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Managed Floating as a Monetary Policy Strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although there seems to be a broad consensus among economists that purely floating or completely fixed exchange rates (the so-called corner solutions) are the only viable alternatives of exchange rate management, many countries do not behave according to this paradigm and adopt a strategy within the broad spectrum of exchange rate regimes that is limited by the two corner solutions. Many of these intermediate regimes are characterized by significant foreign exchange market interventions and a certain degree of exchange rate flexibility with non-preannounced exchange rate targets. While academic research in this area usually concentrates on some specific aspects of intermediate regimes (such as the effectiveness of interventions or institutional aspects), managed floating has rarely been analyzed as a comprehensive monetary policy strategy. In this paper, we present a monetary policy framework in which central banks simultaneously use the exchange rate and the interest rate as operating targets of monetary policy. We explain the mechanics of foreign exchange market interventions and sterilization and we explain why a central bank has an interest of controlling simultaneously the two operating targets. We derive the monetary policy rules for the two operating targets from a simple open economy macro model in which the uncovered interest parity condition and the monetary conditions index play a central role.  相似文献   

在中国拥有巨额外汇储备并急需寻求储备资产管理模式创新的背景下,本文以货币性外汇储备和资本性外汇储备的划分为前提,将多层次、系统的管理思想引入到外汇储备资产优化配置中。通过构建基于多层次需求的货币性外汇储备币种结构优化的AHP模型,测算出外汇储备货币性资产的最优币种权重。在币种结构确定的基础上再建立修正的资产结构优化AHP模型,并最终计算出货币性资产权重,从而实现了币种结构和资产结构优化的真正结合。研究结果表明:美元在币种权重中的领导地位还难以撼动,货币性存款在资产组合权重中也具有明显优势。因此,在货币性资产优化配置中,不宜将币种盲目多样化,同时应充分考虑货币性储备资产的功能和特性,选择流动性强、安全性高的金融资产。  相似文献   

We perform a thorough analysis of the unique dollarization case of Lebanon, a heavily dollarized economy with recurring public deficits and monetary financing of the public debt, together with contained inflation and a de facto fixed exchange rate lasting for more than 20 years. What makes Lebanon’s case specific is the high level of foreign currency liquidity in the hands of the banking system due to the abundant capital inflows in the last three decades, and the high levels of the central bank’s gross international reserves, contrasting with its low and sometimes negative levels of net international reserves. We shed light on a number of areas that have so far been unexplored in international finance and monetary economics, mainly the difference between gross and net international reserves and their relative fiscal costs, together with a synthetic classification of sterilization techniques. We explain the monetary “freezing” mechanism that helped contain inflation in Lebanon, despite the monetary financing of the country’s recurring public deficits. We also assess the results of Lebanon’s monetary and exchange rate policy in the last two decades, and make a number of policy recommendations in light of previous studies.  相似文献   

Second Generation Models of Currency Crises   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Until the beginning of the 1990s, currency crises were typically analyzed within the framework of a generation of models that assumed that the foreign exchange reserves of a country that was running a fixed exchange rate policy were falling (because the government was running a deficit on its budget that was financed by printing money). When the foreign exchange reserves reached a lower bound, a speculative attack on the fixed exchange rate was launched. Today, this theory is no longer the benchmark when explaining the occurrence of a currency crisis. Actually, a new generation of models that seeks to take explicitly into account the costs and benefits associated with the maintenance of a fixed exchange rate has emerged. This paper surveys these 'second generation models of currency crises'. This generation of models emphasizes that it is an endogenous decision if a government chooses to abandon a policy of fixed exchange rates. The survey pays special attention to the fact that the second generation of currency crises models often generates multiple equilibria for the rate of devaluation given one state of the economic fundamentals. A currency crisis can thus occur even if no secular trend in economic fundamentals can be identified, as in recent currency crises.  相似文献   

Starting in 2004 the Guyanese foreign exchange rate has been remarkably stable relative to earlier periods. This paper explores the reasons for the stability of the rate. First, the degree of concentration in the foreign exchange market has increased, thus making the task of moral suasion relatively straightforward once this policy tool comes to bear on the dominant trader(s). Second, long-term or non-volatile capital inflows make the exchange rate less susceptible to sudden reversal. Third, commercial banks, the dominant foreign exchange traders, have large outlays of assets in domestic currency, thus their desire for exchange rate stability. The econometric exercise is consistent with the notion that trader market power has contributed to lower volatility in the G$/US exchange rate. The paper also presents a model that analyzes monetary policy effects in the presence of a mark-up or threshold interest rate.  相似文献   

