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Community-based open source software development (“community source”) is an approach that leverages selected strengths of both the commercial and open source software development. The community source approach centers on the formation of formal communities among institutions based on principles of shared investment and collaborative action to achieve mutually-desired goals. However, as with ordinary open source projects, sustainability can be a significant challenge as development communities grow and evolve. In the present study, we explore the opportunities and challenges to the community source approach through a longitudinal study of a real world community source project, Kuali. Specifically, we apply the principles of modular systems design and design structure matrix modeling to achieve an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms for sustainability in collaborative systems development. In so doing, we introduce a quantitative measure of architectural modularity within an inter-organizational structure. A number of implications are presented for the conduct of research on community source development as well as the design of collaborative communities more broadly defined.  相似文献   

  • The paper offers a critical review of the forms of corporate community involvement (CCI) including: corporate philanthropy, benefaction, patronage, sponsorship and cause related marketing (CRM) and partnership. It discusses the differences/similarities and compares the limitations of the transactional forms of interaction with the latest form of partnership.
  • The paper suggests that the form of partnership represents a shift towards a non-linear business model of CCI, that is moving away from an outcome towards a process orientation. Three factors are identified conditioning the successful implementation and sustainability of partnerships which are linked with the previous limitations of transactional approaches of interaction. Finally, the paper puts forward three propositions in order for partnerships to: (1) contribute to the increase of institutional trust among organisations and across sectors; (2) assist in balancing the dynamics across the sectors and (3) appreciate the process of interaction as a source of benefits.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a permanent income hypothesis approach and an income-giving status interaction effect, a double hurdle model provides evidence of significant differences from the impact of household income and various household characteristics on both a household's likelihood of giving and its level of giving to religion, charity, education, others outside the household, and politics. An analysis of resulting income elasticity estimates revealed that households consider religious giving a necessity good at all levels of income, while other categories of giving are generally found to be luxury goods. Further, those who gave to religion were found to give more to education and charity then those not giving to religion, and higher education households were more likely to give to religion than households with less education. This analysis suggests that there may be more to religious giving behavior than has been assumed in prior studies and underscores the need for further research into the motivation for religious giving. Specifically, these findings point to an enduring, internal motivation for giving rather than an external, “What do I get for what I give,” motive.  相似文献   

James Nixon and Andrew Sentance examine the current monetary policy dilemma: whether to raise interest rates in response to sterling weakness, or pay more attention to subdued consumer demand. They conclude that interest rates should rise (from their rate at the time of writing of 6.75%), but that other changes to the monetary framework would enhance the credibility and effectiveness of current UK anti-inflationary policy.  相似文献   

各位领导、各位来宾、各位代表: 这次全国用户工作会议暨实施用户满意工程推进大会,是在全国人民学习贯彻党的十七大精神的形势下召开的,也是第七届全国用户委员会成立后的首次会议。用户工作是中国质量协会的核心工作之一,它通过维护用户合法权益、促进企业关注用户、实现用户满意,达到企业与用户的和谐和共赢,达到生产与消费的和谐,是贯彻科学发展、以人为本思想,构建和谐社会的最有价值的工作。刚才,  相似文献   

靠山吃山、靠水吃水,百姓脑子里最为简洁的生存、发展理念,屡屡被应用在由权力、职务所引发的贪欲上,在长江堤防隐蔽工程审计项目中,我们再次看到了这种情形。意在造福于民的国家投资项目却往往被当事人谋取私利的行为所搅扰,不得不说,这既是怪现象,也是见怪不怪的现象。哪里有经济利益可图,哪里就有进行黑幕交易的机会,哪里就有滋生腐败的条件。近年来发生的一系列大案要案,促使很多人形成了这样的概念。因而,重点重大投资项目往往被圈定为可能产生黑幕交易的高风险区域,而身处其中的人则被视为高危人群。尽管这种认识是经验主义的,然而,我…  相似文献   

既不像辉瑞那样“功利”,又不像默沙东那样理想化,诺华似乎找到了一条理想的中间道路  相似文献   

上尚科技股份有限公司(以下简称“上尚”)1989年在台湾成立。致力于研发与生产工业自动化领域的产品。相关产品有各类型的串口服务器、自动识别与数据采集设备和计算机辅助拣货系统所用的各类电子标签,包括现场自动化信息收集(AIDC)、电子标签物流拣货系统(CAPS)等。2000年,上尚在上海成立了分公司。2002年增加了试产与组装业务,并不断研发推出新产品。其数字拣选系统(Atop DPS)在不同行业的物流中心中都有使用。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 近年来,国内资本市场上不断有“问题”公司被曝光和查处,银广夏事件可谓是登峰造极,而2001年底大洋彼岸的美国传来的安然公司破产案更是令人震惊。 2001年8月初,在深圳证券交易所上市的广夏(银川)实业股份有限公司(简称银广夏)通过伪造购销合同、出口报关单、虚开增值税专用发票、伪造免税文件和伪造金融票据等手段,虚构主营  相似文献   

