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不知道是谁的早上,我拿着内裤质问老公:在你衣服兜里掏出来的!说吧,你昨天去哪了?老公摸着脑门,想了半天,冷静地说道:昨天和几个朋友喝酒,洗了个澡,喝了第二场,然后就回来啦,我也不知道这内裤是谁的呀!我上去就给了他一脚,骂道:你不是说你昨晚在单位加班吗?不知道是谁的!我告诉你,是老娘的!  相似文献   

Van Kooten identifies what he considers four "major problems" with our paper. The first has to do in part with the discrepancy between WTP and WTAC. He suggests we misinterpreted Gordon and Knetsch with the sentence, "Economic theory suggests that these two values are estimates of consumer surplus and should be similar" which was taken out of context by Van Kooten. Our reference to Gordon and Knetsch followed the sentence, "Some have stated that this difference is due to an income effect but even this factor fails to provide for the vast difference in these measures (Gordon and Knetsch)." The message in the paragraph (p. 402–403) containing these two sentences is the following: In theory the two measures differ slightly because of differences in income or wealth effects. Yet large empirical differences have been observed and cannot be supported solely on the basis of income and wealth effects. We therefore must take strong exception to Van Kooten's statement that "… it is best to attribute most of the difference between WTP and WTAC to the income effect (Bockstael and McConnel 1 1980, p. 61)." One can find in the literature statements such as the following: "Further, the magnitude of the value at issue should rule out the income or wealth effect as being an adequate explanation of the observed variation between the two measures" (Knetsch and Sinden 1984; see also Bishop et al., 1984).  相似文献   

Van Kooten and Spriggs (VKS) make a useful contribution to our understanding of the basic theory of the firm as applied to quota restrictions on output, at least as far as their short-run analysis is concerned. However, it is the long-run analysis which is more relevant for judging the welfare implications of the policy, and it is here that the VKS analysis is open to question. This comment puts forth an alternative view. In so doing it also draws attention to some of the more important policy implications of the analysis.  相似文献   

城市三维地质条件的调查主要采用机械钻探与地球物理勘探相结合的方法,通过收集大量资料,建立比较完整的数据库,并借助于地理信息系统,建立三维地质模型;城市地质灾害调查需综合运用遥感、地质和地球物理勘探方法,以编制城市灾害分布及预测图,并进行风险评估;城市环境污染调查则主要运用勘探地球化学技术,在区域地球化学填图的基础上,结合各项地质环境指标监测,采用风险评估方法,以评价和预测环境污染状况及其未来趋势。城市地质各项成果向数字化、可视化的信息产品转化,为更多用户提供信息服务,促进城市规划、土地利用与开发,是现代城市地质学发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

猕猴桃发展小史   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
罗桂环 《中国农史》2002,21(3):24-26
现今水果市场上的猕猴桃主要是指中华猕猴桃 (Actinidiachinensis) ,这是当今大家都很熟悉的一种果树。实际上我国各地叫猕猴桃的植物有多种。据我国植物学家调查 ,在我国分布的猕猴桃属的植物有5 2种以上 ,其中有不少种类的果实都可以食用 ,有些味道比中华猕猴桃还要甜美一些 ,如毛花猕猴桃(A .eriantha)。还有的经育种专家培育 ,成为能抗低温、对病害有免疫性的优良品种 ,如狗枣猕猴桃(A .eolomikta) ① 。我国西南是这类植物的分布中心 ②。我国现在广为栽培的中华猕猴桃 (A .Chinensis)…  相似文献   

小流域水资源动态模型研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了以松花江水系陡嘴子河的仁国点集水小流域为例,根据获得的基础资料,经分析整理验证,给出小流域水资源动态模型,为小流域水资源的持续高效利用服务。  相似文献   

