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We investigate whether cross-listing in the U.S. affects the information environment for non-U.S. stocks. Our findings suggest cross-listing has an asymmetric impact on stock price informativeness around the world, as measured by firm-specific stock return variation. Cross-listing improves price informativeness for developed market firms. For firms in emerging markets, however, cross-listing decreases price informativeness. The added analyst coverage associated with cross-listing likely explains the findings in emerging markets, rather than changes in liquidity, ownership, or accounting quality. Our results indicate that the added analyst coverage fosters the production of marketwide information, rather than firm-specific information.  相似文献   

We examine the existence of real and accrual-based earnings management before and after cross-listings on the U.S. market. The results indicate that firms actively manage their earnings around cross-listing events, using both accrual and real earnings management, but real earnings management is dominant. American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) cross-listed at Level 1 and sponsored ADRs show the largest increase in real earnings management from before to after the listing. Firms that have adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) display lower increases than firms under domestic GAAP. Finally, our results confirm a significant negative relationship between long-run performance and real earnings management before and after major corporate events.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether board gender diversity affects the decision to cross-list firms. The study is based on an extensive sample of 131,022 company-year observations consisting of 15,751 unique companies across 66 industries in 83 countries with different levels of institutional development from 1999 to 2018. Analysis reveals that cross-listing is not rare phenomena, but rather a very attractive strategy that is widely used by corporations seeking financial internationalization. The findings show that greater gender diversity on the board reduces the probability of cross-listing, and are robust to a battery of endogeneity tests including IV of gender grammatical marking, propensity score matching and reverse causality. In addition, we find that stronger institutional context will offset part of the negative effect that having women on the board has on cross-listing.  相似文献   

How does the speed by which information diffuses affect its value to a stock market investor? In a structural model solved in closed-form, this speed has two opposing effects on the empirically dominant term of the value of information. Faster-diffusing information means quicker and less noisy profits, but, also increases competing informed trading, impounding more information into prices and eroding profits. Structural empirical analysis of stock market reaction to drug approvals using media coverage as a proxy for the transmission rate of information finds that the value of information is hump-shaped in its future transmission rate. Moreover, the estimated amount of noise trading is small.  相似文献   

We examine the local investors’ perceptions on the relative idiosyncratic risks around cross-listing events. We find that increases in relative firm-specific risks around the listing date are temporary and small for Level I American depositary receipts (ADRs) while Level III ADRs have the most variations. For exchange-listed ADRs from emerging markets, there is a significant decrease in the relative firm-specific risk in the year prior to listing, which increases during the cross-listing, while there are only significant increases in relative firm-specific risks for developed market firms. We interpret these as evidences of negative relationship between firm opaqueness and relative firm-specific risks.  相似文献   

We investigate whether cross-listing in the US contributes to impound more earnings information into stock prices. Our results indicate that US exchange cross-listings are not associated with more future earnings news reflected in current prices, in accord with the view that such mechanism does not improve the information environment of non-US firms. This main finding is robust to many aspects of our methodology.  相似文献   

While studies have sought to explain the benefits of cross-listing, little attention has been paid to the role of communication between managers and investors during this process. In this paper, I investigate whether managers change communication policies around U.S. cross-listings. I document significant increases in communication when firms cross-list. I then test whether these investor communication practices around cross-listing are associated with capital market benefits. I find that cross-listed firms that communicate more with investors experience greater and longer lasting cross-listing benefits. Lastly, I explore two potential reasons that may lead managers to choose higher levels of communication: to support an increase in investor recognition and to facilitate monitoring. I find results consistent with communication increasing visibility and scrutiny, suggesting that communication functions as a supporting tool to achieve managers’ cross-listing goals.  相似文献   

