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Seven case studies—from Bolivia, Colombia, Indonesia,Mexico, Nicaragua, Taiwan (China), and Turkey—demonstratethe feasibility of conducting rigorous impact evaluations indeveloping countries using randomized control designs. Thisexperience, covering a wide variety of settings and social programs,offers lessons for task managers and policymakers interestedin evaluating social sector investments. The main conclusions are: first, policymakers interested inassessing the effectiveness of a project ought to consider arandomized control design because such evaluations not onlyare feasible but also yield the most robust results. Second,the acute resource constraints common in developing countriesthat often make program rationing unavoidable also present opportunitiesfor adopting randomized control designs. Policymakers and programmanagers need to be alert to the opportunities for buildingrandomized control designs into development programs right fromthe start of the project cycle because they, more than academicresearchers or evaluation experts, are in the best positionto ensure that opportunities for rigorous evaluations are exploited.   相似文献   

This article reviews recent developments in macroeconomic theoryand considers their relevance for developing countries. Particularemphasis is given to the rational expectations revolution. Thearticle asks whether government policies are systematic andsuggests the need to study the expectations on which governmentsbase their decisions. Also discussed are the neo-Ricardian theorem,the implications of real wage rigidity and of supply side modelswith sectoral income effects, and recent models involving largegroup interaction.   相似文献   

Although many countries have adopted freer trade regimes orare in the process of reforming quantitative restrictions, suchreforms are not without shortterm costs. Sudden removal of quantitativerestrictions can release a surge of demand for imports thatcan deplete foreign exchange reserves and force rapid adjustmentby domestic industries. Five methods to more gradually liberalizequantitative restrictions are discussed: raising quota ceilingsuntil they are non-binding; eliminating quotas product by product;converting quotas to equivalent tariffs and then reducing them;auctioning quota licenses; and converting quotas to tariff quotas,and then liberalizing these. The various instruments are evaluatedaccording to their implications for the adjustment period, forgovernment revenue, for the balance of payments, and for theextent to which they are likely to produce political disruptions.   相似文献   

Rapid growth in many developing-country cities is strainingthe capacity of their shelter delivery systems. Governmentshave chosen a variety of implicit and explicit policies to amelioratethese strains. However, these policies are not always consistentwith their objectives, often because of a lack of knowledgeof how housing markets actually work and how policies affectand are constrained by market behavior. This paper reviews recentresearch on housing market behavior in developing countries,including the demand for housing and the pattern of housinginvestment across countries, the financing of housing by low-incomehouseholds, and the willingness to pay for secure tenure. Commonhousing policies are then examined, including public housing,sites and services projects, and slum clearance versus upgrading.Rent controls, measures to improve the supply of finance andinfrastructure, and building codes and standards are also discussed.   相似文献   

This paper offers a new explanation for why some risk‐averse firms may prefer to issue callable convertible debt. Here, the convertible debt issue and call policies are integrated into a unified financing policy. It is then shown that for firms with relatively low unsystematic risk, convertible debt issuance followed by an appropriate in‐the‐money signaling call policy reduces more unsystematic equity risk than equity, callable straight debt, or their combination. The model is modified to incorporate asymmetric information at the issue stage to explain the stock price behavior at announcements of convertible debt sales.  相似文献   

One and a half decades after the end of a centralised regime in Central and Eastern Europe, the policy literature on local debt management in transition economies reveals that there is a general confusion about the appropriate use of debt finance at the municipal level. The literature is mainly concerned with institutional borrowing restrictions and sanctions against excessive debt. Both emphasise the responsibility of the centre and consider local government unable to pursue a sound financial management without central patronage. Breaking with the traditional focus on budget  discipline , this study advocates budget  responsibility . Favourable credit ratings and compliance with legal norms are necessary but not sufficient conditions for municipalities to borrow. Successful financial management requires a more proactive attitude in which local governments adjust their investment policy to their financial capacity, assessing the costs and benefits of each investment project.  相似文献   

