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案例某园林绿化项目于2010年10月22日通过公开招标,确定A供应商为中标单位,招标代理机构于10月29日向中标单位发出了中标通知书。2011年2月25日,采购办收到该项目采购人的申请,指出因中标供应商A放弃中标合同,要求变更中标供应商,并对A供应商进行处罚。采购办  相似文献   

在一个以竞争性谈判方式采购的应用软件项目中,受理质疑的采购中心在预中标供应商所在地工商部门的配合下,查实该供应商提供的多项资质证明为虚假材料。例如,中标供应商投标文件上的公司地址与其提供的企业法人营业执照上的不符。中标供应商的质量认证体系证书复印件上所写的企业名称是一个名为M的防伪技术公司,并非中标供应商本身。另外,中标供应商自称“高科技集团”,事实上只是一个注册资本为100万元的小公司。最终,采购中心只得重新组织该项目的采购。这不仅耽搁了采购人的使用,额外增加了采购中心的工作量,也因此招致了供应商的抱怨。但同时也让当事各方明白了一个道理:供应商资格审查举足轻重,这一环节的工作却仍有欠缺。  相似文献   

李严波 《中国招标》2012,(47):19-20
《政府采购货物和服务招标投标管理办法》(财政部第18号令)第六十二条规定:"中标供应商确定后,中标结果应当在财政部门指定的政府采购信息发布媒体上公告;在发布公告的同时,招标采购单位应当向中标供应商发出中标通知书,中标通知书对采购人和中标供应商具有同等法律效力。"第六十三条规定:"投标供应商对中标公告有异议的,应当在中标公告发布之日起七个工作日内,以书面形式向招标采购单位提出质疑。招标采购单位应当在收到投标供应商书面质疑后七  相似文献   

案例:某项目招标结束之后,采购代理机构在法律规定的时间内向中标供应商发去了中标通知书,同时将中标结果在媒体上公示。就在当天,采购人找到了中标供应商,与之签订了政府采购合同。但在合同签订后的第6天,某未中标供应商向监管部门提起了投诉,认为:财政部18号令第六十三条规定了“投标供应商对中标公告有异议的,应当在中标公告发布之日起7个工作日内,以书面形式向招标采购单位提出质疑”,但是采购代理机构却未等到“质疑有效期”结束就与中标供应商签订了合同,使得法定的“质疑有效期”形同虚设,更不要提“投诉有效期”是否能够实现了。  相似文献   

财政部18号令第62条规定,“中标供应商确定后,中标结果应当在财政部门指定的政府采购信息发布媒体上公告。……在发布公告的同时,招标采购单位应当向中标供应商发出中标通知书,中标通知书对采购人和中标供应商具有同等法律效力。”第63条规定,“投标供应商对中标公告有异议的,应当在中标公告发布之日起7个工作日内,以书面形式向招标采购单位提出质疑。’  相似文献   

评标何时了财政部18号令第62条规定,“中标供应商确定后,中标结果应当在财政部门指定的政府采购信息发布媒体上公告。……在发布公告的同时,招标采购单位应当向中标供应商发出中标通知书,中标通知书对采购人和中标供应商具有同等法律效力。”第63条规定,“投标供应商对中标公告有异议的,应当在中标公告发布之日起7个工作日内,以书面形式向招标采购单位提出质疑。”  相似文献   

案例某地一个网络设备采购项目中标结果公布后,报价最低却未能中标的A供应商向采购代理机构提出质疑:中标供应商资质偏低、中标金额偏高。对此,采购代理机构组织原评标委员会对该项目进行复核,结果显示评审过程公平公正,于是向A供应商进行答复:本次评标采用综合评  相似文献   

<正>这是一个“扑朔迷离”的政府采购争议案件:一卫生保洁、电梯导乘服务单位采购项目,因某供应商涉嫌提供虚假材料谋取中标被质疑、投诉;市场监管和行政审批部门分别报案并提交中标供应商涉嫌伪造证件及公章的线索,公安机关立案侦查;中标供应商申请履职;财政厅责令采购人签约;采购人起诉财政厅一审败诉,上诉后,二审又败诉;中标供应商员工因伪造证件被判处刑罚;采购项目被废标;中标供应商被行政处罚……经过三年多的“折腾”,目前该项目争议纠纷已画上句号,但过程存在的一些行政处理决定与裁判思路,值得反思与研究。  相似文献   

某采购单位在进行招标后,确定了最终的中标供应商,但在收到其提供的产品时,却发现了问题:“招标公司说了。你们已经确认过在方案中提供的是37英寸的液晶电视机,现在给我们的怎么变成32英寸的了?”看到中标供应商提供的电视机与计划采购的东西不一样,某采购单位的代表对中标供应商表示着困惑与不满。而中标供应商却平静地说:“我们投标文件里写的就是32英寸的呀。”  相似文献   

万玉涛 《中国招标》2009,(32):17-17
今年7月,某省一采购人由于其办公设备采购项目的后续工作需要再采购一批数量很小的办公设备,为了省时、省事,他们便与今年年初中标该办公设备的供应商签订了一个补充合同。但合同签订后没几天,就有其他供应商向他们提出了质疑,内容是采购人不该与原中标供应商签订这个补充合同。  相似文献   

张盼 《中国经贸》2008,(18):40-41
我国当前政府采购中滋生的各种寻租行为,造成了社会资源的浪费和供应商的市场竞争力下降,扰乱了市场经济秩序,导致了经济效率的低下。其原因主要是利益驱动.相关法制建制不完善,寻租成本过低。应规范政府采购的行政权力;健全政府采购法律体系,严格执法;加大寻租成本。  相似文献   


