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本文提出新疆与中亚五国地缘经济合作发展问题,指出新疆地缘地位的特殊及不可替代性。从新疆与中亚五国地缘经济合作现状出发,探求其中存在的一些问题。从综合的角度分析其中的原因,找出实现新疆与中亚五国经济"共赢"和"协同"目标的对策。  相似文献   

我国技术创新绩效评价与国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用数据包络分析模型对我国1995~2008年技术创新绩效进行评价以及对我国各地区的技术创新绩效进行测评,并将我国技术创新绩效与美国、日本等部分国家进行比较分析,为提高我国技术创新绩效提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

1999年,中共中央、国务院关于加强技术创新、发展高科技、实现产业化的决定中,突出强调了技术创新,以推动我国社会生产力的跨越式发展,实现在一些经济、社会、国防等关键领域,达到自主创新的世界先进水平。要实现跨越式发展的目标,就必须加强技术创新。一、什么是技术创新  技术创新的概念不是我们发明的,不是我们生造的。技术创新的理论是20世纪初期,美籍奥地利人熊彼得,在新经济理论中提出了技术创新的概念。西方经济的发展,在上个世纪,很大程度上依靠这一新理论,通过科技进步推动了经济的发展。我们建国以后也重视科学技…  相似文献   

润滑油企业进行国际合作及开拓国际市场,要满足创新、"有所为、有所不为"等基本要求,并要结合企业本身的资源条件、产品特性、技术研发力量、经营目标、管理水平等进行竞争力分析,既不能畏缩不前,也不能好高骛远,脱离实际.中国石油润滑油企业应依托本身的资源优势,特别是以电器绝缘油、船用油和橡胶填充油等为代表的优质资源,使资源优势转化为市场开拓的竞争优势,更好地为进入国际市场服务.在进入国际市场前,应把成本优势与外国企业的品牌优势结合起来,优势互补,创新技术、提高质量,加强国内合作.在练好"内功"的基础上,本着"慢半拍"的原则,选择发展中国家作为"走出去"的目标市场.中国石油润滑油企业要进入国际市场,现行的比较可能的方式是利用出口模式,其中又以通过国外经销商、代理商直接出口为首选,其次可适当考虑由国内的中间商或委托出口代理商间接出口.变压器油、船用油等是中国石油润滑油产品本身所具有的一些差异化优势,可以在选择出口品种时予以重点考虑.  相似文献   

This article examines an important challenge to effective cross-functional integration: goal incongruity among marketing, research and development (R&D), and manufacturing in new product development. We examine the effect of this incongruity as perceived by the marketing function on three components of cross-functional integration: the harmony of cross-functional relationships, the quality of cross-functional information, and the level of cross-functional involvement. We also examine how two types of managerially controllable variables affect goal incongruity: (1) factors that motivate functions to develop common goals; and (2) factors that facilitate the formation of such goals. We give special attention to the effect of national culture on the formation of common goals. Data collected from marketing managers in 1,083 firms in five culturally distinct areas—-the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Hong Kong (a special administrative region of China), and mainland China—are used to test the hypothesized relationships. Our results underscore the importance of people-side issues, and of national culture, in cross-functional integration. Perceived goal incongruity among marketing, R&D, and manufacturing impairs all three components of cross-functional integration. In United States and British firms, goal incongruity generally is attributed to motivational factors and in Japan and Hong Kong to facilitative factors. Finally, our results show that the two types of managerially controllable variables interact. For example, joint rewards and job rotation strengthen each other's tendency to reduce goal incongruity in all five samples. This suggests that job rotation promotes the development of joint goals more effectively when it is accompanied by a joint reward system.  相似文献   

伊拉克国际石油合作环境分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
伊拉克战争结束后,在美国主导下,伊拉克用了6年时间基本完成了国家政治重建进程.然而,新政府组成后,伊拉克三大派系之间的矛盾和权力斗争并未解决,政府基础仍很脆弱.在石油工业方面,战后制定的<石油天然气法>作为伊拉克石油工业管理基础性法律,至今未获伊议会批准,但这并未影响政府推动油气对外合作,战后伊拉克油气生产逐渐恢复.伊拉克战争以来,伊拉克安全形势经历了恐怖活动猖獗、安全局面改善与恐怖活动回潮三个阶段.伊拉克恐怖活动短期内难以消除,并可能伴随伊拉克整个重建过程,但受内外一些维稳因素的制约和影响,伊拉克未来爆发内战和走向分裂的可能性也不大,基本处于"大乱可控,小乱不断"的局面.总体看,随着美军的逐渐撤离,美国对伊的控制力将日趋减弱,而伊拉克自主行政能力必然不断增强.作为全球最大的产油国之一,无疑其国际石油合作领域将展现更多机遇.  相似文献   

