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造价工程师,是指经全国统一考试合格,取得造价工程师执业资格证书,并经注册从事建设工程造价业务活动的专业技术人员。通过造价工程师执业资格考试的合格者,由省、自治区、直辖市人事(职改)部门颁发人事部统一印制、人事部与住房城乡建设部共同用印的造价工程师执业资格证书,该证括在全国范围有效,并作为造价工程师注册的凭证。全国造价工程师执业资格考试已经组织了16次,约14万人取得了执业资格。  相似文献   

根据帕累托分配定律,阐明造价工程师在建设项目造价管理中的地位和作用,强调造价工程师应尽量按“相对于造价进行设计”的思想,能动地影响设计。提出造价工程师在工程造价管理中的未来取向。  相似文献   

为贯彻建设部第150号部令《注册造价工程师管理办法》及中价协《注册造价工程师继续教育实施暂行办法》,3月12日中价协刘巍副秘书长等一行4人.在南京参加了江苏省造价工程师继续教育及行业自律管理工作座谈会,就江苏省造价工程师继续教育及行业自律管理工作听取了省造价管理总站、省造价协会、各市造价管理处的领导和工作人员的汇报,  相似文献   

一、概述 全国注册造价工程师执业资格考试和注册制度已经实施了13年。目前已有11万多人取得造价工程师执业资格。造价工程师考试培训教材进行了第四次系统修订。目前的考试大纲仍然以2003年原建设部、原人事部编写审定的《全国造价工程师执业资格考试大纲》为基础。造价工程师是在工程建设领域从事工程造价业务活动的专业技术人员.必须具备在工程建设全过程的各个阶段从事工程造价业务所需要的理论知识、现行法律、法规知识和业务能力。  相似文献   

通过对当前造价工程师执业所面临的新形势进行分析和研究,剖析了我国造价工程师知识结构和能力标准存在的主要问题,在此基础上提出了建立适合我国国情的造价工程师的知识结构、能力标准以及应对措施建议。  相似文献   

我国造价工程师执业资格制度,为建设领域培养和选拔工程造价专业人才,作出了突出贡献。本文介绍了我国造价工程师的专业设置情况,同时对其他执业资格的专业设置进行了分析,重点对造价工程师细分专业设置作了利弊分析,最后提出了改进造价工程师管理工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

自1996年人事部、住建部(原建设部)发布《造价工程师执业资格制度暂行规定》以来,造价工程师执业资格考试共组织了15次.约13万人取得了造价工程师执业资格。造价工程师是在工程建设领域从事工程造价业务活动的专业技术人员,在我国推行的是全过程造价管理模式.所以作为造价工程师必须具备在工程建设全过程的各个阶段从事工程造价业务所需要的理论知识、现行法律、法规知识和业务能力。本点评的目的在于帮助考生在考试大纲的指导下,系统地掌握各科的知识,熟悉各科考试的试题形式和答题方法与技巧,提高应试能力。以便取得理想的考试成绩。  相似文献   

造价工程师具有哪些权利与义务?造价工程师作为承担造价咨询业务的个人,必须依法进行注册。同时,造价工程师具有独立的社会地位、社会荣誉感及与时俱进的开拓精神,在满足这4个特性的前提下对造价工程师的权利与义务作以下阐述:1、造价工程师需要依法注册。依法取得造价工程师执业资格证书的人员必须依法进行注册.并据此作为其参与相关执业活动的有效凭证。  相似文献   

自1992年10月提出工程项目全面造价管理理论以来,全面造价管理在工程项目实践中得到广泛应用,加强了工程项目投资控制,优化了工程项目资源的配置,提高了工程项目的综合管理能力。随着全面造价管理理论的应用,国外造价工程师的职能也发生了重大变化,由原先的单一工程估价职能转变为项目决策、造价管理、造价控制和项目管理的综合职能,造价工程师与业主、监理工程师共同参与工程项目的全过程管理。  相似文献   

根据建设部公告第270号《建设部关于公布2004年度初始注册造价工程师名单的公告》,水电系统符合初始注册条件的37名造价工程师已被批准予以注册,并颁发《造价工程师注册证》和造价工程师执业专用章。  相似文献   

In many organizations the engineer plays an important role in making cost studies, establishing budgets, and setting cost standards. As a result, he becomes involved with a wide variety of cost data and with accounting procedures for treatin3 such data. This being the case, the growing utilization of direct costing in manufacturing concerns has considerable significance for many engineers. The important differences between direct costing and the more traditional absorption cost accounting are summarized in the following article. Even though the reader does not expect to be using direct costing, per se, in the foreseeable future, familiarity with the technique may still be valuable because the perspective it provides leads to. a better understanding of absorption  相似文献   