The article addresses the issue of optimal organization of production. I compare three organizational forms: centralization (one agent produces different inputs), decentralization (each of two agents produces a different input and contracts directly with the principal), and delegation (two agents produce different inputs, the principal contracts with one of them only). The optimal organizational form depends on the degree of complementarity/substitutability between the inputs in the final use. The degree of complementarity/substitutability also determines whether delegation is payoff equivalent to the two‐agent mechanism from the point of view of the principal. In the context of delegation, I consider which of the two agents should serve as the primary contractor. I also address the issue of collusion between the agents in a decentralized organization and characterize the conditions under which a stake of collusion exists.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in domestic liquidity after cross-listing in the United States. Our liquidity measures are based on intraday data from domestic markets for a large sample of firms that cross-list in the United States and for a matched sample of firms that do not cross-list. We find that unadjusted liquidity significantly improves after cross-listing. However, after controlling for contemporaneous changes in liquidity for a matched sample of firms that do not cross-list, there is no evidence of improvements in domestic liquidity due to cross-listing. Our results offer no support for the bonding hypothesis, or for the hypothesis that cross-listing improves domestic liquidity because of increased intermarket competition and additional order flow.  相似文献   

This study provides new insights into the link between local stock-market development and the demand for cross-listing. Analyzing 14 Central and Eastern European stock markets over two decades, we find that the link is non-monotonic: cross-listing activity first grows and then decreases as the local market develops. We support that country-level finding with firm-level evidence on non-monotonic preferences to issue and terminate depositary receipt programs. The results have important policy implications and they shed new light on the competitiveness and prospects of local stock markets in emerging economies.  相似文献   

Disclosure and the cost of equity in international cross-listing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper, we examine the relationship between disclosure level and the cost of equity capital for a sample of international firms cross-listing on the New York Stock Exchange. Increased disclosure has the potential to reduce information asymmetry, reduce the cost of financing and increase analyst following. Using an international asset pricing model, we find that listing firms experience a decrease in both disclosure risk and systematic risk while matching firms do not. Further, we find that the magnitude of the decrease is related to three types of disclosure: accounting standards; analyst following; and exchange/regulatory investor protection. Our results suggest that increased disclosure through accounting standards is beneficial to investors and that disclosure can be accomplished through information intermediaries, e.g., analyst following. For firms with the lowest levels of disclosure prior to cross-listing, all three types of disclosure appear to be valuable.
Daniel G. WeaverEmail:

Using 42,808 firm-year observations from 32 countries around the world, we investigate whether cross-listing in the US is associated with better accounting quality, and whether investor protection moderates the effect of cross-listing on accounting quality. Our main results show firms that are cross-listed in the US exhibit more timely reporting of losses, greater tendency to manage earnings downward, and more value relevance of accounting numbers as compared to their domestic counterparts. Cross-listed firms originating from high investor protection jurisdictions, particularly in high anti-director rights and common law countries, exhibit greater tendency to recognise a more timely reporting of losses and to manage earnings downward but exhibit lower value relevance of earnings as compared to cross-listed firms domiciled in low anti-director rights and non-common law countries. These results suggest that the strength of investor protection in home country plays an important role in determining the quality of accounting numbers of cross-listed firms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate if dividend policy is influenced by ownership type. Within the dividend literature, dividends have a signaling role regarding agency costs, such that dividends may diminish insider conflicts (reduce free cash flow) or may be used to extract cash from firms (tunneling effect) – which could be predominant in emerging markets. We expect firms with foreign ownership and those that are listed in overseas markets to have different dividend policies and practices than those that are not, and firms with more state ownership and less individual ownership to be more likely to pay cash dividends and less likely to pay stock dividends. Using firms from an emerging economy (China), we examine whether these effects exist in corporate dividend policy and practice. We find that both foreign ownership and cross-listing have significant negative effects on cash dividends, consistent with the signaling effect and the notion of reduced tunneling activities for firms with the ability to raise capital from outside of China. Consistent with the tunneling effect, we find that firms with higher state ownership tend to pay higher cash dividends and lower stock dividends, while the opposite is true for public (individual) ownership. Further analysis shows that foreign ownership mediates the effect of state ownership on dividend policy. Our results have significant implications for researchers, investors, policy makers and regulators in emerging markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates the level of accounting conservatism of a sample of cross-listed firms, American Depository Receipts (ADRs), during the pre- and post-Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) periods. After examining two proxies for accounting conservatism, Basu's [Basu, S. (1997). The conservatism principle and the asymmetric timeliness of earnings. Journal of Accounting and Economics 24(1), 3-37.] conservatism measure and abnormal accruals, we find that the SOX-exposed Levels II and III ADRs become more conservative during the post-SOX period while the SOX-unexposed Level I ADRs have no increase in the level of accounting conservatism. Further, we investigate whether such an increase in accounting conservatism is associated with different levels of shareholder protection in ADRs' home countries, and find that only Levels II and III ADRs from code law (weak shareholder protection) countries become more conservative and Levels II and III ADRs from common law (strong shareholder protection) countries have no change in accounting conservatism. These results suggest that SOX-exposed cross-listing firms from weak shareholder protection countries are most greatly influenced by the stringent requirements in SOX, and hence respond by increasing conservatism in their financial reporting.  相似文献   