This paper uses Bayesian methods to estimate a small open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model for the period in Mexico after the 1994 crisis. I consider a Taylor rule as the expression of the evolution of monetary policy to gauge its response to the exchange rate in the post-crisis period. The estimation results favor a consistent response of the nominal interest rate to the short-run nominal exchange rate after 1994. Although fear of floating is present, Mexico's monetary policy has taken steps toward a credible free-floating exchange rate that targets inflation.  相似文献   

本文首先用一个简单的垄断竞争模型分析了各种因素对银行业绩的影响,然后用面板回归分析模 型对具有代表性的14家银行进行了回归分析,揭示了银行利润与各种因素的关系。分析表明,规模扩张和利差是中国银行利润增长决定因素,不良贷款率和存贷比对银行利润有负面作用,但利率、法定准备金率等变量与利润的关系与静态理论的预测相反,表明货币政策操作往往是顺周期的,对货币政策的滞后效应估计不足,需要加强对经济周期规律性研究,提高货币政策的前瞻性。本文还分析了当前经济增长结构性减速、利率市场化给银行带来的可能影响,从道德风险、国内外利差和汇率波动角度分析了银行和宏观经济面临的风险。  相似文献   

Applying the VAR model and using the interest rate as a monetary policy variable, we find that in the long run, output in China responds negatively to a shock to the interest rate, the real exchange rate, government debt, or the inflation rate, and it reacts positively to a shock to government deficits or lagged own output. When real M2 is chosen as a monetary policy variable, long-term output in China responds positively to a shock to real M2 or lagged own output, and it reacts negatively to a shock to the real exchange rate, government debt, or government deficits. Its response to a shock to the inflation rate is negative when government debt is used and is positive when government deficits are considered. In the short run, fiscal policy is more important than monetary policy in three out of four cases. In the long run, monetary policy is more influential than fiscal policy in three out of four cases. Therefore, the government may consider conducting monetary and fiscal policies differently in the short run and long run. The government needs to be cautious in pursuing deficit spending as its long-term impacts depend on the monetary variable employed. The policy of maintaining a relatively stable exchange rate is appropriate as the depreciation of the Yuan may hurt the economy in the short run.JEL Classifications: E5, F4, H6  相似文献   

Monetary targets have come to be regarded as inadequate for the conduct of short-term monetary policy, both among theoreticians and practitioners of policy. In this paper two approaches are put forward, analysed and evaluated for improving the performance of monetary targets. According to the first approach, simple rules for monetary targets are derived within an optimisation framework. These rules, related to ultimate targets, are simple so that they can be announced and are flexible so that they are subject to revision when the economy drifts away from its course due to unexpected shocks.The second approach is based on indicators and complements monetary targets with exchange rate targets through a simple feedback law for determining interest rate policy. The advantage of this feedback law is that it provides the mechanism through which policy is to be revised in response to shocks. If such a feedback law is announced, private economic agents have the means of distinguishing discretionary and arbitrary changes of policy from those which are needed to bring the economy back to the announced and committed course. This approach is used to analyse and extend the suggestions in the House of Commons Report on International Monetary Arrangements.The common ground between the two approaches is an optimisation framework with respect to the parameters of either the fixed simple rules or the simple feedback laws. This is discussed in section 1. The approach of deriving simple fixed rules is illustrated in a monetarist model in which there is a link between private sector expectations and the credible announcement of monetary targets. The model is explained in section 2 and simple fixed rules are discussed in section 3. The performance of simple rules for monetary targets is evaluated in terms of a minimax strategy with model uncertainty between the monetarist model and a Keynesian model without the assumption of announcement effects. This is discussed in section 4. Optimal feedback laws are derived and analysed in section 5. The parameter sensitivity of these feedback laws with respect to the model and the objective function, as well as their behaviour under shocks, is also examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between monetary policy and bank performance in a multiple-instrument environment, particularly highlighting the conditioning role of bank business models. Employing a unique dataset of Vietnamese commercial banks from 2007 to 2019, we display that banks react to monetary policy changes, either when the central bank increases policy rates or injects money into the economy through open market operations, by decreasing overall returns and increasing financial instability. Additionally, we document that the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves benefits bank outcomes, contrasting to open market operations, albeit the central bank uses both of these policy instruments to alter money supply in the economy. Our key analysis of interest reveals that business models considerably matter in the effects of monetary policy on bank performance. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that banks’ business models that yield more non-interest income or diversify more into different income sources may mitigate the pass-through of monetary policy to bank performance. This finding holds across all interest- and quantitative-based monetary policy indicators and across all the functions of risk-taking behavior, earning-profit capacity, and financial stability. Furthermore, while plotting the marginal effects of monetary policy, we realize that they are insignificant for banks whose business models heavily rely on non-traditional segments.  相似文献   

