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Bertrand oligopolies are competitive markets in which a small number of firms producing similar goods use price as their strategic variable. In particular, each firm wants to determine the optimal price that maximizes its expected discounted lifetime profit. The oligopoly problem can be modeled as nonzero-sum games which can be formulated as systems of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) partial differential equations (PDEs). In this paper, we propose fully implicit, positive coefficient finite difference schemes that converge to the viscosity solution for the HJB PDE from dynamic Bertrand monopoly and the two-dimensional HJB system from dynamic Bertrand duopoly. Furthermore, we develop fast multigrid methods for solving these systems of discrete nonlinear HJB PDEs. The new multigrid methods are general and can be applied to other systems of HJB and HJB-Isaacs PDEs arising from American options under regime switching and American options with unequal lending/borrowing rates and stock borrowing fees under regime switching, respectively. We provide a theoretical analysis for the smoother, restriction and interpolation operators of the multigrid methods. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by numerical examples from the dynamic Bertrand problem and pricing American options under regime switching.  相似文献   

This article investigates the extent to which options on theAustralian Stock Price Index can be explained by parametricand nonparametric option pricing techniques. In particular,comparisons are made of out-of-sample option pricing performanceand hedging performance. The dataset differs from many of thoseused previously in the empirical options pricing literaturein that it consists of American options. In addition, a broaderspectrum of techniques are considered: a spline-based nonparametrictechnique is considered in addition to the standard kernel techniques,while the performance of a Heston stochastic volatility modelis also considered. Although some evidence is found of superiorperformance by nonparametric techniques for in-sample pricing,the parametric methods exhibit a markedly better ability toexplain future prices and show superior hedging performance.  相似文献   

The pricing of American options is one of the most challenging problems in financial engineering due to the involved optimal stopping time problem, which can be solved by using dynamic programming (DP). But applying DP is not always practical, especially when the state space is high dimensional. However, the curse of dimensionality can be overcome by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. We can get lower and upper bounds by MC to ensure that the true price falls into a valid confidence interval. During the recent decades, progress has been made in using MC simulation to obtain both the lower bound by least-squares Monte Carlo method (LSM) and the upper bound by duality approach. However, there are few works on pricing American options using quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) methods, especially to compute the upper bound. For comparing the sample variances and standard errors in the numerical experiments, randomized QMC (RQMC) methods are usually used. In this paper, we propose to use RQMC to replace MC simulation to compute both the lower bound (by the LSM) and the upper bound (by the duality approach). Moreover, we propose to use dimension reduction techniques, such as the Brownian bridge, principal component analysis, linear transformation and the gradients based principle component analysis. We perform numerical experiments on American–Asian options and American max-call options under the Black–Scholes model and the variance gamma model, in which the options have the path-dependent feature or are written on multiple underlying assets. We find that RQMC in combination with dimension reduction techniques can significantly increase the efficiency in computing both the lower and upper bounds, resulting in better estimates and tighter confidence intervals of the true price than pure MC simulation.  相似文献   

Finite difference methods are a popular technique for pricing American options. Since their introduction to finance by Brennan and Schwartz their use has spread from vanilla calls and puts on one stock to path-dependent and exotic options on multiple assets. Despite the breadth of the problems they have been applied to, and the increased sophistication of some of the newer techniques, most approaches to pricing equity options have not adequately addressed the issues of unbounded computational domains and divergent diffusion coefficients. In this article it is shown that these two problems are related and can be overcome using multiple grids. This new technique allows options to be priced for all values of the underlying, and is illustrated using standard put options and the call on the maximum of two stocks. For the latter contract, I also derive a characterization of the asymptotic continuation region in terms of a one-dimensional option pricing problem, and give analytic formulae for the perpetual case.  相似文献   

We propose a new methodology for discrete time dynamic hedging with transaction costs that has three key performance features. First, the methodology can accommodate the use of a wide range of objective functions, from the use of many types of utility functions to the more traditional objectives of hedging error minimization. Second, our methodology can significantly outperform traditional dynamic hedging methodologies across a range of objective functions. Third, our methodology can be applied to both single and multi-dimensional options while analytical methods typically can only be applied to single dimensional options.  相似文献   

