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This paper presents the results obtained from computer simulations conducted to determine the sentitivity of occupational employment demands to shifting patterns of U.S. Federal expenditures. The general model utilized is described and the effects of four hypothesized shifts in national priorities upon U. S. manpower requirements in the early 1960's are estimated. Selected occupations are classified and ranked according to their sensitivity to changing patterns of resource allocation between military and civilian activities. From these findings implications for economic and manpower forecasting are derived and discussed.The author is senior energy economist with the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration; this paper was written while he was on the faculty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is indebted to Hugh Folk, George Judge, and Paul Wells of the University of Illinois, Jack Alterman of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Beatrice Vaccara of the Office of Business Economics and Anne Carter and Wassily Leontief of Harvard University for helpful comments and criticisms on various aspects of this study, but retains sole responsibility for the contents of this paper and the opinions expressed here. This work was supported in part by a Doctoral Dissertation Grant from the Manpower Administration of the U. S. Department of Labor and in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Contract No. DAHCO04-72-C-0001 to the Center for Advanced Computation of the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

董事会是公司治理的核心层,董事会模式对上市公司的发展具有重要意义。文章讨论了我国上市公司的董事会模式及存在问题,并从提高董事会和监事会的运作效率方面提出改进董事会模式的建议与对策。  相似文献   


The main aim of the article is to present two new innovative concepts of reliability of a functioning manufacturing system in the process of making bread in small-scale bakeries. Reliability is understood as one of the representations of an operator acting on specific streams in time to to t. One of these represents the global reliability of a system as a function of parallel action of all the streams of the system in time to to t and is denoted as Pg(t). The second representation of reliability is a scalar value, Pss It shows a new function of global reliability of a manufacturing process as a product of system stream reliability. In order to plot the flow of the manufacturing process’s global reliability function, we need to perform detailed calculations, computations, and analysis of the differences of individual values in real time, as well as plan an algorithm of the flow of system streams. This needs a lot of effort, translating however, to a detailed picture of the process. In the analysed example, measurements and research revealed an important increase of the value of reliability in a transition from a traditional to a robotised bakery. The article also presents a new concept of the reliability of a technological process, based on the analysis of relations of elements of the following streams: energy, matter, information, time, and finances. It shows the method of specifying streams and the method for defining the reliability of important and supportive relations. Important relations between stream elements are defined as having the reliability value of one in time. Supportive relations bear the reliability within a continuum between zero and one. Important relations are designated based on research, experience, and knowledge. Stream systemic reliability Pss is a scalar value, i.e. a number from the continuum between zero and one. The Pss value characterises failure-free operation of the whole system. Its average value in the normative time tn expresses the efficiency of the manufacturing system. The value Pss is a quotient of the number of important relation and the sum of important and supportive relations. The formula for Pss shows the method of optimising the process through the increasing of the number of important relations between the input stream components. The concept has been applied to study the efficiency of operation of a small-scale bakery. Systemic analysis of a bakery allows for important increase in the reliability of baking bread if robotisation has been implemented. The concept of systemic-stream reliability Pss may be applied to analyse the efficiency of any technological process and optimisation of any manufacturing process.


The article deals with the problem of revealing cause–effect relations in the social research by a complex of statistical methods. The ways for solving the problem for experimental and non-experimental data are regarded. In the research the role of the statistical methods in formation of causal relation hypotheses is revealed and the methods of hypotheses verification in conditions of experiment or upon latent structure modelling are discussed. The possibilities of the use of the factor analysis and the analysis of variance in revealing cause–effect relations are also considered. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of the analysis results depending on the character of the empirical data and the conditions they were obtained in. The approaches to causal relations revealing based on the development of the schemes of the complex analysis of the empirical data by the statistical methods aimed at investigation of the cause and effect relation in a long-term research are suggested. We take into account the hierarchical structure of the schemes reflecting the structure of the subject of cognition, the specificity of which requires the use of “rigid” and “flexible” models in combination. Its variant could be the method of structural equation modelling. The article gives an example of the research of causal relations in the assessment of the quality of education services in higher institution. Each stage of the assessment is provided with building of certain “rigid” or “flexible” mathematical models. Their combination allows using the obtained quality parameters as an instrument of regulation of interaction between education service providers and clients.  相似文献   


