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This study shows that the relationship between marketing capabilities and firm financial performance can be better understood when it is drawn using stakeholder satisfaction as an additional variable, in the context of the service industry. Results from 152 Spanish service organizations indicate that superior marketing capabilities lead to higher levels of stakeholder satisfaction, which consequently improves financial firm performance. Results complement previous research which found a strong relationship between marketing capabilities and performance when the latter includes financial and nonfinancial indicators. Marketing capabilities improve not only customer satisfaction but also employee fulfillment which, in turn, may increase financial indicators.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of organizational design and on the theory of knowledge, this paper analyzes how the traditional variables which define a firm's organizational structure (formalization, complexity, and centralization) influence knowledge performance (the degree to which a firm generates knowledge internally and uses it to reach a competitive advantage). The paper tests three hypotheses using a sample of 164 large Spanish firms. The results show that organizational complexity and centralization exert a positive and a negative influence, respectively, on knowledge performance, which confirms the two hypotheses related to these variables. However, the analysis reveals no empirical evidence to confirm the hypothesis according to which formalization and knowledge performance have a positive relationship.  相似文献   

The international regulation of health, safety, and the environment has come far. Spurred by the United States, the United Nations established in the 1980's a tight net of rules that define minimum standards for the production and marketing of hazardous goods. The rules are for the most part non-binding. The successful conclusion of the GATT Uruguay Round now makes it imperative to balance the rules of international product safety law against the liberties demanded by international free trade. This challenge offers new perspectives for the development of international product safety law.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1987,30(4):29-37
For nearly thirty years China viewed the service sector as a nonproductive remnant of capitalism. But times have changed. Case studies of three selected service industries—supermarkets, hotels, and banks—pinpoint the problems and prospects for firms that want to play a role in revolutionizing the service sector in China.  相似文献   

Lately, a new computing paradigm has emerged: “Cloud Computing”. It seems to be promoted as heavily as the “Grid” was a few years ago, causing broad discussions on the differences between Grid and Cloud Computing. The first contribution of this paper is thus a detailed discussion about the different characteristics of Grid Computing and Cloud Computing. This technical classification allows for a well-founded discussion of the business opportunities of the Cloud Computing paradigm. To this end, this paper first presents a business model framework for Clouds. It subsequently reviews and classifies current Cloud offerings in the light of this framework. Finally, this paper discusses challenges that have to be mastered in order to make the Cloud vision come true and points to promising areas for future research.  相似文献   

There are a number of ways to determine the birth date of a new firm. These include the date of a start-up venture’s initial transactions, initial registry listing, initial labor input, and initial profits. Utilizing the responses from the second Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED) cohort, it appears that different criteria for a firm’s birth date are associated with substantial differences in the proportion of start-ups that became new firms, the time required to become a new firm, survival following a new firm birth, and the provision of new jobs. This variation may help explain some inconsistent research findings related to firm births.  相似文献   

Although stakeholder power theory has been at the forefront of environmental studies, extant research has focused on stakeholders' power while firms' countering power has not been systematically examined. Furthermore, different stakeholders may prioritize social goals differently. In this paper, we propose that stakeholder–firm power difference determines firms' environmental performance and stakeholders' CSR orientation (i.e., the degree to which a stakeholder holds firms' engagement in CSR as important) moderates this relationship. Utilizing a sample of 144 Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we found that governments-, competitors-, and the media-firm power difference indeed significantly affect Chinese SMEs' environmental performance. Besides, governments' and the media's CSR orientation moderate the relationship between stakeholder–firm power difference and firms' environmental performance. Research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The creation of spin-off companies is often promoted as a desirable mechanism for transferring knowledge and technologies from research organizations to the private sector for commercialization. In the promotion process, policymakers typically treat these “university” spin-offs like industry start-ups. However, when university spin-offs involve an employment transition by a researcher from the not-for-profit sector, the creation of a university spin-off is likely to impose a higher social cost than the creation of an industry start-up. To offset this higher social cost, university spin-offs must produce a larger stream of social benefits than industry start-ups, a performance premium. This paper outlines the arguments explaining why the social costs of entrepreneurship are likely to be higher for academic entrepreneurs, and empirically investigates the existence of a performance premium using a sample of German start-up companies. We find that university spin-offs exhibit a performance premium of 3.4 % points higher employment growth over industry start-ups. The analysis also shows that the performance premium varies across types of academic entrepreneurs and founders’ academic disciplines.  相似文献   

More Frequent Flyer Benefit——Air China and Shanhai Airlines Join Star Alliance In the end of 2007,Air China Limited (hereinafter"Air China")and Shang- hai Airlines,formally joined Star Alli- ance at a ceremony held in the new Termi- nal Three at Beijing Capital International Airport.With the addition of the two Chinese airlines,Star Alliance now has 19 member carriers operating 17,000 daily flights to 897 destinations in 160 countries.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the interaction approach, the internet marketing literature, and qualitative case studies, the paper depicts website communication strategies that match and mismatch different stages of business-to-business relationships. To achieve the match, the more the relationship is developed, the more individualized website communication should be employed. Mismatch situations that hinder a relationship can occur not only when websites are underdeveloped but also when websites are overdeveloped and too individualized, falling short to utilize sellers’ investments.  相似文献   

