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This study describes an attempt to develop an integrative model of job search and employee recruitment. Inevitably multi-level in nature, the model demonstrates the interplay between organizational-level factors and individual-level factors in influencing the outcomes of employee recruitment and job search activities. According to the model, influenced by job seeker and organizational characteristics, job search and recruitment activities jointly create job awareness, which is the first step in organizational attraction. Next, depending on the job seeker's current job situation, this attraction leads to job pursuit intention and behavior. The model also emphasizes the longitudinal nature of the process by which individuals gain employment. Finally, since each organization's applicant pool consists of job seekers with some common characteristics attracted to the same position, the model proposes that recruitment and job search can be examined by utilizing a multilevel framework.  相似文献   

This study applies the concept of job specialization and job rotation based on early principles of job design in solving employees' perception of job burnout, using employees of Taiwan's high-technology industry as targets for re-examination. In past management systems of traditional industries, job rotation was adopted to address employees' feelings of monotony, boredom and fatigue as a result of job simplification and specialization. However, with the advancement of technology, shortening of technical life cycles and changes in job characteristics, the relationship between job rotation, job specialization and job burnout is now different from in the past. The results from 304 valid samples collected from employees of Taiwan's high-technology industry reveal that the adoption of job specialization in high-tech industry in fact raises professional efficacy and reduces employees' feeling of job burnout, which is opposed to the benefits of job design purported in past management systems. Therefore, this paper seeks to re-examine the relationship between the three variables. By implementing job rotation or job specialization systems as means to address issues related to employees' job burnout, organizations should not only consider the benefits to job management, but also adjust according to technology and environmental changes. Only by doing so could organizations release the maximum potential from human resources management systems.  相似文献   


This research aims to test the mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between job crafting and job performance, as well as the moderating effects of two forms of coworker support on the job crafting–work engagement relationship. We collected survey-based data from two South Korean samples. Study 1 was conducted on 175 flight attendants. The results of Study 1 were then replicated in Study 2 wherein 181 hotel employees reported their own job crafting and work engagement, and their supervisors rated their job performance one month later. In both studies, work engagement fully mediated the relationship between job crafting and job performance. The positive association between job crafting and work engagement was more pronounced when coworker emotional support was high than when it was low. In contrast, the positive link between job crafting and work engagement was stronger when coworker instrumental support was low than when it was high. Coworker emotional and instrumental support further moderated the indirect effect of job crafting on job performance through work engagement.  相似文献   


This study is focused on female inbound call center counselors who are easily exposed to emotional labor when customers express anger and hostility and use swear words toward invisible targets on the phone. Our study is based on 244 responses from female inbound call center counselors. Job stress has a significantly negative effect on job satisfaction and self-esteem. It was shown that self-esteem has a partially mediating effect, and turnover experience had a moderating effect. It is important to shed new light on the roles of self-esteem among determinants of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

We evaluate the empirical relevance of the Job Characteristics Model of Hackman and Oldham in the modern organizational environment using unique, nationally representative data from a survey of British establishments. The data contain information on a large number of establishments and multiple workers within each establishment. The results generally support the Job Characteristics Model's predictions that task variety and worker autonomy are positively associated with labour productivity and product quality and that autonomy is positively associated with worker satisfaction. In contrast to previous studies, we find the results for task variety are stronger for the performance-related outcomes than for worker satisfaction. The theoretically predicted moderating effect of context satisfaction is largely unsupported in the data.  相似文献   

This paper uses an unbalanced panel dataset to evaluate how repeated job search services (JSS) and personal characteristics affect the employment rate of the prime-age female welfare recipients in the State of Washington. We propose a transition probability model to take into account issues of sample attrition, sample refreshment and duration dependence. We also generalize Honoré and Kyriazidou’s [Honoré, B.E., Kyriazidou, E., 2000. Panel data discrete choice models with lagged dependent variables. Econometrica 68 (4), 839–874] conditional maximum likelihood estimator to allow for the presence of individual-specific effects. A limited information test is suggested to test for selection issues in non-experimental data. The specification tests indicate that the (conditional on the set of the confounding variables considered) assumptions of no selection due to unobservables and/or no unobserved individual-specific effects are not violated. Our findings indicate that the first job search service does have positive and significant impacts on the employment rate. However, providing repeated JSS to the same client has no significant impact. Further, we find that there are significant experience-enhancing effects. These findings suggest that providing one job search services training to individuals may have a lasting impact on raising their employment rates.  相似文献   