Development of the modern global entrepreneurship is one of the most perspective and promising means of overcoming the consequences of the global economic crisis, as well as prevention of future crises of economic systems, as it ensures full level of optimization of production and distribution processes. The purpose of the article is to determine perspectives of sustainable development of the global entrepreneurship. For determining the level of sustainability of development of the modern global entrepreneurship, the authors use the methods of statistical analysis of time rows (method of horizontal and trend analysis). The authors perform a complex analysis of dynamics of development of global companies and performed evaluation of their sustainability. Also, the necessity for changing the model of managing the development of modern global entrepreneurship for increasing its sustainability is substantiated. As a result, it is concluded that modern global entrepreneurship is developing in the unstable way, and practical recommendations are offered for solving this problem. A perspective model of sustainable development of the modern global entrepreneurship is developed and presented. A certain limitation of the results of the performed research is the framework character of the offered recommendations.


The use of graphs to disclose information in corporate annual reports represents a significant dimension in financial disclosure management. Surprisingly, no inter-country comparative analysis of this area of voluntary disclosure has been conducted. This study compares the graphical reporting practices in the 1990 annual reports of 176 leading U.S. and U.K. industrial companies. Ninety-two per cent of U.S. companies use graphs compared with 80% of U.K. companies; the mean number of graphs per company being 13.0 and 7.7, respectively. Sales, an earnings measure, earnings per share and dividends per share are the four most frequently graphed aggregate financial performance variables in both countries. Significant differences in several of the variables graphed are found and explained in terms of environmental factors. In both countries, evidence of graphical information manipulation exists in the form of selectivity, measurement distortion, and presentational enhancement. Moderate evidence supports the hypothesis that U.K. companies are more likely than U.S. companies to adopt interpretative shading. Regulators need to clarify the responsibilities of directors and auditors by setting graphical guidelines.  相似文献   

This paper considers an extended matrix of growth and corresponding dynamic system. The aim of this consideration is to define and analyse different cases of interdependences based on the extended matrix of growth. The system on the basis of the extended matrix of growth is built on the general structure of sectors growth. This generalized structure is expressed by the direct and indirect growth rates among sectors and exogenous factors. The main characteristic of this system is that it can be formulated and examined under various conditions. This is because of the fact that growth is characteristic of all economic processes, and the extended matrix of growth has the capability of including and expressing the structural and dynamic aspects of the interdependence of processes. In this sense the extended matrix of growth is used to examine various systems of interdependence.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article presents a survey of theories of monopoly capitalism. The defining characteristic of monopoly capitalism is that developed capitalist economies are seen as essentially dominated by firms which operate in oligopolistic industries. It discusses in chronological order the contributions of Hilferding, Lenin, Kalecki, Steindl, Baran and Sweezy, and Cowling to the monopoly capitalism approach. By drawing out some common features of the authors discussed we arrive at an implicit view of the nature of theories of monopoly capitalism. The macroeconomic aspects of monopoly capitalism are discussed with emphasis on the implications for the level of economic activity. A further section discusses the international aspects of the monopoly capital approach. The final section of the paper reviews criticisms of the theories of monopoly capitalism with concentration on those advanced from a Marxist perspective.  相似文献   