Finance theorists have long argued that DCF undervalues investment opportunities with significant flexibility to respond to future events and that real options valuation methods provide a solution to that problem. But for most corporate managers, real options analysis continues to be a "black box" when applied to real investment decisions.
This paper begins by considering why these approaches have not yet made it to the mainstream of practical application. It then shows how a traditional DCF approach can undervalue a project that provides management with operating flexibility and illustrates a case study that demonstrates to senior management how a real options valuation method with a few clear value drivers can build upon and be made consistent with the traditional DCF framework.
Critical to this process is ensuring consistency with the company's planning assumptions such as future price forecasts and discount rates. The article shows how to separate the static ("optionless") DCF value from the additional real options value that is shown to be a direct consequence of the assumptions about price dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper adapts the hybrid method, a combination of the Laplace transformation and the finite-difference approach, to the pricing of barrier-style options. The hybrid method eliminates the time steps and provides a highly accurate and precise numerical solution that can be rapidly obtained. This method is superior to lattice methods when trying to solve barrier-style options. Previous studies have tried to solve barrier-style options; however, there have continually been several disadvantages. Very small time steps and stock node spaces are needed to avoid undesirable numerically induced oscillations in the solution of barrier option. In addition, all the intermediate option prices must be computed at each time step, even though one may be only interested in the terminal price of barrier-style complex options. The hybrid method may also solve more complex problems concerning barrier-style options with various boundary constraints such as options with a time-varying rebate. In order to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed scheme, we compare our algorithm with several well-known pricing formulas of barrier-type options. The numerical results show that the hybrid method is robust, and provides a highly accurate solution and fast convergence, regardless of whether or not the initial asset prices are close to the barrier.  相似文献   

In the literature one can find a number of different methods to evaluate covariance matrix forecasts, and in choosing among these one has to consider what the actual purpose of the forecasts is. In this paper we look at portfolios of currency rainbow options and how simulated trading of such options portfolios can be used as a preference free evaluation measure for the forecasted covariance matrix. The main advantage of using portfolios instead of single options, in addition to making it possible to study multivariate problems of arbitrary size, is the possibility it gives to rely on shorter data series. We apply the methodology to a system of four US dollar exchange rates and compare the relative performance of different forecasting models, among them the fairly new Orthogonal GARCH model.  相似文献   

We examine valuation procedures that can be applied to incorporate options in scenario-based portfolio optimization models. Stochastic programming models use discrete scenarios to represent the stochastic evolution of asset prices. At issue is the adoption of suitable procedures to price options on the basis of the postulated discrete distributions of asset prices so as to ensure internally consistent portfolio optimization models. We adapt and implement two methods to price European options in accordance with discrete distributions represented by scenario trees and assess their performance with numerical tests. We consider features of option prices that are observed in practice. We find that asymmetries and/or leptokurtic features in the distribution of the underlying materially affect option prices; we quantify the impact of higher moments (skewness and excess kurtosis) on option prices. We demonstrate through empirical tests using market prices of the S&P500 stock index and options on the index that the proposed procedures consistently approximate the observed prices of options under different market regimes, especially for deep out-of-the-money options.  相似文献   

Option pricing: A simplified approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a simple discrete-time model for valuing options. The fundamental economic principles of option pricing by arbitrage methods are particularly clear in this setting. Its development requires only elementary mathematics, yet it contains as a special limiting case the celebrated Black-Scholes model, which has previously been derived only by much more difficult methods. The basic model readily lends itself to generalization in many ways. Moreover, by its very construction, it gives rise to a simple and efficient numerical procedure for valuing options for which premature exercise may be optimal.  相似文献   

This study presents a new method of pricing options on assets with stochastic volatility that is lattice based, and can easily accommodate early exercise for American options. Unlike traditional lattice methods, recombination is not a problem in the new model, and it is easily adapted to alternative volatility processes. Approximations are developed for European C.E.V. calls and American stochastic volatility calls. The application of the pricing model to exchange traded calls is also illustrated using a sample of market prices. Modifying the model to price American puts is straightforward, and the approach can easily be extended to other non-recombining lattices.  相似文献   

We propose a nonparametric method for estimating the pricing formula of a derivative asset using learning networks. Although not a substitute for the more traditional arbitrage-based pricing formulas, network-pricing formulas may be more accurate and computationally more efficient alternatives when the underlying asset's price dynamics are unknown, or when the pricing equation associated with the no-arbitrage condition cannot be solved analytically. To assess the potential value of network pricing formulas, we simulate Black-Scholes option prices and show that learning networks can recover the Black-Scholes formula from a two-year training set of daily options prices, and that the resulting network formula can be used successfully to both price and delta-hedge options out-of-sample. For comparison, we estimate models using four popular methods: ordinary least squares, radial basis function networks, multilayer perceptron networks, and projection pursuit. To illustrate the practical relevance of our network pricing approach, we apply it to the pricing and delta-hedging of S&P 500 futures options from 1987 to 1991.  相似文献   