A central dilemma for the monetary authorities is how to determine monetary policy. The increasing unreliability of monetary aggregates has led over the past few years to less concern for monetary targeting, both in the UK and elsewhere, and a greater influence for the exchange rate on monetary policy. But in the UK, most recently, there has been a move away from setting monetary policy in relation to the exchange rate and external considerations in favour of setting monetary policy in relation to domestic demand. Not surprisingly, this shift has occurred at a time of rising concern about domestic overheating. It illustrates the dilemma of whether monetary policy should be driven by domestic demand considerations or by external, exchange rate considerations. This dilemma is not just confined to the UK for it is a real source of conflict underlying the Louvre Accord and its successors that seek to determine G7 exchange rates in a cooperative manner. In what follows, we argue that exchange rate developments should have an appreciable influence on monetary policy, since this is helpful in attaining stable inflation. But we also suggest that this influence should not go too far, since this stability of inflation may be at the expense of stability of domestic demand and output. Targeting of exchange rates within narrow bands is unlikely to be desirable, unless fiscal policy can be used more flexibly to stabilize domestic demand. This suggests that, in the period up to the spring, the use of monetary policy to hold the £/JDM exchange rate within narrow limits may have been overdone. More seriously, international exchange rate agreements among the G7 countries are likely to founder under adverse market pressures, unless current imbalances in fiscal policy are adjusted. In the absence of greater flexibility in fiscal policy, policy makers will have to trade off domestic and exchange rate considerations in determining monetary policy. An important outstanding issue that needs further consideration is what indicators should be used for monetary policy, in a world in which monetary aggregates provide unreliable signals.  相似文献   

This paper uses a small open economy Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model to investigate how Mexico’s central bank has conducted its monetary policy in the period 1995–2019. The main objective of the paper is to document the systematic changes in the Bank of Mexico’s reaction function by analyzing possible shifts in the parameters of the policy rule. The central bank’s policy is modeled using a Taylor rule that relates the nominal interest rate to output, inflation, and the exchange rate. I employ Bayesian computational techniques and conduct rolling-window estimations to explicitly show the transition of the policy coefficients over the sample period. Furthermore, the paper examines the macroeconomic implications of these changes through rolling-window impulse–response functions. The results suggest that the Bank of Mexico’s response to inflation has been steady since 1995, while the response to output and the exchange rate has decreased and stabilized after 2002.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1978,2(10):1-4
The package that was announced just as we completed our June forecast has, for the time being, produced a more stable financial position. The exchange rate has stopped falling and by mid-July the Smithsonian index had reached 62, the highest level since March. Short- and long-term interest rates have stopped rising. We still emphasise, however, that control over DCE and the money supply has been achieved artificially through direct controls on the banks. The government has achieved short-run consistency between its fiscal and monetary policy, but in the longer term its fiscal policy is inconsistent with its hopes of keeping inflation in single figures. No incomes policy will succeed unless it is accompanied by policies designed to achieve a consistent exchange rate path. The issue has been given prominence by the recent proposals for a European currency system. In the June Economic Outlook we argued that the maintenance of exchange rate stability with the Deutschmark (unless West Germany can be persuaded to increase the growth of its money supply) would require major cuts in the Budget deficit over the next three years. The same monetary constraints would apply whether we joined a fixed exchange rate system or unilaterally decided to hold the exchange rate. If the government seriously wants to control inflation a reduction in the Budget deficit will be essential.  相似文献   

资本管制有效性与中国汇率制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在利率平价框架下考察了近十年中国资本管制的效力。我们采用比较类似金融工具在国内外市场的收益率、检验未抛补利率平价理论偏差的平稳性两种方法进行分析。研究表明,尽管资本管制的效力随时间推移有所下降,但境内外美元利差的持续存在以及未抛补利率平价理论偏差的非平稳性仍然足以证明中国的资本管制基本有效。资本管制的有效性在盯住制框架下确保了汇率稳定和一定的货币政策自主性,并且使未来汇率制度弹性化改革可以渐进地推进。  相似文献   

Mexico’s recurrent economic crises have cast serious doubts on the existence of a long-run relationship between the country’s balance-of-payments and exchange rates. In this paper, cointegration and vector autoregression techniques are applied to Mexico’s data covering the period 1971 through 1988. Despite the presence of nonstationarity, the statistical analysis supports a long-run relationship between changes in international reserves and the exchange rate and changes in domestic credit. Further multivariate Granger causality tests, together with innovation accounting, indicate that Mexico’s monetary authorities adjust domestic assets to sterilize balance-of-payments deficits in a futile attempt to control its monetary policy.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2008,32(4):354-371
This paper studies exchange rate regime choice from a positive perspective by modeling the interplay of monetary and fiscal policy, credibility and financial market microstructure as factors influencing the decision on de facto regime. The model shows how a small open economy reliant on foreign sources of financing is likely to opt for a stable regime. Furthermore, a stable political environment with a high degree of accountability is conducive to choosing a flexible regime. The findings suggest that flexible rather than fixed exchange rate regimes provide more fiscal discipline.  相似文献   