Scales were developed to measure hospitality managers’ beliefs about the effects of atmospheric music on perception, behaviour, and financial performance. Some of the scales corresponded to established theories in the marketing literature, whereas others captured emergent theories based on an earlier exploratory study of industry conventions regarding atmospheric music. These scales were included in a mail survey sent to 221 Australian hotel and pub managers. Results revealed that the more managers believed atmospheric music: (a) influences customers to interact with staff, (b) must vary according to the time of day, (c) can draw customer into an establishment or drive them away, (d) makes customers stay longer than they otherwise would, and (e) eliminates unacceptable silences, the more they agreed that it influences the revenues, gross margins, and operating profits of their establishments; but the belief that (f) music should vary according to the age of the target market was actually negatively correlated with its perceived effect on financial performance. Only one of the six emergent theories was correlated with beliefs regarding the effect of music on financial performance (i.e., varying music by the time of day). These results are discussed in terms of findings previously reported in the literature, and recommendations are made regarding how managers can better utilise music to achieve operational goals.  相似文献   

This study compares founder-CEOs and professional CEOs in newly public firms in terms of executive compensation, governance structure, and firm performance. The paper applies a series of decomposition methods to separate founders' extrinsic characteristics from their intrinsic endowments. The paper finds that founder CEOs tend to earn smaller incentive compensation and smaller total compensation than professional CEOs. Founder-managed firms are associated with higher financial performance and are more likely to survive than professional managed firms. Firms with founder-CEOs are associated with even higher financial performance when the position of CEO and chairperson of the board is combined.  相似文献   

Based on French data describing the characteristics of entrepreneurs and their projects, this article studies the differences between the determinants of survival for innovative and non-innovative micro-enterprises. We show that the survival of innovative and non-innovative enterprises is linked to personal criteria such as age, gender, belonging to a minority, professional experience and financing sources. Our results also highlight the positive effect of not being alone in the start-up design phase, whereas being involved in a business network after the start-up period has no significant influence. The survival time of innovative enterprises, which is significantly lower than that of the non-innovative ones, seems adversely influenced by the entrepreneur’s previous management experience. Finally, when considering both innovative and non-innovative start-ups, there appears to be a type of “pecking order” as bank financing has a much more positive effect on survival than a personal one, although when focusing solely on innovative ones this difference does not exist.  相似文献   

Managers are interested in promoting frontline employees’ proactive behavior because proactivity is crucial for organizational success. This study examined the link between perceived workplace gossip and employees’ (targets’) proactive service performance by focusing on the mediating role of employees’ harmonious passion and the moderating role of perceived job social support. Using time-lagged survey data from 218 supervisor-subordinate dyads in a commercial bank in China, we found that perceived workplace gossip negatively influences employees’ proactive service performance, and that this relationship is mediated by reduced harmonious passion. In addition, perceived job social support attenuates the negative relationship between perceived workplace gossip and harmonious passion, with harmonious passion having a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived workplace gossip and proactive service performance. These results provide new directions for understanding workplace gossip, harmonious passion, proactive service performance, and job social support. The theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Werner Schell 《Heilberufe》2010,62(12):43-44
Kranken- und Pflegedokumentation - Die Dokumentation von ?rztlichen und pflegerischen Ma?nahmen dient nicht nur der Diagnostik und Therapie, sondern ist auch ein Rechenschaftsbericht gegenüber dem Patienten. Welche rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen gelten dabei?  相似文献   

This study attempts to investigate the linkage among trust types, distrust, and relationship performance outcomes in the context of long-term supply agreement-type alliances between small business dyads. The results suggest a significant positive relationship among goodwill trust and risk-taking tendency, cooperation, satisfaction, and conflict resolution and a negative relationship between goodwill trust and transaction costs. Competence trust is found to have a positive relationship with cooperation, conflict resolution, and satisfaction and a negative relationship with transaction costs. However, no significant relationship is found between competence trust and risk-taking tendency. Distrust, on the other hand, is found to have a negative relationship with cooperation, satisfaction, and conflict resolution and a significant positive relationship with transaction costs with no effect on risk-taking tendency.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 networks have provoked a revolution in the last years due to their capacity to modify human relationships, particularly in business contexts. Social capital, as a crucial intangible asset embedded in Web 2.0 networks, can be extremely helpful to build and optimize personal and organizational power or resources. This exploratory study empirically analyzes the use of Web 2.0 networks for work-related purposes under a new perspective: the perception of Spanish service companies’ employees. Results show a reasonable employee use of Web 2.0 applications with work-related purposes, and identify the main benefits from them and relevant differences in their use.  相似文献   

Using a novel panel dataset of Egyptian governorates for the period 1992–2007, we investigate the effects of aggregate and sectoral foreign direct investment (FDI) on Egypt’s economic growth. We distinguish between FDI in the manufacturing, agriculture and service sector. The similarity of governorates in terms of institutional characteristics like culture, language and legal framework and the consistency of the data collection process enables an effective estimation of the effect of FDI on Egypt’s economic growth. Employing General Methods of Moments (GMM) panel estimations, we find that neither aggregate nor sectoral FDI has an unconditional effect on economic growth. We also reject human capital as a channel of absorptive capacity, but reveal an interesting effect of FDI in the service sector on economic growth in interaction with domestic private investment (DPI). Service FDI promotes economic growth only if the host governorate has a minimum threshold of DPI to absorb foreign knowledge and technology.  相似文献   

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