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本采用迈克尔.波特的国家竞争优势模型,选取生产要素,产业结构和市场状况三个方面对江苏吸引FDI(外商直接投资)的地区优势做一个框架分析,分析结论显示江苏在全国范围内对FDI的吸引存在比较优势,但是也存在外资产业布局过多偏重制造业,推动FDI因素过于低级化的弊病,本提出应从改善基本要素和发挥两个附加因素作用等方面解决这个问题。  相似文献   

Starting from the contradiction between China's sustained growth in foreign direct investment (FDI) net inflow and deterioration of the terms of trade, this paper analyzes the characteristics of FDI sectoral structure since the 1990. Moreover, considering the international market competitive environment, this paper gives a concrete analysis of the influence mechanism and concludes that the flowing of FDI into labor‐intensive export sectors caused the deterioration of China's terms of trade. To improve its terms of trade, China needs to direct FDI inflow into capital‐ and technology‐intensive sectors and service sectors. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

I. The General Picture of FDI1. The amount of FDI used in practice and incontract all increased significantlyIn 2004, China approved the establishment of 43,661 foreign-funded enterprises, 6.29 percentmore than in 2003. The contractual amount of FDI was US$153.479 billion, 33.38 percentmore than in 2003 and the amount actually used reached US$60.63 billion, rising by 13.32percent. By the end of the year, the total number of foreign-funded enterprises in Chinacame to 508,938. The contra…  相似文献   

王静 《特区经济》2005,(5):62-63
改革开放以来,我国吸引的外商直接投资(。FDI)为我国的经济发展做出了巨大的贡献,但其地区分布却很不平衡,主要集中在东南沿海地区,而西部的广大地区为之甚少。虽然我国提出了加速发展西部经济来协调我国东西地区发展严重不平衡态势的“西部大开发”战略来吸引FDI,但FDI“西进”的趋势还是没有得到根本改观,反而加速了“北上”的趋势。因此,通过经济的集聚效应和制度创新来引导FDI“西进”是改善西部地区引资不利局面的两个重要策略。  相似文献   

FDI:数量和质量同样重要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年上半年中国吸收外商直接投资实际使用额出现小幅负增长,呈现出一些新特点,这与国内固定资产投资增速回落的运行轨迹方向一致,近期利用外资的下降属于正常。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the forces that determine the industrial distribution of foreign manufacturing investment. It highlights the importance of industrial agglomeration and industrial linkage in attracting foreign investment to manufacturing industries. Using panel data for two-digit manufacturing industries in Beijing during the period of 1999-2004, this study finds that geographically agglomerated industries with strong intra-industrial linkages are indeed attractive to foreign investment. Previous foreign investment has led to the current industrial concentration or foreign investment. Investors also favor capital-intensive and technology-intensive industries, and they tend to be attracted to the most profitable and exporting industries, but avoid industries with high real labor costs and high entry barriers. Competitive local industries that possess comparative advantages are critical for attracting foreign investment. The existence of industrial clusters certainly enhances a city's attractiveness to foreign investment.  相似文献   

State-level economic and technological development zones (ETDZs) are products of China‘s reform and opening-up policies and a new engine of growth for the Chinese economy. They have made tremendous contributions to the development of the Chinese economy. However,some problems have emerged in the course of this progress and new challenges are still lying ahead. Sustainable development is possible only when the strategy and objectives of development are adjusted, when the integrated investment environment is optimized, when industries are upgraded, when technical innovations are made, when independent innovation capabilities are lifted, when the mode of economic growth is changed, and when innovations are made in government management.  相似文献   

入世后FDI在中国的新特及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,中国吸引了大量的国外直接投资,对促进国民经济的发展起了十分积极的作用。我国加入世贸组织以后,在全球化背景下,国外直接投资呈现出一系列新特点,这表现在投资规模、产业流向、投资方式、地理方向、投资来源地等多方面。本文对此进行了经济学分析,从宏观经济和微观经济两个层面,阐述了国外直接投资对经济发展的重要意义,以及决定国外直接投资的内外动因。在此基础上,就新形势下如何改善投资环境,积极引进外资以促进经济发展,提出了需要采取的有效对策和新举措。  相似文献   

跨国公司FDI和产业升级:来自广东和江苏比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从外资的资本供给和技术外溢的角度来分析外商直接投资促进东道国经济增长并进而促进产业结构升级作用机理,在此基础上利用广东和江苏的数据进行了实证研究。结果表明:(1)FDI和产业升级存在较大相关性,但广东FDI对产业的直接推动作用比较好,而江苏省主要集中在第二产业,对第一、三产业,FDI并不存在直接的推动作用。(2)产业和FDI之间的相互作用表明在产业升级过程中确实存在跨国公司和东道国不断选择的过程,实际上就是ESP范式和OIL系统的不断协调过程。  相似文献   