As downsizing and restructuring have become global phenomena, the impact of job insecurity on employee attitudes has received significant attention. However, research examining the role of cultural dimensions has been largely unexplored. Drawing on the conservation of resources theory, we investigated whether the relationships between both quantitative job insecurity (i.e. the perceived threat of job loss) and qualitative job insecurity (i.e. the perceived threat of losing valued job features) and employee attitudes (job satisfaction and turnover intention) differ in culturally distinct regions. This was examined using representative employee samples from two regions of Switzerland which differ in societal practices uncertainty avoidance and performance orientation: the German-speaking (n = 966) and the French-speaking (n = 307) regions. Our research indicates that whereas the relationship between quantitative job insecurity and turnover intention is stronger in the French-speaking region where there is higher societal practice uncertainty avoidance, the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and job satisfaction is stronger in the German-speaking region where there is higher societal practice performance orientation.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effect of a micro-level measure of flexicurity on workers' job satisfaction. To this end, using micro-data from the Eurobarometer survey, we disaggregate the sample of workers into different groups according not only to their employment contract (i.e. permanent or temporary), but also to their perceived job security, and we evaluate differences in job satisfaction between these groups. After the potential endogeneity of job type has been controlled for, the results show that what matters for job satisfaction is not just the type of contract, but mainly the perceived job security, which may be independent of the type of contract.The combination “temporary but secure job” seems preferable to the combination “permanent but insecure job”, indicating that the length of the contract may be less important if the worker perceives that s/he is not at risk of becoming unemployed. Our main conclusions are robust to the use of alternative definitions of workers' types and they generally hold within different welfare regimes and also for different aspects of job satisfaction, mainly those more related to job security.  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of the use of work–nonwork supports on well-being. It first develops hypotheses regarding how a reduction in job demands, and an increase in both job control and supportive management may explain this relationship. We then test these hypotheses using data from Britain’s Workplace Employee Relations Survey of 2011. The research reveals that the use of work–nonwork supports has a positive association with job control and supportive supervision. These in turn mediate a relationship between the use of supports and three dimensions of employee well-being, job satisfaction, anxiety-contentment and depression-enthusiasm, some of the effect being through their reducing work–to–nonwork conflict. Use of work–nonwork supports is, however, positively associated with job demands, but this effect of use on job demands does not affect well-being. Since job autonomy and supportive supervision are major mediators, and have a direct influence on work–nonwork conflict and well-being, policy should focus on integrating job quality and work–life balance issues.  相似文献   

Over twenty years ago, Mitchell [Mitchell, T.R. (1982) Motivation: New directions for theory, research, and practice. Academy of Management Review, 7:80–88.] called for research which integrates and competitively tests the multitude of motivation theories competitively. Yet, with few exceptions, theories of motivation tend to be narrow in focus. However, many motivation theories incorporate similar predictor variables such as job satisfaction, perceived equity, and organizational commitment, suggesting that theory integration is warranted. In this paper, several literatures are reviewed which deal with employee effort at different levels (e.g., withholding effort, offering extra effort). “Effort propensity” is offered as an appropriate integrating variable, and an integrative model of effort propensity which pulls these various literatures together and stimulates the type of research described by Mitchell [Mitchell, T.R. (1982) Motivation: New directions for theory, research, and practice. Academy of Management Review, 7:80–88.] is proposed.  相似文献   

The objective of the current work is to analyse the determining factors of sales manager job satisfaction. In particular, we study the effect of various human resources management (HRM) practices – compensation, promotion, training and job design – on this satisfaction, using a model empirically tested on a sample of Spanish industrial firms. The results of the empirical analysis of the model, which uses data from a postal survey, indicate that human resources practices based on compensation – level and type – as well as on the job design – resources and autonomy – appear to be the fundamental determinants of sales manager job satisfaction. In the research we confirm that there is a growing need for firms to combine economic and non-economic incentives in order to satisfy their executives.  相似文献   

Two separate investigations were undertaken to better understand the factors that should be considered in the drug testing decision. In the first study, organizations were surveyed by telephone and were asked to identify the factors considered when making their decision. Safety seemed to be the most important reason for favoring a drug testing program, while employee rights was one of many reasons for not implementing a testing program. In the second study, the interest was in determining the impact of drug testing on the applicants' willingness to join the organization. It was found that salary was the most important factor, but that the drug testing policy did affect the job choice of about 20% of the students.  相似文献   

Previous research on applicant reactions to selection procedures has mainly emphasized the importance of procedural justice. However, much of this work has not examined other applicant reaction mechanisms (such as signals and expectancy) or additional variables known to influence job choice (e.g. pay, location and marketability). In contrast, this longitudinal field study took these other mechanisms and variables into account through the examination of the job choice processes of 588 applicants located in Canada to 215 organizations. Structural equation modelling was used to test an integrated model combining the three mechanisms of procedural justice, signals and expectancy, controlling for pay, location, and marketability. Support was found for signal and expectancy mechanisms influencing applicant intentions and job choice, and these effects were stronger for applicants with multiple opportunities and less pre-interview knowledge of the organization.  相似文献   

