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Our study sought to determine whether a consumer's search-purchase (S-P) strategy could provide a viable market segmentation tool for understanding consumer's channel choice behavior in today's increasingly complex, multichannel market environment. We collected data (N = 519) nationwide, using a self-administered mail survey and focusing on two product categories (books and apparel). Based on the respondent's search-purchase channel behavior, we identified nine segments and deemed three as viable: the Physical/Physical S-P strategist, the Cross/Cross S-P strategist, and the Cross/Physical S-P strategist. Our findings indicate that a consumer's S-P channel choice strategy is indeed a viable segmentation tool; furthermore, a consumer's S-P channel choice strategy is influenced by the consumer's level of sophistication in regard to the technology and by the benefits sought. We conclude by speculating on the uses that retailers could make of our study, and we propose several possible subjects for future studies.  相似文献   

The current research examines influence of materialism and compulsive-buying behavior on Indian consumers’ credit card use. Research in Western countries posits that materialistic values and compulsiveness influence credit card use. However, results of the research differ from earlier researches. It suggests that Indian consumers’ credit card use is influenced by materialism but not by compulsiveness. Credit cards may be acquired to represent a lifestyle and improve individual’s status. The symbolic value associated with credit card is higher than its functional attributes. Consumers associate it with material possessions that bequeath status to them.  相似文献   


Despite the popularity of the Persuasion Knowledge Model, and its persistent relevance given the omnipresence of sponsored content (e.g. brand placement in TV programmes and video games, or paid product reviews in blogs), the way scholars measure persuasion knowledge varies widely. This study aims to develop valid and reliable scales for standardized measurement of consumers' persuasion knowledge of sponsored content. In three phases, we developed the Persuasion Knowledge Scales of Sponsored Content (PKS-SC) that measures nine components: (1) recognition of sponsored content, (2) understanding of selling and persuasive intent, (3) recognition of the commercial source of sponsored content, (4) understanding of persuasive tactics, (5) understanding of the economic model, (6) self-reflective awareness of the effectiveness of sponsored content, (7) skepticism toward sponsored content, (8) appropriateness of sponsored content, and (9) liking of sponsored content. All scales have good to appropriate validity and reliability. Recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The absolute and relative impact of current quality and reputation variables on consumer decisions are examined using data from the market for Bordeaux wine. The estimates indicate that a model of consumer decision making which incorporates information on reputation (past quality) and collective reputation (average group quality) rejects alternative models that include current quality. The results also indicate that reputation has a large impact on the willingness to pay of consumers, that long term reputation is considerably more important than short term quality movements, and that consumers react slowly to changes in product quality. Collective reputation is shown to have an impact on consumer willingness to pay that is as large as that of individual firm reputation. If reputation and collective reputation effects are ignored, the estimated impact of current quality and short term changes in quality on consumer behaviour are overstated.  相似文献   

This study examines factors influencing consumers' acceptance of mobile marketing across three influential markets, namely U.S., China, and Europe. The authors develop an integrative conceptual model on consumers' attitudes and behaviors toward mobile marketing. The authors incorporate three individual-level characteristics, namely personal attachment, innovativeness, and risk avoidance and investigate how permission-based acceptance influences the relationship between consumers' attitude and mobile marketing activity. Focusing on Generation Y consumers, the model is empirically tested with data from U.S., China, and Europe. The findings illustrate several cross-market differences and similarities regarding the relationships between individual-level characteristics, attitude, and mobile marketing activity. Research and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Consumer education is an integral part of the consumer empowerment mix. Over recent years the importance of consumer education as a vital tool for protecting consumers and making them better informed has been increasingly recognized in the UK. As part of the developing policy debate in the UK, the National Consumer Council (NCC), one of the key consumer champion bodies, has been arguing the case for a national strategy for consumer education. In order to establish whether a national strategy was needed and, if so, how a strategy could be structured and introduced, the NCC carried out a national consultation. In excess of 100 responses were obtained from a very broad range of organizations. This paper provides a review of the secondary data gathered for the NCC research. It was found that although there are many organizations and networks involved in consumer education in the UK, it lacks focus, is fragmented and is not efficient or coordinated. The research highlighted a need for a strategic approach to place educated and empowered consumers at the heart of the marketplace.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effects of perceptions of product harm and consumer vulnerability on ethical evaluations of target marketing strategies. We first established whether subjects are able to accurately judge the harmfulness of a product through labeling alone, and whether they could differentiate consumers who were more or less vulnerable. The results suggest that without the presence of a prime, subjects who depended on implicit memory or guess were able to detect differences in “sin” and “non-sin” products and consumer vulnerability, but were far less likely to be able to distinguish among high and low levels of product harm and consumer vulnerability. The inability to accurately identify high and low levels of product harm and consumer vulnerability impacted their perceptions of the ethicality of target marketing strategies, such that only four out of 18 target marketing strategies were judged as unethical. Thus, our findings contradict previous research that found subjects judged many more of the integrated strategies as unethical [Smith and Cooper-Martin, J Market 61(1997) 1]. Our results suggest that assessing ethical evaluations of strategies varying in product harm, and consumer vulnerability may only be relevant if consumers can accurately identify product harm.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2019,95(3):63-75
The current research compares sole-identity versus dualidentity consumers in their responses to different retail persuasion attempts that occur in situations with low versus high ulterior motives. We examine different consumer responses (e.g., interaction time, perceived friendliness, future interaction intentions, and actual purchase behavior). We find that dual-identity consumers (those individuals with sales experience who have both a consumer and agent identity available) tend to automatically activate their agent identity which makes them more likely to take the perspective of the sales agent as compared to sole-identity consumers (individuals without sales experience who only have a consumer identity available). Dual-identity consumers show greater sensitivity to ulterior motives as exhibited by more accurate responses when persuasion cues suggest that ulterior motives are low, but not high. In contrast, sole-identity consumers are insensitive to differing levels of ulterior motives. The current research further demonstrates that perspective-taking can mitigate sole-identity consumers' defensive reactions which can increase their responses to sales agents' persuasion attempts with low ulterior motives.  相似文献   