随着乡村振兴战略不断推进,农业问题再次成为人们关注的焦点。生鲜农产品高效流通为农业的可持续发展提供良好的支撑。高质量高效率的生鲜农产品流通关乎农业的可持续发展、农村振兴和农民增收。文章基于文献述评与研究思考,分析RFID技术在生鲜农产品流通中的应用及标准化现状,探讨乡村振兴背景下生鲜农产品流通RFID应用标准化的瓶颈与发展对策。研究结果表明,在生鲜农产品流通过程中,商业模式的创新是制约RFID技术应用标准化顺利推进的首要因素;技术创新在助推RFID系统革新过程中具有重要作用,要加大技术创新力度,提升RFID技术水准;要完善标准化人才培养模式,培育高素质复合型人才,优化人才结构;建立标准化协同工作机制,健全标准化共享平台。  相似文献   

A bstract . Human rights and property rights are rights of the person , with the former being numbered among the latter. The property rights school of economics analyzes the impact of maximizing behavior within alternative sets of institutional structures defined in terms of the definition and distribution of property rights. Property rights are tools or parameters, not goals of economic policy in themselves. It is useful to view human rights in the same way. The 'optimal' structure of human rights in an exchange economy , like property rights, depends on the nature of market imperfections such as transactions costs . The views of Rawls, Arrow and Sen can be interpreted in the light of this analysis. It makes a tentative case for some communal human rights (aimed at moderating the effects of an unequal ditribution of resources ) within a system of private human rights vested in individuals rather than the State. This conclusion depends, however, on the distribution of transactions costs in human rights and the chosen role of human rights as tools of public policy.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a reduced form model of dynamic duopoly in the context of heterogeneous innovations framework. Two agents invest into expansion of variety of available products and into the improvement of quality of existing products simultaneously. Every newly introduced product has its own dimension of quality-improving innovations and there is a continuum of possible new products. In the area of quality innovations the costless imitation effect is modelled while in the area of variety expanding innovations agents are cooperating with each other. As a result the specialization of innovative activity is observed. This specialization arises from strategic interactions of agents in both fields of innovative activity and is endogenously defined from the dynamics of the model.  相似文献   

Random Sets: Models and Statistics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper surveys aspects of the theory of random closed sets, focussing on issues of practical and current interest. First, some historical remarks on this part of probability theory are made, where the important role of Georges Matheron is emphasized. Then, fundamental characteristics of the distribution of random closed sets are introduced. The very important Boolean model serves as an example for discussing mathematical and statistical problems. A number of further models is then considered, namely excursion sets of random fields, the system of edges of the Poisson Voronoi tessellation and various random systems of non-overlapping spheres. Finally, some ideas of particle statistics are presented, including some models of random compact sets.  相似文献   

关于会计信息可靠性的衡量与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可靠性是指会计信息与其意欲反映的经济事实的符合程度,可靠性可分解为“真实性”和“公允性”等指标。对于如何衡量会计信息的可靠性,国外学者提出用独立计量数据的均方差来代表真实性,并以数据的真实来表示可靠性。本文认为,可靠性程度不仅与多次独立计量的离散程度有关,而且还取决于被计量项目可容忍误差的大小,根据这一思路,笔者创立了可靠性计量模型,并在此基础上提出了会计信息可靠性的评级标准。  相似文献   

The economic consequences—global and on a sectoral level—of the full participation of Austria in the process of economic integration in Europe are assessed with the help of the INFORUM system of interlinked input–output models and the Austrian model in this family, i.e. AUSTRIA IV. The results of two scenarios up to the year 2000 are compared. One scenario is based on the assumption of the full participation of Austria in the process of European integration. The alternative scenario is based on the hypothesis that Austria has to remain in an outsider position. The analysis shows quite relevant positive consequences of full participation by Austria in the process of European integration. Because of compensating forces, the effects on a sectoral level are much more pronounced than those on the global level. The structural implications on output, employment, etc. are quite remarkable.  相似文献   

