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As a large archipelago with significant geographical variation and economic diversity, Indonesia requires detailed regional information when subjected to economic modelling. While such information is available, it however has not been integrated and harmonised into a comprehensive input–output database, thus preventing economic, social, and environmental modelling for investigating sub-national regional policy questions. We present the new IndoLab, a collaborative research platform for Indonesia, enabling input–output modelling of economic, social, and environmental issues in a cloud-computing environment. Within the IndoLab researchers are for the first time able to generate a time series of regionally and sectorally detailed and comprehensive, sub-national multi-region input–output (MRIO) tables for Indonesia. By integrating a multitude of economic, social, and environmental data into a single standardised processing pipeline and harmonised data repository, the IndoLab is able to generate MRIO tables capturing up to 1148 sectors, and 495 cities and regencies. Researchers can freely choose from this detail to construct tables with customised classifications that suit their own research questions. First results from the IndoLab clearly demonstrate the unique characteristics of regions in terms of their sectors’ employment intensity. Thus, the IndoLab has great potential for investigating policy questions that cannot be comprehensively addressed using a single national database.  相似文献   

Abstract. Over the last decade, the study of social interactions in economic decision making has become an important area of research. The main objective of this paper is to survey the extent to which recent empirical contributions have succeeded in overcoming the identification problems as first formulated by Manski (1993). This discussion is followed by a comparison of empirical studies in three key areas of research: neighborhood effects, substance use among teenagers, and peer effects among university roommates. Finally, I discuss questions like: Can economists restrict attention to a specific subcategories of social interactions? How do we define social groups, and what is the importance of social interactions for public policy?  相似文献   

Ronald Coase's work presents a continuing challenge to the established neoclassical paradigm. His incorporation of transactions cost into economic theory enables many questions of organisational structure to be addressed but also implies a world of continuing evolutionary change rather than static equilibrium. This article reviews some of Coase's most influential papers and considers their implications for the future of public policy and economic theory.  相似文献   

This paper compares the economic questions addressed by instrumental variables estimators with those addressed by structural approaches. We discuss Marschak’s Maxim: estimators should be selected on the basis of their ability to answer well-posed economic problems with minimal assumptions. A key identifying assumption that allows structural methods to be more informative than IV can be tested with data and does not have to be imposed.  相似文献   

This article first examines how bad housing conditions are in Japan based on international comparisons. The next question is whether the extremely high land prices in Japan can be explained by economic logic. We then turn to more specific housing policy questions that are peculiar to or important in Japan, such as the tax advantages of owning land that have caused under-utilization of land and the reasons why the average size of Japanese rental housing is so small.  相似文献   

Power in K–12 education is rapidly moving from local school boards and government to extraordinarily wealthy private philanthropists. Building networks among nonprofits, government agencies, school districts, and others, private foundations such as the Gates, Broad, and Walton family foundations are fundamentally restructuring American K–12 education. The Common Core State Standards, teacher evaluation, and charter schools are a few of the initiatives these funders are backing. The massive influx of private money into education policy and its influence over public education raises questions around the proper role of philanthropy in a democracy. In a society with increasing wealth inequality, should the economic elite be able to gain further power to shape social institutions through giving? Are there or should there be any limits to this power? Examining specific trends and events in education philanthropy over the last 10 years, this article identifies key players in philanthropic education reform and argues that philanthropy in education is now playing a policy‐making role—without checks and balances—that is qualitatively and quantitatively different than before. I conclude with a cautionary note on the dangers of letting education policy become the domain of the economic elite.  相似文献   

文化产业政策与城市发展:欧洲的经验与启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
全球经济的变动趋势导致了城市经济的重构 ,欧洲文化经济政策的兴起正是应对这种趋势的地方响应。本文首先概述了文化产业的概念及其主要特点 ,并简要描述了欧洲城市文化经济政策的类型及其发展进程 ,最后总结出文化产业在欧洲城市发展中所起的促进作用 ,以及在政策实施中存在的各种问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of financial supervision as a policy tool over the last three decades, with a focus on the issues raised by the Global Crisis. It considers a sample of advanced and emerging economies to discuss the four main questions debated in the literature, and addressed in the economic policy arena: the architecture of supervision, the role of the central bank as supervisor, the governance of supervision, and financial supervision vs. the internationalization of finance. Our survey finds that, on each of these issues, theory and practice do not offer clear‐cut answers and unambiguous optimal solutions. At the same time, the most promising approach is to tackle financial supervision as a principal‐agent problem, where economics and political economy approaches must be used in combination to improve both positive and normative analyses of supervisory governance.  相似文献   

