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品牌竞争力的生成及其贡献要素优势转化机制分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从对竞争力的经济学解释入手,分析了竞争力产生的条件和品牌竞争力的内涵,指出品牌差别优势是品牌竞争力的产生源泉,品牌竞争力是企业在市场竞争中与竞争对手相较量时,由品牌所表现出来的一种市场力量。认为建立顾客可感知品牌差别优势是生成品牌竞争力的关键,并总结了几种要素优势转化为顾客可感知品牌差别优势的典型模式。  相似文献   

姚莉 《经济前沿》2004,(1):62-64
竞争优势源于企业的特有资源和能力,而竞争对手很难模仿或购得。核心竞争力是引导企业成功的关键因素,成功的企业几乎无一不在技术诀窍,创新能力、管理模式、市场网络、品牌形象、顾客服务等方面具有独特专长。这些公司成功的过程,就是核心竞争力培育和发展的过程。本文分析了核心竞争力的特征,并指出中国企业缺乏核心竞争力的关键在于对核心竞争力认识错位。  相似文献   

核心能力是企业经营运作,战胜竞争对手的内在能力资源。它是企业持续竞争优势的源泉。放眼500强,几乎无一不在技术决窍,创新能力、管理模式、市场网络、品牌形象、顾客服务等方面具有独特专长,这些公司成功的过程,也是其核心竞争力培育和发展的过程,无论他们是实行多元化战略,还是实行专业化战略,区别仅在于核心竞争力的机制方面。  相似文献   

市场竞争的本质在于比竞争对手获得更大的竞争优势。基于资源和能力的竞争力理论指出了持续的竞争优势来源于企业拥有的独特资源和能力。但是,独特的资源和能力是否一定能产生竞争优势?显然是另一个问题。顾客价值理论从顾客视角揭示了企业问竞争以及竞争优势的本质,为企业核心能力的培育以及谋求竞争优势指明了方向和战略路径。顾客价值的动态性也指明了持续竞争优势的基本来源。  相似文献   

核心竞争力是足够显著实现顾客看重价值需求、领先于竞争对手、不易被竞争力对手所模仿的能力,核心竞争力是群体或团队中根深蒂固的、互相弥补的一系列技能和知识的组合,借助该能力,能够按世界一流水平实施一到多项核心流程。  相似文献   

一、企业核心竞争力的特征 1.价值性:企业核心竞争力在提高企业效率,降低成本和创造价值方面能比竞争对手做得更好,同时也应给企业的目标顾客带来独特的价值和利益。  相似文献   

核心竞争力能为企业提供进入不同市场的潜力,核心竞争力对最终产品的顾客价值贡献巨大,应该是难以被竞争对手所模仿和复制且能够持续创新。  相似文献   

企业文化与企业核心竞争力一致性机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业文化与企业核心竞争力之间有着高度的一致性,二者都是企业差异化战略实施的结果。企业文化通过企业制度、规则、战略等内部化为员工的行为理念,影响员工的行为能力,降低员工之间的交往成本,并显性化为企业的核心竞争力。企业核心竞争力的培育与提升目的是使其顾客能在众多的竞争对手中识别本企业,进而获取更多的市场竞争优势。  相似文献   

郑彬 《经济论坛》1999,(16):24-24
21世纪是以知识产业为核心的世纪。在这个世纪中,企业间的竞争是在全球市场范围内展开的比名牌竞争力高的竞争,而支撑名牌创建和发展的关键力量是企业的核心能力。核心能力系指企业在其所从事的生产或服务中所具有的一组独特技术或技能的集合体。它以知识含量的独特性在市场竞争中保驾护驾,使竞争对手难以模仿;以良好的延伸性确保不断创新,满足消费者变化的需求或为顾客解决问题;以独特的竞争战略保证比竞争对手提供给顾客更多可感知的价值,建立市场竞争优势。核心能力的集中体现是具有关键技术含量,能为用户提供超值利益的,高质…  相似文献   

申庆涛 《技术经济》2002,21(10):8-10
所谓人力资源竞争力指的是基于企业人力资源的开发利用和管理而形成的持有竞争能力,并由此向顾客提供比竞争对手更大的利益、拉开差距的经营方式。人力资源是企业核心能力,企业核心能力是指某一组织内部一系列互补的技能和知识的结合,它具有使一项或多项业务达到竞争领域一流水平的能力.蕴含价值优越性、异质性、难模仿性、不可交易性与难替代性和使企业持续开发新产品和拓宽市场的特性。企业发展新的核心能力,必须不断建立在发掘自己的人力资源优势上.这种新核心能力,就是人力资源竞争力。  相似文献   