建设用地集约利用综合评价——以益阳市为例   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在归纳概括土地集约利用的基本内涵的基础上,对益阳市域建设用地现状进行分析,总结了建设用地利用的现状特征及变化趋势,从土地配置效率、用地结构与布局、土地利用强度、土地投入产出等方面建立了一个宏观评价指标体系,采用改进的TOPSIS法对益阳市土地集约利用程度进行了宏观角度的评价与分析,揭示区域内建设用地集约水平的差异,进而提出若干有益于土地集约利用的对策和建议.  相似文献   

简语解释“四大纪律”:领导干部要严格遵守党的政治纪律、组织纪律、经济工作纪律和群众工作纪律。“八项要求”:要坚决做到:(1)要同党中央保持高度一致,不阳奉阴违、自行其是;(2)要遵守民主集中制,不独断专行、软弱放任;(3)要依法行使权力,不滥用职权、玩忽职守;(4)要廉洁奉公,不接受任何影响公正执行公务的利益;(5)要管好配偶、子女和身边工作人员,不允许他们利用本人的影响谋取私利;(6)要公道正派用人,不任人唯亲、营私舞弊;(7)要艰苦奋斗,不奢侈浪费、贪图享受;(8)要务实为民,不弄虚作假、与民争利。“四项改革”:行政审批制度改革、财政管理体制革、投资体制改革和干部人事制度改革。“四项制度”:建设工程招标投标制度、经营性土地使用权出让制度、产权交易制度和政府采购制度。“两个《条例》”:《中国共产党党内监督条例(试行)》、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》  相似文献   

Although the great majority of UK farms are run as family businesses, the family dimension of these businesses is frequently neglected. There are nevertheless important inferences to be drawn from studying the farm family, its forms and functions, and the way that the family and the business interact. This calls for a multidisciplinary approach and the review attempts to draw together insights from industrial economics, social anthropology, history and rural sociology as they apply to the farm family business. It then relates these insights to considerations of the family development cycle, processes of inheritance and succession, roles of farmers' wives and multiple-job farming families. The literature review points to opposing tendencies within the population of farm businesses. Family forms of organisation and relationships may have become less relevant to farming at the lower end of the size scale but more relevant to the conduct of a successful large farm business.  相似文献   

水权研究综述   总被引:27,自引:7,他引:20  
介绍了国外的水权制度及水权市场、水权价格的研究进展,综述了国内水权研究的最新进展,并予以简要评述。  相似文献   

武彰纯  方禹燃 《现代食品》2021,27(1):32-33,36
周鲜生App是一款为社区居民配送日常蔬菜食材的软件,以一周为预定周期、按天配送,打破了传统外卖的即时性,进一步改变社区居民的消费习惯.基于一周的预定模式以及大数据对社区居民的未来消费预期,项目从根本上降低了蔬菜食材的成本并确保新鲜度.此项目意义在于方便于民、健康为民.  相似文献   

工程移民研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴宗法 《水利经济》2001,19(4):50-54
分析了工程移民政策的特点、工程移民规划的内涵、工程移民管理的模式、工程移民监理、工程移民监测评估、工程移民管理信息系统功能及作用,综述了经济学理论、社会学理论、系统工程等学科在工程移民领域中的应用。  相似文献   

洪湖湿地综台评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从生态、社会经济和有效管理三个方面对洪湖湿地保护区进行评价,认为洪湖湿地具有较强的代表性,拥有较为丰富的物种多样性,但受人类活动影响,自然性有所降低,呈现出脆弱性和退化特征.洪湖湿地在水产、航运和旅游等方面具有较高的经济价值,在美学、文化教育、科研等方面拥有较大的社会价值.洪湖湿地建立管理机构、制订管理和保护规划、加强科研支撑、促进公众参与,为有效管理湿地打下良好基础.  相似文献   

探讨地籍信息系统建设的基本思路、数据模型等基本问题,阐述地籍信息系统的数据库系统,如数据模型。空间数据库和属性数据库的集成,三层结构模型的应用,时空数据库技术对历史宗地的管理,并就地籍信息系统工程的建设提出了一些关键技术问题。  相似文献   

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