Financial services, and credit in particular, are consumed like any other product or service: they carry cultural meaning and are used symbolically to transfer meaning to the life of the consumer. This study aimed to investigate the symbolic meanings attached to financial services and credit by poor consumers and how these meanings are translated into their social lives. The research adopted an interpretive approach, based on in-depth interviews of poor consumers. The results showed that financial services are part of a complex web of meanings in which issues such as status, hierarchy, distinction, cooperation, and reciprocity play a part.

RESUMEN. Los servicios financieros y especialmente el crédito se consumen como cualquier otro producto o servicio: todos ellos contienen un significado cultural y se usan simbólicamente para transferir significado a la vida del consumidor. El propósito de este estudio es investigar el significado simbólico que los consumidores pobres dan a los servicios financieros y líneas crediticias, y la forma en que los mismos se traducen a sus vidas sociales. La investigación adoptó un enfoque interpretativo, basado en amplias entrevistas con consumidores pobres. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que los servicios financieros son parte integrante de una compleja red de significados donde temas tales como el estado, la jerarquía, la distinción, cooperación y reciprocidad tienen un papel a jugar.

RESUMO. Os serviços financeiros, e o crédito, em particular, são consumidos como qualquer outro produto ou serviço: eles carregam um significado cultural, sendo usados, simbolicamente, para proporcionar um sentido à vida do consumidor. O propósito deste estudo é investigar os significados simbólicos atrelados aos serviços financeiros e ao crédito pelos consumidores de baixa renda e como tais significados refletem-se na sua vida social. A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem interpretativa, baseada em entrevistas abrangentes com consumidores pobres. Os resultados mostraram que os serviços financeiros fazem parte de uma complexa trama de significados, onde temas como status, hierarquia, excelência, cooperação e reciprocidade exercem um papel específico.  相似文献   

Two experiments examine the role of regulatory resource depletion in the effectiveness of social influence techniques aimed at inducing consumer compliance. They test the two-step hypothesis that a) responding to the initial request stage of an influence technique requires self-control, thereby depleting one's limited resource of self-regulatory energy, and b) a state of regulatory resource depletion fosters the use of heuristics present in the persuasion context, which increases the odds of compliance with the target request of an influence technique. A first field experiment shows that yielding to initial requests (answering a series of questions) induces resource depletion. Experiment 2 demonstrates that a lower level of self-regulatory resources increases the extent of compliance with a request through the employment of the heuristic principle of authority. Together these results provide support for the prediction that regulatory resource depletion is important in explaining the effectiveness of social influence techniques.  相似文献   

李红  陈珺 《中国市场》2009,(6):36-38
步入21世纪以来,人们的生活水平日益提高,对日常饮食的质量要求也逐渐提高。食品企业实施绿色营销战略已是大势所趋,但是受绿色市场的信息不完全、消费者的绿色消费意识不足以及政府的监管力度不严等因素的影响,绿色营销举步维艰。本文讨论了消费者与绿色营销食品企业、非绿色营销食品企业以及虚假营销食品企业之间的博弈,在此基础上提出了建议。  相似文献   


