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地域文化是作家们的精神母乳。地域文化精神直接影响到小说叙述焦点的定位与运动、小说话语与叙事视角的选择、言语风格的确定以及语言结构的形成;方言土语不仅丰富了小说的语言资源,而且为小说语言增色许多;作为地理风貌的自然风光进入小说,必然影响着描写这些风光的语言风格的选择;民间语言体现一种民间立场的叙事。与官方文化拉开一定距离,并显示出民间幽默的智慧与解构的才能;有作为的作家不仅善于到地域文化中去淘金,而且能跳出其拘囿,去经受各种异地文化的洗礼。  相似文献   

殷二永 《商》2012,(16):174-175
不同的民族有着属于自己的独特文化。中日两国一衣带水,源远流长。学习日语,离不开日本文化文化。二语教学,离开其文化的承载体,便谈不上语言教学。本文从人文地理、历史渊源、文学艺术、宗教文化、物语文化等几个方面来阐述在独特文化背景下酝酿出的民族特色语言,阐明在语言教学过程中文化知识导入的必要性。  相似文献   

众所周知,语言是文化的重要组成部分,是文化的载体。广告语言作为一种特殊的语言形式,同普通语言一样,是一个民族在宗教、历史、价值取向等方面的综合反映。本文从文化的角度对比分析英汉广告语言,以揭示中西文化之差异。  相似文献   

杨涵 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(19):255-255
陈染作为九十年代女性文学中的一个代表作家,在小说的语言表达上具有独特的感染力。就以陈染的小说《无处告别》为代表,从表达方式上入手,分别从情景交融、心理活动、侧面描写和比喻联想这四个方面阐述了陈染小说的语言精髓和魅力。  相似文献   

在很久之前,想要做好翻译工作,就必须要建立在对语言的了解上,因为翻译的主体大多针对语言进行。然而,语言之间存在很大差别,就比如说汉语和英语,因为其本质的差异,很容易导致翻译过程出现误差。商务口译属于沟通过程中比较高端的一种,需要将相关资料在第一时间完成翻译过程,但是语言一般都和周边的文化内涵相关联,所以在翻译过程较容易出现偏差,这也是每个翻译人员最关注的问题。鉴于以上现象,翻译人员要做到用合适的方式磨合不同语言间的不对称性,尽可能使整个翻译内容流畅和准确。  相似文献   

残雪的小说以建构一个怪诞的世界作为己任,这个梦幻世界存在于她的语言之中。她那别具一格的梦呓式的小说语言,以突出表现一个噩梦时代的文化氛围,揭示生活于这个时代人们的病态心理与孤僻的精神状态。残雪小说语言的非理性化使她获得了较多的自由,以便有效地将人类心灵深处最隐秘、最阴暗的东西抖露出来,并向其复仇。  相似文献   

孙志红 《品牌》2014,(11):127-127
莫言是当代著名的小说家,是新时期最具创新和具有特色的作家之一。他用滂湃丰富的感情、生动形象的语言表达方式诉说着山东高密乡的一个个传奇故事。莫言的小说没有华丽的辞藻,没有优美的诗歌,但是通过出神入化的农村情景描写将读者带进了莫言的世界。莫言的语言特色主要分为四部分:色彩绚丽、口语化、幽默诙谐,乡土气息浓厚,正是这些独具特色的语言风格将莫言推向了诺贝尔文学奖的舞台。  相似文献   

由文言文到白话文文体的改革表征着中国现代化进程,但在西方长期的文化强势中心的影响下,中国传统法文化被忽略、被"屏蔽",文化相对独立性淹没在经济竞争的强势话语中。本文试从文化相对独立性立场和文体改革的视角分析白话文对中国法文化的"屏蔽",主张在全球化的过程中保存和发扬传统法文化的精华。  相似文献   