How is the attempt of the European Community (EC) to createa single market going to affect the developing countries? Thisarticle argues that the net direct effects of EC-92 may be rathersmall: the trade creation and trade diversion effects broughtabout by the program may cancel each other out, with few repercussionsfor the developing countries as a group. The expected changesin trade flows arising from relatively small changes in nominalprices and aggregate incomes, the changes in market structure,the removal of internal barriers, and a predicted 5 percentincrease in EC output may be important to European policymakers,but they are rather remote from the developing countries. The threat of EC-92 to the developing countries lies elsewhere:from diversion of investment from those countries to the ECand from the resurrection of protectionism by the EC, especiallyin the form of nontariff barriers, toward the outside world.   相似文献   

A comprehensive macroeconomic adjustment program is expectedto have the following objectives: a sustainable current accountposition, a stable and high rate of economic growth that wouldallow for a steady rise in per capita consumption, a reducedrate of inflation, and a manageable level of foreign debt. Thepackage designed to meet these objectives would typically includepolicy measures that simultatenously restrain aggregate demandand increase the availability of resources. These policies maybe grouped as follows: demand-management policies, structuralpolicies, exchange rate policies, and external financing policies.This article describes how these policies can be expected toachieve the goal of macroeconomic adjustment. The focus is primarilyon the theoretical and empirical links between policy instrumentsand ultimate objectives. An examination of these links is necessarybefore issues of the appropriate mix of demand-management, structural,exchange rate, and external policies, and the sequencing ofthese policies in a program, can be properly addressed.   相似文献   

There are two problems in the market for developing countrydebt: one is the immediate crisis. What do we do about the largevolume of outstanding debt? A more subtle but no less importantproblem is that because contracts are un-enforceable and lendershave incomplete information about risk, capital is mis-allocated.This article examines the latter problem and reviews the natureand causes of the unenforceability. It shows that unenforceabilityresults in higher interest rates on smaller and shorter-termloans than would otherwise be available and discourages investmentin developing countries. Similarly, unenforce-ability can explainthe perverse timing of capital flows to developing countries,causing credit to flow into the country when income is high,and out when income is low. The article then analyzes the riskassociated with three types of information asymmetries: informationabout the borrowers' ability to repay, willingness to repay,and use of the loan proceeds. These asymmetries, the authorargues, reinforce the effects of unenforceability. The prospectsfor remedying the immediate crisis are discussed, as is theneed to be certain that the proposed solutions do not aggravatethese problems.   相似文献   

This study extends evidence on the efficiency of stock markets in developing countries using data from the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE), and also addresses some methodological issues which have contributed to the sparseness of similar studies. Evidence is provided that small markets such as the NSE may provide empirical results consistent with weak-form efficiency. This evidence holds for the NSE irrespective of whether bid-, ask-, or market-price series are used in conducting the study.  相似文献   

Aside from revenue mobilization, one of the arguments for allowingthe private sector to assume a larger role in the provisionof education is that it would increase efficiency, as administratorsbecome more responsive to the needs of students and their parents.But what is the evidence? Based on case studies that compareprivate and public secondary education in Colombia, the DominicanRepublic, the Philippines, Tanzania, and Thailand, private schoolstudents generally outperform public school students on standardizedmath and language tests. This finding holds even after holdingconstant for the fact that, on average, private school studentsin these countries come from more advantaged backgrounds thantheir public. school counterparts. In addition, preliminaryevidence shows that the unit costs of private schools are lowerthan those of public schools. Although these results cannot,in themselves, be used as arguments for massive privatization,they indicate that governments should reconsider policies thatrestrain private sector participation in education. Furtherresearch is needed to determine whether some teaching and administrativepractices in private schools are applicable to public schools.   相似文献   

The public sector in developing countries has traditionallyplayed an important role in the financing of educational andhealth services. This review finds, however, that the shareof public subsidies in these two sectors is not progressive,that is, proportionately higher for individuals in the lowersocioeconomic groups. This distribution persists despite explicitpolicies of universal free provision in many countries. Thearticle argues that the extent and pattern of public spendingcontribute to underinvestment and to a misallocation of scarceresources within the education and health sectors.   相似文献   

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