欧洲能源宪章与俄欧油气合作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
程春华 《国际石油经济》2006,14(6):44-47,52
俄罗斯于1994年签署<欧洲能源宪章>,但至今未批准<能源宪章条约>.俄罗期认为,<条约>的"中转运输协定"及相关条款不利于俄保持对欧洲天然气出口运输的垄断地位;<条约>未能满足俄提出的维护能源供应者利益的要求;<条约>的争端解决程序不利于俄能源外交的实施.俄罗斯与欧盟油气供需互补性很强,但双方在能源合作方面也存在着不和谐的因素.俄欧在各自国内市场实施的保护主义措施不利于双方能源贸易的自由论,在欧洲能源宪章框架内加强俄欧能源合作,有利于化解俄欧能源合作的不和谐因素,对促进俄欧关系发展具有重要意义.借鉴"宪章"和俄欧能源各作经验,对中俄能源合作得到几点启示:1)建立中俄能源战略对话机制,为中俄能源合作提供制度保障;2)利用国际组织进行能源合作,为中俄能源合作提供组织保障;3)加强地区能源合作,为中俄能源合作提供良好环境;4)加强中国与欧盟能源合作,在欧盟-俄罗斯-中国能源三角关系中占据有利地位.  相似文献   

Even though the many hardware and software components that comprise a useful computer system are developed and offered as individual products, the required technical integration of these provides unique challenges for R&D management. New function, especially that provided by software, usually results from prototypes that are not well integrated with the existing product line. This article examines the problems of managing the conflicting demands of market-based autonomy and systems requirements for integration. The idea about software innovation is an interesting complement to the two articles that follow.  相似文献   

从改革开放初期开始,国有企业实行了许多单纯的技术创新工作,但由于不注重和市场需求结合,很少关注技术创新机制,从而导致许多技术创新成果无法迅速转化为商品,造成资源的浪费,多数国有企业的技术创新并没有达到预期目标。一、国企技术创新机制的缺陷分析在现阶段的研究中,国内外的学者通常把技术创新机制分为五个方面:创新激励机制、决策机制、运作机制、调节机制、扩散机制。下面就这五方面进行分析。1、技术创新激励机制方面1)产权激励机制不完善国企产权不明确导致企业缺乏创新压力与动机。国企产权主要的形式是国有产权,变化的只是经营…  相似文献   

Firms are increasingly recognizing the importance of understanding regional dynamics and their effects on competitiveness. One such area that is gaining increased importance due to intra‐regional trade is the factors contributing to the successful rollouts of new products within a region. New product rollouts are complicated by nature but are further compounded by intricacies in the type of innovation (i.e., technological or design) being introduced into a region. Unfortunately, limited research has investigated this area. This study works to address this limitation by examining the per country performance effects of regional new product rollouts of technological and design innovations. The study examines the introduction of 14 technological innovations and 12 design innovations across 17 unique firms operating in eight European countries from 2000 to 2007. Specifically, this study attempts to show (1) an important role of the type of innovation on a firm's regional new product rollout strategy; (2) a relationship between national culture and the effectiveness of regional rollout strategies; and (3) an influence of economic openness on the type of innovation for regional new product rollout strategies. The results indicate that a longer regional new product rollout strategy is a more effective strategy for technological innovations, while a shorter regional new product rollout strategy is a more effective strategy for design innovations. The study also presents significant interaction effects in relation to the cultural dimensions of uncertainty avoidance and power distance as well as a significant effect of economic openness. Implications for practitioners and academics are presented.  相似文献   

服务业的迅猛发展使其在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,已经成为或正在成为现代经济生活的主导。在这样的背景下,服务创新受到了学术界和产业界的广泛关注。由于服务产品具有不同于有形产品的独特特征,服务创新也与有形产品创新有很多的不同。本文着重分析了服务创新与有形产品创新的不同之处,指出了二者之间的联系,明确了服务创新独特性,以便更好地探索服务创新的方法和规律。  相似文献   

张驰 《电力技术经济》2005,17(4):8-14,31
电力改革需要考虑哪些问题,背景和目的是什么,中国电力改革的条件、基础与外国有什么不同,有什么困难等,都是一些需要认真思索的问题.作者就上述问题展开了分析,通过比较、总结启示,提出政策取向的建议.  相似文献   