研究阿兰·罗伯-格里耶(1)的"写物主义"真实观,把握作家在真实性相标榜的前提下,坚持后现代写作不确定性创作原则的立场与态度,必须从作家的小说文本和文论入手,分析其在人物、故事、介入、形式和内容等关键词上的理论表述,并对应到小说形式上的探索与革新。在这样的基础上,认识作家在文本实验的过程中所开创的写物主义的创作模式,特别是在作品中所表现出来的将全能的人向暂定角色转变,形成人物的模糊性;人物描写向事物描写转变,造成事物的浅表性;单一意义向多重意义转变,导致解读的歧义性;单线叙述向多头叙述转变,构成情节的复杂性等后现代特性。从理论与实践上的结合上厘清作家与传统现实主义精神在思想认识上的界限与鸿沟,把握作者后现代写物主义真实观的准确内涵。  相似文献   

凯瑟琳·安·波特是美国南方女性作家的杰出代表。国内对波特小说的研究已有二、三十年时间,主要的研究方向是波特小说中所体现的女性意识、南方意识、宗教观点等。在综述了国内近年来波特研究成果的基础上,探讨了波特小说今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

The pursuit of material pleasures, construed as symbolizing consumer culture, is often at odds with religion. Hence for consumers for whom religion is important, there may be a quandary reconciling religious values, such as simple living and modest possessions with living in today's society awash with the ideology of consumerism with its abundance of goods and propaganda of the materialistic good life. This study explores how consumers reconcile religious precepts with materialism in today's consumer culture and society with an ethnographic study of a worldwide Buddhist organization that practices Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. The study reveals that religion can embrace even the paradoxical entities of consumerism, materialism, and spiritualism; transcend thought duality; and emanate the positive potential intrinsic to all, leading to an individual human revolution with implications for marketing and societal transformation. The researcher hopes to add to the understanding of the religion, consumerism, and materialism linkage.  相似文献   

There is much still to learn about the nature of fair trade consumers. In light of the Pope’s encyclical Caritas in Veritate, this article sought to advance the current understanding by investigating the role of religion in fair trade consumption. In this study, fair trade consumers and non-consumers across many religions as well as the non-religious described their consumption of fair trade products as well as the use of their religious beliefs in their purchase behavior. It appears that the non-religious are slightly more inclined toward buying fair trade products. Of the religious observers studied, Buddhists have a greater propensity to buy fair trade. The relationship between religion and fair trade consumption is complex in that religious affiliation – group membership – alone is not enough to encourage members to buy fair trade; rather, it is the use of religious beliefs as a criterion in consumption behavior that linked religion to fair trade consumption.  相似文献   


With different religions mixing in many societies, religious consumer groups receive increasing attention as target segments. Trying to appeal to such religious segments, companies differentiate food products by adding religious labels (e.g. kosher or halal) to packaging. But while this makes the products more attractive to the consumers of the focal religion, adding a religious label may also impact the brand evaluation by consumers with no religious beliefs or a different religious orientation. Drawing upon social identity theory to explain the psychological basis of inter-group discrimination, and taking account of information integration theory to analyse how religious labels affect product and brand evaluations, this article aims to assess the spillover effects between religion and brand among consumers who are not part of the religious communities addressed by these labels. The findings indicate that the perception of religious labels on food packaging is influenced by the attitudes towards the religion and the brand, while the relative importance of both antecedents is dependent upon several consumer characteristics. The theoretical and managerial implications of our findings, the limitations of our work and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Religious practice and green consumption seem inherently related, as each activity purportedly benefits society. Despite this, few studies have explored the possibility that religion influences green purchase intentions. Further, individuals often struggle to reconcile their religious and nonreligious motives in their day-to-day activities. Toward this end, the current study investigates the roles that religion, price, and social motives may play as factors that influence green consumption. The study also examines the possible intervention of other altruistic motives such as attitude toward charitable institutions in determining green consumption. The study develops a new perspective on how green products should be marketed while delivering actionable theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Because federal law protects an employee's right to religious accommodation, managers cannot ignore the issue of religious diversity. The matter is far broader than simple legal compliance, though. Certainly, managers need to better understand the laws protecting employees’ rights for accommodation and prohibiting disparate treatment, religious harassment, and retaliation. However, they also need to understand the various opportunities and challenges associated with acknowledging religious diversity. Concerning opportunities, research suggests that allowing employees to express aspects of their religion can enhance their work lives and, thus, the value they place on the organization. Furthermore, respect for religious diversity can encourage a useful mindset for communicating with other stakeholders in areas from advertising to the sports interests of salespeople. Since learning more about a range of faiths can lead to greater skills in working with diverse groups, we offer information on Prothero's God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World—and Why Their Differences Matter and on different religions’ practices associated with death-related issues. In conclusion, we provide insight regarding the benefits of acknowledging religious diversity while respecting those who identify with no religion, and we do so without opening the door to proselytizing.  相似文献   