在银行业务处理实现了信息化的今天,各家银行日益感觉到管理信息化的落后严重制约了银行的发展。过去,银行通过不断更新自己的金融产品来扩大市场份额;今天,在经济全球化的大环境下,很少有哪家银行拥有别人没有的产品。尽管金融机构的规模和资产不断扩大,但其盈利能力逐渐下降,竞争也变得愈加激烈。随着对新经济模式认识的深入,银行逐渐认识到,  相似文献   

While information systems outsourcing has been on the rise in recent years, empirical evidence about whether IS outsourcing is value creating for shareholders is limited. Little is known about what factors influence the relation between information systems outsourcing and firm value. This study examines the effect of information systems outsourcing announcements on firm value by analyzing whether equity market reactions are associated with the management's strategic intent for outsourcing and firm characteristics of the outsourcing firm. After examining 103 IS outsourcing announcements made during the period from 1996 to 2003, results suggest that value is created for firms outsourcing with short-term operational intent rather than for longer term strategic reasons. In addition, the increase in firm value from an IS outsourcing announcement is positively associated with the firm's operating asset efficiency and the firm being in a service industry.  相似文献   

Investors and analysts have called for more timely disclosure of corporate information. Responding to these demands, some retail firms issue comparable store sales (CSS) on a monthly or a quarterly basis in addition to an annual basis. This study examines whether a timely disclosure of CSS provides value-relevant information to market participants by examining investors' and financial analysts' responses at the time of CSS disclosures (short-horizon) and over the month or the quarter (long-horizon). We find that both monthly and quarterly CSS are associated with contemporaneous market returns and analyst forecast revisions. More importantly, we find that quarterly CSS news becomes less important to investors when firms provide more timely CSS information, indicating that monthly CSS reports may preempt the information content of quarterly CSS. Additional tests show that investors and analysts rely less on CSS if CSS news and earnings (sales) news are inconsistent.  相似文献   

We find partial support for a permanent increase in firm value following U.S. cross-listings. Cross-listed firms with capital-raising intentions on U.S. exchanges and firms cross-listing after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act exhibit an increase in firm value. Yet, investors are worse off in the long run when owning insider-controlled cross-listings. Compared to non-insider-owned cross-listings, insider-owned firms have a greater rise in value around the cross-listing year but also a larger decline in the post-cross-listing years. In fact, insider-owned firms lose value by the fifth year, compared with their value before cross-listing. Lastly, we show that liquidity and visibility enhance the value of cross-listings.  相似文献   

Martin Kenney 《Futures》1996,28(8):695-707
The new electronics technologies are propelling a transformation of value creation from being based on physical work to being based on knowledge creation. This is creating an economy increasingly based on innovation, but this means that the obsolescence is becoming increasingly rapid. Some products such as personal computers are now on a three-month product cycle meaning that even as value is being created more quickly, it is also being destroyed more quickly. Software is one of the quintessential products of this new economy. One of the central dilemmas of the knowledge economy is that the product knowledge often can be reproduced at essentially no cost. This means that it is difficult to enforce private property relationships creating a difficulty for private firms. Information and knowledge creation have already become the central pivot in capitalist economies and this will only be reinforced.  相似文献   

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