This paper extends the study of contextual determinants of planning processes in three important directions. First, we present a comprehensive conceptualization of planning processes along six design dimensions. Second, in addition to examining the effects of environments, technology, and organizational complexity, we assess the effects of the organization's strategic orientation on the design of planning processes. Third, we move towards a configurational approach and explore the effects of concurrent presence of multiple contingencies. The study uses data from a large sample of North American corporations. The results suggest that the forces of context govern the design of planning processes. Furthermore, exploration of the effects of concurrent presence of multiple contingencies provides interesting illustrations of situations where the forces of context are aligned in the same direction as well as situations where the forces pull in opposite directions.  相似文献   

Mixing of sand layers on top of peat soils is achieved by soil improvement machines. The result of the mixing process is studied by taking samples from a vertical cross-section of the profile. The samples will have various values of the sand to peat volume-ratio. These values can be plotted in emperical cumulative frequency distributions. The distributions for two types of machines were found to be quite different due to differences of mixing intensities. A method is proposed for the evaluation of the mixing effect expressed in the parameters of theoretical probability distributions of two-component soil samples. The probability distribution of the volume-ratios in the sample are derived and their properties are discussed. Moment estimators of the parameters are derived. The theoretical distributions are compared with two experimental results obtained with a mixing rooter and a rotary mixer respectively.  相似文献   

Planning is the first activity in the management of any organization or system. The whole process of planning is built around the specification of a set of key variables and the associated achievement levels. In any plan the target levels of the key variables are sought to be achieved by means of the provision of various inputs by the organization or system. One of the underlying fundamental aspects of planning concerns the temporal relationships between the key variables and the organizational inputs. These temporal relationships are important because the achievement of the key variables, within a specified period of time, depends on how well the organizational inputs are matched with these variables. Hence, identifying such temporal relationships becomes necessary. This paper describes the use of multivariate time series analysis in identifying temporal relationships in the planning of an education system. The implications of such an identification are also pointed out.  相似文献   

刘彦慧 《价值工程》2014,33(33):317-320
消费水平是衡量一个地区经济发展水平的重要指标,对区域制定宏观经济政策、区域间经济的协调发展、国家经济的长远发展,具有重要的现实意义。我国地大物博,地区间经济发展水平不同,民俗不同,同时由于人们对消费的喜好程度不同,所以支出也不尽相同。因子分析可以把复杂的数据用较少的综合指标来表达,从而达到降维和分类的目的。本文通过对我国2012年的31个省份地区城镇居民家庭人均消费支出及消费结构的数据进行研究分析,得到相对客观的评价结果。该评价结果与国家统计局的公布的排序基本一致。  相似文献   

安艳 《价值工程》2011,30(7):238-239
名师培养模式作为职业学校教师教育的重要途径与形式之一,对教师教育和引导、职业学校的改革与发展产生了积极的作用与影响。根植于深厚的教育学、心理学、管理学理论土壤,使得名师培养模式的理论基础非常扎实,这些基本理论也成为了该模式的创建和实施的依据。上述理论从不同的维度对名师培养模式的内涵、价值、机制等问题进行了解答,提供了有力的理论支撑。除此之外,相关的名师培养实践活动也提供了宝贵的参考和借鉴,从实践的角度进行了直观的阐释和说明,通过具体的实例为名师培养模式的整体规划(可行性、基本流程、效果反馈等)提供了依据。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analysis of wage-price relationships during the period 1980–1991 in Poland. The dynamics of wage and price series under radical structural changes are examined, as well as the impact of earlier sharp price increases. The process of wages-to-prices adjustment both in the long- and short-term is analysed. The hypothesis that the introduction of economic reform (at the beginning of 1990) would result in a tendency towards the stabilization of real wages is investigated. This is done through integration and cointegration analysis of wage and price series with special attention being paid to the problems arising from theI(2) character of the variables investigated. The concept of polynomial cointegration is applied to formulate error correction terms for the short-run model of wages. The computations have been made using quarterly data. The results reflect an inhomogeneity of the period investigated, especially the effects of the introduction of economic reform at the beginning of 1990. The nonstationarity of real wages is confirmed, but not their tendency towards stabilization.  相似文献   

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