In industries such as biosciences, the range of uncertainty and managerial flexibility make traditional financial analysis such as discounted cash flow and decision tree analysis largely irrelevant for strategic decision-making. In place of such traditional methods, this article proposes the use of decision options analysis, a real-options-based methodology that holds out the promise of better investment and portfolio decisions with fewer data requirements. Moreover, decision options analysis can be implemented with software tools that allow systematic application of these techniques. This article presents case studies that outline the actual application of real options analysis in licensing transactions and portfolio management in biosciences companies.  相似文献   

This study is on valuing Asian strike options and presents efficient and accurate quadratic approximation methods that work extremely well, both with regard to the volatility of a wide range of underlying assets, and longer average time windows. We demonstrate that most of the well-known quadratic approximation methods used in the literature for pricing Asian strike options are special cases of our model, with the numerical results demonstrating that our method significantly outperforms the other quadratic approximation methods examined here. Using our method for the calculation of hundreds of Asian strike options, the pricing errors (in terms of the root mean square errors) are reasonably small. Compared with the Monte Carlo benchmark method, our method is shown to be rapid and accurate. We further extend our method to the valuing of quanto forward-starting Asian strike options, with the pricing accuracy of these options being largely the same as the pricing of plain vanilla Asian strike options.  相似文献   

In recent years, both practitioners and academics have argued that traditional discounted cash flow models do a poor job of capturing the value of the options embedded in many corporate actions. This paper shows how option pricing models used in valuing financial assets can be used to value three kinds of real options that are often built into corporate projects: the option to delay, the option to expand, and the option to abandon. As a number of examples in this paper suggest, corporate investments that would be rejected using conventional DCF analysis can sometimes be justified by the value of the strategic options they provide. As the illustrations also show, however, the pricing of real options is considerably more difficult than the pricing of financial options and adjustments must often be made to capture the complexity of real investments.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new technique that can be used in financial mathematics for a wide range of situations where the calculation of complicated integrals is required. The numerical schemes proposed here are deterministic in nature but their proof relies on known results from probability theory regarding the weak convergence of probability measures. We adapt those results to unbounded payoffs under certain mild assumptions that are satisfied in finance. Because our approximation schemes avoid repeated simulations and provide computational savings, they can potentially be used when calculating simultaneously the price of several derivatives contingent on the same underlying. We show how to apply the new methods to calculate the price of spread options and American call options on a stock paying a known dividend. The method proves useful for calculations related to the log-Weibull model proposed recently for empirical asset pricing.  相似文献   

Moving average options are widely traded in financial markets, but exiting methods for pricing this type of option are too slow. This paper proposes two efficient willow tree methods for pricing European-style and American-style moving average barrier options (MABOs). We first solve the finite-dimensional partial differential equation model for discretely monitored MABOs by willow tree methods, and then compute the value of continuously monitored MABOs by Richardson’s two-point extrapolation. Our new willow tree method employs the interpolation error minimization technique to reduce complexity. The corresponding convergence rate and error bounds are also analyzed. It shows that our proposed methods can provide the same accuracy as the binomial tree approach and Monte Carlo simulation, but require much less computing time. The numerical experiments support our claims.  相似文献   

We introduce a new analytical approach to price American options. Using an explicit and intuitive proxy for the exercise rule, we derive tractable pricing formulas using a short-maturity asymptotic expansion. Depending on model parameters, this method can accurately price options with time-to-maturity up to several years. The main advantage of our approach over existing methods lies in its straightforward extension to models with stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates. We exploit this advantage by providing an analysis of the impact of volatility mean-reversion, volatility of volatility, and correlations on the American put price.  相似文献   

Pricing options on a stock that pays discrete dividends has not been satisfactorily settled because of the conflicting demands of computational tractability and realistic modelling of the stock price process. Many papers assume that the stock price minus the present value of future dividends or the stock price plus the forward value of future dividends follows a lognormal diffusion process; however, these assumptions might produce unreasonable prices for some exotic options and American options. It is more realistic to assume that the stock price decreases by the amount of the dividend payout at the ex-dividend date and follows a lognormal diffusion process between adjacent ex-dividend dates, but analytical pricing formulas and efficient numerical methods are hard to develop. This paper introduces a new tree, the stair tree, that faithfully implements the aforementioned dividend model without approximations. The stair tree uses extra nodes only when it needs to simulate the price jumps due to dividend payouts and return to a more economical, simple structure at all other times. Thus it is simple to construct, easy to understand, and efficient. Numerous numerical calculations confirm the stair tree's superior performance to existing methods in terms of accuracy, speed, and/or generality. Besides, the stair tree can be extended to more general cases when future dividends are completely determined by past stock prices and dividends, making the stair tree able to model sophisticated dividend processes.  相似文献   

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