Impacts of religion on trade in services were examined using gravity models with two estimation methods: Poisson pseudo‐maximum likelihood (PPML), to correct for heteroscedasticity and bias due to the exclusion of zero trade flow, and standard Heckman correction to compensate for sample selection bias. We found that religious similarity contributes to increased international trade in services by establishing ‘trust‐related institutions’. Second, religious pluralism (variety) fosters trade even more than religious similarity, suggesting that in facilitating trade, religious openness matters more than religious similarity. Third, a strong dominant religion discourages trade in services, whereas the presence of religious minorities encourages trade in services. A highly significant inverse Mill's ratio (IMR) result indicated the presence of sample selection bias, indicating that controls are necessary to prevent estimation bias. This study concluded that religion is an important determining factor for trade in services, positively affecting interpersonal trust and thereby reducing institutional distance between countries.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between religious commitment and business ethics has produced widely varying results and made the impact of such commitment unclear. This study presents an empirical investigation based on a questionnaire survey of business managers and professionals in the United States yielding a database of 1234 respondents. Respondents evaluated the ethical acceptability of 16 business decisions. Findings varied with the way in which the religion variable was measured. Little relationship between religious commitment and ethical judgment was found when responses were compared on the basis of broad faith categories – Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, other religions, and no religion. However, respondents who indicated that religious interests were of high or moderate importance to them demonstrated a higher level of ethical judgment (less accepting of unethical decisions) than others in their evaluations. Evangelical Christians also showed a higher level of ethical judgment.  相似文献   

印度是一个历史悠久的语言博物馆。国家的官方语言是用天城体书写的印地语,英语是辅助的官方语言。英语在印度的推广,已有400多年的历史。对印度的语言状况、印度独立后所采取的语言政策及英语在印度的历史和现状的分析,可以为我国的语言政策和语言教育提供一个可资借鉴的对象,从而正确处理母语教育与英语教育的关系。  相似文献   

What might happen if business leaders across the globe viewed their work as a sacred calling in a religious sense? Might not the world be a far better place? This paper is an effort to stimulate debate and discussion on this topic. Concepts addressed include: (a) ethics in business, (b) ethical standards in business settings, (c) the role of law, (d) levels of corporate responsibility, (e) the role of religion in business ethics, (f) the idea of business as a calling in a religious sense, (g) the elements of modern corporate culture, (h) creating an ethical corporate culture, (i) demonstrating corporate social responsibility, and (j) providing servant leadership. The introduction to the paper shows how these concepts interrelate; its conclusion offers a challenge to business leaders to answer their call to business in the truest sense.  相似文献   

Religion has always rejected the concept of materialism and urged people to live in simplicity and moderation. Nonetheless, reality reveals a different phenomenon. Studies on religion and materialism have found inconsistent results. We examine the effect of religion on materialism and affective attitudes towards luxury goods and the mediating effect of materialism on affective attitude towards luxury goods. We propose the idea that many religious people reject the concept of materialism, but they consider luxury goods consumption compatible with their religious beliefs. 355 university students show that youth consumers with high intrinsic religiosity possess an affective attitude towards luxury goods. The results show that consumers perceived materialism and luxury goods as two separate constructs. Religious consumers reject the concept of materialism as an attachment to worldly possessions, but they maintain their emotional affection towards luxury goods. The results have several implications for both business and religious leaders. First, from a business perspective, there are no significant differences between religious and nonreligious youth consumers, especially in their acceptance of luxury goods. Simply put, religious youth consumers love God, but they also love Gucci (i.e., luxury goods). On the other hand, if religious leaders are teaching their congregations to reject materialism, they may need to shift the focus of their teaching from materialism to the role of luxury goods in their lives and how the purchase and ownership of luxury items may not reflect the true values of their beliefs.  相似文献   

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