Does customer input play the same key role in every successful new-product development (NPD) project? For incremental NPD projects, market information keeps the project team focused on customer wants and needs. Well-documented methods exist for obtaining and using market information throughout the stages of an incremental NPD project. However, the role of market learning seems less apparent if the NPD project involves a really new product—that is, a radical innovation that creates a line of business that is new not only for the firm but also for the marketplace. In all likelihood, customers will not be able to describe their requirements for a product that opens up entirely new markets and applications. To provide insight into the role that market learning plays in NPD projects involving really new products, Gina Colarelli O'Connor describes findings from case studies of eight radical innovation projects. Participants in the study come from member companies of the Industrial Research Institute, a consortium of large company R&D managers. With a focus on exploring how market learning for radical innovations differs from that of incremental NPD projects, the case studies examine the following issues: the nature and the timing of market-related inquiry; market learning methods and processes; and the scope of responsibility for market learning, and confidence in the results. Observations from the case studies suggest that the market-related questions that are asked during a radical innovation project differ by stage of development, and they differ from the questions that project teams typically ask during an incremental NPD effort. For example, assessments of market potential, size, and growth were not at issue during the early stages of the projects in this study. Such issues came into play after the innovations were proven to work under controlled conditions and attention turned to finding applications for the technology. For several projects in the study, internal data and informal networks of people throughout relevant business units provide the means for learning about the hurdles the innovation faces and about markets that are unfamiliar to the development group. The projects in this study employ various techniques for reducing market uncertainty, including offering the product to the most familiar market and using a strategic ally who is familiar with the market to act as an intermediary between the project team and the marketplace.  相似文献   

从欧洲包装工业的历史看,因工业.化进程中采用的工艺不同,造成欧洲包装工业的特色因“国”而异。现将欧洲包装市场5个主要国家的特点介绍如下。  相似文献   

We examine the role of unobserved ability in explaining interindustry wage differentials. By using data on brothers, we account for unmeasured abilities shared by siblings. The data came from four Nordic countries and the United States. In the Nordic countries, only a moderate proportion of the variability in industry wages can be attributed to unobserved ability, while unmeasured factors explain as much as half of the U.S. industry‐wage variation. Accounting for such differences, we show that the U.S. interindustry wage dispersion is similar with that in the Nordic countries.  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯的石油工业及其对外经贸合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了沙特阿拉伯的石油资源的分布、开发及近年的储量和产量情况,并分析了沙特的石油加工能力和石化工业的现状。在此基础上介绍了其石油政策特别是对外开放政策,分析了沙特石油工业的对外经贸合作历史及现状,包括和中国的经贸联系,认为中沙在石油领域有着广泛的合作前景,中国政府和企业应该抓住此次沙特重新开放石油领域的机遇,努力开拓沙特和中东石油市场,满足国内对石油的巨大需求。  相似文献   

本文介绍了三一集团、中联重科、山河智能等湖南工程机械企业的国际化概况,与卡特彼勒、小松、CNH等国外跨国巨头的国际化情况进行对比,并设计国际化能力的评价指标,采用主成分分析法,将三一重工、中联重科、山河智能等湖南工程机械企业与卡特彼勒、小松、CNH等国外跨国巨头及徐工、柳工、龙工等国内企业的国际化能力得分进行比较,加以分析,在进一步分析湖南工程机械企业国际化的弱势与瓶颈的基础上,提出湖南工程机械企业国际化竞争与合作的对策.  相似文献   

Communication Flows in International Product Innovation Teams   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recently, we have witnessed a strong growth in the internationalization of many firms' product development activities. However, the lack of attention devoted by scientific research to the management of international innovation contrasts sharply with the importance attached to it as a cornerstone of international business success. Although several empirical studies and normative theories have specified the communication requirements in innovation teams, an empirically based insight is definitely needed on the communication requirements and requirements that prevail in the complex context of international innovation teams, in which the participants are located in different company units, countries, and cultures. This article addresses the following research question: viewing international innovation as an interfunctional activity, what are the communication requirements an international innovation team is facing, and what are the communication capabilities (interface mechanisms) that may be adopted to initiate, develop, and launch the new product effectively and efficiently? An extensive case study research project was designed to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework. Over a two year time period, the research team has investigated selected innovation projects in four European multinational corporations. The analysis of the case study data suggests five requirements that determine the effectiveness and efficiency of communication in international product development teams: network transparency, knowledge codification, knowledge credibility, communication cost, secrecy. To cope with these communication requirements, organizations may create firm level capabilities (parallel structures, cross‐functional and inter‐unit climate, communication infrastructure, goal congruence) and team level capabilities (core team, team leadership, formalization, procedural justice). The evidence from the in‐depth case study research indicates that these mechanisms provide a parsimonious and powerful approach to address the communication requirements in international product innovation teams. After the information processing framework proposed by Tushman and Nadler [124], the adoption of these mechanisms is expected to improve innovation effectiveness. This holds important consequences for the management of international product innovation projects. First, the innovating firm must balance centralization and decentralization, employ formal as well as informal strategies, and integrate ad‐hoc and permanent strategies. Second, it highlights the critical role of the project leader. Given the fact that companies often select the most available person, rather than the best person for the job, the allocation of light weight project leaders may create heavyweight problems in international teams. Third, following the argument in favor of procedural justice, the absence of involvement may severely hinder cross‐functional commitment to international innovation projects. Fourth, the innovating firm must also actively manage the communication flows with external parties. Failure to do so may result in flawed specifications, and a limited understanding about product design and market strategies.  相似文献   

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