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Zusammenfasung  Studie mit Frauen nach Brustkrebsoperationen — Kann ein Yoga-Kurs helfen, mit der Diagnose Brustkrebs und der Therapie umgehen zu lernen? Welche Wirkungen hat er? Wie sollte er aufgebaut sein? Diese Fragen werden gegenw?rtig im Rahmen einer Studie untersucht, die gemeinsam vom Brustzentrum des Klinikums Berlin Westend und der Alice Salomon-Hochschule durchgeführt wird.  相似文献   

100 years ago, in November 1918, the Stinnes Legien Agreement was drawn up between various employers’ associations and trade unions. It included collective bargaining autonomy and collective agreements, the eight-hour work day and work councils. It soon failed, but served as a model for the legal regulation of collective bargaining relations after the Second World War. In the meantime, however, collective bargaining has declined significantly. Many employers are members of their associations without a collective agreement. At the same time, union memberships are declining. In view of increasingly precarious forms of employment, the government apparently needs to implement stronger regulations on collective bargaining relations again, such as the Minimum Wage Act. Finally, a look back: In 1918, editorial member Alfred Schmidt-Essen commented on the agreement from a current perspective. We document the article.  相似文献   



Regelgebundene Wirtschaftspolitik — effizient, aber demokratiefeindlich?  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Seit einigen Monaten ist die Inflation auf einem hohen Niveau. Um 7,5 % erhöhten sich die Verbraucherpreise in Deutschland im Juli 2022 gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Der...  相似文献   

Three years after the introduction of the minimum wage in 2015, the assessment of its labour market impact is positive. Contrary to early warnings, there has been no apparent decline in employment in most affected parts of the labour market. The share of the working poor who were eligible for drawing in-work benefits declined by 2.7 percentage points. Nevertheless, there still is a pressing problem of 2.2 million minimum wage violations. Those occur more often in establishments that do not have worker representation and are not covered by collective bargaining. Women and East Germans are also more often affected. Lost wages and social insurance contributions in 2016 were as high as €10 billion.  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Recent data from EU-SILC and Destatis seemed to indicate a dramatic increase in German inequality and poverty in the pandemic year 2020. But Destatis had changed its data...  相似文献   

Since the onset of the euro crisis, many aspects of the governance of the euro area have been reformed. Rules for budget control have been tightened, and oversight and resolution of banks has been centralised. Credit facilities have been created for member states who have trouble tapping financial markets. Moreover, the reform process is not over yet but can be expected to continue for another decade before details of a planned fiscal capacity will be implemented. Yet despite all these reforms, the euro area is still not crisis-proof. The permanent low rate of economic growth and the continuing lack of working macroeconomic coordination are particular reasons for concern.  相似文献   

Döhrn  Roland 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2021,101(5):358-361
Wirtschaftsdienst - Im März 2021 legte der Arbeitskreis der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen der Länder die ersten Berechnungen zur Wirtschaftsleistung der Länder für 2020...  相似文献   

The highest constitutional court in Germany recently declared that property tax is not in conformity with the constitution. A revision of the property tax laws needs to be undertaken but there is no consensus about a favourable solution yet. One of the main obstacles to a consensus is tackling the new assessments of over 35 million households and the ensuing wave of millions of lawsuits. This paper proposes avoiding those costs by slightly increasing the tax rates of the value added tax and income tax and giving the increased revenues to the municipalities as a substitute for the property tax. This procedure has at least two advantages: (1) It can take up and reflect the distributional effects of the property tax. (2) It is simple, efficient, economic and fair.  相似文献   

Zur Zeit wird das Stra?ennetz in Deutschland aus den Haushaltsmitteln der ?ffentlichen Kassen finanziert. In den letzten Monaten wurde auf Ministerebene wiederholt die Einführung einer entfernungsunabh?ngigen PKW-Vignette diskutiert. In welcher Form sollten die optimale Bereitstellung und die Finanzierung des Stra?ennetzes aus finanzwissenschaftlicher Perspektive realisiert werden? Dr. Adam Jakubowski, 35, ist Head of Research bei sc-consult GmbH in Münster; Dr. Christian Lorenz, 34, ist Consultant am Centre for International Migration and Development in Frankfurt.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the question of to what extent Eurobonds are feasible and which problems may arise in the political, economic and juridical areas. The contribution shows possible forms of the arrangement and discusses a justification from the regulatory point of view. It also examines the extent to which Eurobonds have already become reality by the rescue aid of the European Union. The economic analysis demonstrates the interrelated benefits and problems, especially redistribution, misdirected incentives and misallocation of capital. Finally, establishing Eurobonds is the cornerstone of the political and normative question of which direction the Eurozone will or rather should move within the scope of the sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

From an economic point of view, the problem of cyber security is not primarily a technological challenge but one based on misaligned incentives. When market participants do not bear the full costs of their negligent behaviour in digital transactions, the market outcome tends to be inefficient. In this article, the authors argue that one of the main reasons for a lack of investment in digital security is the lack of property rights for personal data in the internet. They argue that the right institutional environment can lead to a market for data that would spark a reputational competition for computer security technologies. Effective antitrust law and behaviourally informed policies can lead to further welfare improvements in digital markets.  相似文献   

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