We study a class of single-round, sealed-bid auctions for an item in unlimited supply, such as a digital good. We introduce the notion of competitive auctions. A competitive auction is truthful (i.e. encourages bidders to bid their true valuations) and on all inputs yields profit that is within a constant factor of the profit of the optimal single sale price. We justify the use of optimal single price profit as a benchmark for evaluating a competitive auctions profit. We exhibit several randomized competitive auctions and show that there is no symmetric deterministic competitive auction. Our results extend to bounded supply markets, for which we also give competitive auctions.  相似文献   

Sprawl and low urban density are often considered challenges to the vitality and efficiency of metropolitan areas. Utilizing a difference equation approach to endogenize density choices, this paper examines how competition between new cities causes development to occur too quickly compared to welfare maximizing development. Early development causes land to be sold in larger lots to a smaller number of buyers, causing lower population density. Competition in a timing game among developers causes early development, lower population density and lower capital density. I would like to thank James Peck, Don Haurin, Bruce Weinberg, David Hineline and an anonymous referee for comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

With imperfect information about product quality there are incentives for buyers to make use of proxy variables as “signals”, and hence for sellers to invest in the activity of signalling. Received theory suggests that there are plausible circumstances under which there exist a whole family of potential “signalling equilibria” each of which successfully distinguish quality differences.In this paper it is shown that from the family of “equilibria” only one, the Pareto-dominant member, survives plausible experimentation by buyers. With moderately more sophisticated experimentation it is further shown that there is no competitive equilibrium.  相似文献   

基于资源基础论,从竞争战略对企业边界的影响和企业边界对企业竞争优势的影响两个维度,对企业边界的相关研究文献进行了梳理。探讨了竞争战略、企业边界与竞争优势之间的互动机理,揭示了目前关于企业边界理论的研究现状及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

竞争力与国际竞争力的几个基本问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜爱林 《经济纵横》2003,(11):48-53
根据不同的对象或从不同的角度,可以给竞争力和国际竞争力下不同定义。而不同的竞争力和国际竞争力定义会形成不同的竞争力和国际竞争力理论分析框架和指标体系。竞争力和国际竞争力是不断发展的概念,时至今日尚没有一个被广泛接受的定义。竞争力和国际竞争力的分类具有多样性。  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the study of nonlinear tariffs, i.e., those depending nonlinearly on the quantity purchased, to the case of a symmetric oligopoly. Competitive equilibria and the corresponding tariffs are analyzed in a Cournot framework. Various equilibria are obtained, which depend both upon the number of competing suppliers and the choice of market parameters used to characterize the competitors' strategies. Buyers are classified by type, each selecting an optimal consumption level in response to the prevailing tariff. The phenomena of buyer self-selection found in monopoly nonlinear pricing and the scaling of equilibrium demand elasticity found in Cournot models both appear in the results.  相似文献   

Sufficient conditions on the structure of technology that give rise to robust periodic cycles in stocks, outputs, and relative prices in a stationary, fully competitive economy with an infinitely lived representative agent are given. The results are first derived in the context of a general intertemporal model of accumulation that has been used in the turnpike literature. These results are then applied to a two-sector neoclassical model of production, and sufficient conditions giving rise to robust periodic cycles are obtained in terms of relative capital intensities of the two sectors.  相似文献   

Competitive bargaining equilibrium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a simple exchange economy we propose a bargaining procedure that leads to a Walrasian outcome as the agents become increasingly patient. The competitive outcome therefore obtains even if agents have market power and are not price-takers. Moreover, where in other bargaining protocols the final outcome depends on bargaining power or relative impatience, the outcome here is determinate and depends only on preferences and endowments. Our bargaining procedure involves bargaining over prices and maximum quantity constraints, and it guarantees convergence to a Walrasian outcome for any standard exchange economy. In contrast, without quantity constraints we show that equilibrium is generically inefficient.  相似文献   

A study is made of a competitive trading process in which a price-maker calls prices periodically under the obligation of trading for his own account to satisfy excess demand. Characteristics of the price-maker's optimal behavior are derived. The price-maker system is evaluated with respect to an alternative market clearing system.  相似文献   

绿色竞争力强调把节约资源、保护和改善环境的理念融入企业的经营战略之中,贯穿于研发、生产、采购、营销等经营环节,通过向市场提供绿色产品或服务,获得竞争优势,实现企业的可持续发展。它已成为企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。通过完善绿色管理体系、开展绿色营销,对绿色认证进行统一管理等举措,可以帮助企业培育绿色竞争力。  相似文献   

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