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王彦昌 《商场现代化》2008,(11):188-189
随着我国对外经济贸易的发展,广告英语的地位越来越重要。广告英语的选词必须具有"推销能力"和"记忆价值",具有"可读性"和"注意价值",同时给人以深刻的印象。本文对广告英语的词汇特征从六个方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

<正> 广告有多种,如启事(public announcement)、教育性广告(educational ad)、文娱性广告(recreational ad)、分类广告(classifled ad)等。但是,人们平时接触最多的还是商业广告(business ad)。随着商品销售由硬性推销(hard sell)转为软性推销(soft sell),商业广告的形式及语言都发生了较大变化,因而,广告这种推销商品的手段成了一门艺术。为了更好地了解这门艺术,为我国的外贸事业服务,研究一下商业英语广告的特点是有现实意义的。广告主要是通过广播、电视、报刊等宣传工具传播。由于传播媒介的不同而各有特点。如广播只能利用其音响效果,电视则可利用音响与直观效果。而报刊主要靠文字与图片来达到宣传目的。  相似文献   

广告英语是语言艺术魅力与商业推销的有机结合体。拟从语言修辞的角度对部分广告英语进行剖析,以揭示广告英语的修辞美。  相似文献   

广告(Advertisement)在信息时代的商品社会中可谓无处不在,无孔不入。成功的广告对于语言的选择可谓匠心独具、用心良苦,这就使得广告用语形成了自己的鲜明特色:既要达到推销商品的宣传目的,还要使观众乐于接受,并尽可能使得广告词家喻户晓。作为英语广告主要载体的广告英语在体现这一目的的过程中,逐渐形成了自己鲜明的特色:简明易懂、生动形象、幽默新奇。本文试从词汇、语法两方面来论广告英语的与众不同之处。  相似文献   

浅析广告英语的语言魅力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李爱娜  张帆  徐静 《商场现代化》2006,(23):218-219
英语广告语言作为现代语言的重要组成部分,有其独特的词汇特色和修辞特色,这些特色体现了英语广告语言的独特语言魅力,使广告英语成为语言艺术魅力与商业推销的有机结合体。  相似文献   

本文以广告英语为切入点,对现代广告英语的语体特征做了初步的探讨,本文认为现代英语广告为了完成宣传、推销商品的职能,具有显著的口语性、描述性、短句性、修辞性和创新性。  相似文献   

广告英语修辞手法评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广告英语与科技英语、新闻英语一样,有其特殊的规律,对广告英语的研究不仅有着指导广告的阅读与撰写的商业价值,还有着揭示其参与英语的变革与发展的语言价值。在当今各广告公司激烈竞争客户的情况下,为使自己的广告能吸引更多的读者,提高产品销售额,广告撰写员(copywriter)绞尽脑汁、调动一切语言手段,包括词汇、结构、修辞等手段,力图使自己的广告具有更大的注意价值(attenion value)和记忆价值(memory value)。修辞是广告撰写员最喜欢采用的语言手段。现将广告  相似文献   

广告的最终目的是商品推销。为实现此目的,广告撰稿人常利用比喻、拟人、双关、押韵等修辞格来增强语言的表达效果,更加显现了商业英语广告修辞的语言魅力。  相似文献   

广告是一种商业竞争行为,其目的就是宣传和推销商品。为此,广告制作人常运用比喻、夸张等修辞手法来增强语言的魅力和表达效果,以求吸引和打动消费者。本文就修辞格的功能与特点进行了阐述,并通过实例论证了修辞格在广告英语中的作用,同时又提出了有关广告英语修辞格的几种翻译方法,以便帮助人们理解和接受广告信息、学习和运用英语修辞格。  相似文献   

王博  ;赵绍印 《消费导刊》2009,(4):200-200
商品价值的关键在于广告设计清楚、广告画面要有个性。广告的目的主要是为了推销一种产品、宣传一个品牌,让消费者接受和了解,因此广告设计必须将产品和市场、消费者心理结合起来从而体现出商品的价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory research is to investigate the different styles of communication used by women and men sales representatives in relationship selling. An analysis of in-depth interviews revealed that the language used by women sales representatives is more conducive to building customer trust and more suggestive of relationship selling behaviour than the language used by their male counterparts. That women sales representatives may draw upon nurturing language and behaviour learned in developing other relationships (wife, mother, daughter, sister or friend) to build customer relationships is consistent with role theory and supports a theoretical explanation for the lower levels of role conflict surprisingly reported by women sales representatives in previous research. The results suggest that in a relationship selling task, marketing managers should consider using sales representatives with a 'feminine' style for sales jobs requiring extensive customer relationships. Directions for future research are also suggested.  相似文献   

