-market performance link is proposed, as there appears to be no single “silver bullet” MSM to rely on. Using a cash flow-oriented framework, the authors recommend opting for different MSMs depending on which of the three generic types of market performance (enhanced, sustained or accelerated) are targeted.  相似文献   

The resource-based view (RBV) regards strategy as deploying resources to obtain a competitive advantage. This article adopts such a RBV, by a simultaneous consideration of nonmarket and market factors, and then an empirical analysis of the relationships between such nonmarket and market resources, strategies and performance, focusing specifically on Chinese enterprises. The results test hypotheses related to the integrated strategy and RBV of the firm on linkages of nonmarket and market components. Combining those two views, this study reveals that there is a high and positive correlation between nonmarket and market strategies, while nonmarket strategy has a positive indirect effect on market performance via nonmarket performance. These findings suggest that the RBV is an appropriate theory for addressing the shortcomings in integrated strategy research.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):77-99
The available empirical literature tends to focus on the performance comparison between business groups (BGs) and non-business groups, and there is no study that quantitatively verifies the origins of the business groups, particularly in China. This paper uses the survey data of SOEs (state-owned enterprises) in China to verify the three paths toward business groups, such as M&As (merger and acquisitions), spin-offs and joint ventures. This study discusses three alternative theories to explain the emergence of the business groups in China. These are the market-based view, the state-activism view and the resource-based view. This paper found that the greater autonomy given after changing into a shareholding corporation is one of the most consistent and significant factors leading to the business group, regardless of the paths. First, this implies that SOEs have gone from traditional SOEs, to shareholding corporations, and then finally to business groups. Second, it finds that there are certain differences among the three paths toward the business group. The degree of market competition and control by the city-level government are the significant variables in the path via M&A, toward the business group. This is consistent with the state activism view. The significant variables for the spin-off path are the low leverages and the connection with the state. This is consistent with the resource-based view. The JV (joint venture) path seems to be consistent with the market-based and resource-based view, with the significant variables of private/foreign owner-controller, high investment activity, low leverage and size.  相似文献   

Political risk analysis primarily receives attention for foreign direct investment (FDI) but only rarely for exporting. We examine how exporters and foreign direct investors evaluate the relative importance of political risk factors. We provide a rationale for exporters to evaluate political risk factors for FDI and for foreign direct investors to evaluate political risk factors for exporting. Survey data were collected from Canadian exporters and foreign direct investors and capture the distinctive nature of salient factors for exporting and FDI. We offer unique insights on the evolutionary character of political risk that are of practical value for both exporting and FDI. Copyright © 2007 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

代工制造是跨国公司主导全球价值链治理和资源优化配置的重要形式。中国已成为全球代工制造大国,但长期以来代工制造业的国际竞争力并没有随规模扩张实现同步提升。文章概述了全球价值链理论的核心内容,并基于全球价值链分工的视角,分析了代工制造模式的主要类型、价值链分工位置、产业组织特征和技术追赶过程。最后,提出了中国代工制造业技术追赶的几点建议。  相似文献   

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