广义泰勒规则与中央银行货币政策反应函数估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在扩展基准泰勒方程的前提下,构建了包含金融深化指标、外汇储备变化变量以及中国金融状况指数(FCI)在内的广义泰勒规则函数,并对相关模型进行估计。研究发现,前瞻性反应函数更好地拟合了中国货币政策变动的产出绩效;货币政策规则在一定程度上约束了货币当局的相机抉择行为,可以稳定公众的通货膨胀预期,并为货币政策的操作提供一个名义锚;中国货币当局的利率调控呈现出逆周期与顺通胀的特征;中央银行的利率调整缺乏弹性,对广义货币供给的绝对数量并不敏感。  相似文献   

Since the latter part of 1988, the primary policy objective has been to head off a rise to double digit inflation. To this end, interest rates have been raised from 7112 per cent to 14per cent, while the public sector is running a large fiscal surplus. Despite this apparently very tight policy stance, policy is deficient in a crucial respect: it lacks credibility. The all too public divisions within government have weakened the efficacy of monetary policy, especially in financial markets. The ongoing uncertainty over who is in charge of the conduct of policy - No. 10 or No. 11 - further undermines confidence. The most urgent priority must be to reassert clear priorities and guidelines. In this Viewpoint, we consider how best to restore the credibility of monetary policy. There are two main possibilities: first, to reassert the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) in an appropriate form; or to join the (Exchange Rate Mechanism of the) European Monetary System (EMS). We argue that it will be very hard to derive credibility benefits from a reassertion of the MTFS: because of the inflation record of the past decade and the twists and turns of past versions of the MTFS, a mere restatement will not resolve the uncertainties that result from known differences within the government. In particular, any restatement will rely on discretion and judgement in its implementation and this will weaken its beneficial effects on expectations. Instead we argue that entry into the EMS offers a tougher and more credible commitment for monetary policy. The Chancellor has been pushed to rule out UK entry until the second half of 1990 at the earliest, but the government should make a virtue of this by announcing a firm dale for entry next year. In the interim, it should encourage a debate about the appropriate rate for entry, a debate which will increasingly guide the foreign exchange market. The government should make it clear that in choosing this rate it will do so with the commitment to low inflation very much in mind, favouring a high exchange rate. Once in the EMS, the government should rule out the possibility of devaluing the pound in an EMS realignment. This provides a firm non- discretionary anchor for both monetary policy and inflation expectations. With this commitment, the principal gain from EMS entry will be establishing a regime of low inflation for the next decade: in this, choice of the exchange rate will be less crucial than the fact of entry.  相似文献   

We analyze bilateral Canadian-US dollar exchange rate movements within a Markov switching framework with two states, one in which the exchange rate is determined by the monetary model, and the other in which its behavior follows the predictions of a Taylor rule exchange rate model. There are a number of regime switches throughout the estimation period 1991:2–2008:12 which we can each relate to particular changes in Canadian monetary policy. These results imply that an active monetary policy stance may account for nonlinearities in the exchange rate-fundamentals nexus. The strong evidence of nonlinearities also confirms the notion that exchange rate movements cannot be explained exclusively in terms of any one particular exchange rate model.  相似文献   

本文通过构建理论分析框架,分析外汇储备可持续性的决定机制和影响因素,选择我国相关数据和变量,建立了VAR模型并进行实证检验,刻画各因素与外汇储备之间的相关性,分解各因素对外汇储备规模的贡献度,从而识别决定外汇储备的短期和长期因素。研究表明出口导向机制、长期利益分享机制和短期套利机制是决定外汇储备规模的三大机制。在决定我国高额外汇储备持续性的因素中,出口是直接的、短期的因素,外商直接投资和人民币汇率是长期的决定因素,而人民币利率既是长期因素又是短期因素。外汇储备规模短期内仍将保持较高的水平,但从长期看,随着我国经济增长方式的转变和套利空间的缩小,经常项目和资本金融项目的双顺差会减少,相应的外汇储备也会下降。因此,在当前的外汇储备管理中,应稳定外汇储备的来源和质量,实现保值增值目标,并充分发挥其维护金融安全的作用。  相似文献   

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