Increasing globalization has made the use and management of language a vital element of engaging in international business activities. Despite this fact, empirical surveys with many respondents examining language management are extremely rare. Another equally important issue related to internationalization is how to develop and support an environment that is tolerant of the diversity which exists in multicultural organizations. Based on questionnaire responses from 489 members of academic multicultural departments, we examined the relation between the management of a common language and a positive diversity climate. Results showed that consistency in English management communication had strong positive relationships with all of the four investigated diversity climate variables; openness to linguistic, visible, value, and informational diversity. English communication consistency had a positive association with openness to value and informational diversity. Since there is no similar study on international language management with so many respondents, the findings may be of considerable theoretical and practical importance. Implications of these findings are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

王琨双 《商》2013,(7Z):166-170
基础英语EGP (English for general purpose)是我国现阶段英语教学的主要方法,在语言应用方面主要强调语言应用的基本技能,在日常教学中体现在对听、说、读、写等方在的基础知识的教学与应用;而专门用途英语ESP(English for specific purpose)则是建立在一般用途英语之上的针对某领域特殊用途的一种教学方法,它能让基础英语中的基本技能在专业或特殊领域体现它的应用价值.在第二语言学习的初始阶段,教师多采用一般用途英语的教学方法,强调词汇、语法、句子结构等基础知识,而在大学商务英语的教学中则需要根据这种特殊用途语言的应用特点改变一贯的教学模式,通过对在EGP中掌握的语法点以ESP的方法重新进行讲解和应用,从而使这些语言和句子结构能够在特殊语境中发挥特殊的功效.  相似文献   

金融业交叉销售中的关系网络价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红 《商业研究》2007,(9):133-136
金融业交叉销售在发达国家,特别是在跨国银行集团,已得到了充分的使用,但国内金融企业运用的还远远不够。通过对金融企业价值、客户价值以及由此衍生的关系网络价值的分析,金融企业要使交叉销售为企业带来盈利,必须运用系统观点,解决好交叉销售的系统问题。金融业交叉销售对提升金融企业关系网络价值具有重要意义。  相似文献   

印度是一个历史悠久的语言博物馆。国家的官方语言是用天城体书写的印地语,英语是辅助的官方语言。英语在印度的推广,已有400多年的历史。对印度的语言状况、印度独立后所采取的语言政策及英语在印度的历史和现状的分析,可以为我国的语言政策和语言教育提供一个可资借鉴的对象,从而正确处理母语教育与英语教育的关系。  相似文献   

International advertisers often wonder whether to adapt their copy to each country they operate in or to globally standardize their message, especially in non-Anglophone markets. While the current business lingua franca is English, how easily can it be introduced into advertising without alienating consumers, and would a simpler English message work better? Does the culture of a brand also influence the impact of English use in non-Anglophone markets? This research examines the interaction between language choice and brand culture in a non-Anglophone market. Specifically, the studies review the value of Globish, a non-cultural form of English. The results suggest that using standardized English copy has relevance in non-Anglophone countries for global brands, but that Globish can also be useful for local brands seeking to upgrade their value in a local market. Globish is shown to be an interesting alternative option in adapting or standardizing advertising strategies. Managerial implications close the paper.  相似文献   

An important question for marketers, educators, government regulators, and parents is whether young children understand the selling intent of television commercials. In a replication of an approach used by Donohue, Henke, and Donohue [6], preschoolers appeared competent in their understanding by selecting a photograph illustrating a purchase behavior. In an extension that included additional nonverbal measures, young children indicated little understanding, however, of the selling intent of commercials. Researchers interested in advertising effects on children are urged to consider the necessity and desirability of improved nonverbal measures in dealing with a subject population with limited language facility.  相似文献   

Selling as a profession and sales management as an organizational function have undergone major changes that were driven by the evolutionary journey of the marketing discipline. The extant value cocreation paradigm is recrafting the purpose of selling. This paper explores the conceptual development of a selling paradigm that is more responsible to its customers. Specifically, in Business-to-Business (B2B) context, the cost of any selling behavior that compromises customer interest could be of disastrous proportions. Building on the theoretical foundations of self-regulation and job demands-resources theory, this paper develops a conceptual model of responsible selling by integrating self-leadership literature with the emerging paradigm of value-based selling. The conceptual model outlines several research propositions for empirical validation and discusses its potential implications for sales managers and sales organizations.  相似文献   

The Hispanic market in the USA is a rapidly growing demographic segment that receives considerable attention from marketers. In addition, there is a considerable amount of literature on the Hispanic consumer's attitude towards advertising. Prior research has focused on the Hispanic audience's preference for English language versus Spanish language advertisements and provided normative guidelines for advertisers. This paper analyses the content from advertisements in a Spanish language magazine and dual language (English–Spanish) magazine in order to determine whether they adhere to these normative guidelines. The findings suggest that media vehicle selection does play a part in determining the language content of an advertisement as well as the amount of copy used in English language and Spanish language advertisements. The results also suggest that the amount of advertisements that use a bilingual approach remains small, with advertisers preferring an either/or approach to language selection.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of market liberalization on the value of firm resources, using the case of Argentina. It is argued that these policies change the environment such that firms are forced to adapt their organizational domain, in specific by broadening it to include international customers. A model is then developed and tested to explain which resources should gain vs. lose value as one moves from selling just domestically to selling internationally.  相似文献   

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