价差预备费需要根据价格指数进行计算,近年来国家层面未对价格指数进行更新发布,使造价人员在实际工作中存在如何取定的困惑。如通过预测的方法来取定,则面临如何选择合适的参考基准价格指数的问题。文章在国内庞杂的价格指数中筛选出国内生产总值平减指数(GDP平减指数)、居民消费价格指数(CPI)、商品零售价格指数、固定资产投资价格指数、工业生产者出厂价格指数、工业生产者购进价格指数进行分析和研究,通过内涵分析和数理分析的方法研究发现固定资产投资价格指数、国内生产总值平减指数(GDP平减指数)更适合作为预测价差预备费的参考基准价格指数,以期为同行在价差预备费计算方面提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

了解和熟悉某地区的市场信息对工程造价咨询公司在该地区开拓市场及造价工程师在该地区从事业务十分重要。本旨在探讨如何利用当代信息技术开发一个高性能的信息系统,它能为造价工程师提供及时的、全面和准确的市场信息(以上海地区为例)。系统开发所用的方法是一种改进的生命周期法。按照该方法,首先对工造价市场进行系统分析。然后,基于系统分析的结果,对市场信息进行分类,并在分类的基础上用超本技术建立信息模型。最后,基于模型开发信息系统。  相似文献   

监理工程师的责任风险及其规避   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
造成监理工程师责任风险的原因是复杂的、多方面的,有些风险来自社会环境,有些风险来自工作环境,有的风险来自监理工程师本身,因而有必要从理论上进行分析研究,按照其不同的责任属性进行归类,在处理上应该区别对待,作为监理工程师,必须对监理责任风险有一个全面、清晰的认识,从而有效地规避可能面对的责任风险。  相似文献   

After exhausting all “pollution prevention pays” opportunities, further efforts towards environmental protection often engender some type of cost to the manufacturer. Then, designers must weigh tradeoffs between environmental impacts and equally pressing needs to reduce costs, improve product quality, and reduce cycle time: all while meeting customer demands, which are the driving force behind the design process. Although there is a growing market for “green” products as customers' desire to be environmentally responsible increases, it is extremely difficult to accurately assess the customer's actual willingness to pay for environmental protection. This paper first briefly reviews methods for assessing customer preferences. Then, it presents a decision model for use by design engineers to assist in making these tradeoffs between cost, quality, and environmental impact in which customer preferences can be reflected in weighting factors assigned by the design engineer. Qualitative HOQ information is used as a starting point to derive a mathematical programming formulation for multiobjective optimization. Finally, an illustrative example for printed circuit board assembly is provided.  相似文献   

The use of information technology to facilitate transport logistics activities in support of responsive product movement is essential for contemporary supply chain operations to succeed. One neglected area towards achieving this goal is concerned with the role of supplier adaptation on the performance impact of IT-enabled transport logistics. Based on the General Theory of Network Governance, we argue that supplier operational adaptation serves to realize the cost improvements of those firms practicing IT-enabled transport logistics. Our propositions are validated with survey data collected from 188 trading firms, highlighting the importance of supplier operational adaptation for IT-enabled transport logistics to gain cost performance particularly when firms face environmental uncertainty where they lack the ability to predict the outcomes of their actions. Managerial attention should be directed at developing supplier operational adaptation for technological adoption in transport logistics activities to bring performance.  相似文献   

本从分析监理工程师的工作特性入手,进而分析了监理工程师的责任,责任风险,责任风险控制。  相似文献   

With the rapid advances in civilization, technological breakthroughs, and a globally growing workforce, there is a strong need for engineers capable of working in the 21st century environment (Galloway, The 21st century engineer: A proposal for engineering education reform. ASCE, Washington DC 2008). To help increase the quality and quantity of students choosing to pursue engineering, leaders have called on K-12 education to look for methods of inserting pre-engineering into the K-12 curriculum. Leaders in technology education have responded to the call to develop top quality candidates for engineers by infusing engineering into the technology education curriculum. Teacher preparation programs have used various methods to provide future technology teachers with the required content knowledge in order to effectively teach engineering design within the technology curriculum. One such program uses an ABET accredited engineering curriculum for the content and additional training to strengthen engineering education pedagogy for technology teachers. Students who graduate from this program possess both an engineering degree and technology teaching license. The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain the differences between technology teachers from this program and traditionally trained technology teachers. In particular, how each group incorporates the engineering design process in classroom assignments. Design briefs were gathered from pre-service teachers who graduated from the aforementioned program and compared to design briefs of practicing technology teachers around the United States. The engineering design process was used to develop a rubric to compare the usage of engineering content between the two groups. It was found that students with 4 years of engineering training were more likely to use all steps of the engineering design process. Further examination illustrates that engineering trained technology teachers were significantly more likely to use mathematical and analytical methods to determine optimum solutions. In order for technology education teachers to effectively infuse engineering design into coursework, they need to be familiar and comfortable with the engineering sciences and the design process. With limited engineering design experience, technology teachers are not as likely to use optimization techniques involving mathematical and analytical reasoning. These concepts are critical for engineering students to be successful in college engineering programs and beyond.  相似文献   

《纺织工艺设计》是高职院校现代纺织技术专业的一门必修核心课程,通过"教学做一体化"教学模式的设计和应用,实现学生知识和实践能力的综合提升。  相似文献   

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