Generation Y (Gen Y) consumers are now one of the most influential buying segments in U.S. history. This article empirically assesses the extent to which American Gen Y consumers and same-aged Taiwanese consumers’ need for uniqueness serves as a meaningful discriminant across retail patronage behaviors for branded apparel products. Results indicate a great deal of similarity between the two cultures’ need for uniqueness. Empirical findings reveal that consumers’ need for uniqueness does influence retail patronage behaviors. The implications of the similarities and differences between American Gen Y consumers and their Taiwanese counterparts serve as potential managerial mechanisms for building and sustaining retail patronage in a globalization era.  相似文献   

The table olive production sector is undergoing rapid changes, as the government is undertaking an ambitious program supporting the expansion of olive grove plantations. Despite the increase in domestic production, imports of table olives are still high, due to constraints in quantity and quality of domestically supplied olives. In the context of import substitution strategy, embraced by producers and policy-makers, it is important to analyze the consumer preferences for table olives. The objective of this paper is to segment the table olive market according to preferences for table olives attributes, and assess willingness to pay for the main product attributes, applying Conjoint Choice Experiment (CCE) and Latent Class Analysis to collect and analyze the data. The research results show a strong consumer preference for domestic table olives whereas preferences for other attributes and willingness to pay vary between consumer groups.  相似文献   

在中国频繁发生食品安全问题的大环境下,食品安全消费的研究就显得十分重要。文章对西方背景下开发的食品相关生活方式量表进行适合中国市场和文化的修正,并基于修正量表对中国食品消费者进行市场细分,经过两步骤聚类分析得出5个细分市场,分别是“传统居家型”(7.5%)、“保守节约型”(16.6%)、“现代都市型”(19.5%)、“享乐探险型”(23.8%)、“淡漠便利型”(32.6%),并从中识别出“享乐探险型”“保守节约型”“传统居家型”三个细分市场为绿色食品消费群体,“现代都市型”为潜在绿色食品消费群体,“淡漠便利型”为非绿色食品消费群体,最后根据不同细分市场的特点为绿色食品企业提供营销建议。  相似文献   

While e-commerce has witnessed extensive growth in recent years, so has consumers’ concerns regarding ethical issues surrounding online shopping. The vast majority of earlier research on this area is conceptual in nature, and limited in scope by focusing on consumers’ privacy issues. This study develops a reliable and valid scale to measure consumers’ perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers (CPEOR). Findings indicate that the four factors of the scale – security, privacy, non-deception and fulfillment/reliability – are strongly predictive of online consumers’ satisfaction and trust. The results offer important implications for e-retailers and are likely to stimulate further research in the area of e-ethics from the consumers’ perspective. Sergio Román is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Murcia (Spain). He has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Arizona. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Market Research, European Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Management. His research interests are focused on personal selling and sales management, international marketing and business ethics.  相似文献   

当前OTC市场存在进入壁垒低,产品同质化严重,市场竞争激烈等问题.政府部门应继续完善药房、药店的监督管理法规并保障其执行;继续加大对药剂师的认证与培训工作的力度,杜绝社会上一些不良风气对药剂师的侵蚀,以提高其在消费者心目中的地位,更好地指导消费者合理用药.企业应把平价大药房和社区药房作为现阶段的营销重点,更多地运用媒体广告来向消费者传递信息,同时,努力把握消费者购买决策的全过程,以期在各个阶段都能有效地对其施加影响.  相似文献   

The effect of consumer innovativeness on intention to purchase new products has been considerably investigated, but moderating effects to increase adoption rate of new products have thus far been overlooked. Drawing from the concept of consumer innovativeness, using survey research among Thai consumers, and analyzing data with hierarchical regression analysis, the author reveals that self-brand concept and reference groups can accelerate the adoption rate of new products. Successful firms can redefine marketing strategies to increase the adoption rate by developing new products and using brand strategy to fit with the individual or his/her group.  相似文献   

Nutrition labels on processed foods are becoming more common throughout the world. How do experts and consumers compare at using this information? This study compares three different conceptualizations of expertise—a body of knowledge, better processing skills, and a greater facility for mental accounting. A survey was used to compare 237 consumers over age 40 with 131 dieticians. We examined the focuses, choices, and mental accounting of food selections. The results demonstrate similar focuses, food choices, predictability, and mental accounting by both groups on all three conceptualizations of expertise. This suggests that nutrition labels benefit both consumers and experts.  相似文献   

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