Housing policy-makers show increased interest in encouraging rehabilitation of the existing housing stock. But little is known about what factors influence the decision to invest, particularly in rental housing, making policy design difficult. This paper presents an empirical analysis of individual landlords' housing rehabilitation decisions in one housing market. The analysis tests hypotheses about the impacts of detailed neighborhood, structure, and site characteristics on each owner's investment activity. Findings support the general hypothesis that economic returns to investment have a major effect on rehabilitation decisions, identify some other important circumstances, and suggest which among many specific policy levers should be effective.  相似文献   

In recent years, the notion of sustainable development has begun to figure prominently in the regional, as well as the national, policy concerns of many industrialized countries. Indicators have typically been used to monitor changes in economic, environmental and social variables to show whether economic development is on a sustainable path. In this paper we endogenize individual and composite environmental indicators within an appropriately specified computable general equilibrium modelling framework for Scotland. In principle, at least, this represents a very powerful modelling tool that can inform the policy making process by identifying the impact of any exogenous policy change on the key endogenous environmental and economic indicators. It can also identify the effects of any binding environmental targets on economic activity.  相似文献   


This study develops a multi-regional input–output (MRIO) laboratory for policy-relevant applications in China. The Chinese IELab features unique flexibility and advances the previous state of the art in terms of three novel aspects. First, it can generate regionally and sectorally very detailed MRIO tables based on users’ own research questions. Second, it covers the entire territorial economic boundary and has the longest and most up to date annual time series from 1978 to 2015. Third, it can be used to provide insight to a wide range of research and policy questions including social, economic, and environmental issues, thus significantly improving all applications that rely on input–output tables. These features are illustrated by generating a Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei multi-regional supply and use table for 2014 at city level and applying it to the case study of transferring Beijing’s non-capital functions according to The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development Strategy set by the Chinese government.  相似文献   

We explore an input–output based framework for optimizing production in the Greek economy, under constraints relating to energy use, final demand, greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste. Using empirical data, we consider the effects on the maximum attainable gross value of production when imposing various pollution abatement targets. Our results quantify those effects as well as the magnitude of economic sacrifices required to achieve environmental goals, in a series of policy scenarios of practical importance. Because air pollution and solid waste are not produced independently of one another, we identify the settings in which it is meaningful to institute a separate policy for mitigating each pollutant, versus those in which only one pollutant needs to be actively addressed. The scenarios considered here represent a range of options that could be available to policy makers, depending on the country's international commitments and the effects on economic and environmental variables.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic policy makers are typically concerned with several indicators of economic performance. We thus propose to tackle the design of macroeconomic policy using Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques. More specifically, we employ Multi-objective Programming (MP) to seek so-called efficient policies. The MP approach is combined with a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. We chose use of a CGE model since it has the dual advantage of being consistent with standard economic theory while allowing one to measure the effect(s) of a specific policy with real data. Applying the proposed methodology to Spain (via the 1995 Social Accounting Matrix) we first quantified the trade-offs between two specific policy objectives: growth and inflation, when designing fiscal policy. We then constructed a frontier of efficient policies involving real growth and inflation. In doing so, we found that policy in 1995 Spain displayed some degree of inefficiency with respect to these two policy objectives. We then offer two sets of policy recommendations that, ostensibly, could have helped Spain at the time. The first deals with efficiency independent of the importance given to both growth and inflation by policy makers (we label this set: general policy recommendations). A second set depends on which policy objective is seen as more important by policy makers: increasing growth or controlling inflation (we label this one: objective-specific recommendations).  相似文献   


Decision-making at regional scales requires timely information. Within four months of the release of official national statistics, we have produced a time-series (2008–2015) of balanced sub-national, multi-regional supply-and-use tables (MR-SUT), integrated with a set of socio-economic and environmental accounts. This was achieved using the Australian IELab, where data used in this study are available (https://ielab.info/resources/91). Four multi-regional, environmentally extended supply-use tables regionalised in different ways were produced to demonstrate the flexibility of tailoring input–output models to specific research or policy questions. Results for satellite coefficients are sensitive to the chosen regional grouping and method for regionalisation. We demonstrate the relevance of such purpose-built information to government and corporate decision-makers by analysing the indirect economic and employment consequences of a slowdown of the mining boom in Western Australia. The demonstrated innovations in flexibility and timeliness will help move past some of the limitations that have historically hindered the uptake and utility of applied input–output analysis.  相似文献   