Since 1978, the bulk of foreign direct investment (FDI) has gone to the south-eastern coastal areas in China, with only a small portion received inland. With the launch of the Western Development Strategy in 2000 and the Central China Rising Strategy in 2004, the choice of investment locations has expanded to inland areas. Based on panel data covering 98 inland cities from 1999 to 2005, this study identifies location preference variables for FDI invested in China's inland areas, and finds that well-established factors such as natural resources and low labor costs are not important factors in determining FDI locations within China's inland. Instead, policy incentives and industrial agglomeration are the most important factors. The findings of the present study have policy implications for both host country authorities and multinational corporations.  相似文献   

I. Introduction and OverviewLike their counterparts in many other emerging market economies, Chinese policymakersare facing a complex set of questions related to the desirability and appropriate mode ofimplementing exchange rate flexibility and capital account liberalization. The Chineseauthorities have stated publicly that both exchange rate flexibility and capital accountconvertibility are their medium-term objectives, but they have resisted recent calls from theinternational community for …  相似文献   

This paper investigates the changing sources of growth in post-reform China. Using crossprovince regressions, this paper finds that, in earlier periods, exports, foreign direct investment and marketization were significantly related to per capita income growth, whereas' since the late 1990s, foreign direct investment and marketization have lost their significance and have been replaced by new sources of growth, such as innovation and knowledge, with only exports continuing to be important. This finding is robust after controlling for other variables representing other economic policies and provincial characteristics. We also tackle the possible endogeneity of innovation variables using the instrumental variables estimation method.  相似文献   

The paper introduces the basic situation of coke industry of China, and then it puts forward the main problems existing in the coke industry. At last, it points out the current policies and measures regulating coke industry development and the coke industry's developing orientation.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is often considered as a cost-effective and risk-reducing source for development finance. This paper,however,shows that FDI finance often entails underestimated risks and costs. FDI might react sensitively to business cycles and might not be as "permanent" as conventionally believed. FDI might also accelerate other forms of capital flow in times of financial difficulties and,hence,destabilize financial order. In addition to the risks,compensations to FDI and the high import-dependency of FDI-related trade lead to a considerable drain on the balance of payments. Moreover,the reliance on foreign capital for development finance is equivalent to building a Ponzi financing scheme and,therefore,is unsustainable. Given the fact that FDI financing is risky and costly and China does not lack savings,it is suggested in the present paper that China's efforts in attracting FDI should not aim at external capital provisioning.  相似文献   

I. Introduction Foreign direct investment (FDI) from ASEAN into China is now approximately fifty times as much as it was in 1990 (Table 1). China’s national statistics show that ASEAN FDI in China is comparable to that from the top five FDI outflow countries: the USA, Japan, the UK, France and Germany. The cumulative amount of China’s actually utilized FDI from ASEAN during 1994–2004 reached US$33.73 bn, which exceeded the cumulative amount of China’s actually utilized FD…  相似文献   

2006年12月26日,由上海社会科学院世界经济研究所与上海市世界经济学会联合举办的“中国国际经济地位与开放战略再探索”理论研讨会在上海社会科学院小礼堂隆重召开,来自上海市及长三角其他城市的80余位世界经济研究领域的中青年专家学者济济一堂,围绕在对外开放新阶段如何提升中国开放战略、优化开放政策等一些重大理论与现实问题进行系统深入的研讨。为反映本次研讨会的精彩内容,本刊特将与会专家的发言要点整理并予以刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

Economic theory posits numerous channels through which FDI might create positive spillovers for domestic firms. However, the results of empirical studies that have sought to document these spillovers have been mixed. One explanation for this variation is that the capacity of domestic firms to absorb spillovers might vary. In the present paper, we explore these issues in the case of China. ,4side from being one of the world's leading hosts offoreign direct investment, China makes for an interesting case study because its provinces vary greatly with respect to those factors most commonly held to influence absorptive capacity, such as the initial level of technology in domestic firms. This paper begins by empirically establishing that the spillovers from foreign direct investment do indeed vary across provinces. Threshold values for varioas factors that influence absorptive capacity factors are then estimated and it is found that conditions in many provinces presently fall short of these values. This provides an obvious focus of attention for China's policy-makers.  相似文献   

Because of the severity of unemployment, how to solve this problem has gradually become a topical subject in China from the perspectives of both academics and practitioners in recent years. The severity of employment can be observed not only on the constant soaring of some macroscopically total amounts such as the total unemployment and the rate of unemployment, but also on the extremely uneven distribution of regional employment. There are many reasons for the uneven distribution of regional employment, among which the enormous disparity in FDI's regional distribution in China is an essential influential factor. This article aims at explaining the interrelationship and function mechanism between 1"])I and the change of our country's regional employment, and putting forward the corresponding regional policy suggestions through the empirical research on the FDI's regional distribution and its employment effect.  相似文献   

引进外资战略成为深圳市对外开放的关键环节,外资对深圳国民经济的各个方面都发挥了重要的作用。在经历了不同的发展阶段后,外资流入呈现出新的特征和趋势。  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the solution to the contradiction between economic growth and resources and the eco-environment, based on an analysis of the features of China‘s economic development trend within a given future period, by promoting a new paradigm of technological economy, and speeding up development of the circular economy.  相似文献   

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