When participating in an auction is costly, a potential bidder has to decide whether to enter the auction or not. The extent to which the potential bidders know their private cost before making their entry decisions determines how selective the entry process is. Endogenous selective entry is common in many auctions and it has important implications for designing auctions, in particular, choosing the bid discount policy that is frequently used in public procurements to achieve distributional goals of the government. Prior empirical studies of the bid preferences were based on frameworks that either did not explicitly model endogenous participation or assumed endogenous, but non-selective participation. This study empirically investigated whether the entry process is selective in the highway procurement auctions run by the California Department of Transportation. To this end, the asymmetric affiliated-signal model was adapted to permit endogenous selective entry. Model parameters, including entry costs and distributions of construction costs for regular and fringe companies, were estimated nonparametrically. The results show evidence favoring selective entry of the fringe firms and imply that the level of bid discount required to achieve the procurement buyer’s policy objective may be lower than what is previously found in the literature under the assumption of non-selective entry.


燕春蓉 《特区经济》2008,(4):299-300
众多跨国公司越来越重视研究跨国采购的风险管理。而企业社会责任风险这种近年来日益明显的风险,正在成为跨国采购风险管理中越来越重要的组成部分。本文将主要分析如何识别和管理跨国采购的一般风险,尤其是如何判断和防范社会责任风险。同时跨国采购中的社会责任风险管理也正在极大地影响着我国的跨国采购供应商,本文也将分析我国供应商如何应对跨国公司的这类采购风险管理。  相似文献   


The growth of supermarkets in southern Africa opens local and regional markets to suppliers through participation in supermarket supply chains. Supermarkets in the region provide an important route to market for processed foods and household consumable products. Through a regional value chain lens, this article provides an assessment of the implications of the growth of supermarkets for the participation of suppliers in Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The research finds that, while supermarkets provide important opportunities for suppliers, they also exert considerable buyer power that limits supplier development and upgrading. High private standards, onerous requirements and costly trading terms negatively affect supplier participation in value chains. Long-term investments are required to build the capabilities of suppliers to meet supermarket requirements in terms of quality, consistency, volume and cost-competitiveness.  相似文献   

Under a simple Cournot model with vertical relations, when downstream firms engage in process R&D, the profits of input suppliers for which upstream competition exists may be larger than those in which each input supplier has a bilateral monopoly relation with its buyer (downstream firm). This is because upstream competition leads to higher levels of investment by the downstream firms. Furthermore, we incorporate the decisions of downstream firms to acquire the ability to procure input from potential outside suppliers, which has the effect of placing competitive pressure on existing input suppliers. We show that no downstream firm acquires such an ability to procure its input from potential outside suppliers in some cases although the acquisition could benefit the input suppliers.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that trade creditors are relationship lenders using SME data from Japan. We find that the validity of the relationship lending hypothesis depends on the relative bargaining power between the buyer and sellers. Specifically, we find evidence that longer buyer–seller relationships may matter depending on the buyer–seller relative bargaining power. When a buyer depends too much on its main supplier, the supplier does not provide more credit as its relationship with the buyer matures. However, a longer buyer/main-supplier relationship is beneficial because a non-dependent buyer can obtain more overall credit from sellers. Depending on the extent to which this increase is due to an increase in the credit from the main suppliers, our findings are consistent with the relationship lending hypothesis. However, even if the increase mainly comes from other sellers, our findings imply that sellers extract a positive signal from a longer buyer/main-supplier relationship.  相似文献   

陈开朝 《上海经济》2012,(3):30-33,7
乔布斯为苹果缔造了诸多成功基因,但真正"改变一切"的不是产品,而是平台……近年来,苹果、Facebook等"平台经济"商业模式风靡全球……从微观角度看,平台经济  相似文献   

在政府采购过程中,采购人作为采购需求方期望采购到质量高、尽可能满足其使用需求的商品,但由此会提高政府采购价格。我国实行政府集中采购的主要目的之一就是要降低采购价格,促进公共财政节支。因此,社会公众、政府监督管理部门会通过其监督作用约束政府采购价格尽可能低。本文运用博弈论方法分析采购人与社会公众监督管理部门在政府采购过程中两方的博弈均衡结果,并提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   

航材筹措是航材保障工作的重要一环,是保证飞行任务遂行的基础,而供应商的选择是其关键问题.针对航材供应商的评估决策问题,综合考虑航材保障的经济效益与军事效益,分析航材供应商评价指标,建立评价指标体系;结合粗糙集理论和层次分析法,构建评价模型.充分吸收主、客观赋权评价法的优点,有机集成得到组合权重评价模型,在此基础上对各供应商打分评价.最后,通过实例进行评估验证,结果表明组合方法在航材供应商选择中具有可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

New Zealand’s relations with its main weapons suppliers, Britain and the United States of America, are analysed in this article. Until the 1960s, New Zealand’s armed services relied almost exclusively on British hardware. The Royal New Zealand Air Force and the army were converted to American equipment in the 1960s and early 1970s, but the Royal New Zealand Navy continued to purchase frigates from British yards. This article examines the interplay of financial, political, and operational considerations affecting major procurement decisions, like the acquisition of Skyhawk aircraft in the 1960s. Although the focus is policy, consideration is also given to relations between the New Zealand government and private defence contractors. New Zealand’s revealed objective was to maintain, at minimum possible cost, a force capable of taking part in joint operations with its principal allies.  相似文献   

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