Segregation along lines of race/ethnicity and class has created multi‐ethnic and rather class‐homogeneous neighbourhoods in various European cities, commonly labelled as ‘disadvantaged’. Such neighbourhoods are often seen as ‘lacking’ community, as local networks are crucial for belonging and mixed neighbourhoods are too diverse to provide homogeneous identifications. However, in contrast to the understandings of the sociology of community, people might still experience ‘belonging’, yet in different ways. This article argues that we have to focus on the under‐researched ‘time in‐between’ (Byrne, 1978), the absent ties that Granovetter (1973) pointed to, to understand belonging, while moving away from a conception of the anonymous city and from the urban village. This article explores how absent ties affect belonging by empirically sustaining the notion of public familiarity: both recognizing and being recognized in local spaces. Using regression models on survey data from two mixed neighbourhoods in Berlin, Germany, we analyse the importance of neighbourhood use for public familiarity as well as how it relates to residents' comfort zone: people's feeling of belonging and their sense that others would intervene on their behalf. Our findings indicate that research on neighbourhoods could benefit greatly from a careful consideration of the ‘time in‐between’.  相似文献   

Organizations in pursuit of quality have generally taken one of two paths. The traditional TQM path emphasizes managerial control over organizational systems, while the sociotechnical path seeks to deemphasize hierarchical control and transfer managerial functions to teams. Organizations structured around sociotechnical principles are less likely to have traditional jobs—relatively static sets of tasks independent of any particular individual. In contrast, employees, usually organized in teams, are often given only the broadest set of responsibilities and are asked to organize their own work. In such an environment, traditional forms of job analysis have very limited usefulness. This paper suggests ways in which job analysis may be developed in order to be useful in sociotechnical organizations.  相似文献   

保持先进性 促和谐校园建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李炜 《价值工程》2011,30(7):228-229
大学生党员是高校党建工作及创建和谐校园建设的中坚力量。本文针对学生党员应继续做好保持共产党员先进性工作及学生党员应具备的能力、应发挥的作用等方面进行了阐述,以进一步促进和谐校园建设。  相似文献   

核心竞争力的培养是保持企业竞争优势的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨艺 《价值工程》2006,25(1):77-79
企业的持续竞争优势离不开核心竞争力,核心竞争力是企业在竞争中获胜的关键。关于核心竞争力,主要有两种学派:资源学说和能力学说,笔者认为能力是获得持续竞争优势的主要因素。企业一般通过两种途径来建立自己的核心竞争力:内部培养和外部获取。同时,企业还要加强对核心竞争力的培养和维护,只有这样才能持久地保持其竞争优势。  相似文献   

文章分析了高品位企业文化对企业发展的重要性,并提出从理念入心、精神入脑、制度入手、业绩成就、形象定位、勇担责任、成果共享等方面打造高品位的企业文化的方法,最后得出与时俱进是创造高品位企业文化源泉的结论。  相似文献   

文章分析了高品位企业文化对企业发展的重要性,并提出从理念入心、精神入脑、制度入手、业绩成就、形象定位、勇担责任、成果共享等方面打造高品位的企业文化的方法,最后得出与时俱进是创造高品位企业文化源泉的结论.  相似文献   

  • The declared objective of World Youth Day (WYD), a Catholic Church event staged in a major world city every 2–3 years, is to evangelize youth – including those on the fringes of, and outside, the Church. The 20th WYD, which was held in Cologne, Germany in 2005, was the subject of a project conducted by a research consortium funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The preliminary hypothesis that WYD combines elements of traditionalistic festivals and modernistic events and that this combination yields a new event form – the “hybrid event” – was confirmed.
  • This paper presents some of the findings gained from an ethnographic investigation of the organization of WYD that was informed by an action-theory perspective in the tradition of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann's sociology of knowledge. From this perspective, which focuses on the goals, strategies, and personal relevancies of the organizing team (German) WYD can be unequivocally reconstructed as a Catholic Church marketing event. The “product” – the Catholic faith, uniquely personified by the Pope – is presented by an elite organizing team in an atmosphere of fun and mystery that especially appeals to young people. Hence, the Catholic Church succeeds in shedding its sometimes fuddy-duddy image and in bringing young people to perceive it as a vibrant, modern religious institution. This should prove to be a competitive advantage in an age of religious pluralism.
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

杨博  李俊兰 《价值工程》2010,29(21):149-150
教师队伍不稳定已经成为民办学校发展过程中一个非常严重的问题。本文尝试从教师对学校的归属感的建立角度出发,通过对影响教师队伍的稳定的心理因素的研究,从中总结出建立教师归属感的对策,为民办学校管理者建立稳定的教师队伍起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

陈一君 《价值工程》2006,25(1):12-16
核心能力是企业竞争优势的根源和价值增长的保证。本文讨论了企业核心能力发生风险的一般原因和西部企业核心能力发生风险的原因,提出了核心能力风险的分析方法和防范措施。企业核心能力面临的风险多种多样,企业要积极、主动地借鉴学习其他企业的风险防范措施,提高企业抗风险能力。  相似文献   

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