We analyze the consequences of counseling provided to job seekers in a standard job search and matching model. It turns out that neglecting equilibrium effects induced by counseling can lead to wrong conclusions. In particular, counseling can increase steady state unemployment although counseled job seekers exit unemployment at a higher rate than the non-counseled. Dynamic analysis shows that permanent and transitory policies can have effects of opposite sign on unemployment.  相似文献   

Service organizations commonly achieve job satisfaction through internal service quality (ISQ), job standardization, and enhanced customer orientation. However, unlike employees working at headquarters, branch employees do not have access to timely responses and organizational support. This study, using flight attendants working offsite as research samples, looked at how workplace supervisor and co-worker support mediate ISQ and job standardization that contribute to job satisfaction. The results indicated that ISQ and job standardization in branch offices may, directly or indirectly, affect job satisfaction through support from supervisors and co-workers, which strengthened customer orientation. ISQ had a higher impact on supervisor support than on co-worker support, and job standardization had a higher impact on co-worker support than on supervisor support. Based on these findings, a customer-oriented model was established for the branches, and a number of suggestions on theory and managerial implementation were proposed.  相似文献   

This study examines the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in the relationship between job autonomy and organizational performance in the manufacturing industry. The study also investigates the moderating role of automation in those relationships. Although it is well known that job autonomy has an intimate relationship with employees’ attitudes at the individual level, no studies have yet elucidated the relationships of job autonomy with OCB and organizational performance at the organizational level. Moreover, no research has investigated the role of automation in an OB discipline, although automation constitutes an important contextual variable. Using a moderated mediation model, this study found that OCB mediated the relationship between job autonomy and performance, and that these relationships were stronger in less automated organizations. The findings offer implications regarding how job autonomy can improve organizational performance and which organizations benefit more from job autonomy.  相似文献   

This paper aims at understanding the relative impact of 'careerist' attitudes and organizational benefits on prospective turnover decisions. We argue that the push/pull trade-off between careerist attitudes and organizational benefits in relation to turnover is occupation-specific. This is assessed by combining the sociological hypothesis of occupational 'market viability' and the organizational focus on opportunities. Testing this assertion, we examined turnover decisions for four occupational groups from eight medical institutions located in seven geographic areas. Initial results showed occupational variations in the weight given to 'careerist' versus organizational benefits in turnover decisions. Results from two logistic regression models suggest that organizational benefits, in contrast to a 'careerist' orientation to work, restrain occupation-specific turnover behaviour, even when controlling for the effect of perceived opportunities. These results are interpreted in terms of the 'market viability' hypothesis which stresses occupational variations in opportunities. Economic fluctuations for peripheral employees possessing general, rather than firm-specific skills may improve, rather than limit employment alternatives and hence enhance rather than constrain turnover decisions.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the research on inequality in organisations by analysing job advertisements that include a diversity clause stating that minority or disadvantaged jobseekers are welcome. The diversity clause appears as a response to expectations from the organisations’ environment, namely anti-discrimination regulations and activation policies that aim to persuade employers to counteract inequality and include minorities and marginalised groups. With disability as a case, the analysis demonstrates how the mundane organisational practice of advertising for new employees fails to avoid reproducing the inequality that it aspires to reduce. A predominant distinction in the advertisement texts between desired employees and disabled applicants (addressed in the diversity clause) shows how organisations, while acting properly and performing the benevolent practice of championing diversity, can still subtly signal the inferiority of disability.  相似文献   

Attracting qualified staff is pivotal for organizational competitive advantages. However, little is known about which employer characteristics mainly drive job choice, or about how applicants evaluate certain organizational characteristics. Moreover, recent recruitment research hints that the influential weight of organizational characteristics on job choice may be contingent upon applicants' involvement. By using conjoint analysis, we test the impact of different organizational and job characteristics as well as the moderating role of involvement. The results suggest that involvement increases soft factors, while decreasing the effect of payment on job choice.  相似文献   


Job satisfaction has proven to be a resilient contributor to employee motivation, productivity, organizational commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Utilizing cross-national data from five Asian countries/settings and the United States we examine the impact of organizational and psychological factors on job satisfaction. This study contributes to the literature by showing that while organizational factors, such as performance appraisals and leadership behaviours are important sources of job satisfaction, what matters most is whether individuals perceive themselves to be efficacious in their jobs. Self-efficacy was found to be the strongest determinant of job satisfaction in both, the U.S., and the Asian contexts. Based on cultural characteristics of power-distance and collectivism, this study also examines cross-national differences in the level of public employee job satisfaction.  相似文献   

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