We use a rich regional data set to obtain a statistical characterization of the relationship between entrepreneurial activity and economic growth within post‐Soviet Russia. Russia is a useful laboratory for evaluating links between entrepreneurial activity and growth because of the striking variation in initial conditions, the adoption of policy reforms, and entrepreneurial activity observed across its large number of regions in the early stages of transition. Russia has also experienced striking regional variation in subsequent growth. Conditional on variations in initial conditions and policy reform measures, regional entrepreneurial activity exhibits a statistically and quantitatively significant relationship with subsequent economic growth.  相似文献   

公共政策手段必然有其成本,低碳生态城市规划政策也不例外。政策手段带来的成本与效益需要有科学性及客观的分析,才会帮助政府在制定政策及建设项目时提高社会整体经济效率,达到优化经济资源之目的。本文提出需要对低碳城市规划和建设手段进行成本效益分析的必要性,要从科学客观角度建立低碳城市成本效益理论和方法,应用评估低碳城市规划建设政策和投资决定。并针对我国城乡规划体制内具有法定效力的控制性详细规划管理手段,提出在实施低碳生态城市控制指标时要考虑产生的经济成本与效益,以近期完成的石家庄正定新区低碳生态控制性详细规划方案解释。  相似文献   

Unravelling the social and economic roots of urban inequality in Africa has remained a thorny issue in African political economy. Stripped to its bare essentials, the critical questions are who causes urban inequality, what causes it, and how it is caused? While all different, the questions are interrelated. Answering the “who causes inequality” question requires a related analysis of what and why, and that is connected to the how question. Indeed, the how question has two parts—how inequality is caused and how it can be addressed. Both are connected to the why question and to its resolution. Unfortunately, while studies about urban inequality abound, they tend to hive off one aspect or another of the tripartite questions on inequality and, even worse, they study the three questions separately. This article tries to overcome the existing atomistic and piecemeal approach to the study of urban inequality in Africa by contextualizing the work of Jane Jacobs and Henry George, who took a holistic view of urban inequality. It argues that Jacobsianism and Georgism have much to offer in terms of understanding urban inequality in Africa, but neither analysis goes far enough to be able to serve as a solid foundation for policy. Ultimately, it is in their approach to urban analysis—the emphasis on context, on actual urban problems, inductivism, and some of their mechanisms for change such as George's land tax and cautious abstraction, in that order, along with their combined vision—which I call “diversity in equality”—that can add to the insights of postcolonialism in understanding and transforming urban inequality in Africa.  相似文献   

Market-based approaches and command and control regulations are the two main tools that policy/decision makers use to implement environmental protection goals; however, these alone have proven to be somewhat ineffective or counterproductive in some cases. Therefore, this study proposes a hybrid environmental policy tool to guide river basin environmental management decisions. The river basin authority and regional Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as the two leading decision makers, and policy makers and implementers of river basin management, make decisions sequentially in a process similar to a Stackelberg game. This decision making can be mathematically represented using a bi-level optimization model. The proposed model addressed the conflicting equitable resource allocation and economic efficiency objectives to achieve coordinated development of the whole river basin. To verify the model effectiveness, the most considerable pollutant emissions limits and water quality standards were set, and incentive measures (pollution chargers and subsidies) were applied to assess these hybrid instruments' impact on the decision outcomes. The results from a Minjiang river basin case further illustrated that the trade-off between social equity and cost-efficient environmental goals could efficiently achieve, proving that a combination of instruments could be influential in pollution decision-making and delivery of environmental policy. Given the model's proven effectiveness, several proposals are given for solving complex pollution problems that also need to consider the related socioeconomic issues.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the economic literature on the role of fees in patent systems. Two main research questions are usually addressed: the impact of patent fees on the behavior of applicants and the question of optimal fees. Studies in the former group confirm that a range of fees affect the behavior of applicants and suggest that a patent is an inelastic good. Studies in the latter group provide grounds for both low and high application (or pre‐grant) fees and renewal (or post‐grant) fees, depending on the structural context and policy objectives. The paper also presents new stylized facts on patent fees of 30 patent offices worldwide. It is shown that application fees are generally lower than renewal fees, and renewal fees increase more than proportionally with patent age.  相似文献   

Brazil’s move toward greater openness in its foreign trade and capital account since the 1980s, reflects a weakening of the exercise of national sovereignty for economic objectives. In this paper, we argue that consumer sovereignty has been correspondingly increased. There are costs and benefits to Brazil from both kinds of sovereignty. Increasing constraints on macroeconomic policy making have been accompanied by an increase in the choices open to many individuals. The latter increase, however, has been limited by a highly skewed distribution of income, which has persisted despite the profound changes in economic policy.  相似文献   

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